please dont harm victims

what is really interesting is how many times I have been thanked in how many posts.

really makes it hard to believe that those red splats as you call them were not given to me by someone with access to my account huh?

why not try relying on words instead of just evil comtempt for anyone who doesnt agree with your preconcieved notions.

everyone know the mods in the past here have attacked me relentlessly.

everyone knows it was what is called cheating.

and here you are praising that bad behavior just like you defended a guy who murdered a boy and quite possibly molested a younger child.

gee your really great people
Its fixed but no one knows how it happened .

I hope it never happens to me again.

I always have such bad luck, it seems to always be happening to me.

I never win at gambling either .

just shitty luck I guess
what is really interesting is how many times I have been thanked in how many posts.
really makes it hard to believe that those red splats as you call them were not given to me by someone with access to my account huh?
why not try relying on words instead of just evil comtempt for anyone who doesnt agree with your preconcieved notions.
everyone know the mods in the past here have attacked me relentlessly.
everyone knows it was what is called cheating.
and here you are praising that bad behavior just like you defended a guy who murdered a boy and quite possibly molested a younger child.
gee your really great people

So your posts get thanked. Oh-wow-oh-wow-oh-whoop-de-doo. What an accomplishment when there is no limit on how often or how many times someone can thank posts. And i wouldn't consider being thanked by hyper-partisan idiots like rdean, duddly nuttrite, black_loonie, et al, something to crow about.

The reason you got the red splats was being negged by posters for your continual habit of making one sided posts and refusing to even consider other points of view. Also for your ongoing stupidity of accusing other posters of "lying" when they ask questions of you based on your posts. And your refusal to answer said questions. And for starting a second thread on the same subject when your first thread goes south.

As for your accusations against the powers that be about manipulating your account, you have been told on several occasions by admin that this is not happening. So knock it off with telling that particular lie. The one mod who messed with you by changing thread titles is gone. Deal with it.
One last word on this one.

Please people there are things that dont need to be polticized and one of them is the victimization of children.

Please dont deny victims off the cuff because you like their possible prepitraitor.

It is very sick and its what happened in the Penn state thing.

everyone arround pretended it couldnt be true and many more kids were harmed.
Its fixed but no one knows how it happened .

I hope it never happens to me again.

I always have such bad luck, it seems to always be happening to me.

I never win at gambling either .

just shitty luck I guess

Ever think that maybe you are just dumb as a box of cocks ?
is that slang for having people hate me soooo much for my poltical postions and giving them brain siesures because the facts are soooo not in their corner that their morals crumble in a heap and they do ANYTHING to stop the flow of facts?
please stop being so morally bankrupt that you defend a guy who murdered a child and is accused by his own younger female relative of molesting her as a child.

if you cant do it out of moral constraints can you at least realise that is harms your party.

I know you place party over EVERYTHING
please stop being so morally bankrupt that you defend a guy who murdered a child and is accused by his own younger female relative of molesting her as a child.

if you cant do it out of moral constraints can you at least realise that is harms your party.

I know you place party over EVERYTHING

Innocent til Proven Guilty
is that slang for having people hate me soooo much for my poltical postions and giving them brain siesures because the facts are soooo not in their corner that their morals crumble in a heap and they do ANYTHING to stop the flow of facts?

I don't know what "poltical postions" or "siesures" are, so I can't answer your post to your satisfaction until you provide the dictionary definitions for them.

Please provide me with these cold hard facts.

please stop being so morally bankrupt that you defend a guy who murdered a child and is accused by his own younger female relative of molesting her as a child.
if you cant do it out of moral constraints can you at least realise that is harms your party.
I know you place party over EVERYTHING

Please provide cold hard facts proving a 17 year old is a child, and not a young adult.

please stop being so morally bankrupt that you defend a guy who murdered a child and is accused by his own younger female relative of molesting her as a child.

if you cant do it out of moral constraints can you at least realise that is harms your party.

I know you place party over EVERYTHING

Innocent til Proven Guilty

but the victim is innocent too right?

Is it proper to TRASH a young woman who is standing in court crying while she recounts one of the most horrible thing that has ever happened to her to strangers?

Do you realise why penn state let a guy molest new victims becuase they refused to believe anyone who told their story?

It further harms a vitim when the people they trust to tell call them liars for no reason other than they dont like the implications of the truth.
please stop being so morally bankrupt that you defend a guy who murdered a child and is accused by his own younger female relative of molesting her as a child.
if you cant do it out of moral constraints can you at least realise that is harms your party.
I know you place party over EVERYTHING

Please provide cold hard facts proving a 17 year old is a child, and not a young adult.


brain studies
please stop being so morally bankrupt that you defend a guy who murdered a child and is accused by his own younger female relative of molesting her as a child.
if you cant do it out of moral constraints can you at least realise that is harms your party.
I know you place party over EVERYTHING

Please provide cold hard facts proving a 17 year old is a child, and not a young adult.


brain studies

What's so magical about the brain that a person is a "child" when they're 17, yet instantly become an adult on their 18th birthday?
I have a different problem that occurs from time to time

Sometimes I have to log back into my acct. while posting.

But I doubt my problem is the same as TM's

I might be able to help with that.

If you don't check the "remember me" box when you sign in, after a preset term of inaction (like being on the same screen for awhile while typing/researching facts for a post) the system will automatically log you out.

I never check the "remember me" box, so before I click the "submit" button on a lengthy post, I right-click-copy the contents of the post...that way I'm sure not to lose it if I have been auto-logged-out.
brain studies

What's so magical about the brain that a person is a "child" when they're 17, yet instantly become an adult on their 18th birthday?

trayvon was not an adult.

pretending he was is just more lies to justify the murder of a child

I would tell you when a person transitions from being a child to being a young adult, but you would either ignore it, or call me a liar.

But I guarantee you, Trayvon Martin was NOT a child.
please stop being so morally bankrupt that you defend a guy who murdered a child and is accused by his own younger female relative of molesting her as a child.

if you cant do it out of moral constraints can you at least realise that is harms your party.

I know you place party over EVERYTHING

Innocent til Proven Guilty

but the victim is innocent too right?

Is it proper to TRASH a young woman who is standing in court crying while she recounts one of the most horrible thing that has ever happened to her to strangers?

Do you realise why penn state let a guy molest new victims becuase they refused to believe anyone who told their story?

It further harms a vitim when the people they trust to tell call them liars for no reason other than they dont like the implications of the truth.

You can't be a victim until it's been determined that a crime has been committed against you.

Learn the word "allegedly"

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