Please explain this phrase

I took it to mean as a result of Adam's sin, all men are now sinners.

Why not ask that poster?
If Adam's guilty of a sin it's simply listening to his wife. And this fact is why most dismiss the entire story because it's trying from the beginning to lay it all off onto women.
Inserting a savior into the Genesis narrative is bound to leave people confused. That's unsuccessfully mixing two mutually exclusive religions together. Adam and saviour don't belong in the same sentence. They're two different religions separated by over a thousand years. And the one with Adam while it has a saviour notion doesn't say we can't be forgiven for sins without it.
The phrase is ripped off from the Talmud and predates Christianity by at least 1,000 years.
I can't remember off hand which tractate it's paraphrased from.
The gist is that Adam underwent three phases of creation, the first of which was a complete non-reproducable being with free will.
That particular phase of creation contained all the potential for what eventually failed and all subsequent humans are actually the potential of what Adam could have been.
No Sin or blaming it on the woman bullshit.
By the way, God didn't blame it on Eve, Adam passed the buck to the ONLY other sentient being in existence; ironic, since Eve's essence was actually Adam's.
Do you believe in evil? - Page 5 - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yes, we are all born in Adam. Therefore, we need a Savior to redeem us. That Savior is Jesus Christ.

My question concerns the part that states, "we are all born in Adam".

Without preaching please.



full blown christian whack; women were the downfall of men and we inherit the sins of our fathers so none of us are going to heaven unless we accept jesus.

no so whacko; we are all a bunch of dicks, all meaning all, and the only way to heaven is jesus, not perfection, but doing the best you can and being truly sorry for your short falls since we are all sons of Adam (human)
Do you believe in evil? - Page 5 - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yes, we are all born in Adam. Therefore, we need a Savior to redeem us. That Savior is Jesus Christ.

My question concerns the part that states, "we are all born in Adam".

Without preaching please.


It's a reference to the myth of original sin, carnal lust and desire - in essence the fear of sex.

you might want to read a bible or attend some classes, cuz that's non-sense.
Adam fell and became an imperfect mortal. Because we are his offspring, we are also in a Fallen state. There are two problems that we have in becoming like God because of our Fallen state. We will die physically and we will sin.

We cannot overcome death or sin on our own. It's not within our power. How can corruption put off corruption and put on incorruption? it can't.

That is why we need a Savior. Because without an intermediary, we cannot overcome those two obstacles.

And as much as you don't like preaching, there is no way to explain it without preaching.
Do you believe in evil? - Page 5 - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yes, we are all born in Adam. Therefore, we need a Savior to redeem us. That Savior is Jesus Christ.

My question concerns the part that states, "we are all born in Adam".

Without preaching please.


It's a reference to the myth of original sin, carnal lust and desire - in essence the fear of sex.

That's how I understood it too - as well as fear of women.

I added the @mention in case the poster wants to clarify.
Adam fell and became an imperfect mortal. Because we are his offspring, we are also in a Fallen state. There are two problems that we have in becoming like God because of our Fallen state. We will die physically and we will sin.

We cannot overcome death or sin on our own. It's not within our power. How can corruption put off corruption and put on incorruption? it can't.

That is why we need a Savior. Because without an intermediary, we cannot overcome those two obstacles.

And as much as you don't like preaching, there is no way to explain it without preaching.

But, according to the christian bible, we are not his offspring.

His daddy had a tantrum, wiped out every human and then got an old drunk to gather up two of everything and incestuously repopulate the planet. That would mean we're all the offspring of Noah.

Or do I misunderstand the fable of Noah and his reeely big boat?
Adam fell and became an imperfect mortal. Because we are his offspring, we are also in a Fallen state. There are two problems that we have in becoming like God because of our Fallen state. We will die physically and we will sin.

We cannot overcome death or sin on our own. It's not within our power. How can corruption put off corruption and put on incorruption? it can't.

That is why we need a Savior. Because without an intermediary, we cannot overcome those two obstacles.

And as much as you don't like preaching, there is no way to explain it without preaching.

But, according to the christian bible, we are not his offspring.

His daddy had a tantrum, wiped out every human and then got an old drunk to gather up two of everything and incestuously repopulate the planet. That would mean we're all the offspring of Noah.

Or do I misunderstand the fable of Noah and his reeely big boat?

Noah was a descendant of Adam, and thus we are still the offspring of Adam.
Geeze Lud. Noah was not a drunk. God wiped out no humans. The only humans left were put on a boat. The rest were nephilim. What incest are you referring to? Every man on the boat had a wife of his own. And God was on that boat with them all. God didn't tell Noah to "go in", He told Noah to "come in."

Eve was deceived by Satan. Adam was deceived by no one. He chose to eat the fruit and suffer the same consequences because He loved Eve that much. God forgave them immediately and covered their sin, so He could remain close to them.

Sin is a blood issue that is handed down through generations. Adam and Eve brought it into the world. It is why no one can work their way into Heaven. We have zero ability to remove the infected blood and replace it with unadulterated blood.
Only one perfect being could accomplish that. With His own pure, sin free blood, Christ removed the original sin from every human being that has ever lived, so that we could remain close to Him.

Romans: 5-17 For if by one man's offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.

Christ's righteousness is His gift to us. What He said was , "Here, use my record instead of yours." We are able to receive an abundance of unmerited favor because of His plan to put us under His perfect merited obedience.

Roman 5:18-19 Therefore as by the offense of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
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