Plans are being made for Taylor Swift's Biden endorsement.

No, I loved America as it used to be. I hate what you've made it become. I have divorced myself from it.

I await Bulldog telling us which orifice he pulled this out of, and why TS would put herself, her team, all her crew AND HER FANS at risk during the Eras tour by endorsing an empty shell like Biden...and I'm not even sure he will be the nominee at this point.

All we're doing now is discussing why I'm right. Of course those that hate America would vote for Trump. The man is a criminal, liar and disaster. If you hate America, you could do little worse than make him president.

It matches your nihilism perfectly.

Taylor doesn't seem to share your hateful world view. She seems to genuinely like it here. And has endorsed Biden before.
She's wrapping up her tour in December. The consequences for being 'cancelled' by conservatives were always remote and overstated. And with her tour nearly finished, even less plausible.

I don't know if she will or won't. I would be surprised though. She's done it before.

I'm not a fan of her politics, but I am a fan of her music, esp her later stuff. Anyway, if you know anything about her, it's that she is actually a compassionate and kind person. She donates generously, for example. She gave each of her truck drivers on tour a check for 100K, just as a bonus.

She IS NOT going to open her people up to crazies on the Right AND the Left who hate Biden WHILE THEY ARE ON TOUR. It is not just her safety. It is all the people around her, including her fans. She already dealt with the death of a fan in South America due to heat and no water. She does NOT want some kind of event at the Eras tour based on an endorsement for BIDEN of all people.
All we're doing now is discussing why I'm right. Of course those that hate America would vote for Trump. The man is a criminal, liar and disaster. If you hate America, you could do little worse than make him president.

It matches your nihilism perfectly.

Taylor doesn't seem to share your hateful world view. She seems to genuinely like it here. And has endorsed Biden before.

I laughed out loud at you thinking Taylor loves America. Okay, then. Clearly you know nothing about her.

This place man lol
So I guess the Alzheimer's patient will have the 15-year-old-bimbette vote locked up.

Welp sorry folks this thread exposes how old we are. We are an OLD BOARD.

TS is 34. She is a full on millennial. Most of her fans are too. The Eras Tour tickets are $$$$$. Does she have 15 yo fans? Yes. But her tour is so huge it changes local economies when it comes around.

Lots of yelling at clouds in this thread lol
I laughed out loud at you thinking Taylor loves America. Okay, then. Clearly you know nothing about her.

This place man lol
Of course you do. You can't conceive of anyone loving this country. Your worldview is truly nightmarish.

Your folly is in projecting your hateful nihilism onto everyone else. Your miserable perspective is not ours. Its not mine. Its certainly not Taylor's.

She's a gal living her very best life. And she's endorsed Biden before.
Of course you do. You can't conceive of anyone loving this country. Your worldview is truly nightmarish.

Your folly is in projecting your hateful nihilism onto everyone else. Your miserable perspective is not ours. Its not mine. Its certainly not Taylor's.

She's a gal living her very best life. And she's endorsed Biden before.

You think it's just me....Biden has destroyed so much. And this was two years ago.

  • 38% are "extremely" and 27% "very" proud to be Americans
  • Extreme pride at new lows for Republicans (58%), independents (34%)
  • Democrats' 26% extreme pride near record low

Now you may have the dramatic hyperbolic last word, as you always must. Here is a meme to get you started:

You think it's just me....Biden has destroyed so much. And this was two years ago.

  • 38% are "extremely" and 27% "very" proud to be Americans
  • Extreme pride at new lows for Republicans (58%), independents (34%)
  • Democrats' 26% extreme pride near record low

Now you may have the dramatic hyperbolic last word, as you always must. Here is a meme to get you started:

Extreme pride? You hate this country. Why do you think that the rest of us are inflicted with your hateful, miserable worldview?

Why do you think Taylor is? She's living her best possible life, is young, healthy, rich, pretty, famous, joyful.

She's not a Trump voter. She's a Biden voter.
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You think it's just me....Biden has destroyed so much.
YES, it's just the CULT.

How has biden destroyed 'anything about me'

C'mon, tell me how you know I have suffered under biden.
And how trump will make it MAGA.

I'm listening.
What exactly has biden destroyed?
important? that's your term for it not just seems to be so at odds with your screen personality that it begs the question...ok, your turn.
I'm sorry if you don't approve of my screen name. I went for a long time as YellowDogDemocrat.
In our indigenous motherlands The 16 year old vote didnt work out to well for the leftards and watermelons .
I can't figure out why



The entire Western world is a complete disaster
It is possible that between now and the time spoken of, neither present "candidate" will be. Hope springs eternal.
Can't divulge where I heard this, but it was from someone who is intimately involved in her scheduling.
Taylor Swift is a Biden supporter, but she is also a very busy woman. Right now, she is concentrating on her record-breaking worldwide tour. That's why she is taking the entire month of September off to rest and take care of non-concert issues. Things are just in the planning stages right now and nothing is chiseled in stone yet, but they are talking about her making her endorsement at her last concert before the break, and then appearing at one or two Biden rallies during the month. There is even talk about her writing a song for Biden, or perhaps changing some of the words of one of her existing songs to sing his praises. It's all just in the planning stages right now, so don't expect any kind of public announcement until it happens, but this will organize her Swifties into a formidable voting block what will have an unexpected effect on vote totals. Before long, I might become a swifty too.

She didn't do this for him in 2020. She is certainly not going to do this for him NOW, when he's kryptonite. Ha
Can't divulge where I heard this, but it was from someone who is intimately involved in her scheduling.
Taylor Swift is a Biden supporter, but she is also a very busy woman. Right now, she is concentrating on her record-breaking worldwide tour. That's why she is taking the entire month of September off to rest and take care of non-concert issues. Things are just in the planning stages right now and nothing is chiseled in stone yet, but they are talking about her making her endorsement at her last concert before the break, and then appearing at one or two Biden rallies during the month. There is even talk about her writing a song for Biden, or perhaps changing some of the words of one of her existing songs to sing his praises. It's all just in the planning stages right now, so don't expect any kind of public announcement until it happens, but this will organize her Swifties into a formidable voting block what will have an unexpected effect on vote totals. Before long, I might become a swifty too.

No source material. No links.

Doesn't this need a link?

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