"Planned Parenthood": very name is a lie, an abortion isnt the result of planning anything

The problem is that there is absolutely no need for Planned Parenthood to continue to exist. It is said that there are some 4,000 CVS pharmacies alone in these United States where women can go and get their contraceptives. Federal law requires all insurance companies as well as Medicare to provide free preventative medical services which include such things as mammograms and pap smears. With Obamacare now available as well as standard health care policies, most all women in America should have some form of health insurance coverage. That coverage may well be Medicaid which also provides for these preventive services for women through traditional medical providers such as medical doctors and hospitals.

There now exists absolutely no need for any entity including Planned Parenthood to receive taxpayer money for any purpose whatsoever since women's medical services are already provided for through traditional means.

Oh look, a guy who's never been to a CVS.

CVS is the pharmacy my own insurance company utilizes as the preferred provider of meds for its policyholders. They fill all my medical prescriptions.
So what? What's the upside of forcing a teenage girl, who accidentally gets pregnant, to have a baby?

the Left thinks people are animals with no intellect or powers of will, that need their base instincts tended to by others.
there was a time when people just waited. you can conjur up back-alley abortions but you will just be intellectually dishonest. there was a time where there were just less of these abortions, A LOT LESS.

idiots and hypocrites

I think pregnant women should be allowed to decide if it's the right time for them to take on the awesome responsibility of a child,

and if they decide it isn't,

they should be allowed a safe and legal window of opportunity to terminate that pregnancy.

Now you tell me, preferably coherently, what's wrong with my opinion.
Anti-abortionists want PP defunded because the anti-abortionists have lost the abortion battle forever and now they're just throwing random tantrums at anything they can.

Man you SUCK at speaking for others. Stick to spouting your own lame B$!

PRO-LIFE proponents oppose Liberals with such disregard for human life that they are willing to allow an 8 1/2 month term baby be delivered to the point where all except its head is out of the mothers womb, calling it a 'fetus', so they can ram scissors inside the babies head and kill it before dragging it out.

PRO-LIFE proponents oppose Liberals with such disregard for human life that they are willing to murder babies capable of surviving outside the womb, cut it up into pieces, and negotiate on video how they will sell those parts for cash and Lamborghinis!

PRO-LIFE proponents oppose Liberals who falsely claim their organization is a 'critical women's health care provider' yet does not own 1 single mammogram machine, that murders over 5,000 babies a year, receives millions of tax dollars, and turns around like the special interest group they are, and who donates massive amounts of dollars to politicians to ensure they can continue killing babies.
The problem is that there is absolutely no need for Planned Parenthood to continue to exist. It is said that there are some 4,000 CVS pharmacies alone in these United States where women can go and get their contraceptives. Federal law requires all insurance companies as well as Medicare to provide free preventative medical services which include such things as mammograms and pap smears. With Obamacare now available as well as standard health care policies, most all women in America should have some form of health insurance coverage. That coverage may well be Medicaid which also provides for these preventive services for women through traditional medical providers such as medical doctors and hospitals.

There now exists absolutely no need for any entity including Planned Parenthood to receive taxpayer money for any purpose whatsoever since women's medical services are already provided for through traditional means.

Oh look, a guy who's never been to a CVS.

CVS is the pharmacy my own insurance company utilizes as the preferred provider of meds for its policyholders. They fill all my medical prescriptions.

They're shortchanging you on smart pills. CVS is a drugstore.
I think pregnant women should be allowed to decide if it's the right time for them to take on the awesome responsibility of a child,

And if they can do that then they can also PAY FOR THEIR OWN ABORTIONS...that is also an awesome responsibility and consequence of their actions!
Anti-abortionists want PP defunded because the anti-abortionists have lost the abortion battle forever and now they're just throwing random tantrums at anything they can.

Man you SUCK at speaking for others. Stick to spouting your own lame B$!

PRO-LIFE proponents oppose Liberals with such disregard for human life that they are willing to allow an 8 1/2 month term baby be delivered to the point where all except its head is out of the mothers womb, calling it a 'fetus', so they can ram scissors inside the babies head and kill it before dragging it out.

PRO-LIFE proponents oppose Liberals with such disregard for human life that they are willing to murder babies capable of surviving outside the womb, cut it up into pieces, and negotiate on video how they will sell those parts for cash and Lamborghinis!

PRO-LIFE proponents oppose Liberals who falsely claim their organization is a 'critical women's health care provider' yet does not own 1 single mammogram machine, that murders over 5,000 babies a year, receives millions of tax dollars, and turns around like the special interest group they are, and who donates massive amounts of dollars to politicians to ensure they can continue killing babies.

That kind of irrational, emotional, outburst is not an argument. Pull yourself together.
I think pregnant women should be allowed to decide if it's the right time for them to take on the awesome responsibility of a child,

And if they can do that then they can also PAY FOR THEIR OWN ABORTIONS...that is also an awesome responsibility and consequence of their actions!

You want to deny PP the right to take in donations and in some cases use that money to help women pay for an abortion?

Are you a Nazi?
The problem is that there is absolutely no need for Planned Parenthood to continue to exist. It is said that there are some 4,000 CVS pharmacies alone in these United States where women can go and get their contraceptives. Federal law requires all insurance companies as well as Medicare to provide free preventative medical services which include such things as mammograms and pap smears. With Obamacare now available as well as standard health care policies, most all women in America should have some form of health insurance coverage. That coverage may well be Medicaid which also provides for these preventive services for women through traditional medical providers such as medical doctors and hospitals.

There now exists absolutely no need for any entity including Planned Parenthood to receive taxpayer money for any purpose whatsoever since women's medical services are already provided for through traditional means.

Oh look, a guy who's never been to a CVS.

CVS is the pharmacy my own insurance company utilizes as the preferred provider of meds for its policyholders. They fill all my medical prescriptions.

They're shortchanging you on smart pills. CVS is a drugstore.

Fool! I said plainly that women could go there to get their contraceptives. You really are an ignorant brute beast.
That kind of irrational, emotional, outburst is not an argument. Pull yourself together.

Expecting a woman who chooses to have sex, gets pregnant, and wants to have an abortion to then pay for it herself is not emotional - it is responsible! If you want to be an 'adult' and make your own decisions, have sex whenever you want then GROW UP, realize there are consequences, and the FACT is that those consequences are 'YOURS' to deal with - not mine!

Demanding an end to the MURDER of children as far along as 8 1/2 months through the barbaric practice of 'Partial Birth Abortions' is not an emotional pleas but one of human decency and respect for human life.
So what? What's the upside of forcing a teenage girl, who accidentally gets pregnant, to have a baby?

the Left thinks people are animals with no intellect or powers of will, that need their base instincts tended to by others.
there was a time when people just waited. you can conjur up back-alley abortions but you will just be intellectually dishonest. there was a time where there were just less of these abortions, A LOT LESS.

idiots and hypocrites

I think pregnant women should be allowed to decide if it's the right time for them to take on the awesome responsibility of a child,

and if they decide it isn't,

they should be allowed a safe and legal window of opportunity to terminate that pregnancy.

Now you tell me, preferably coherently, what's wrong with my opinion.

i think the time to decide to take on the "awesome responsiblity of a child" was before she had unsafe sex and got pregnant. .......and NOBODY ON THE RIGHT prevented them from that. i also believe the Left's position that paying for abortion basically on demand wont result in fewer abortions. i also believe you and people like you should pay for it if you believe so strongly in it; and not force others to.

now you tell me, preferably coherently, what's untrue with that statement??
I wasn't aware that the anti-abortion movement had a consensus for exempting the morning after pills from their opposition,

That's because Liberals always engage in Generalizations, believing that EVERY single Conservative believes the same thing, usually being wrong on what that 1 thing is.

For example, it SEEMS you and the other Liberals have NO FRIGGIN' CLUE why Anti-Abortionists want Planned Parenthood defunded and why they are so angry over those videos!

Not all Pro-Life proponents want to end all abortions. For example, we are NOT al against abortions if required to save the mother's life or other such life-saving situations and situations where the choice of getting pregnant or not - to have intercourse or not - was beyond their control.

In most cases we are FOR the 'Morning After' Pill. Your response made me think of another stupid F*ING Liberal: My under-aged daughter was drugged and raped. At the hospital that night the nurse asked if my wife and I wanted to use the Morning After Pill, When we said yes, this dumb Bi-@tch replied, "That's awesome. Some of these stupid Conservatives refuse to do so and force their kids to have the baby." I lit into her @$$, explaining how I am a Conservative but am smart enough to know that within the 1st 12 hours after a rape no baby had begun to form! I then told her she should keep her political comments to herself, especially when I was standing in the hospital after my daughter had just been brought in after having been drugged and raped! Good, God!

Also, many Pro-Abortionists so rabidly defend it that they argue for the right to kill the child at ANY stage! Pro-Abortionists have fought to define a living human child capable of surviving outside the womb, having been fully delivered from the mother EXCEPT for the head remaining inside the mother a 'FETUS' just so they can STILL justify the murder of the BABY at this point...and call it 'Partial Birth Abortion'. THIS IS BARBAIC AND SICK, the kind of thing we might expect from Joseph Mengele but not here in America!

No, not all Pro-Life people think the same. I believe we, and most DESCENT human beings, believe there is a certain point after which no abortion should be performed. There is a point when the BABY has a heart beat, brain function, and can feel pain, when the baby can survive outside the womb...but that is not good enough for many Pro-Abortionists! As pointed out, as long as the baby's head remains inside the mother, at any stage of the pregnancy, they want to have the right to murder the child. HELL, Obama once argued that a mother should still have the right to murder a living, breathing baby on the medical table that had survived a failed abortion! WTF, DUDE?! THAT is ISIS-Like' barbaric shi-ite!

Finally...I don't give a rat's arse how many abortions 'you' have...have as many as you want....but PAY FOR THEM YOURSELF! IT'S ELECTIVE SURGERY in the majority of cases, not for 'life-saving reasons! Liberals love to tell Pro-Life people that our beliefs should not be imposed on them...then they impose THEIRS on us by FORCING us to pay for THEIR abortions! $crew that! You want 'em, YOU pay for 'em!

I'm pretty much with you on every point here, but I also consider the type of person willing to have an abortion out of convenience in the first place. Such a woman should be sterilized.

If you're so utterly devoid of morals that killing a baby, because "it's just not a good time for me" then you're a completely insane criminal sociopath. I don't want such people spreading their DNA in the world.

I wasn't aware that the anti-abortion movement had a consensus for exempting the morning after pills from their opposition,

That's because Liberals always engage in Generalizations, believing that EVERY single Conservative believes the same thing, usually being wrong on what that 1 thing is.

For example, it SEEMS you and the other Liberals have NO FRIGGIN' CLUE why Anti-Abortionists want Planned Parenthood defunded and why they are so angry over those videos!

Not all Pro-Life proponents want to end all abortions. For example, we are NOT al against abortions if required to save the mother's life or other such life-saving situations and situations where the choice of getting pregnant or not - to have intercourse or not - was beyond their control.

In most cases we are FOR the 'Morning After' Pill. Your response made me think of another stupid F*ING Liberal: My under-aged daughter was drugged and raped. At the hospital that night the nurse asked if my wife and I wanted to use the Morning After Pill, When we said yes, this dumb Bi-@tch replied, "That's awesome. Some of these stupid Conservatives refuse to do so and force their kids to have the baby." I lit into her @$$, explaining how I am a Conservative but am smart enough to know that within the 1st 12 hours after a rape no baby had begun to form! I then told her she should keep her political comments to herself, especially when I was standing in the hospital after my daughter had just been brought in after having been drugged and raped! Good, God!

Also, many Pro-Abortionists so rabidly defend it that they argue for the right to kill the child at ANY stage! Pro-Abortionists have fought to define a living human child capable of surviving outside the womb, having been fully delivered from the mother EXCEPT for the head remaining inside the mother a 'FETUS' just so they can STILL justify the murder of the BABY at this point...and call it 'Partial Birth Abortion'. THIS IS BARBAIC AND SICK, the kind of thing we might expect from Joseph Mengele but not here in America!

No, not all Pro-Life people think the same. I believe we, and most DESCENT human beings, believe there is a certain point after which no abortion should be performed. There is a point when the BABY has a heart beat, brain function, and can feel pain, when the baby can survive outside the womb...but that is not good enough for many Pro-Abortionists! As pointed out, as long as the baby's head remains inside the mother, at any stage of the pregnancy, they want to have the right to murder the child. HELL, Obama once argued that a mother should still have the right to murder a living, breathing baby on the medical table that had survived a failed abortion! WTF, DUDE?! THAT is ISIS-Like' barbaric shi-ite!

Finally...I don't give a rat's arse how many abortions 'you' have...have as many as you want....but PAY FOR THEM YOURSELF! IT'S ELECTIVE SURGERY in the majority of cases, not for 'life-saving reasons! Liberals love to tell Pro-Life people that our beliefs should not be imposed on them...then they impose THEIRS on us by FORCING us to pay for THEIR abortions! $crew that! You want 'em, YOU pay for 'em!

I'm pretty much with you on every point here, but I also consider the type of person willing to have an abortion out of convenience in the first place. Such a woman should be sterilized.

If you're so utterly devoid of morals that killing a baby, because "it's just not a good time for me" then you're a completely insane criminal sociopath. I don't want such people spreading their DNA in the world.

Now we're getting to the REAL CONSERVATIVE AGENDA.

Forced sterilization of women who are pro-choice.
So what? What's the upside of forcing a teenage girl, who accidentally gets pregnant, to have a baby?

the Left thinks people are animals with no intellect or powers of will, that need their base instincts tended to by others.
there was a time when people just waited. you can conjur up back-alley abortions but you will just be intellectually dishonest. there was a time where there were just less of these abortions, A LOT LESS.

idiots and hypocrites

I think pregnant women should be allowed to decide if it's the right time for them to take on the awesome responsibility of a child,

and if they decide it isn't,

they should be allowed a safe and legal window of opportunity to terminate that pregnancy.

Now you tell me, preferably coherently, what's wrong with my opinion.

i think the time to decide to take on the "awesome responsiblity of a child" was before she had unsafe sex and got pregnant. .......and NOBODY ON THE RIGHT prevented them from that. i also believe the Left's position that paying for abortion basically on demand wont result in fewer abortions. i also believe you and people like you should pay for it if you believe so strongly in it; and not force others to.

now you tell me, preferably coherently, what's untrue with that statement??

I'm talking about the pregnant woman, not the not-pregnant woman. Pay attention.

What's wrong with my position? You cannot offer a single rational argument against what I believe.

Case closed.
is there anything the pandering Left cant lie and distort?
if one finds themselves needing or wanting an abortion they werent planning anything, especially parenthood.
oh and safe sex wasnt practiced either.

abortion is a small percentage of planned parenthood's work

abortion is also constitutionally protected, legal and is none of your business

but it's always amusing to see misogynist loons trying to tell women what to do with their bodies and then rant and rave about how they want small gubmint... except of course when it comes to legislating Christian dogma
So what? What's the upside of forcing a teenage girl, who accidentally gets pregnant, to have a baby?

the Left thinks people are animals with no intellect or powers of will, that need their base instincts tended to by others.
there was a time when people just waited. you can conjur up back-alley abortions but you will just be intellectually dishonest. there was a time where there were just less of these abortions, A LOT LESS.

idiots and hypocrites

I think pregnant women should be allowed to decide if it's the right time for them to take on the awesome responsibility of a child,

and if they decide it isn't,

they should be allowed a safe and legal window of opportunity to terminate that pregnancy.

Now you tell me, preferably coherently, what's wrong with my opinion.

i think the time to decide to take on the "awesome responsiblity of a child" was before she had unsafe sex and got pregnant. .......and NOBODY ON THE RIGHT prevented them from that. i also believe the Left's position that paying for abortion basically on demand wont result in fewer abortions. i also believe you and people like you should pay for it if you believe so strongly in it; and not force others to.

now you tell me, preferably coherently, what's untrue with that statement??

I'm talking about the pregnant woman, not the not-pregnant woman. Pay attention.

What's wrong with my position? You cannot offer a single rational argument against what I believe.

Case closed.

isnt it just like a loser to delude himself he's won something/

at some point people arent pregant before they GET pregenant. THAT'S "PLANNED PARENTHOOD"

So what? What's the upside of forcing a teenage girl, who accidentally gets pregnant, to have a baby?

the Left thinks people are animals with no intellect or powers of will, that need their base instincts tended to by others.
there was a time when people just waited. you can conjur up back-alley abortions but you will just be intellectually dishonest. there was a time where there were just less of these abortions, A LOT LESS.

idiots and hypocrites

I think pregnant women should be allowed to decide if it's the right time for them to take on the awesome responsibility of a child,

and if they decide it isn't,

they should be allowed a safe and legal window of opportunity to terminate that pregnancy.

Now you tell me, preferably coherently, what's wrong with my opinion.

i think the time to decide to take on the "awesome responsiblity of a child" was before she had unsafe sex and got pregnant. .......and NOBODY ON THE RIGHT prevented them from that. i also believe the Left's position that paying for abortion basically on demand wont result in fewer abortions. i also believe you and people like you should pay for it if you believe so strongly in it; and not force others to.

now you tell me, preferably coherently, what's untrue with that statement??

I'm talking about the pregnant woman, not the not-pregnant woman. Pay attention.

What's wrong with my position? You cannot offer a single rational argument against what I believe.

Case closed.

I ALREADY DID. you ignored it. it's what you losers do when you dont have an argument to make and just try to stick to a narrative
So what? What's the upside of forcing a teenage girl, who accidentally gets pregnant, to have a baby?

the Left thinks people are animals with no intellect or powers of will, that need their base instincts tended to by others.
there was a time when people just waited. you can conjur up back-alley abortions but you will just be intellectually dishonest. there was a time where there were just less of these abortions, A LOT LESS.

idiots and hypocrites

I think pregnant women should be allowed to decide if it's the right time for them to take on the awesome responsibility of a child,

and if they decide it isn't,

they should be allowed a safe and legal window of opportunity to terminate that pregnancy.

Now you tell me, preferably coherently, what's wrong with my opinion.

i think the time to decide to take on the "awesome responsiblity of a child" was before she had unsafe sex and got pregnant. .......and NOBODY ON THE RIGHT prevented them from that. i also believe the Left's position that paying for abortion basically on demand wont result in fewer abortions. i also believe you and people like you should pay for it if you believe so strongly in it; and not force others to.

now you tell me, preferably coherently, what's untrue with that statement??

I'm talking about the pregnant woman, not the not-pregnant woman. Pay attention.

What's wrong with my position? You cannot offer a single rational argument against what I believe.

Case closed.

isnt it just like a loser to delude himself he's won something/

at some point people arent pregant before they GET pregenant. THAT'S "PLANNED PARENTHOOD"


All I did was ask you to find something wrong with my position and you couldn't find a single thing wrong with it.
I wasn't aware that the anti-abortion movement had a consensus for exempting the morning after pills from their opposition,

That's because Liberals always engage in Generalizations, believing that EVERY single Conservative believes the same thing, usually being wrong on what that 1 thing is.

For example, it SEEMS you and the other Liberals have NO FRIGGIN' CLUE why Anti-Abortionists want Planned Parenthood defunded and why they are so angry over those videos!

Not all Pro-Life proponents want to end all abortions. For example, we are NOT al against abortions if required to save the mother's life or other such life-saving situations and situations where the choice of getting pregnant or not - to have intercourse or not - was beyond their control.

In most cases we are FOR the 'Morning After' Pill. Your response made me think of another stupid F*ING Liberal: My under-aged daughter was drugged and raped. At the hospital that night the nurse asked if my wife and I wanted to use the Morning After Pill, When we said yes, this dumb Bi-@tch replied, "That's awesome. Some of these stupid Conservatives refuse to do so and force their kids to have the baby." I lit into her @$$, explaining how I am a Conservative but am smart enough to know that within the 1st 12 hours after a rape no baby had begun to form! I then told her she should keep her political comments to herself, especially when I was standing in the hospital after my daughter had just been brought in after having been drugged and raped! Good, God!

Also, many Pro-Abortionists so rabidly defend it that they argue for the right to kill the child at ANY stage! Pro-Abortionists have fought to define a living human child capable of surviving outside the womb, having been fully delivered from the mother EXCEPT for the head remaining inside the mother a 'FETUS' just so they can STILL justify the murder of the BABY at this point...and call it 'Partial Birth Abortion'. THIS IS BARBAIC AND SICK, the kind of thing we might expect from Joseph Mengele but not here in America!

No, not all Pro-Life people think the same. I believe we, and most DESCENT human beings, believe there is a certain point after which no abortion should be performed. There is a point when the BABY has a heart beat, brain function, and can feel pain, when the baby can survive outside the womb...but that is not good enough for many Pro-Abortionists! As pointed out, as long as the baby's head remains inside the mother, at any stage of the pregnancy, they want to have the right to murder the child. HELL, Obama once argued that a mother should still have the right to murder a living, breathing baby on the medical table that had survived a failed abortion! WTF, DUDE?! THAT is ISIS-Like' barbaric shi-ite!

Finally...I don't give a rat's arse how many abortions 'you' have...have as many as you want....but PAY FOR THEM YOURSELF! IT'S ELECTIVE SURGERY in the majority of cases, not for 'life-saving reasons! Liberals love to tell Pro-Life people that our beliefs should not be imposed on them...then they impose THEIRS on us by FORCING us to pay for THEIR abortions! $crew that! You want 'em, YOU pay for 'em!

I'm pretty much with you on every point here, but I also consider the type of person willing to have an abortion out of convenience in the first place. Such a woman should be sterilized.

If you're so utterly devoid of morals that killing a baby, because "it's just not a good time for me" then you're a completely insane criminal sociopath. I don't want such people spreading their DNA in the world.

Now we're getting to the REAL CONSERVATIVE AGENDA.

Forced sterilization of women who are pro-choice.

that's a bit excessive, even for misogynist rightwingnut scum.

but the entire anti-choice hysteria, which is largely fought for by old white so-called Christian men IS all about punishing the harlots and shoving women back into the '50's. it goes along with thinking it's ok to pay women less, talk about how women working is the death of the family and thereby take away all of women's independence and decision-making power over both their bodies and finances...

then we can go back to the days where women were stuck in situations they couldn't get out of while some insecure piece of garbage tells her what she can and can't do.
now you tell me, preferably coherently, what's untrue with that statement??

A coherent answer from NYCrackhead on any subject?


You'll never get anything close to a coherent, rational or logical response from any bed wetter let alone that blithering idiot on much of anything. Least of all abortion, which is a sacrament to moonbats. You're better off trying to establish a permanent peace between muslims and (the rest of the world) the Jews.

Liberals don't believe in being responsible for their own actions. They should be able to suck and fuck whatever they want and if the get AIDS we should pay for their treatment, if they get pregnant we should pay for the murder or pay for the baby from cradle to grave.


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