Plans by anti-Obama Super Pack leaked

First, the Swift boat veterans didnt lie.

Second, Swift boating is telling the truth. That's not a bad thing.

Third, Obama's connections to Wright should be looked at. The media ignored them for the post part in 2008.
Barack Husseins 20 Year relationship with a piece of sh-t like Rev Wright should not be part of the political process..........

Imagine it never
According to a copy of the plan obtained by the New York Times, the group wants to expose the ties between President Obama--who is referred to as a "metrosexual, black Abe Lincoln"--and Wright's "black liberation theology."

“Expose”? More like ‘re-expose.’

And yes, like this worked so well in 2008.
The Chicago Cubs owner, billionaire Joe Ricketts, commissioned the $10 million plan,
Thank God we live in a country where one person has the freedom to spend $10M to influence an election.

Viva America!
According to a copy of the plan obtained by the New York Times, the group wants to expose the ties between President Obama--who is referred to as a "metrosexual, black Abe Lincoln"--and Wright's "black liberation theology."

“Expose”? More like ‘re-expose.’

And yes, like this worked so well in 2008.

Well, John McCain had the good sense to avoid this "Tar-Baby"* in 2008. Romney, not so much.

(*-anyone offended by my use of the word Tar-Baby should recall Romney used this term not realizing it's racial connotations, but just the classic literary ones.)

John Saletin at Slate had a good take on this whole issue. This is not what Romney wants to be talking about, but a large part of his zombie campaign is animated by just this sort of hate for Obama. There are people out there who really think this is a good issue to bring up. They want it brought up.

In 2008, it might have been more effective, because we didn't know so much about Obama.

Now we do. Sorry, he's nowhere even close to the map to Wright (who is a Charaltan and a Demagouge). So I'm just not sure of what the point of even bringing this up now is, other than to throw more red meat to the base.
America hates re-runs on TV, they need to make up some new, fresh bullshit. Has It gotten to the point that republicans cannot invent new wedge issues?
SHOCKING! An anti-Obama group has plans to do stuff in an attempt to prevent him from being re-elected!

I'm shocked I tell you!
SHOCKING! An anti-Obama group has plans to do stuff in an attempt to prevent him from being re-elected!

I'm shocked I tell you!

I heard there are NO Anti-Republican Super Pacs!

Why would anyone care? Obama is going to raise a billion!

It's politics, each side is going to do their best to see that their guy is going to be elected!

Why are Democrats crying over this?
SHOCKING! An anti-Obama group has plans to do stuff in an attempt to prevent him from being re-elected!

I'm shocked I tell you!

I heard there are NO Anti-Republican Super Pacs!

Why would anyone care? Obama is going to raise a billion!

It's politics, each side is going to do their best to see that their guy is going to be elected!

Why are Democrats crying over this?

Oh, I don't know, maybe because it appeals to racists?

The very fact Romney tried to shut this down shows how toxic this was.
First, the Swift boat veterans didnt lie.

Second, Swift boating is telling the truth. That's not a bad thing.

Third, Obama's connections to Wright should be looked at. The media ignored them for the post part in 2008.

Now you pull up one of your Republican rags that say they were telling the truth. These are the facts:

Swift Vets and POWs for Truth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Truth of allegations
Early in the advertising campaign, Time magazine surveyed public credence in the SBVT advertisements among those who viewed them. The poll, conducted August 24 through 26, showed that about one-third of viewers believed there was at least "some truth" to the allegations. Among swing voters, about one-fourth felt there was any truth to the ads.[59]
More recently, an early member of the group, Steve Hayes, stated that he came to believe that the group was twisting Kerry's record, and broke with the group and voted for Kerry. Hayes told the New York Times:

The mantra was just 'We want to set the record straight,' Mr. Hayes said this month. It became clear to me that it was morphing from an organization to set the record straight into a highly political vendetta. They knew it was not the truth.

Hayes also told the New York Times that he provided a long interview to Kerry's supporters, backing their version of the incident for which Kerry received the Bronze Star.[60]

A major part of the SBVT controversy centered on the group's testimony. The SBVT statements were accompanied by sworn affidavits. One affiant, Al French, acknowledged he had no firsthand knowledge of the events he had sworn to.[61]

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