Please, Does Everyone Understand That "New Cases" Daily Panic Porn is Not "New Deaths?"


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Please restore my faith in American common sense. You do know announcing new cases for COVID every day for a 99.8% survival rate disease is like announcing how many people caught the flu? And that as new cases are rising, the death rate is going down?

160,000 people dead? Only if you believe hospitals who get paid 30K every time a death gets marked down as COVID. And a media which tells you HCQ is dangerous, or that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself? Are we really this stupid? Please please help me!




Please restore my faith in American common sense. You do know announcing new cases for COVID every day for a 99.8% survival rate disease is like announcing how many people caught the flu? And that as new cases are rising, the death rate is going down?

160,000 people dead? Only if you believe hospitals who get paid 30K every time a death gets marked down as COVID. And a media which tells you HCQ is dangerous, or that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself? Are we really this stupid? Please please help me!

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When they announce new cases, they are playing to the dumbed down headline readers who put no thought into what their government and media spoon feed them.
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Everyone with a brain understands this....But the panic porn media isn't talking to them.
When they announce new cases, they are playing the dumbed downed, headline readers who put no thought into what their government and media spoon feed them.

Exactly. They're counting on the lazy, gullible TV-watching types who are easily manipulated.

They just see a large number, and scary fear-porn maps, and that's enough to remain in continual fear, which is precisely what the PTSB want.

Never mind the fact that the testing itself is a joke, but even if it wasn't, the overwhelming majority don't die from it, in the same way that most people don't die from the flu. But ooooooh, we gotta keep putting out those scary big numbers of "cases" which will mislead a good chunk of fools into thinking that those are deaths, as opposed to just people allegedly having COVID1984.
Please restore my faith in American common sense. You do know announcing new cases for COVID every day for a 99.8% survival rate disease is like announcing how many people caught the flu? And that as new cases are rising, the death rate is going down?

160,000 people dead? Only if you believe hospitals who get paid 30K every time a death gets marked down as COVID. And a media which tells you HCQ is dangerous, or that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself? Are we really this stupid? Please please help me!

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Really? Do you not understand that the democrat party has an election to steal in November and part of that plan is to get Americans to destroy their own economic future by allowing democrat party governors and mayors to crush their state economies and to scare everyone else into keeping their kids home from school?
Feeling better already. Next question, is there any point engaging sheeple whose eyes open wide in fear when they see you outside 20 feet away and nowhere near them, but not wearing a mask? I mean that type? Seems to me they are going to take Bill Gate's hot shot and die a horrible death when the mutated wild virus hits next year, accomplishing his depopulation agenda. I feel bad but is there any helping some people? Or is it best to harden your heart now and unite with your own, people who still have a brain which hasn't been hijacked by irrational fear?
What percentage of "new cases" are essentially the sniffles and a cough? I'm thinking it's at least 99%.

My brother, his wife, and their two 20 year old kids, my nephew and niece had the Chinese brother had an elevated temp, at night, for about 10 days, my nephew had cold like symptoms, my niece lost taste and smell..........after 10 days they are all fine, and back to work.........
What percentage of "new cases" are essentially the sniffles and a cough? I'm thinking it's at least 99%.

A lot of them aren't even that. People are losing their minds they are lining up voluntarily or at the requests of their employers for testing even though they aren't sick at all. And a number of them are coming back positive. Like Ohio Gov. DeWine, who was retested negative.
What percentage of "new cases" are essentially the sniffles and a cough? I'm thinking it's at least 99%.

Except for U.S. towns bordering Mexico.
Those jumpin' beans are crossing the border sick as dawgs cause Mexico has next to no healthcare!

I don't think that's true. Mexico attracts a lot of medical tourism from America, for those seeking advanced care at discount prices.
Feeling better already. Next question, is there any point engaging sheeple whose eyes open wide in fear when they see you outside 20 feet away and nowhere near them, but not wearing a mask? I mean that type? Seems to me they are going to take Bill Gate's hot shot and die a horrible death when the mutated wild virus hits next year, accomplishing his depopulation agenda. I feel bad but is there any helping some people? Or is it best to harden your heart now and unite with your own, people who still have a brain which hasn't been hijacked by irrational fear?

Good question. The Dollar Vigilante (Jeff Berwick) talked about that in one of his videos recently. This will probably sound terrible, but he said that if people are that stupid, to believe proven liars and to trade their liberty for a fake security, then let them experience the consequences of their foolishness. He said, "I'm all for those people taking the vaccine." lol

But in all seriousness, I still try to get people to wake up. People ARE waking up all over the world, en masse. But eventually we'll get to the point where some people are hopelessly blind, and no matter what they will continue to believe lies. The bible prophesied that, those are the same people who will take the mark of the beast.
What percentage of "new cases" are essentially the sniffles and a cough? I'm thinking it's at least 99%.

A lot of them aren't even that. People are losing their minds they are lining up voluntarily or at the requests of their employers for testing even though they aren't sick at all. And a number of them are coming back positive. Like Ohio Gov. DeWine, who was retested negative.

Dimm's love all the false positives!
Perhaps the biggest mistake republicans will ever make is refusing to mourn for the dead and acting as if none of those people mattered.
What percentage of "new cases" are essentially the sniffles and a cough? I'm thinking it's at least 99%.

Except for U.S. towns bordering Mexico.
Those jumpin' beans are crossing the border sick as dawgs cause Mexico has next to no healthcare!

I don't think that's true. Mexico attracts a lot of medical tourism from America, for those seeking advanced care at discount prices.

I don't think that you are familiar with our So. Border.
I don't understand the clamor for getting kids back is school- that's where they're taught to be sheeple folks.

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