Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

Same old tired arguments based mostly on nothing but blind faith and folly.

As to Adam Smith? Here's what AS says about taxes.

I. The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state.


The above is describing a PROGRESSIVE TAX SYSTEM, folks

Oh God, this crap again. Listen folks, he's probably right...after all, the link in support of his argument is from A very reliable and non biased source, wouldn't you say?
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Same old tired arguments based mostly on nothing but blind faith and folly.

As to Adam Smith? Here's what AS says about taxes.

I. The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state.


The above is describing a PROGRESSIVE TAX SYSTEM, folks

"ought" implies voluntary, not forced tax payments.
Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

They did not earn that money. They stole it.

And no one went to jail for it.

What he said.

The GOP does not support ANYONE. What they stand for is FREEDOM to be left alone from an oppressive government. FREEDOM to earn wealth and spend it as you see fit.

If that means 1% of the population has "all the money" - so be it. Through their own talent and FREEDOM, they earned it. Sadly, the left is made up of degenerate, angry little jealous people who hate others who have done better than them in life, and so they support Communism and redistribution of wealth from those who do to those who don't. The only thing the GOP support is a FREE market. Sad that you spoiled little children on the left don't support all of the freedoms that this country was founded on.

The government that we vote into office is likely to represent our interests. A corporation is never going to do that.

Please! Do you have a clue??????? Do you no where our infrastructure is based?
Do you know how we have clean cities? Do you understand that without "big business", those filthy polluting power plants, those greedy rich industries, that there would be no PIPES FOR CLEAN/DIRTY WATER, WIRES TO RUN ELECTRICITY FOR ELEVATORS/LIGHTS/HVAC? We would be like any third world nation: pissing in the street, and having to carry water (no so clean) for our daily needs. There would be no machinery for hospitals, no sewage treatment plants, no electric stoves, washing machines or microwaves. People would be cooking over wood or shit fires, after toiling in their gardens and hunting for meat (by the way, no guns because those metal industries wouldn't exist).
Seriously, you were given the ability to reason from the Lord, it was a gift. Please, please, use it once in a while.

That infrastructure is from our efforts as a nation-in other words THE GOVERNMENT.

"ought" implies voluntary, not forced tax payments.

Government collects taxes. Not donations.
Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

They did not earn that money. They stole it.

And no one went to jail for it.

What he said.

The GOP does not support ANYONE. What they stand for is FREEDOM to be left alone from an oppressive government. FREEDOM to earn wealth and spend it as you see fit.

If that means 1% of the population has "all the money" - so be it. Through their own talent and FREEDOM, they earned it. Sadly, the left is made up of degenerate, angry little jealous people who hate others who have done better than them in life, and so they support Communism and redistribution of wealth from those who do to those who don't. The only thing the GOP support is a FREE market. Sad that you spoiled little children on the left don't support all of the freedoms that this country was founded on.

The government that we vote into office is likely to represent our interests. A corporation is never going to do that.

Please! Do you have a clue??????? Do you no where our infrastructure is based?
Do you know how we have clean cities? Do you understand that without "big business", those filthy polluting power plants, those greedy rich industries, that there would be no PIPES FOR CLEAN/DIRTY WATER, WIRES TO RUN ELECTRICITY FOR ELEVATORS/LIGHTS/HVAC? We would be like any third world nation: pissing in the street, and having to carry water (no so clean) for our daily needs. There would be no machinery for hospitals, no sewage treatment plants, no electric stoves, washing machines or microwaves. People would be cooking over wood or shit fires, after toiling in their gardens and hunting for meat (by the way, no guns because those metal industries wouldn't exist).
Seriously, you were given the ability to reason from the Lord, it was a gift. Please, please, use it once in a while.

That infrastructure is from our efforts as a nation-in other words THE GOVERNMENT.

"ought" implies voluntary, not forced tax payments.

Government collects taxes. Not donations.

Way back when, the gov't did run on donations, or the sale of land.
Did the gov't mine iron ore? Did the gov't own industries to smelt the metal, or to shape pipes? Did the gov't invent the pumps to pump? Those were individuals that made things for other purposes, that were "adapted" by the gov't to support the infrastructure. Those people did that for their own personal reasons (some were actually, AHHHH, GREEDY), and their inventions/processes benefited the nation. You might want to look at the infrastructure in countries where the gov't controls the industries, just for a basic comparison.

The gov't is here to protect our "rights" (listed in the Bill of Rights). The gov't has its jobs listed in the Constitution. Those that want to see this country and the standard of living decline, insist on voting for people that believe the gov't is "ruler class", not representatives. There is nothing in the Constitution about the gov't tucking you into a warm bed, with a full tummy at night. That has been left up to the individual.
Way back when, the gov't did run on donations, or the sale of land.
Did the gov't mine iron ore? Did the gov't own industries to smelt the metal, or to shape pipes? Did the gov't invent the pumps to pump? Those were individuals that made things for other purposes, that were "adapted" by the gov't to support the infrastructure. Those people did that for their own personal reasons (some were actually, AHHHH, GREEDY), and their inventions/processes benefited the nation. You might want to look at the infrastructure in countries where the gov't controls the industries, just for a basic comparison.

The gov't is here to protect our "rights" (listed in the Bill of Rights). The gov't has its jobs listed in the Constitution. Those that want to see this country and the standard of living decline, insist on voting for people that believe the gov't is "ruler class", not representatives. There is nothing in the Constitution about the gov't tucking you into a warm bed, with a full tummy at night. That has been left up to the individual.

Governments collect taxes to run. This is real, real old information.

The government provides our infrastructure.
Well, MiddleCl-Ass, another mis-informed post!

I really do wonder if people really do sit around all day and try to concoct "clever" names like this and think they are actually clever.

I see it from the left and the right, but mostly from the right lately. It's retarded.


The list could literally just go on and on and on.

These people think they're wordsmiths.
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Way back when, the gov't did run on donations, or the sale of land.
Did the gov't mine iron ore? Did the gov't own industries to smelt the metal, or to shape pipes? Did the gov't invent the pumps to pump? Those were individuals that made things for other purposes, that were "adapted" by the gov't to support the infrastructure. Those people did that for their own personal reasons (some were actually, AHHHH, GREEDY), and their inventions/processes benefited the nation. You might want to look at the infrastructure in countries where the gov't controls the industries, just for a basic comparison.

The gov't is here to protect our "rights" (listed in the Bill of Rights). The gov't has its jobs listed in the Constitution. Those that want to see this country and the standard of living decline, insist on voting for people that believe the gov't is "ruler class", not representatives. There is nothing in the Constitution about the gov't tucking you into a warm bed, with a full tummy at night. That has been left up to the individual.

Governments collect taxes to run. This is real, real old information.

The government provides our infrastructure.

The unicorns will be over the next hill, right next to the faries and leprechauns.
Way back when, the gov't did run on donations, or the sale of land.
Did the gov't mine iron ore? Did the gov't own industries to smelt the metal, or to shape pipes? Did the gov't invent the pumps to pump? Those were individuals that made things for other purposes, that were "adapted" by the gov't to support the infrastructure. Those people did that for their own personal reasons (some were actually, AHHHH, GREEDY), and their inventions/processes benefited the nation. You might want to look at the infrastructure in countries where the gov't controls the industries, just for a basic comparison.

The gov't is here to protect our "rights" (listed in the Bill of Rights). The gov't has its jobs listed in the Constitution. Those that want to see this country and the standard of living decline, insist on voting for people that believe the gov't is "ruler class", not representatives. There is nothing in the Constitution about the gov't tucking you into a warm bed, with a full tummy at night. That has been left up to the individual.

Governments collect taxes to run. This is real, real old information.

The government provides our infrastructure.

The unicorns will be over the next hill, right next to the faries and leprechauns.

Same old tired arguments based mostly on nothing but blind faith and folly.

As to Adam Smith? Here's what AS says about taxes.

I. The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state.


The above is describing a PROGRESSIVE TAX SYSTEM, folks

No it isn't.

Take a quote, lie about it, then declare it says what it does not?

Smith advocated a flat tax.

Proportion - look it up.
"ought" implies voluntary, not forced tax payments.

Regardless, in proportion to revenue means a straight percentage.

Smith advocated a flat tax. editec was lying, as leftists do. Whether the lie was his, or he mindlessly recites lies by his handlers at MoveOn or Marxists is unknown.

Standard Disclaimer: Why don't MoveOn.Org and Marxists.Org just merge into a single site? It would save a lot of copying and pasting.
I think what we have here is a failure to communicate. Of course it is by design and on purpose because if honest open communication was really embraced by all, we wouldn't have so many people thinking and saying really REALLY stupid things.

First, the Founders NEVER intended for the federal government to furnish any form of infrastructure other than that which was necessary to fulfill its constitutional responsibilities. It was NEVER intended to build a bridge somebody needed in Hoboken or put in power lines in Kentucky or improve the sewer system in Topeka. Whatever the Federal government did was to serve and benefit everybody the same from the richest to the poorest and without respect for politics or socioeconomic status.

Now, on the local level, the government, via social contract established by the people, can and does build infrastructure according to the needs of the people. If everybody doesn't want to have their own septic system, or it is deemed environmentally harmful due to too many septic systems in an area, either a private company can step up and provide a sewer system or the people can vote a bond issue that allows the local government to put one in to serve all. Ditto for shared schools, roads, energy supply.

None of that was ever intended to be the responsibility or prerogative of the Federal government. The Founders knew that once those in in the federal government were allowed to increase their power, prestige, influence, and personal fortunes by dispensing special favors to special or targeted groups, the protections built into the Constitution would be systematically and methodically destroyed.

We now have a system in which the people hold less and less power. The real power lies in the hands of those who manipulate those who vote and who count the vote. Our duty as citizens is not to allow ourselves to be manipulated.
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American Government has always built roads and bridges(even during and right after the Revolutionary War). Anyone who tries to allude otherwise is a rightwing propagandist.
American Government has always built roads and bridges(even during and right after the Revolutionary War). Anyone who tries to allude otherwise is a rightwing propagandist.

Up until politicians found they could enrich themselves with the people's money, however, the federal government only built roads necessary for the national defense and post roads as specified in the Constitution. Not roads to help out one community but that does not affect the next.

There is a vast difference between the federal government, state government, and local government. Or at least there used to be.

Anybody who tries to allude otherwise is a leftwing propagandist.
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I don't think the topic assumption is true for all Republicans. Some of them have genuine libertarian leanings and simply don't want to see government used as a tool for distributing wealth. As for those who do, I suspect their reasons are similar to the Democrats. They figure by hitching their wagon to the rich and powerful they can get trickled on.
American Government has always built roads and bridges(even during and right after the Revolutionary War). Anyone who tries to allude otherwise is a rightwing propagandist.

So you are claiming that the federal government maintained the roads and bridges of America going back to the American revolution? Is that your claim?

Standard Disclaimer: I love leftists, they make up the most amazing "facts."
American Government has always built roads and bridges(even during and right after the Revolutionary War). Anyone who tries to allude otherwise is a rightwing propagandist.

So you are claiming that the federal government maintained the roads and bridges of America going back to the American revolution? Is that your claim?

Standard Disclaimer: I love leftists, they make up the most amazing "facts."

No, but I will tell you that a Republican (Eisenhower) DID provide for building the road system that we currently enjoy today.....

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American Government has always built roads and bridges(even during and right after the Revolutionary War). Anyone who tries to allude otherwise is a rightwing propagandist.

So you are claiming that the federal government maintained the roads and bridges of America going back to the American revolution? Is that your claim?

Standard Disclaimer: I love leftists, they make up the most amazing "facts."

No, but I will tell you that a Republican (Eisenhower) DID provide for building the road system that we currently enjoy today.....]

Harding had proposed all that more than 30 years before.
American Government has always built roads and bridges(even during and right after the Revolutionary War). Anyone who tries to allude otherwise is a rightwing propagandist.

So you are claiming that the federal government maintained the roads and bridges of America going back to the American revolution? Is that your claim?

Standard Disclaimer: I love leftists, they make up the most amazing "facts."

No, but I will tell you that a Republican (Eisenhower) DID provide for building the road system that we currently enjoy today.....

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And he did so to provide for the common defense. Otherwise he would not have seen that as the prerogative of the Federal government. The interstate highway system provides a means to effectively move troops and large equipment around the country as needed in cases of national emergency. It even requires that a mile stretch of straight highway be built into the system every five miles. These straight stretches are specifically designed that way to provide thousands of landing strips for military aircraft.

And on the domestic level, the interstate highway system in one way or another benefits every man, woman, and child in America without regard to political leanings, race, socioeconomic standing or any other criteria. It truly does promote the Constitutional GENERAL welfare rather than target special interests.
It's truly amazing, many of them cheer when unions are busted and the wages and benefits of working people are reduced and then they turn around and call class warfare when it is pointed out that the people who are reducing the wages and benefits of the working people are doing better financially now than they ever have before.

You forget, those jobs don't belong to the employees, they belong to the owners of the corporations that control the benefits and pay. They can pay whatever they want to and provide wnatever benefits they want to, or even none at all.

So much for the "rising tide raises all boats" theory then. The only thing that gets raised is THEIR boats. Everyone elses' rises on their whims. That's why "trickle down" doesn't work. Trickling is optional and the wealthy don't become wealthy because of a sense of community... they become wealthy because they are driven to amass wealth. So... stepping on the heads of workers is a small price to pay in their path to their success.

Let me tell you something... without the "little people" that they keep fucking over, they wouldn't have a pot to piss in. No one amasses wealth without the help of:

A: their workers
B: their customers.

You keep minimizing labor in this country, no one will be able to afford to buy the shit they make. They will be too busy just trying to survive on the shitty wages that they earn.

I guess that's the "Conservative Vision" of America.

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