Please Fire Mueller!

If Mueller is really on the up and up, he will recuse HIMSELF on conflicts of interest. US Code says that the special counsel cannot be friends with any of the people he is investigating. That the Dems are screaming mad against any talk of his leaving is pretty good circumstantial proof of how THEY feel. Mueller should be replaced with a totally impartial person, but where are you going to find somebody that is not either in the Dems back pocket or argued in the GOP's? If the Dems don't totally own the guy they will automatically block and argue he is the GOP's puppet.

Impasse. No government. OTOH you have the GOP trying to put the nation back in the hands of the private sector, and OTOH you have the Dems trying to keep it all under the control of Big Government.

He is not on the up and up.

He won't recuse himself. The goal is to get Trump removed from office at any cost.
The goal is to find out the truth why so many of Trump's staff have Russian connections.
If it means removing the orange clown from office so be it..
All of his staff didn't go to Russia and meet with them in the USA without being directed by the prez himself.

You have some inside knowledge, or are you just pushing your opinion as fact?
Why do you think so many from Trump's staff went to Russia and under whose directive?
None of you orange whores will answer this question.
Please fire him. I'm resigned to 3.5 years of the Orange Buffoon, but if it can be less I'll be thankful
What are you gonna do...shoot him at baseball practice?
No. Bendog and I are taking turns sending the fat fuck 16 piece buckets of extra, extra greasy KFC chicken everyday until he has a major chest buster and croaks.
When I read that Muelller is being funded by a lot of people on the left or that he has connections to them it made me realize that the republican party might have it out for Trump. I understand if the democratic party picked him but when republicans themselves don't raise any flags about a possible conflict of interest over this matter then it makes me wonder if they are complicit in this. There are a lot of republicans who a) don't like Trump b) wouldn't mind if he got caned from the job so it makes me wonder if the republican party themselves are allowing the democratic party to do the dirty work they couldn't do during the election.

I haven't been paying too much attention to this but what is so wrong with firing this Mueler guy other than it would make Trump look bad? It would make him look bad but that is just appearances and not substance. Maybe there is good reason to fire him and, if so, what are those reasons?
Rod Rosenstein picked Mueller. Lol
When I read that Muelller is being funded by a lot of people on the left or that he has connections to them it made me realize that the republican party might have it out for Trump. I understand if the democratic party picked him but when republicans themselves don't raise any flags about a possible conflict of interest over this matter then it makes me wonder if they are complicit in this. There are a lot of republicans who a) don't like Trump b) wouldn't mind if he got caned from the job so it makes me wonder if the republican party themselves are allowing the democratic party to do the dirty work they couldn't do during the election.

I haven't been paying too much attention to this but what is so wrong with firing this Mueler guy other than it would make Trump look bad? It would make him look bad but that is just appearances and not substance. Maybe there is good reason to fire him and, if so, what are those reasons?

Never going to happen, buckle up the Left is going to milk this for everything they can.
The investigation is in hands of a republican, Robert Mueller. Get your facts straight.
Another one that doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.

So you wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the ass. Your side is going to milk this for everything they can get out of it. As for Trump, like you he is an ass hat.
Please fire him. I'm resigned to 3.5 years of the Orange Buffoon, but if it can be less I'll be thankful
What are you gonna do...shoot him at baseball practice?
No. Bendog and I are taking turns sending the fat fuck 16 piece buckets of extra, extra greasy KFC chicken everyday until he has a major chest buster and croaks.
The orange clown is gaining weight, wandering alone around the Whiite House and has isolated himself from his staff..
The only question is what's going to get him first? A heart attack or his dementia that we already see signs of.
If Mueller is really on the up and up, he will recuse HIMSELF on conflicts of interest. US Code says that the special counsel cannot be friends with any of the people he is investigating. That the Dems are screaming mad against any talk of his leaving is pretty good circumstantial proof of how THEY feel. Mueller should be replaced with a totally impartial person, but where are you going to find somebody that is not either in the Dems back pocket or argued in the GOP's? If the Dems don't totally own the guy they will automatically block and argue he is the GOP's puppet.

Impasse. No government. OTOH you have the GOP trying to put the nation back in the hands of the private sector, and OTOH you have the Dems trying to keep it all under the control of Big Government.

He is not on the up and up.

He won't recuse himself. The goal is to get Trump removed from office at any cost.
The goal is to find out the truth why so many of Trump's staff have Russian connections.
If it means removing the orange clown from office so be it..
All of his staff didn't go to Russia and meet with them in the USA without being directed by the prez himself.

You have some inside knowledge, or are you just pushing your opinion as fact?
Why do you think so many from Trump's staff went to Russia and under whose directive?
None of you orange whores will answer this question.

Got it, you just think your "opinions" are facts.
Independent Counsel

FBI testified NO crime, NO collusion, NO obstruction, NO need for Mueller Independent Counsel.


1. MUELLER: Friends with / mentor of fired Ex-FBI Director Comey. Biased actions / decisions - appointing donors and Clinton lawyers to Counsel - have destroyed the credibility of the neutrality of the 'Independent' Counsel.

2. COUNSEL TEAM: Openly Anti-Trump donors and the lawyer of the candidate who lost to Trump in 2016 - Hillary Clinton. ('Nuff said)

Mueller might as well hire Barak Obama as a 'special Advisor' to the Independent Counsel.
What has he done or said in his role as Special Counsel to warrant being fired?

"Robert Mueller is superb choice to be special counsel. His reputation is impeccable for honesty and integrity. Media should now calm down" -- Newt Gingrich, May 18th 2017
Well, we know how truthful and loyal Gingrich is. Just ask his wife (s).
The Orange Buffon fkec himself firing Comey. mean like firing a gun.... that a threat???
Are you really that stupid?
Actually I'm pointing out a liberal tactic used against your question should be are they really that stupid....because if you support them then obviously YOU are.
You're the idiot who equated firing someone from their job as shooting someone with a gun. Lmao
Independent Counsel

FBI testified NO crime, NO collusion, NO obstruction, NO need for Mueller Independent Counsel.


1. MUELLER: Friends with / mentor of fired Ex-FBI Director Comey. Biased actions / decisions - appointing donors and Clinton lawyers to Counsel - have destroyed the credibility of the neutrality of the 'Independent' Counsel.

2. COUNSEL TEAM: Openly Anti-Trump donors and the lawyer of the candidate who lost to Trump in 2016 - Hillary Clinton. ('Nuff said)

Mueller might as well hire Barak Obama as a 'special Advisor' to the Independent Counsel.
When did the FBI testify that there was no crime?
The orange clown is gaining weight, wandering alone around the Whiite House and has isolated himself from his staff...The only question is what's going to get him first? A heart attack or his dementia that we already see signs of.

What has he done or said in his role as Special Counsel to warrant being fired?

"Robert Mueller is superb choice to be special counsel. His reputation is impeccable for honesty and integrity. Media should now calm down" -- Newt Gingrich, May 18th 2017
Well, we know how truthful and loyal Gingrich is. Just ask his wife (s).
Trump and Gingrich are good examples of good old fashioned family values.
Independent Counsel

FBI testified NO crime, NO collusion, NO obstruction, NO need for Mueller Independent Counsel.


1. MUELLER: Friends with / mentor of fired Ex-FBI Director Comey. Biased actions / decisions - appointing donors and Clinton lawyers to Counsel - have destroyed the credibility of the neutrality of the 'Independent' Counsel.

2. COUNSEL TEAM: Openly Anti-Trump donors and the lawyer of the candidate who lost to Trump in 2016 - Hillary Clinton. ('Nuff said)

Mueller might as well hire Barak Obama as a 'special Advisor' to the Independent Counsel.

This is such bullshit, it's UNREAL.

When will the Dems start WHINING about "COSTS" like they did with the Benghazi investigation?
When I read that Muelller is being funded by a lot of people on the left or that he has connections to them it made me realize that the republican party might have it out for Trump. I understand if the democratic party picked him but when republicans themselves don't raise any flags about a possible conflict of interest over this matter then it makes me wonder if they are complicit in this. There are a lot of republicans who a) don't like Trump b) wouldn't mind if he got caned from the job so it makes me wonder if the republican party themselves are allowing the democratic party to do the dirty work they couldn't do during the election.

I haven't been paying too much attention to this but what is so wrong with firing this Mueler guy other than it would make Trump look bad? It would make him look bad but that is just appearances and not substance. Maybe there is good reason to fire him and, if so, what are those reasons?

Once it was revealed the Mueller was close personal friends with Comey, and that James "The Leaker" Comey leaked "Confidential & Privileged Information" for the sole purpose of getting his friend appointed as an Independent Counsel, and then Mueller went out and hired 3 Hillary Clinton Supporters who have donated thousands of dollars to her campaign, Mueller and his three hires should step down.

Additionally an announcement should be made by Mueller like Comey was forced in to admitting to, that The President has been cleared and is not under investigation.
The orange clown is gaining weight, wandering alone around the Whiite House and has isolated himself from his staff...The only question is what's going to get him first? A heart attack or his dementia that we already see signs of.

Your pathological lying criminal is under investigation for obstruction of justice and no bold or colorful letters is going to stop that.
No where anywhere could you find a more distinguished public servant who is as impartial as the day is long.
He's great at his job which scares the living daylights out of you DEPLORABLES.
I know you swine don't want to know if your president is a crook but Mueller will find out the truth and it's not going to look pretty.
He is not impartial in the least. Just look at who has has surrounded himself with. Nothing but dem hacks.
One year and still no evidence of the false claims. Get over it already.

One month, you mean, and plenty of evidence. Why are all Trump-snowflakes so dishonest?

And why are you such a stinking hypocrite? Why weren't you demanding that Benghazi probes or Whitewater probes be dropped after one month?

Oh, that's right. You're a shamelessly corrupt Stalinist party hack. Never mind.

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