Planned Parenthood makes weird threat; Candace Owens responds, goes HAM!

She’s a political big mouth . The ones who talk a lot a shit , but never seem to run for office themselves . They just want to sell their hacky books .

Take a pretty big mouth to threaten US Senators.
The Best Thing that Could Happen to the GOP is for Jeff Flake to get Killed in some Jihadi Massacre

Hannity: GOP senators who won't back Trump should resign

As I told some other dipshit a couple weeks ago, calling for the ouster of the political opposition is NORMAL. You fucking dipshits act all fucking fake outraged as if it is something new and unheard of.
Candace Owens said that ! Really? the Candace Owens!!!!.......who’s Candace Owens?

'conservative commentator and activist'

Activist in what ? Selling dopey books to rubes?

Not as “cool” as selling aborted body parts, ghoul?

For medical research .

.,,,, ?

Oh, “medical research!” Well, that justifies killing the most vulnerable humans then treating their remains like lunch meat, doesn’t it, ghoul? You’ll have no complaints if someone wants to end your life prematurely and chop you up and sell you under the table for “research”?
Candace Owens said that ! Really? the Candace Owens!!!!.......who’s Candace Owens?

I realize you think you're casting aspersions on her importance, but you're actually just making yourself look REALLY uninformed.

Lol. Why ? Must we all be informed of the endless supply of do nothing, media whore , talking heads . How can you keep up?

Yup, nice of you to show us how you really feel about women...dumbass.

In fairness, I doubt he hates her any more than any other woman who would walk to the other side of the street to avoid him (which is to say, all of us). I'm pretty sure he's hateful and dismissive more because he's a partisan leftist hack than because he's a misogynist.

How am I a misogynist?!!

Cause if “media whore”? That’s a term. Y’all getting all PC on me ? Lol. What would Candice think !

WOW, you are fucking slow on the uptake, Brain Trust. I didn't say you were a misogynist, you illiterate boob. I said you WEREN'T a misogynist, because you're too busy being a partisan leftist hack. And, apparently, a blot on the reputation of Hooked On Phonics.
The Best Thing that Could Happen to the GOP is for Jeff Flake to get Killed in some Jihadi Massacre

Hannity: GOP senators who won't back Trump should resign

As I told some other dipshit a couple weeks ago, calling for the ouster of the political opposition is NORMAL. You fucking dipshits act all fucking fake outraged as if it is something new and unheard of.

You seem triggered. Maybe sit down and have a beer while watching Bambi?
Irony! :lol:

Someone should teach you what that is so you stop being the definition of it.
The Best Thing that Could Happen to the GOP is for Jeff Flake to get Killed in some Jihadi Massacre

Hannity: GOP senators who won't back Trump should resign

As I told some other dipshit a couple weeks ago, calling for the ouster of the political opposition is NORMAL. You fucking dipshits act all fucking fake outraged as if it is something new and unheard of.

You seem triggered. Maybe sit down and have a beer while watching Bambi?
Irony! :lol:

Someone should teach you what that is so you stop being the definition of it.

Me? I am calm as can be waiting for the midterms to crush your spirit.
Like I said earlier today in another topic, it sure is fun watching pseudocons trying out their prosthetic moral legs. :lol:
The Best Thing that Could Happen to the GOP is for Jeff Flake to get Killed in some Jihadi Massacre

Hannity: GOP senators who won't back Trump should resign

As I told some other dipshit a couple weeks ago, calling for the ouster of the political opposition is NORMAL. You fucking dipshits act all fucking fake outraged as if it is something new and unheard of.

You seem triggered. Maybe sit down and have a beer while watching Bambi?
Irony! :lol:

Someone should teach you what that is so you stop being the definition of it.

Me? I am calm as can be waiting for the midterms to crush your spirit.
This topic is based on someone being triggered by a PP tweet. Try to catch up, retard. :lol:
'conservative commentator and activist'

Activist in what ? Selling dopey books to rubes?

Not as “cool” as selling aborted body parts, ghoul?

For medical research .

God forbid your baby gets sick . Cause you would deny her life saving treatment that care from that type of research . Right ?

Thanks for sharing, Dr. Mengele. If you're looking for people to applaud your "practicality" in using people you view as worthless for spare parts for people you personally value, you're in the wrong century and the wrong country. Try Germany circa 1942 or so.

What do you think ? The reason for providing abortions is to sell some medical material on the side ? How much do you think that brings in?

No, I think the reason for providing abortions is to sell ABORTIONS, because that brings in a bundle. I also think greedy people have never heard of the concept of "enough money". And I think only evil people think there's a rationalizaton for treating living humans as meat.
This topic is based on someone being triggered by a PP tweet. Try to catch up, retard. :lol:

A retard would be someone who thinks PP should be funded with taxpayer money, when they are being so openly political.
This topic is based on someone being triggered by a PP tweet. Try to catch up, retard. :lol:

A retard would be someone who thinks PP should be funded with taxpayer money, when they are being so openly political.
I have posted many times that I oppose PP and I oppose them being funded with taxpayer money. Many times. I'm pro-life.

You are falling farther and farther behind, retard. :lol:
Taxpayer funds should not go to this hack group of libtards!

Why not . They provide al kinds of medical services for women everywhere.
Anyone can provide any of those services!

But they don’t . That’s why PP exists .
Sure they do. PP exists to murder the unborn baby!
Sometimes I think the Right likes having PP around to use as a fundraising bugaboo.

If the pro-life movement was serious about its opposition to PP, they would create competing women's health clinics across the street from every PP clinic in the country and put them out of business.

I guess our billionaire donors feel it is more important to spend their money getting special carve-outs in the tax code for themselves than stopping the murders of the unborn.
Candace Owens said that ! Really? the Candace Owens!!!!.......who’s Candace Owens?

'conservative commentator and activist'

Activist in what ? Selling dopey books to rubes?

Not as “cool” as selling aborted body parts, ghoul?

For medical research .

.,,,, ?

Oh, “medical research!” Well, that justifies killing the most vulnerable humans then treating their remains like lunch meat, doesn’t it, ghoul? You’ll have no complaints if someone wants to end your life prematurely and chop you up and sell you under the table for “research”?

Think what we could learn about abnormal psychology if we just sectioned Timmy's brain and studied it under the microscope.
This topic is based on someone being triggered by a PP tweet. Try to catch up, retard. :lol:

A retard would be someone who thinks PP should be funded with taxpayer money, when they are being so openly political.

Right? If churches can't get political and keep their tax-exempt status, organizations like Planned Parenthood shouldn't be able to get political and keep their government funding.
She’s a political big mouth . The ones who talk a lot a shit , but never seem to run for office themselves . They just want to sell their hacky books .
Yeah, how dare that ungrateful black female speak her mind in such a way that is not Democratic party mandated.
If you bother to stay informed about popular media figures on both sides of the aisle, you would.

I happily and proudly admit I do not stay informed about popular media figures on either sides of the aisle, they are a commodity I would not piss on if they were on fire.
If you bother to stay informed about popular media figures on both sides of the aisle, you would.

I happily and proudly admit I do not stay informed about popular media figures on either sides of the aisle, they are a commodity I would not piss on if they were on fire.

I'm glad you're happy and proud to admit that you're here running your gums with as little information as possible. Whatever floats your boat.

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