Planned Parenthood is evil in the sight of God

What could possibly be more arrogant and hypocritical than deciding you know what God wants others to do with their own health?

I'll tell you what is more arrogant and hypocritical. It is the arrogance of planned parenthood acting as God to decide who should live and die. It is hypocritical that they really act as Satan by murdering innocent living human beings by the millions annually. It is hypocritical that they make a false pretext that it is for the health of the individual. It is nothing more that the eugenics plan of the global elite and most prejudiced plan of evil against blacks and all humanity. It nothing but MURDER!!! COLD BLOODED MURDER!!

PP provide a legal service for women who decide what they want to do with their lives and bodies. PP does not decide. They provide education and options for the women.

If there is no soul till the fetus moves in the second trimester, it is not murder. If the fetus is not formed enough, it is not murder.

It is up to the woman what she does with her body and what ever might be inside it.

There are herbal options, chemical options not just invasive options.

Why should someone else force a woman to risk her life if she would rather not to have a child she is not ready for?

Her life and her needs take priority. She is already alive. An embryo/fetus is only a potential life that might not even survive the pregnancy or birth.
Perhaps you should move to a country whose government doesn't protect their citizens' inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but rather the government's right to dictate what women must do with their bodies.

Every country dictates to some degree what we all do with our bodies. We can't take illegal drugs. We can't commit suicide. We can't perform unlicensed surgeries -- on ourselves or others.

There is no absolute right to our bodies in any country.
Don't know how God feels about it but I know it's a despicable atrocity to allow women to kill their unborn
Perhaps you should move to a country whose government doesn't protect their citizens' inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but rather the government's right to dictate what women must do with their bodies.
"... inalienable right to life ... "

How ironic.

If 15-20% of all pregnancies in the US in this day and age naturally end in miscarriage, where is this inalienable right to life from "god"?

If some 300,000 women in the US each year die of complication during pregnancy and childbirth each year, where is this inalienable right to their life?

First of all, "inalienable right to life" is a contract between humans ... God isn't involved in that. Second, you are totally, absolutely, incapable of judging God's actions.

Your argument is specious and, frankly, childish.

A fetus is not yet a living human. Her life is the most important.
I am not using religion as a pro or con.
It's in the Declaration of Independence

The woman's life, liberty and happiness exists now. A fetus is only a potential that might never make it to it's first breath. The risk to the woman should be up to her.
Don't know how God feels about it but I know it's a despicable atrocity to allow women to kill their unborn
Perhaps you should move to a country whose government doesn't protect their citizens' inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but rather the government's right to dictate what women must do with their bodies.
"... inalienable right to life ... "

How ironic.

If 15-20% of all pregnancies in the US in this day and age naturally end in miscarriage, where is this inalienable right to life from "god"?

If some 300,000 women in the US each year die of complication during pregnancy and childbirth each year, where is this inalienable right to their life?

First of all, "inalienable right to life" is a contract between humans ... God isn't involved in that. Second, you are totally, absolutely, incapable of judging God's actions.

Your argument is specious and, frankly, childish.

A fetus is not yet a living human. Her life is the most important.

Try selling that denial bullshit to any of those already convicted under a fetal HOMICIDE law.
Perhaps you should move to a country whose government doesn't protect their citizens' inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but rather the government's right to dictate what women must do with their bodies.
"... inalienable right to life ... "

How ironic.

If 15-20% of all pregnancies in the US in this day and age naturally end in miscarriage, where is this inalienable right to life from "god"?

If some 300,000 women in the US each year die of complication during pregnancy and childbirth each year, where is this inalienable right to their life?

First of all, "inalienable right to life" is a contract between humans ... God isn't involved in that. Second, you are totally, absolutely, incapable of judging God's actions.

Your argument is specious and, frankly, childish.

A fetus is not yet a living human. Her life is the most important.

Try selling that denial bullshit to any of those already convicted under a fetal HOMICIDE law.

does not apply to abotions

>>The law specifies that these provisions do not apply to an act that causes the death of an unborn child in utero if the act was committed during a legal abortion to which the woman consented<<

Did you miss that part?
"... inalienable right to life ... "

How ironic.

If 15-20% of all pregnancies in the US in this day and age naturally end in miscarriage, where is this inalienable right to life from "god"?

If some 300,000 women in the US each year die of complication during pregnancy and childbirth each year, where is this inalienable right to their life?

First of all, "inalienable right to life" is a contract between humans ... God isn't involved in that. Second, you are totally, absolutely, incapable of judging God's actions.

Your argument is specious and, frankly, childish.

A fetus is not yet a living human. Her life is the most important.

Try selling that denial bullshit to any of those already convicted under a fetal HOMICIDE law.

does not apply to abotions

>>The law specifies that these provisions do not apply to an act that causes the death of an unborn child in utero if the act was committed during a legal abortion to which the woman consented<<

Did you miss that part?

Not a strong argument that a foetus is not a human being. It only argues that like any killing, state-sanctioned killing is legal, non-state-sanctioned killing is murder. It doesn't change the fact that a human is dead at the hands of another human.

Defence of abortion cannot be based on the concept that a foetus isn't human as long as foetal homicide laws remain on the books.

I'm afraid you're going to need another line of reasoning.
Don't know how God feels about it but I know it's a despicable atrocity to allow women to kill their unborn
Perhaps you should move to a country whose government doesn't protect their citizens' inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but rather the government's right to dictate what women must do with their bodies.
"... inalienable right to life ... "

How ironic.

If 15-20% of all pregnancies in the US in this day and age naturally end in miscarriage, where is this inalienable right to life from "god"?

If some 300,000 women in the US each year die of complication during pregnancy and childbirth each year, where is this inalienable right to their life?

First of all, "inalienable right to life" is a contract between humans ... God isn't involved in that. Second, you are totally, absolutely, incapable of judging God's actions.

Your argument is specious and, frankly, childish.

A fetus is not yet a living human. Her life is the most important.

Oh? When IS a fetus a living human? Day 1? Day 100? Day 120? Day 180? Day 273? What, exactly, constitutes a living human?

Denial is not a valid position ....
With all the Planned Parenthood advertising on this site, I thought I would inject some truth on the subject with the video "Maafa 21"

Ah, religion. Your religious book says to be nice to people, and you ignore it, your religious book says kill people, and you accept it. hmm.
Helping parents to control the size of their families

No more eleven kids

Thank planned parenthood
Her body, her choice.
Why isn't it legal for her to snarf drugs?
Her body.
Why isn't she allowed to prostitute?
Her body.

I don't care if a person does any of that if it is their choice. No harm to me or anyone else
The footing for making abortion is slippery enough to be treacherous. Hypocrisy and contradictions abound.

You cannot put a woman on death row to death if she is pregnant. Why not? There is no child, it's her body alone! But the right to life applies in that you can't execute a child for crimes of the mother.
Women can be and often are charged for giving birth to a drugged up and addicted baby. They can be charged with abuse and or neglect for poisoning their baby. Not themselves... Their baby.
The unborn victims of violence act of 2004 recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim if they are injured or killed in any of 60 listed fed crimes. How's that? It's her body alone, right?
In the US most crimes of violence are covered by state law, not fed. 38 states currently recognize the unborn child or fetus as a victim of homicide if killed in utero. A person can be charges with double homicide if they kill a pregnant woman. The baby is protected that way legally, yet the child cannot be protected against the murderous intentions of its mother
Pro-choice is all about rights and freedom, just not when it comes to fathers who might live to raise that child or the child itself.
A woman has rights over her body unless she is too far along, then she doesn't. Which is it, really? Her body? Or what we all really know... Her body and a child's body
Her body, her choice.
Why isn't it legal for her to snarf drugs?
Her body.
Why isn't she allowed to prostitute?
Her body.

I don't care if a person does any of that if it is their choice. No harm to me or anyone else

Whether or not you approve is beside the point RW.
It's her body or it is not her body alone
Planned parenthood endorses and encourages women to kill their baby

Republicans leave them no choice

They oppose birth control, sex education, women's healthcare, neonatal care, child care, food stamps, welfare

Then they scream if a woman chooses abortion as her only option

Not just bullshit, but outrageous bullshit
Show any of those programs supported AND funded by Conservatives

Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than Conservative shaming

You show conservatives actively against and preventing.
Democrats and their baby killing factories do nothing to prevent murder of unborn babes.
Abortion is NEVER a woman's only choice
So she needs a mans permission?

Obviously she doesn't I find it astounding and spelling that the father of a baby has zero choice or chance to say if his baby lives or dies. If that's the case they shouldn't rack them for child support if she has it either.
Abortions are not important if you consider, that those bullies that have defunded Planned Parenthood are also the enemies of contraceptives. How is it logical to oppose abortions if you cause it by not using contraceptives?

Conservatives are not against birth control.
I whole heartedly recommend it over killing a baby
Republicans have no problem with the baby dying. It's the fetus they protect. Otherwise, they wouldn't fight to end healthcare for babies and they wouldn't want to protect the rights of crazies to carry guns where they could visit schools like Sandyhook.

Fucked up lie
No it's not. Haven't you been following the GOP/Trump/Ryan budget? How can you not know that?

The budget has nothing to do with your twisted assertion that Republicans don't mind child death. That's a load of shit and you know it
She can choose birth control. She can choose adoption. She can choose to not get pregnant until she's ready financially and emotionally.
Having a baby for some in some situations is going to be a real challenge.
That doesn't mean they should have a green light to murder.

Sometimes women get pregnant skippy

Why do Republicans want to force her to get an abortion rather than do all they can to help her keep the baby?

At least Planned Parenthood works to help keep her from getting pregnant

Yes, I know women get pregnant Mr. Gump.
Shouldn't mean they get to murder their unborn.
Absolutely no one forces a woman to kill her baby.
One would think... If they are experiencing one of the pitifully contrived reasons for abortion, they'd put forth a greater effort to not get pregnant.
You aren't very bright are you?

44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

Even a woman conservative like Sarah Palin wants to cut funding for unwed mothers. And this coming from a woman whose daughter has had multiple men up inside her making babies.

I'm actually very bright. My momma made me that way.
You keep bringing up money, funding, dollars and budget.
I'm not talking about any of those things because they do not matter in the slightest.
It is wrong to kill unborn children

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