Please explain why AGW is an existential threat


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
In December it was 7F, today, 7 months later it is 87F.

The central thesis of AGW is that American CO2 is causing a cataclysmic 1F rise in 150 years

Please explain how we survived 7 to 87 in 7 months, but would not survive 8 to 88

Thank you
The step forward for denialists is in the fact that they are now asking to learn.

I would suggest that believers don't get taken in with disingenuous attempts to learn, when it's obviously an attempt to deny by spamming the board.
Nothing is going to change in the 30 or so years I have left on Earth. Definitely nothing that will negatively affect me here in Central/Western Massachusetts.
Great non-answer!

Thank you!!

You get a Participation Trophy
That's my point, to help to encourage participation, but only when denialist's question are genuinely asking for an answer. You're not there yet, but you've put a foot in the door.

I'll dodge the disingenuous attempt by suggesting that you pay attention to the news that shows all the cars and houses floating down the river.

And you might want to call up the insurance company before they get their bags packed?
Nothing is going to change in the 30 or so years I have left on Earth. Definitely nothing that will negatively affect me here in Central/Western Massachusetts.
Participation with the denial!

Not just more denial through ignoring.
In December it was 7F, today, 7 months later it is 87F.

The central thesis of AGW is that American CO2 is causing a cataclysmic 1F rise in 150 years

Please explain how we survived 7 to 87 in 7 months, but would not survive 8 to 88

Thank you
It doesn't matter now. It's too late.
That's my point, to help to encourage participation, but only when denialist's question are genuinely asking for an answer. You're not there yet, but you've put a foot in the door.

I'll dodge the disingenuous attempt by suggesting that you pay attention to the news that shows all the cars and houses floating down the river.

And you might want to call up the insurance company before they get their bags packed?
It’s a real common sense question. Oh, I see how that tripped you up
I AM the only person on Earth who matter to ME.
Which is exactly why your opinion doesn't matter to anyone else.

In December it was 7F, today, 7 months later it is 87F.

The central thesis of AGW is that American CO2 is causing a cataclysmic 1F rise in 150 years

Please explain how we survived 7 to 87 in 7 months, but would not survive 8 to 88

Thank you

You can obviously read. Why don't you educate yourself about the difference between weather and climate?
Aside from the false "thesis" you claim as a strawman, your 7 mo. temperature dilemma reveals an even more simple-minded understanding of the world-wide climate crisis.

Hellbilly is right. You have no interest in understanding the problem.
People only learn when they want to.
I am the only person who I am responsible for. The rest of you are responsible for yourselves, not for me.

I don’t believe that’s such a difficult concept to understand and embrace. We’d all be far better off if we did just that.,
Bullshit. And childishly self-centered.
You are who and where you are almost entirely because of the efforts of others.
If you've made anything of yourself it was largely, if not entirely due to those who came before.
You're the benefit of the social contract society has created.
Bullshit. And childishly self-centered.
You are who and where you are almost entirely because of the efforts of others.
If you've made anything of yourself it was largely, if not entirely due to those who came before.
You're the benefit of the social contract society has created.
Consider: An existential threat is one that threatens the very existence of mankind; we are at least talking about the potential to undermine the very viability of human civilization here. I don't know about you, but I find that to be ridiculous. Tell me, which major coastal city is underwater yet or about to be? The anthropocene started around 1950 according to some, so where is the devastation from the last 70 years of AGW? Where's the proof that the current heat wave in this country or climate disasters elsewhere are attributable to AGW? Could it be a factor? Yeah, maybe. But how much of a factor? Nobody really knows.

Anthropogenic global warming could be a serious problem and its impacts could be substantial—but in no way does it seriously threaten our species or human civilization. And with reasonable mitigation and adaptation, mankind will continue to move forward—reducing poverty, living healthier lives, and stabilizing our population. To claim orherwise is a lie, perpetrated by those with something to gain from our fear. It's one thing to say we might have a problem here, but it's another to say we're all gonna die of we don't spend trillions of dollars to fight AGW.


If the animals in the wild haven't eaten you, it's pretty clear why YOU are still alive.

so·cial con·tract

  1. an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, for example by sacrificing some individual freedom for state protection. Theories of a social contract became popular in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries among theorists such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, as a means of explaining the origin of government and the obligations of subjects.

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