Playing God: Scientists attempt to produce human life after embryo breakthrough


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Artificial human life could soon be grown from scratch in the lab, after scientists successfully created a mammal embryo using only stem cells. Cambridge University mixed two kinds of mouse stem cells and placed them on a 3D scaffold. After four days of growth in a tank of chemicals designed to mimic conditions inside the womb, the cells formed the structure of a living mouse embryo.

PLAYING GOD: Scientists Attempt to Produce 'Human life' after embryo breakthrough...

This is going to bring dangers humans never thought possible and some uncap able of even understanding the human to human connection that starts within the womb of a mother and child. It can never be described but there are a number of mothers who have that connected sense of being with their child even long after it has grown up and moved away. It is almost like a sixth sense , it's an instinct, it's a connect that identifies us as humans.

This is going to be dangerous in the manner of the Government will take these babies over, they will have no rights , I have no doubt they will grow them in labs and use them as rats. What humans won't volunteer for these ones' will.

Those sci fi movies of babies , and or kids being born just like this, is already a reality By the time information reaches the public they've already been doing it for years.

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