Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

Demand creates jobs. The demands of the public for goods and services.

Oh my couldn't be that stupid.

And what exactly do you think entrepreneurs are responding to? Follow closely now...If someone doesn't build a business to supply that demand, products don't magically appear. Someone has to risk capital to start the business...which includes well as the enriching of scores of advisers, lawyers, accountants, not to mention governmental regulatory agencies.

To say demand creates jobs and not entrepreneurs is blatantly ridiculous. It is akin to saying Oxygen creates jobs because without Oxygen, there would be no customers.

Grow up.

OMG, give it a rest.

You do not create jobs. You do not magically grant people jobs because you are "the job creators".

Demand creates jobs.

We have insufficient demand at this time.

The idea that we must kowtow to the richest one percent or they will Go Galt is a fantasy.

Guess what creates more demand in the big picture? More jobs. Guess what I'm doing, even in this economy? Creating jobs, increasing wealth for me, my stockholders, my advisers, my employees and my customers that save money with the products and services I'm supplying more efficiently than my competitors. I however am the exception as most business are down right now, obviously. What we do to turn that around is another subject altogether, and one I'm sure you'll look to government to solve...further cementing your delusional ideas as to what makes an economy work.

There was demand for cell phones and computers before Steve Jobs created the company that employed the people necessary to create even demand for his products.

Now if we could only get the government to supply Oxygen...
Yeah.........most of the "job creators" have actually shipped a lot of 'em over to China and India.

Matter of fact, it's happening to a hospital here in Amarillo. The tech support is now over in India.

Hmmm.... so you are admitting that Consumer Demand Here, doesn't create Jobs here. Baby Steps. ;)
Oh my couldn't be that stupid.

And what exactly do you think entrepreneurs are responding to? Follow closely now...If someone doesn't build a business to supply that demand, products don't magically appear. Someone has to risk capital to start the business...which includes well as the enriching of scores of advisers, lawyers, accountants, not to mention governmental regulatory agencies.

To say demand creates jobs and not entrepreneurs is blatantly ridiculous. It is akin to saying Oxygen creates jobs because without Oxygen, there would be no customers.

Grow up.

OMG, give it a rest.

You do not create jobs. You do not magically grant people jobs because you are "the job creators".

Demand creates jobs.

We have insufficient demand at this time.

The idea that we must kowtow to the richest one percent or they will Go Galt is a fantasy.

Guess what creates more demand in the big picture? More jobs. Guess what I'm doing, even in this economy? Creating jobs, increasing wealth for me, my stockholders, my advisers, my employees and my customers that save money with the products and services I'm supplying more efficiently than my competitors. I however am the exception as most business are down right now, obviously. What we do to turn that around is another subject altogether, and one I'm sure you'll look to government to solve...further cementing your delusional ideas as to what makes an economy work.

There was demand for cell phones and computers before Steve Jobs created the company that employed the people necessary to create even demand for his products.

Now if we could only get the government to supply Oxygen...

How Undemocratic of You!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :lol:
Oh my couldn't be that stupid.

And what exactly do you think entrepreneurs are responding to? Follow closely now...If someone doesn't build a business to supply that demand, products don't magically appear. Someone has to risk capital to start the business...which includes well as the enriching of scores of advisers, lawyers, accountants, not to mention governmental regulatory agencies.

To say demand creates jobs and not entrepreneurs is blatantly ridiculous. It is akin to saying Oxygen creates jobs because without Oxygen, there would be no customers.

Grow up.

OMG, give it a rest.

You do not create jobs. You do not magically grant people jobs because you are "the job creators".

Demand creates jobs.

We have insufficient demand at this time.

The idea that we must kowtow to the richest one percent or they will Go Galt is a fantasy.

Guess what creates more demand in the big picture? More jobs. Guess what I'm doing, even in this economy? Creating jobs, increasing wealth for me, my stockholders, my advisers, my employees and my customers that save money with the products and services I'm supplying more efficiently than my competitors. I however am the exception as most business are down right now, obviously. What we do to turn that around is another subject altogether, and one I'm sure you'll look to government to solve...further cementing your delusional ideas as to what makes an economy work.

There was demand for cell phones and computers before Steve Jobs created the company that employed the people necessary to create even demand for his products.

Now if we could only get the government to supply Oxygen...

Your personal claims grow as the thread continues.

Yes, jobs create more demand, because people have money. Which is why Obama's jobs bill will help the economy.

The solution is neither government alone, or business alone. It never has been. It's always been both.
70% of the American economy is consumer spending.

Demand creates jobs.

Jesus, another idiot! I don't care if demand comes from consumers, businesses, governments, or green fucking men from Mars. Only a business owner can respond to that demand, which inevitably creates jobs.

And to think people like you's depressing.

So you've conceded that demand is the impetus, not some gift from some glorious job creator person.

That's a start.

Now, surely you can see that it isn't necessary that the top one percent be the only response to that demand. In fact, it's idiotic to think that's the only way to respond.

People at varying income levels start businesses. Government starts services to meet some demands, as well. And people at all income levels can innovate to meet a demand. For example, nobody has to buy new clothing. They can make clothes, buy clothes at Goodwill or yard sales, they can get hand me downs.

The idea that the top one percent are "the job creators" is a right wing myth, designed to make the top one percent exempt from the demands of normal life that the rest of us face-like the demand that we operate ethically and legally.

No man, it's Oxygen...that's what creates jobs!

I never said it takes a rich person to start a business...never! This of course, has nothing to do with the fact that anyone that employs another is a job creator. They may be responding to existing demand, they may be creating new demand...either way, without the business owner, jobs will not automatically appear. Someone has to risk their own skin to pay for that job. You going to do it?
OMG, give it a rest.

You do not create jobs. You do not magically grant people jobs because you are "the job creators".

Demand creates jobs.

We have insufficient demand at this time.

The idea that we must kowtow to the richest one percent or they will Go Galt is a fantasy.

Guess what creates more demand in the big picture? More jobs. Guess what I'm doing, even in this economy? Creating jobs, increasing wealth for me, my stockholders, my advisers, my employees and my customers that save money with the products and services I'm supplying more efficiently than my competitors. I however am the exception as most business are down right now, obviously. What we do to turn that around is another subject altogether, and one I'm sure you'll look to government to solve...further cementing your delusional ideas as to what makes an economy work.

There was demand for cell phones and computers before Steve Jobs created the company that employed the people necessary to create even demand for his products.

Now if we could only get the government to supply Oxygen...

Your personal claims grow as the thread continues.

Yes, jobs create more demand, because people have money. Which is why Obama's jobs bill will help the economy.

The solution is neither government alone, or business alone. It never has been. It's always been both.

Well there it is. Nanny government must help us! You are fucking pathetic.

Listen closely again: No government stimulus can happen without that money being first taken OUT of the economy and away from people that would otherwise use that money to hire someone, to invest in a new know all those things that create jobs that create more demand.

But what the heck, Obama has tons of extra cash at hand to pay for his stimulus, right. It's not like we're $15 trillion in debt or anything.

You have NO sense of economics, finance or anything business related. Just another mindless drone longing for a government tit. How pathetic.
Well there it is. Nanny government must help us! You are fucking pathetic.

Listen closely again: No government stimulus can happen without that money being first taken OUT of the economy and away from people that would otherwise use that money to hire someone, to invest in a new know all those things that create jobs that create more demand.

But what the heck, Obama has tons of extra cash at hand to pay for his stimulus, right. It's not like we're $15 trillion in debt or anything.

You have NO sense of economics, finance or anything business related. Just another mindless drone longing for a government tit. How pathetic.

I believe that shoe is on your foot, which is why I find it questionable that you have the educational background you claim.

There is a case to be made for government dollars crowding out private investment, but not at the low level of growth we are seeing now.

Nanny government is an epithet you throw out to discourage anyone from seeing the reality that government and business work in partnership to form a strong economy.
OMG, give it a rest.

You do not create jobs. You do not magically grant people jobs because you are "the job creators".

Demand creates jobs.

We have insufficient demand at this time.

The idea that we must kowtow to the richest one percent or they will Go Galt is a fantasy.

Guess what creates more demand in the big picture? More jobs. Guess what I'm doing, even in this economy? Creating jobs, increasing wealth for me, my stockholders, my advisers, my employees and my customers that save money with the products and services I'm supplying more efficiently than my competitors. I however am the exception as most business are down right now, obviously. What we do to turn that around is another subject altogether, and one I'm sure you'll look to government to solve...further cementing your delusional ideas as to what makes an economy work.

There was demand for cell phones and computers before Steve Jobs created the company that employed the people necessary to create even demand for his products.

Now if we could only get the government to supply Oxygen...

Your personal claims grow as the thread continues.

Yes, jobs create more demand, because people have money. Which is why Obama's jobs bill will help the economy.

The solution is neither government alone, or business alone. It never has been. It's always been both.

Obamas job plan doesnt do shit.

The democrats have officially come out that only government jobs are important.

See Dingy Harry's comments for clarification.
Governments show thus how successfully
men can be imposed on, even impose on themselves,
for their own advantage . It is excellent, we must
all allow. Yet this government never of itself furthered
any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got
out of its way. It does not keep the country free. It
does not settle the West. It does not educate . The
character inherent in the American people has done all
that has been accomplished ; and it would have done
some-,what more, if the government had not sometimes
got in its way. For government is an expedient by
which men would fain succeed in letting one another
alone; and, as has been said, when it is most expedi
ent, the governed are most let alone by it. Trade and
commerce, if they were not made of India-rubber,
would never manage to bounce over the obstacles which
legislators are continually putting in their way; and, if
one were to judge these men wholly by the effects of
their actions and not partly by their intentions, they
would deserve to be classed and punished with those
mischievous persons who put obstructions on the railroads.
But, to speak practically and as a citizen, unlike
those who call themselves no-government men, I ask
for, not at once no government, but at once a better
government. Let every man make known what kind
of government would command his respect, and that
will be one step toward obtaining it. -Thoreau
Well there it is. Nanny government must help us! You are fucking pathetic.

Listen closely again: No government stimulus can happen without that money being first taken OUT of the economy and away from people that would otherwise use that money to hire someone, to invest in a new know all those things that create jobs that create more demand.

But what the heck, Obama has tons of extra cash at hand to pay for his stimulus, right. It's not like we're $15 trillion in debt or anything.

You have NO sense of economics, finance or anything business related. Just another mindless drone longing for a government tit. How pathetic.

I believe that shoe is on your foot, which is why I find it questionable that you have the educational background you claim.

There is a case to be made for government dollars crowding out private investment, but not at the low level of growth we are seeing now.

Nanny government is an epithet you throw out to discourage anyone from seeing the reality that government and business work in partnership to form a strong economy.

So, you're into crony capitalism...a partnership between government and business. That's just great.

Let's take a look at where government is MOST in partnership with business and how those segments of the economy are doing. Healthcare and education are shining examples of crony fascism and look what we have, runaway costs. When government attempts to artificially boost demand while restricting competition, that's what you get every time.

I've studied Keynes and the Austrian school. Keynes was wrong and so are you.
Being an extremist, your mind immediately assumes crony capitalism is what I'm talking about.

Being a reasonable person, I understand the difference between crony capitalism and capitalism with worker and consumer protections and government support of business through necessary infrastructure.

Keynes was observing reality. Think about it.
Being an extremist, your mind immediately assumes crony capitalism is what I'm talking about.

Being a reasonable person, I understand the difference between crony capitalism and capitalism with worker and consumer protections and government support of business through necessary infrastructure.

Keynes was observing reality. Think about it.

Keynes ideas work only on paper with certain assumptions in place. It never works in reality or at best, it delays the inevitable direction the market is taking...increasing debt making things all the worse when the market does correct.

Taxpayer-backed loans to solar panel companies, running ALL loans for education, backing nearly all mortgages, determining maximum interest rates, making people buy health insurance...THOSE kind of "protections and infrastructure"??? It's not fascism when you do it, eh?
Being an extremist, your mind immediately assumes crony capitalism is what I'm talking about.

Being a reasonable person, I understand the difference between crony capitalism and capitalism with worker and consumer protections and government support of business through necessary infrastructure.

Keynes was observing reality. Think about it.

Keynes ideas work only on paper with certain assumptions in place. It never works in reality or at best, it delays the inevitable direction the market is taking...increasing debt making things all the worse when the market does correct.

Taxpayer-backed loans to solar panel companies, running ALL loans for education, backing nearly all mortgages, determining maximum interest rates, making people buy health insurance...THOSE kind of "protections and infrastructure"??? It's not fascism when you do it, eh?

Most credible economists agree that that in very specific and targeted circumstances, Keynesian economics, applied as Keynes envisioned it, can jump start a sluggish economy. But it isn't just massive government spending but rather spending as Keynes envisioned it--a very short term limited government outlay carefully calculated to generate tax returns that will allow the money to be returned to the treasury quickly where it will be allowed to stay.

Compare that to Obama keynesian economics in which massive government outlays are poured into black holes, many for which there is no expectation of any return of the money, and any money that is returned is treated as a petty cash fund to spend again and again until it is exhausted. No intention of any kind to reimburse the people's treasury with any monies from anywhere. Every dime that comes in, plus two more that will be borrowed, will be spent to increase the power and scope of government.

It is positively nuts.
Keynes ideas work only on paper with certain assumptions in place. It never works in reality or at best, it delays the inevitable direction the market is taking...increasing debt making things all the worse when the market does correct.

Keynes developed a theory of how economies work, based on the real world.

Taxpayer-backed loans to solar panel companies, running ALL loans for education, backing nearly all mortgages, determining maximum interest rates, making people buy health insurance...THOSE kind of "protections and infrastructure"??? It's not fascism when you do it, eh?

It's not fascism, period. Not when you do it, or I do it, or when anybody does it. You might want to read up on some of what you're talking about.

If you can get back to the real world and drop the idea that building bridges and subsidizing new energy development is fascism, let me know.
Being an extremist, your mind immediately assumes crony capitalism is what I'm talking about.

Being a reasonable person, I understand the difference between crony capitalism and capitalism with worker and consumer protections and government support of business through necessary infrastructure.

Keynes was observing reality. Think about it.

Keynes ideas work only on paper with certain assumptions in place. It never works in reality or at best, it delays the inevitable direction the market is taking...increasing debt making things all the worse when the market does correct.

Taxpayer-backed loans to solar panel companies, running ALL loans for education, backing nearly all mortgages, determining maximum interest rates, making people buy health insurance...THOSE kind of "protections and infrastructure"??? It's not fascism when you do it, eh?

Most credible economists agree that that in very specific and targeted circumstances, Keynesian economics, applied as Keynes envisioned it, can jump start a sluggish economy. But it isn't just massive government spending but rather spending as Keynes envisioned it--a very short term limited government outlay carefully calculated to generate tax returns that will allow the money to be returned to the treasury quickly where it will be allowed to stay.

Compare that to Obama keynesian economics in which massive government outlays are poured into black holes, many for which there is no expectation of any return of the money, and any money that is returned is treated as a petty cash fund to spend again and again until it is exhausted. No intention of any kind to reimburse the people's treasury with any monies from anywhere. Every dime that comes in, plus two more that will be borrowed, will be spent to increase the power and scope of government.

It is positively nuts.

If I may make one correction: Obama is pouring money into his "corporate buddies" pockets (not black holes) where the money is laundered back into campaign coffers, where the cycle repeats.
You're truncating the quote from Smith, Uncensored.


The attempt to cast Adam Smith as a socialist is laughable.

Bullshit. My message is raise the taxes on those able to afford it, and that means me. I am willing to pay more in taxes. The nation needs tax dollars to run.

Then do it. The IRS will take any extra taxes you want to pay. If you want to pay more, write a check.
simple minded people have bought into this myth that they have a chance to be rich. you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than you do of becoming a millionaire.

20 years of earning a measly $50k is a million.

Leftists are leftists because they aren't very bright....

Yeah, and assuming they didn't spend any of it on necessities like shelter, food, and clothing or any of life's little pleasures they'd have a million dollars after 20 years.

Righties are righties because they don't live in the real world.

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