Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies : ZoNation Read mo

There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


When you people pass a law that executes women for having abortions then I'll believe you really think that an embryo is a human being.
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


You don't realize apparently that every organ transplant that is performed necessitates the use of human organs from another human body,


Or don't you realize that?

And my driver's license advises I AM AN ORGAN DONOR!!!
Each year, about 28,124 people receive organ transplants from organ donors like me.
There are now more than 105,000 people on the waiting list for solid organ transplants.
Experts suggest that each of us could save or help as many as 50 people by being an organ and tissue donor.
Organ donation and transplantation fact sheet

What is wrong with using fetal tissue for research as opposed to cremating it as medical waste.?

So the best response you have is to criticize of my music choice.

I must have hit home with the for profit comment.


yes the rest is just propaganda
here's a tune that's much more to the point :

Will The Fetus Be Aborted lyrics
  • Highlight lyrics and explain them to earn Karma points.
Jello Biafra – Will The Fetus Be Aborted lyrics
Peggy Sue
Got pregnant
And was addicted to fifteen drugs
She went down
To the abortion clinic
And was accosted
By right wing thugs

Oh will the fetus
Be aborted
By and by Lord
By and by
There's a better
Home awaiting
In the sky Lord
In the sky

Little Mary
Was just eleven
And she was raped
By her own dad
Danny Quayle said
"Have that baby"
But another choice
She said


Annie's pregnancy
Would kill her
Doctor's warning
Gave her strife
Said "Jesus take her"
She said, "I want
My right to life"


Kathy had two
Kids already
And an abortion
Is what she chose
Christian showed her
A bloody fetus
She said "That's fine
I'll have one of those. "


Tanya lived for
Wanted to overthrow
The state
She had fifteen
Commie babies
Phylis Schlafly
Ain't that great?

Or will the fetus
Be aborted...

Lyrics taken from Jello Biafra - Will The Fetus Be Aborted lyrics


They need to add to the song... Something about how Planned Parenthood talked her into aborting so the people in charge of Planned Parenthood could take a big pay raise for their efforts as they break up the aborted infant and sell the body parts all for the good of humanity.


Harry Chapin - Circle - YouTube


False PP talks no one into nothing .
That's the anti choice mob's favorite gag.


What's the money from the organ sales used for?



Great tune completely out of context.
You're like an advertiser who uses a well known tune without understanding or caring about the context.


So that must mean you don't know what the money is being used for other than to line the pockets of the people who came up with the plan to sell off the body parts.

So what we have here is a agency using government funds to operate and pay paychecks while those who work there further line their pockets by selling something they got for free.

Yep! That sounds like the progressive humanitarians I know.


Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

There is nothing wrong with protecting the most innocent, but giving a zygote more importance than a woman, now that is sick. Why is the woman less important than a fertilized egg?

You must really be irate knowing that Dr. Ben Carson operated on a zygote while it was still inside its mother's womb. What a waste of talent, huh?

Really? This is a picture of a zygote.....

I can't imagine how Dr. Carson would be operating on a zygote, since the phase of the zygote is about 4 days....hardly enough time to figure out that something is wrong with it, schedule an operation and then operate. I think you are delusional.

The term zygote was used to mimic the poster's description.
How was that mimicking my description? You obviously didn't know that zygote and fetus are different stages and are now trying to pull the egg of your face.

Dr. Carson operated on a fetus/a baby.

So what? I'm sure he's not the only doctor that has. Does that give him the right to make decisions for women across the country? If he has operated on an old person, does that give him the right to make life/death decisions on old people?
After 12 weeks, the fetus assumes an increasingly human form. Would you step up and stop a beating heart?

If the doctor told me that my life was at stake if I carried the fetus to term, and I had other children, I would feel that the decision should be mine and not made for me. I might choose to give up my life, or maybe I don't want to leave my children orphaned. You can't choose for every woman in America...that is totally selfish and un-Christian.

Would you be willing to leave your children orphaned?
Really? This is a picture of a zygote.....

I can't imagine how Dr. Carson would be operating on a zygote, since the phase of the zygote is about 4 days....hardly enough time to figure out that something is wrong with it, schedule an operation and then operate. I think you are delusional.

The term zygote was used to mimic the poster's description. Dr. Carson operated on a fetus/a baby.
After 12 weeks, the fetus assumes an increasingly human form. Would you step up and stop a beating heart?
Not if one believes an embryo/fetus is a 'person.'

That's the genius of our Constitutional Republic, where each American can decide for himself when life begins, in accordance with his own good faith and good conscience, free from unwarranted interference from the state, free from being compelled by force of law to believe one way or the other.

"free from being compelled by force of law to believe one way or the other."
Believe what you choose, but try acting on your beliefs when the State has specific laws in place.
And as a fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' where abortion is not 'murder,' and where abortion is perfectly legal.

The Jews in the death camps weren't human either the ones killing them.....

Wow....your logic is skewed. First of all the death of Jews was not legal, and the Jews were human.....full grown birthed humans. Try another one.
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


You don't realize apparently that every organ transplant that is performed necessitates the use of human organs from another human body,


Or don't you realize that?

Yeah....but we aren't murdering people to get those organs are we....that is the difference.....

Emotional meltdown rhetoric. Get a grip.

It is sad...there are lefty nut jobs who won't eat an animal if it has a face...but will kill a baby even when it actually has a human face.........

Wow.....are there animals that don't have faces? Please enlighten me.....
Non sequitur.

Are you know referring to yourself as using non sequiturs?
Nope thats all you.

Says the man who cannot rationalize.
Yammers the woman who has no clue to its meaning.

Give it up already. Your own words brought you down.
In what reality not this one ?
In this world rationalizing is not a good thing.
yes the rest is just propaganda
here's a tune that's much more to the point :

Will The Fetus Be Aborted lyrics
  • Highlight lyrics and explain them to earn Karma points.
Jello Biafra – Will The Fetus Be Aborted lyrics
Peggy Sue
Got pregnant
And was addicted to fifteen drugs
She went down
To the abortion clinic
And was accosted
By right wing thugs

Oh will the fetus
Be aborted
By and by Lord
By and by
There's a better
Home awaiting
In the sky Lord
In the sky

Little Mary
Was just eleven
And she was raped
By her own dad
Danny Quayle said
"Have that baby"
But another choice
She said


Annie's pregnancy
Would kill her
Doctor's warning
Gave her strife
Said "Jesus take her"
She said, "I want
My right to life"


Kathy had two
Kids already
And an abortion
Is what she chose
Christian showed her
A bloody fetus
She said "That's fine
I'll have one of those. "


Tanya lived for
Wanted to overthrow
The state
She had fifteen
Commie babies
Phylis Schlafly
Ain't that great?

Or will the fetus
Be aborted...

Lyrics taken from Jello Biafra - Will The Fetus Be Aborted lyrics


They need to add to the song... Something about how Planned Parenthood talked her into aborting so the people in charge of Planned Parenthood could take a big pay raise for their efforts as they break up the aborted infant and sell the body parts all for the good of humanity.


Harry Chapin - Circle - YouTube


False PP talks no one into nothing .
That's the anti choice mob's favorite gag.


What's the money from the organ sales used for?



Great tune completely out of context.
You're like an advertiser who uses a well known tune without understanding or caring about the context.


So that must mean you don't know what the money is being used for other than to line the pockets of the people who came up with the plan to sell off the body parts.

So what we have here is a agency using government funds to operate and pay paychecks while those who work there further line their pockets by selling something they got for free.

Yep! That sounds like the progressive humanitarians I know.



You must enjoy being wrong all the time.

“Dred Scott”

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, the consequence of your ignorance of the law, the Constitution, and the doctrine of judicial review.

The point is that the SCOTUS doesn't always get it right. They don't make law nor should they make law as they did in Rov vs Wade and Gay Marriage.

You're an idiot. Do you have a better plan for determining whether or not laws are constitutional?
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


When you people pass a law that executes women for having abortions then I'll believe you really think that an embryo is a human being.

What a terrible thing to say.
What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

There is nothing wrong with protecting the most innocent, but giving a zygote more importance than a woman, now that is sick. Why is the woman less important than a fertilized egg?

You must really be irate knowing that Dr. Ben Carson operated on a zygote while it was still inside its mother's womb. What a waste of talent, huh?

Really? This is a picture of a zygote.....

I can't imagine how Dr. Carson would be operating on a zygote, since the phase of the zygote is about 4 days....hardly enough time to figure out that something is wrong with it, schedule an operation and then operate. I think you are delusional.

The term zygote was used to mimic the poster's description.
How was that mimicking my description? You obviously didn't know that zygote and fetus are different stages and are now trying to pull the egg of your face.

Dr. Carson operated on a fetus/a baby.

So what? I'm sure he's not the only doctor that has. Does that give him the right to make decisions for women across the country? If he has operated on an old person, does that give him the right to make life/death decisions on old people?
After 12 weeks, the fetus assumes an increasingly human form. Would you step up and stop a beating heart?

If the doctor told me that my life was at stake if I carried the fetus to term, and I had other children, I would feel that the decision should be mine and not made for me. I might choose to give up my life, or maybe I don't want to leave my children orphaned. You can't choose for every woman in America...that is totally selfish and un-Christian.

Would you be willing to leave your children orphaned?

I'm pro-choice, and yes, I do realize there are
What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

There is nothing wrong with protecting the most innocent, but giving a zygote more importance than a woman, now that is sick. Why is the woman less important than a fertilized egg?

You must really be irate knowing that Dr. Ben Carson operated on a zygote while it was still inside its mother's womb. What a waste of talent, huh?

Really? This is a picture of a zygote.....

I can't imagine how Dr. Carson would be operating on a zygote, since the phase of the zygote is about 4 days....hardly enough time to figure out that something is wrong with it, schedule an operation and then operate. I think you are delusional.

The term zygote was used to mimic the poster's description.
How was that mimicking my description? You obviously didn't know that zygote and fetus are different stages and are now trying to pull the egg of your face.

Dr. Carson operated on a fetus/a baby.

So what? I'm sure he's not the only doctor that has. Does that give him the right to make decisions for women across the country? If he has operated on an old person, does that give him the right to make life/death decisions on old people?
After 12 weeks, the fetus assumes an increasingly human form. Would you step up and stop a beating heart?

If the doctor told me that my life was at stake if I carried the fetus to term, and I had other children, I would feel that the decision should be mine and not made for me. I might choose to give up my life, or maybe I don't want to leave my children orphaned. You can't choose for every woman in America...that is totally selfish and un-Christian.

Would you be willing to leave your children orphaned?

I'm pro-choice, but I have questions concerning the PP videos and abortion p
What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

There is nothing wrong with protecting the most innocent, but giving a zygote more importance than a woman, now that is sick. Why is the woman less important than a fertilized egg?

You must really be irate knowing that Dr. Ben Carson operated on a zygote while it was still inside its mother's womb. What a waste of talent, huh?

Really? This is a picture of a zygote.....

I can't imagine how Dr. Carson would be operating on a zygote, since the phase of the zygote is about 4 days....hardly enough time to figure out that something is wrong with it, schedule an operation and then operate. I think you are delusional.

The term zygote was used to mimic the poster's description.
How was that mimicking my description? You obviously didn't know that zygote and fetus are different stages and are now trying to pull the egg of your face.

Dr. Carson operated on a fetus/a baby.

So what? I'm sure he's not the only doctor that has. Does that give him the right to make decisions for women across the country? If he has operated on an old person, does that give him the right to make life/death decisions on old people?
After 12 weeks, the fetus assumes an increasingly human form. Would you step up and stop a beating heart?

If the doctor told me that my life was at stake if I carried the fetus to term, and I had other children, I would feel that the decision should be mine and not made for me. I might choose to give up my life, or maybe I don't want to leave my children orphaned. You can't choose for every woman in America...that is totally selfish and un-Christian.

Would you be willing to leave your children orphaned?

Yes, I realize there are different stages of development of a baby inside the mother's womb.

Is Dr. Carson making decisions for women?

I'm pro-choice, but I have questions concerning the PP videos and abortion procedures. Any thing wrong with my concern?

Women should be able to make their own decisions, but at the same time, they need to acknowledge that they are deciding to stop a heart from beating for whatever reason.
Certainly you are not saying that just because 9 old men decided that the unborn were not human makes it constitutional? Really? Is that what you are saying?

You are right, the Constitution doesn't mention "fetuses" because fetuses are not "persons". And, whether you like it or not, the SCOTUS has the final say on our laws, so unless you believe that we should shred the Constitution, that is the way it will remain. And they have never decided that a fetus was not human....don't know where you got that silly idea.
Are you know referring to yourself as using non sequiturs?
Nope thats all you.

Says the man who cannot rationalize.
Yammers the woman who has no clue to its meaning.

Give it up already. Your own words brought you down.
In what reality not this one ?
In this world rationalizing is not a good thing.

You keep burying yourself. Please stop!
The point is that the SCOTUS doesn't always get it right. They don't make law nor should they make law as they did in Rov vs Wade and Gay Marriage.

You mean according to you and some others, right? Because, there are plenty of people that agree with them with every decision they make. You just can't have them taking your side every single solitary time.....they are bound to obey the laws, and if they didn't, many would be complaining just as you are, and they would be in violation of the constitution.

What I hear you saying is that you and those that think like you feel that you should be making the laws, right? Gotcha.
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved


Planned parenthood is a non-profit.

Planned parenthood did knowingly sell these body parts...

Then Planned Parenthood should lose their non-profit status.



Good tune, false comparison


I don't think so.

If they're turning around selling off organs they are a 'for' profit organization.



That is not true. If all you are getting is money to pay for the labor and necessary items to support the use of organs and tissue, you're not making money and if you are not making money, it's not for profit. Who do you think should pay for all of that? Taxpayers? If you needed a heart transplant, you feel that it should be done for you for free?
That's interesting, since conservatives claim they don't like free stuff.
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved


Planned parenthood is a non-profit.

Planned parenthood did knowingly sell these body parts...

Then Planned Parenthood should lose their non-profit status.



Good tune, false comparison


I don't think so.

If they're turning around selling off organs they are a 'for' profit organization.



Tull you gotta be fucking kidding.

He's not too bright, but at least he knows how to post pictures, right? Give him that.
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


When you people pass a law that executes women for having abortions then I'll believe you really think that an embryo is a human being.

What a terrible thing to say.

Why? If abortion is murder, it's murder. We execute people for murder in this country. An abortion is a pre-meditated murder.

Would you prefer life in prison without chance of parole for a woman who has an abortion?
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.
Sick minds that would as soon rip a living baby from its mother's womb and sell it to the highest bidder than cuddle it in its arms. These people have no respect for life. If they can, grandma and grandpa will be on the chopping block to delay the total failure of obamacare.
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


You don't realize apparently that every organ transplant that is performed necessitates the use of human organs from another human body,


Or don't you realize that?

Yeah....but we aren't murdering people to get those organs are we....that is the difference.....

Where do you get that silly idea? Nobody is murdering people. Organs and tissue are taken after the person or fetus is dead, and hello.....abortion is legal. You all seem to have a difficult time processing that fact.
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.
Sick minds that would as soon rip a living baby from its mother's womb and sell it to the highest bidder than cuddle it in its arms. These people have no respect for life. If they can, grandma and grandpa will be on the chopping block to delay the total failure of obamacare.

People who talk like you do live in a bubble all their own. Prove that anyone is selling organs/body parts for profit or quit spewing your fairytales.

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