Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I didn't intentionally put words in someone's mouth. I'll just leave out all names from now on, and only use the quoted words.

You can also just use the Quote Box on the Bottom Right of a Post, Copy and Paste what suits you ....... Using the Quote Function on top

I didn't intentionally put words in someone's mouth.

And Comment point by point......

I'll just leave out all names from now on, and only use the quoted words.

and you have both original unabridged content, and your point by point breakdown.

My point is that there are Threads that can go on for hundreds of pages with Posts being refereed to. When the content gets corrupted, things all the time get attributed to people that was never said, or said by someone else. At times, that presents real problems.
That's what I did. I used the quote feature. As I said, I'll just leave out the names now, and only quote the words. :eusa_angel:
simple minded people have bought into this myth that they have a chance to be rich. you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than you do of becoming a millionaire.

Atlas Shrugged. Fantastic Read. :):):):):)

[ame=]John Galt Speech FULL part 1 of 3 - YouTube[/ame]
John Galt Speech FULL part 1 of 3

[ame=]John Galt Speech FULL part 2 of 3 - YouTube[/ame]
John Galt Speech FULL part 2 of 3

[ame=]John Galt Speech FULL part 3 of 3 - YouTube[/ame]
John Galt Speech FULL part 3 of 3
simple minded people have bought into this myth that they have a chance to be rich. you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than you do of becoming a millionaire.

Well call me simple minded but my father never made it past the 6th grade. I left home and was on my own at age 17, with not a damn thing to my name. I had to work my way through great personal sacrifice.

Guess what? 20 years later I'm in the top 1% of wage earners with assets in excess of a million dollars.

I'm not particularly intelligent nor do have any wonderful God-given talent. I simply focused on my future, made the necessary sacrifices and worked my ass off.

And I've never been hit by lightning...
What is your educational background? How did you make your money?

I have advanced degrees in economic and finance. I worked for a Fortune 100 for 16 years. Now I'm an know, one of the evil job creators.
simple minded people have bought into this myth that they have a chance to be rich. you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than you do of becoming a millionaire.

Well call me simple minded but my father never made it past the 6th grade. I left home and was on my own at age 17, with not a damn thing to my name. I had to work my way through great personal sacrifice.

Guess what? 20 years later I'm in the top 1% of wage earners with assets in excess of a million dollars.

I'm not particularly intelligent nor do have any wonderful God-given talent. I simply focused on my future, made the necessary sacrifices and worked my ass off.

And I've never been hit by lightning...

sure and I have a black friend. Millionaires are not made by hard work and brains they are made by people connected and willing to screw their fellow man. Show me an honest multi-millionaire and I will show you a liar.
Yes, but he doesn't say how much tax he presently pays....anyway I pay 38% and I don't mind because in Australia,one of the most highly taxed nations....we, among so many things, have free health care for all,education for all,look after our senior citizens brilliantly,safety net for the unemployed,the 5 most liveable cities out of the first eleven,worldwide.Do we complain NO......trouble with the US your tax is too low and for the rich far too low.

How on earth can you have tax cuts over the past 20 years,its stupid......Australia,by far the greatest country on earth........we welcome everyone and live a positive harmonious life.

theliq,you should come and compare,Australia great one day,brilliant the next:clap2: but Dave is a waste of space because instead of changing things JUST WHINGES and MOANS,he also has a habit of sending abusive pm' a waster he IS
DD you are a total waste of space:cool:

No he isn't. You aren't either. We all have something to contribute. None of us are a waste.
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simple minded people have bought into this myth that they have a chance to be rich. you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than you do of becoming a millionaire.

Well call me simple minded but my father never made it past the 6th grade. I left home and was on my own at age 17, with not a damn thing to my name. I had to work my way through great personal sacrifice.

Guess what? 20 years later I'm in the top 1% of wage earners with assets in excess of a million dollars.

I'm not particularly intelligent nor do have any wonderful God-given talent. I simply focused on my future, made the necessary sacrifices and worked my ass off.

And I've never been hit by lightning...

it's amazing how high the percentage of self made millionaires is on anonymous message boards.

go figure, huh?
Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

Cuz they think the only way they can get elected is by kissing a few butts for cash.
Please explain Americans why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I could never understand why the misguided mouthpieces in the Republican Party continue to make excuses for the top 1% wealthiest while dissing their own in the middle class. Cowards and Traitors, the bunch of ya. While the middle class is trying to unite against the wealthiest, some in the middle class are playing the Benedict Arnold role - all in the name of the Grand Ol' Party. :dunno:

Shameless Cowards - the lot of you:eusa_naughty:


Dear sir- I think you are misguided, misled, and irrationally pitched against the upper class
. Why don't you support the people who are successful? Are you bitter? Quit worrying about what everyone else has and figure your own stuff out. I just don't understand why the hatred.
simple minded people have bought into this myth that they have a chance to be rich. you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than you do of becoming a millionaire.

Well call me simple minded but my father never made it past the 6th grade. I left home and was on my own at age 17, with not a damn thing to my name. I had to work my way through great personal sacrifice.

Guess what? 20 years later I'm in the top 1% of wage earners with assets in excess of a million dollars.

I'm not particularly intelligent nor do have any wonderful God-given talent. I simply focused on my future, made the necessary sacrifices and worked my ass off.

And I've never been hit by lightning...

sure and I have a black friend. Millionaires are not made by hard work and brains they are made by people connected and willing to screw their fellow man. Show me an honest multi-millionaire and I will show you a liar.

How about Dave Ramsey from Antioch TN? ....or LSI. The guy mows lawns. doesnt stab people in the back. worth over 3 million. Get a grip dude. Just becuase you suck doesnt mean... ah well youve heard this before whats the point.
I'm not for class warfare, and I don't think the wealthy should be taxed anymore than everybody else...

...having said that.....I find it amusing how the top 1% has gotten the other 99% of Republicans to champion their cause. The top 1%....Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and the Kochs don't traditionally share their wealth with that 99% of Republicans...yet that 99% fights for the wealthy's rights like they get something out of doing that.......just don't get it.

It's called "being a moral person" and "doing the right thing just because it's right". I don't need rich people to share with me to make it wrong for the government to confiscate from them.

Besides, when the left gets done destroying the rich, they'll be coming for me next. Their sort are never satiated. I like the rich right where they are: serving as a handy diversion from me.
simple minded people have bought into this myth that they have a chance to be rich. you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than you do of becoming a millionaire.

How rediculous. Dont go out and get a car loan. dont get a mortgage, work work work (it is a sure fire money making scheme) dont get credit cards. Invest like crazy- and youll have 1 millions. If you put back 1,500 bucks a month without INVESTING- just put it in an envelope - for 55 and 1/2 years-youll be a millionaire. I seriously doubt its harder to that than to be struck by lightning at random. ... and if you invest... you could have more. some dont understand how to live on ln they earn. Some dont know how to earn at all.
I'm not for class warfare, and I don't think the wealthy should be taxed anymore than everybody else...

...having said that.....I find it amusing how the top 1% has gotten the other 99% of Republicans to champion their cause. The top 1%....Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and the Kochs don't traditionally share their wealth with that 99% of Republicans...yet that 99% fights for the wealthy's rights like they get something out of doing that.......just don't get it.

"I find it amusing how the top 1% has gotten the other 99% of Republicans to champion their cause..." silly boy. All of us, who you choose to call Republicans, but are merely astute Americans, understand what you do not: every one of us has the opportunity to attain whatsoever level we work for.

"I lived for about a decade, on and off, in France and later moved to the United States. Nobody in their right mind would give up the manifold sensual, aesthetic and gastronomic pleasures offered by French savoir-vivre for the unrelenting battlefield of American ambition were it not for one thing: possibility.

You know possibility when you breathe it. For an immigrant, it lies in the ease of American identity and the boundlessness of American horizons after the narrower confines of European nationhood and the stifling attentions of the European nanny state, which has often made it more attractive not to work than to work. High French unemployment was never much of a mystery.
Roger Cohen: One France is enough - The New York Times

Coolidge gave the 'key:'
"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."

BTW...Coolidge was a Republican. And conservative.
What a coincidence...I myself am an astute American, I hope, and I fully agree that every one of us has the opportunity to attain whatsoever level we work for. I can't imagine what would have made you think otherwise. Having said that.....If you want to champion the cause of the extremely wealthy...because you might be so someday...that is actually a good reason to do so. I'm having a hard time believing that the people who vote Republican and are not part of the top 1% share the same reason.

But hey!.....I have another question for you if you'll indulge me.......what kind of accent does Ann Coulter have?...that lilt.....sort of a pompous little lilt?.....I know she's from Connecticut...but they don't speak that way there. What is going on with how she talks?...You know...those overemphasized R's, and painfully intense enunciation.....

Well, Ann Coulter was born in New York City and raised in Connecticut. Her mother was from Kentucky and her father from Albany. There's also the fact that she's a very highly educated woman and a lawyer, both factors that often have an effect on one's speech patterns, producing exaggerated enunciation. I'd say her speech patterns are a mixture of those elements.

Speaking from my own experience - I'm also known for hyper-precise enunciation and a lack of recognizable accent - it's possible she also attended speech therapy at some point in her life. I myself attended to eradicate a lisp.

That, however, is pure speculation on my part.
rong. The government does not exist to provide services. It exists to keep us free and to keep the borders safe. Anything else it is required to do is clearly spelled out in the Constitution...where you won't find much about "essential services".

Yes, flat, and that's a service.

Read the preamble.

You're right, the post office can deliver a letter for less than UPS...unless of course you include the taxes poured into the post office on top of the cost of postage. Nevertheless, a post office is required under the Constitution, so let's deal with all the other unsustainable and ineffective programs that are not.

Psst, go back and read the stuff from Wikipedia.

I can't even comment on your Obamacare comment...its just too ridiculous to warrant a proper response.

And three strikes, you're out. :)

Lastly, you seem to forget that all these "essential" services are not being paid for. As we close in on $15 Trillion of debt, I wonder what your plan is to pay that back.

We don't pay them back by collapsing the economy.

Part of the problem is that revenues are down due to the recession, part of the problem is that we still have the Bush era tax cuts, and part of the problem is health care costs. Which are dealt with in the AFA.

Hey. please for my sake and yours- tell me what all of the tax cuts were under bush? you mean like the one that allows you to invest in a college fund for your children that isnt taxed up to a certain dollar amount/month?
In 2004, the wealthiest 25% of US households owned 87% ($43.6 trillion) of the country’s wealth, while the bottom quartile held no net wealth at all.[3] The middle 50% of the country held 13% or $6.5 trillion of the total household net wealth.[3] The previous data are taken from analysis of the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) which over samples wealthy households. This over sampling more accurately represents the true wealth distribution [since most of the wealth is concentrated at the top]. This data shows that the top 25% of American society holds on average a net wealth of $1,556,801 which is 33 times more than those of the lower middle class, or the 25th-50th percentile
Wealth in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Every time that we try to lift a problem from our own shoulders, and shift that problem to the hands of the government,to the same extent we are sacrificing the liberties of our people."-- John F. Kennedy

Now while each of us have our own opinion on the matter, on a personal level, I tend to think that Govt. has a rightful place to see to it that those who cannot see for themselves, its Seniors, its disabled, and those who sacrificed for it (Military, etc) are taken care of. Part of being a citizen in this nation is to not only share in its bounty but to also share in the responsibility of it. While not speaking for others, I have always felt things such as taxes were a responsibilty for such things. The roads we drive on, the aircraft we flew in the Navy, and helping the soldier or sailor who gave so much for his or her nation. This seperation of "Them" and " Us" is a very bad thing for our nation because WE are all in this together and as soon as people begin to realize that then perhaps things might begin turn around a little. I might remind some here too, that in the past 10 years American companies have let go of 2.9 Million Americans and hired 2.4 Million people overseas, and in light of such things as this, wouldn't it be prudent as Americans to remind these companies that its not a bad thing from time to time to put one's nation above one's dollar.

Patriotism does not demand that they spend themselves out of business, and if it does, it should stop immediately.

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