Planned Parenthood is evil in the sight of God

one is not an abortion and the other is fake

you really think lies is the best way to advance some cause?

the fetus is no alive

Abortions are legal in all but a few countries on demand and legal in cases of rape, incest and medical necessity

considered a right by the UN.

Baptists and methodists are among the few that have religious objections, but only as a choice, not in other cases. Even then not all followers share the position.

Abortions are a legal protection in the US, a woman's choice.

Moral objections apply only to those individuals not to all women everywhere in the US or the world.

Most people and religions have no objection or opinion.

If you don't want to have an abortion, that is your personal choice. You do not get to make that choice for others.

Lies and disinformation are desperations of the weak.

Abortions require a 24 hour waiting period and an injection to be certain the fetus is not living when the abortion begins.

Herbs, foods and teas induce miscarriage. Pills, day after pills available in any pharmacy, can be taken in the first three months in the privacy of the home. Combination of pills can be ordered online and delivered to the home. Such things will not be illegal nor access denied.

If states reduce access to abortions, women will go to the next state. If abortion choice is not found in one country, people will travel to the next or seek back street abortions.

Get rid of clinics and you will likely begin to see hospital/clinic ships becoming the next replacement for PP or more doctors offering them in their offices. Hospital ships and doctor's without borders will provide services not just to countries with poor medical care but to countries, the few left, with no abortion on demand..... through a few are considering changes to permit abortion also. Zika and birth defects are the reasons.

Soon every country will have abortion rights. Most of the world has believed it is a woman's choice for centuries centuries, with or without laws to protect the right.

No woman should be forced to carry or deliver a child against her free will.

Meat is murder, we have this whole industry bent on slaughtering innocent animals, I feel a little guilty eating a steak. Where is god in this? I support the death penalty as well as abortion although I know all of them hurts innocents to a greater or lesser degree. God made this mess, if he exists, and abortion is like war or old age, it's part of the calculus we all have to follow. Regrettable, sad but it's reality, it's "gods will".
The only one imposing their views on others are the women (backed by Planned Parenthood) who impose their will on the innocent, voiceless little human beings whom they rip apart their bodies and crush their skulls all in the name of free choice. Many women have been led down this evil path by those who have sought to destroy the black race and today seek after their agenda of depopulation, ie Planned Parenthood.

Sadly you know not what you are talking about. All that propaganda is poisonous.

Woman's life, her risks, her choice to make.

Not a human being till it is born. Until that time it is her body to share or not for nine months. Her life at risk during pregnancy and childbirth.

She is not a slave to be forced to alter her life for nine months or more.

When it is the right time, children should be loved and wanted, not forced on the woman or the world.
I will defend to the death your right to be wrong.

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