Planned Parenthood should just change it's name to Abortions-R-Us


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
At least they would be honest if they changed their name. They don't care about mothers who want their children. A woman went in for the free pregnancy test and didn't know much about Planned Parenthood, but mistakenly must have thought they were all about helping women. Turns out that they are only there to offer abortions. No prenatal care or any advice regarding that. Only abortions. Nothing else. The clinics get rewarded for increasing the number of abortions and going over their quotas. Sickening.

They hold themselves out as an organization for women's health, but if you need prenatal care, a mammogram or other service, they simply tell you to make an appointment with a doctor or another clinic because they do not offer those services. They offer abortions and if you don't want one, they will tell you to come back if you change your mind. The left has told many lies regarding the real purpose of Planned Parenthood. They used to claim that PP offered many services that had nothing to do with abortions. It's all false.

The name implies that they would assist woman who did plan to be parents, but that is not the case. Maybe Preventing Parenthood would be more suitable.

I don't know why they get tax payer money when they make millions in profit. The left is just so determined to reduce the population that they will find a way to fund their efforts.

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