Planned Parenthood President caught lying on tape....again

After Multiple Enrollment Failures, Hawaii Dumps State Obamacare Exchange ^ | 6/8/2015 | Katie Pavlich
Last week Americans For Tax Reform released new information showing that during Hawaii's special Obamacare enrollment period, zero people enrolled. The total state cost for the exchange sits at more than $200 million. While Hawaii enrolled zero individuals and is the worst performing state, it is not alone. Vermont signed up only 97 households, while Rhode Island enrolled just 25 households. Hawaii’s dismal performance should not be surprising. The website cost taxpayers $205 million but could only enroll 8,592 individuals in year one. Cost to taxpayers per enroll: $23,899. The state legislature recently rejected a $28 million bailout for the...
Democrats Admit Failure on Obamacare? Not On Your Life or Your Health! ^ | June 2, 2015 | Brian Birdnow
Last week, in unusually breathless tones, the Associated Press reported on the new crisis in the interminable national health care debate, the so-called “underinsurance” phenomenon. As the AP reported, “A different health care issue has emerged for Democrats…It’s not the uninsured, but the problem of high out-of-pocket costs for people already covered. Democrats call it underinsurance”. The article goes on to argue that the Democrats will use the issue to spearhead their pitch to working class voters in the 2016 elections. We can expect that this issue will be used rally the Democrats base, to bash George W. Bush, and,...
Failures in management led to ObamaCare website woes, investigation finds

FOX News ^ | July 31, 2014
A failure of management by the Obama administration led to the disastrous rollout of the ObamaCare website and caused the government to incur tens of millions in additional costs, according to a congressional watchdog report released Wednesday. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) concluded after a months-long investigation into the rocky rollout of that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ failure to establish “effective planning or oversight practices” was to blame for website’s myriad problems after it was launched. Among the issues, investigators found that the administration kept changing the contractors' marching orders for the website, creating widespread...
Government Audits Reveal Vast ObamaCare Failures

Investor's Business Daily ^ | 07/1/2014 | IBD Staff
Accountability: Two new audits reveal failures in ObamaCare on a scale even we didn't think possible, with unresolved discrepancies, rules violations and technology problems that expose taxpayers to massive overpayments. In the first of a series of ObamaCare audits, the Health and Human Services inspector general found 2.9 million "inconsistencies" in applications submitted to the federal exchange in the first five months of open enrollment. In other words, the Social Security numbers, income, family size, citizenship or other information applicants provided didn't match existing government data. Some 1.3 million of the problems involved citizenship, and an additional million involved...
And a GOLDEN OLDIE a fucking lying Obuma and his flunky!

Obama, Sebelius Blame ‘Right-Wing Media,’ ‘Billionaires’ For Obamacare Failures

06/18/2014 2:13:14 PM PDT · by Oldeconomybuyer · 23 replies
The Daily Caller ^ | June 17, 2014 | by Sarah Hurtubise
Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius took aim at her “hostile” right-wing opponents Tuesday, in her first speech after resigning her top post. “We had right-wing media, leadership in Congress who was determined on the House side to stop this law at any cost, shadow political organizations, hostile governors, hostile legislators, all working to make sure you couldn’t do the job that was so important,” Sebelius gushed, only once mentioning “our well-known issues with the website” putting a damper on customers getting coverage. She wasn’t alone. President Obama pre-taped a message for the conference, taking the...
ObamaCare's $147 Million Iowa Co-Op Failure Is Just The First

Investor's Business Daily ^ | 08/06/2015 | Staff
Bankruptcy: A court filing this week shows that the first ObamaCare-created insurance co-op to fail will likely cost $147 million. How many more will have to go under before President Obama admits to this boondoggle?

Yes, lets do away with Obamacares and join the rest of the civilized industrialized world! UHC FOR ALL

Join with Medical Students on Thur. Oct. 1, National Day of Action for Medicare for All
ObamaCare's $147 Million Iowa Co-Op Failure Is Just The First

Investor's Business Daily ^ | 08/06/2015 | Staff
Bankruptcy: A court filing this week shows that the first ObamaCare-created insurance co-op to fail will likely cost $147 million. How many more will have to go under before President Obama admits to this boondoggle?

Yes, lets do away with Obamacares and join the rest of the civilized industrialized world! UHC FOR ALL

Join with Medical Students on Thur. Oct. 1, National Day of Action for Medicare for All

Obumacare is simply another way for you subversive, commie, scum to CONTROL our lives! Force us to pay for medical coverage many of us don't want or need!
And a GOLDEN OLDIE a fucking lying Obuma and his flunky!

Obama, Sebelius Blame ‘Right-Wing Media,’ ‘Billionaires’ For Obamacare Failures

06/18/2014 2:13:14 PM PDT · by Oldeconomybuyer · 23 replies
The Daily Caller ^ | June 17, 2014 | by Sarah Hurtubise
Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius took aim at her “hostile” right-wing opponents Tuesday, in her first speech after resigning her top post. “We had right-wing media, leadership in Congress who was determined on the House side to stop this law at any cost, shadow political organizations, hostile governors, hostile legislators, all working to make sure you couldn’t do the job that was so important,” Sebelius gushed, only once mentioning “our well-known issues with the website” putting a damper on customers getting coverage. She wasn’t alone. President Obama pre-taped a message for the conference, taking the...


Of course a traitorous muslim president would fuck America, and help the terrorist regime attain nukes! He's REAL GOOD at TAQIYYA!
ObamaCare's $147 Million Iowa Co-Op Failure Is Just The First

Investor's Business Daily ^ | 08/06/2015 | Staff
Bankruptcy: A court filing this week shows that the first ObamaCare-created insurance co-op to fail will likely cost $147 million. How many more will have to go under before President Obama admits to this boondoggle?

But then CoOportunity hit a kind of perfect storm, says Peter Damiano, director of the University of Iowa's public policy center. First, the co-op had to pay a lot more medical bills than those in charge expected.

"CoOportunity Health's pool of people was larger than expected, was sicker than expected," Damiano says. "So their risk became much greater than the funds that were available."

The reason the co-op's customers were sicker has a lot to do with what the insurance market looked like in Iowa before Obamacare.
The largest insurer by far in the state was and still is Wellmark. But Wellmark decided not to offer any plans on Iowa's health exchange, leaving just CoOportunity and one other insurer — Coventry — offering plans on the exchange throughout the state.

On top of that, when the Obama administration in late 2013 allowed people to keep the insurance plan they already had, many customers happy with Wellmark stayed put. Damiano says this meant many of the customers who flocked to CoOportunity tended to be like Fairchild — people with expensive health problems who'd had trouble paying for insurance before, in the market Wellmark dominated.

"It was always going to be a challenging market to try to reach," says Damiano, "and on top of that, the whole idea of co-ops was relatively new and experimental. But it was to try to create competition, on that private sector approach," says Damiano.

Not only were the patients sicker, but CoOportunity's leaders initially thought they would enroll about 12,000 people in Iowa and Nebraska. They got about 10 times that, according to Nick Gerhart, Iowa's insurance commissioner.

Also, Gerhart says, the co-op thought it was going to get more federal money.

"On Dec. 16 around 4 o'clock we were informed they weren't going to get any further funding," he says. "Nothing was pulled — it just wasn't extended further."

Gerhart is now essentially the CEO of the co-op because the state has taken it over. He likens the situation to a small business suddenly having its credit shut off by the bank. Even though CoOportunity is not officially dead yet, Gerhart is telling its customers to switch insurers.

He says it's too early to make predictions about the fate for all co-ops.

"The news about CoOportunity Health is not a statement on the health insurance co-op program or the co-op concept. It's a reflection on the fact that all insurers — not just co-ops — are operating in unique markets with unique business plans and varying state regulations. The circumstances for CoOportunity Health in Iowa are not the same as those in the 23 other states in which co-ops are currently operating."

"I mean the whole Affordable Care Act is [about] competition between insurance companies, and now we're back down to what?" says Peterson.

For them, only one option: Coventry.

Health Insurance Startup Collapses In Iowa



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