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Please, A Little Honesty about Illegal Immigration


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
"The administration has also said it will focus its enforcement only on those who have committed crimes — with the implicit understanding that it is no longer a crime to illegally enter and reside in the United States."

Please, A Little Honesty about Illegal Immigration - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online



All illegal aliens are criminals. Call it anything you wish to call it but they committed a criminal act by entering the US unlawfully. Our government doesn't seem to care. If they truly cared about illegal aliens being in this country, they would deport them all. The reason nothing is being done? Simple. All illegal aliens are potential Democratic voters because it's the Democrats who coddle them the most.
When we pass Schumer/Graham and get a true work/SS card and enforcement on EMPLOYERS, we'll have a solution. Useless unconstitutional/harassment laws and and fence are just Pub distractions from the fact they actually love illegal cheap labor. ENFORCE ILLEGAL LABOR LAWS.
It's no wonder that the author has to plead for a little honesty, since he yet lacks it.

The crux of his argument is that the Obama administration plans to focus its deportation efforts on illegal immigrants who have committed crimes, which suggests that the Obama administration does not consider illegal immigration itself a crime. It's difficult to say, since he does not cite any particular statement, but he seems to be referring to this administration policy: Obama Administration Curtails Deportations of Non-Criminal Immigrants - ABC News. In it, the focus is given as being on persons convicted of crimes. Regardless of whether crossing the border illegally is a crime, it is certainly not a conviction.

Regardless of the author's specious logic, the administration does take the position that being in the country illegally is a civil matter. This is both black letter law and widely acknowledged by less liberal members of the body politic (Christie clarifies: 'Illegal' immigrants are in civil violation | NJ.com). If ICE detains an undocumented immigrant they would have to prove that he or she crossed the border illegally (generally a practical impossibility) even to charge him or her with a misdemeanor.
Honesty? Here's the plan...


What a Joke, The have a whole country south of us and they have run the fucker into the Ground, In fact most of the Mexican Americans I personally know would not want to see Mexico "take back" the west. Why would they, The Fled Mexico for a reason.

On a side not, I get really pissed when people talk like we "stole" Texas from Mexico. You can make that argument about the Rest of the American South West all you want, but not Texas. Texas fought a war of Independence from an Oppressive Regime and won. It then willing gave up that Independence to join this Union. So if Texas needs to go back to Mexico, then the Entire US needs to be returned to England and the Other European Powers who once controlled it. As we did exactly what Texas did.
It's no wonder that the author has to plead for a little honesty, since he yet lacks it.

The crux of his argument is that the Obama administration plans to focus its deportation efforts on illegal immigrants who have committed crimes, which suggests that the Obama administration does not consider illegal immigration itself a crime. It's difficult to say, since he does not cite any particular statement, but he seems to be referring to this administration policy: Obama Administration Curtails Deportations of Non-Criminal Immigrants - ABC News. In it, the focus is given as being on persons convicted of crimes. Regardless of whether crossing the border illegally is a crime, it is certainly not a conviction.

Regardless of the author's specious logic, the administration does take the position that being in the country illegally is a civil matter. This is both black letter law and widely acknowledged by less liberal members of the body politic (Christie clarifies: 'Illegal' immigrants are in civil violation | NJ.com). If ICE detains an undocumented immigrant they would have to prove that he or she crossed the border illegally (generally a practical impossibility) even to charge him or her with a misdemeanor.

As noted in the cited article:

"Illegal presence" as the offense is called, is not a violation of the U.S. criminal code. A person cannot be sent to prison for being here without authorization from immigration authorities. It is, however, a violation of civil immigration laws, for which the federal government can impose civil penalties, namely deportation.

People obtain legal visas to enter the U.S. for work, study or tourism and then simply remain in the country after the visa expires. Of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States, studies show about 40 percent to 50 percent came here legally but are now illegal immigrants.

That’s a lot of honesty, facts, and truth about illegal immigration.

…with the implicit understanding that it is no longer a crime to illegally enter and reside in the United States."

The ‘understanding,’ implicit or otherwise, is consequently wrong.
Single issue posters on discussion boards are boring, got anything else other than stirring up resentment against Mexicans?
Single issue posters on discussion boards are boring, got anything else other than stirring up resentment against Mexicans?

How can you NOT resent 30 million illegal squatters using resources they don't pay for?

By realizing many are not "squatting", they're working their asses off and remembering how important they are to our economy and what happened in Georgia.

And thanks to HB 87, a copycat law of Arizona’s infamous
SB 1070, millions of pounds of watermelons were left to rot in the fields this summer—along with peaches, blackberries and cucumbers—as many of the most dependable and experienced farmworkers steered clear of Georgia and headed north for friendlier states, prompting an epic farm labor shortage in Georgia and desperate howls from its planters.

The result: an estimated $300 million in lost crops, with potential losses of
$1 billion for the season for the state’s agricultural sector.

The High Cost of Anti-Immigrant Laws | The Nation
Single issue posters on discussion boards are boring, got anything else other than stirring up resentment against Mexicans?

How can you NOT resent 30 million illegal squatters using resources they don't pay for?

I don't resent anyone for moving to a place where their family is safer and more prosperous. You see them as a faceless mob with nefarious goals, I see them as smart people doing what smart people do, escape assured grinding poverty for somewhat less poverty. I can't hold it against anyone for wanting to make sure their families are fed.
I see them as smart people doing what smart people do, escape assured grinding poverty for somewhat less poverty. I can't hold it against anyone for wanting to make sure their families are fed.

Illegal immigrants are better conservatives than conservatives.
I'll address all 3 of you in one post...

By realizing many are not "squatting", they're working their asses off and remembering how important they are to our economy and what happened in Georgia.

And thanks to HB 87, a copycat law of Arizona’s infamous
SB 1070, millions of pounds of watermelons were left to rot in the fields this summer—along with peaches, blackberries and cucumbers—as many of the most dependable and experienced farmworkers steered clear of Georgia and headed north for friendlier states, prompting an epic farm labor shortage in Georgia and desperate howls from its planters.
The result: an estimated $300 million in lost crops, with potential losses of
$1 billion for the season for the state’s agricultural sector.
The High Cost of Anti-Immigrant Laws | The Nation

Labor costs in agriculture are about 10% of total cost. If agribusiness paid a decent wage, Americans could get the job done without a problem, but they'd rather have compliant slaves on the plantation, living in fear and grovelling for whatever they can scrounge from the crumbs of Massa's table. I can't say as I'm surprised you support modern day slavery.

I don't resent anyone for moving to a place where their family is safer and more prosperous. You see them as a faceless mob with nefarious goals, I see them as smart people doing what smart people do, escape assured grinding poverty for somewhat less poverty. I can't hold it against anyone for wanting to make sure their families are fed.
No, I see them as self-centered, greedy leeches who haven't got enough respect for this country to follow our immigration laws. We take in more LEGAL immigrants every year than the rest of the world COMBINED. There are people out there that have been waiting their turn to come here legally for YEARS, and somehow I'm supposed to respect a fucking line-jumping jackass who won't follow the rules? What kind of message does that send to the millions of OTHERS who have done it and are doing it THE RIGHT WAY? And spare me the grinding poverty schtick, nobody's starving to death in Mexico, their obesity problem is as bad as ours.

Illegal immigrants are better conservatives than conservatives.
Hispanic Americans that have immigrated LEGALLY are the best conservatives, and the VAST majority of them DO NOT support illegal immigration. The millions that got their citizenship from Amnesty are the ones that want to give amnesty AGAIN to their illegal familia. Illegal immigrants are here for the bennies, they see us as fucking idiots who give away the store, and since we're giving it, they're taking it. I've spent 20 years working with illegals in the construction trades, sat around drinking beer with them and talking about what brings them here. I KNOW what the draw is, while you fools haven't got a CLUE!

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