Please Give me one more week

You would do better listening to Jonathan Turley.

I get the impression of late that Napolitano is providing opinion rather than legal analysis. He strikes me as a slowly coming-out-of-the-closet nevertrumper.
The Ideological Duopoly Turns the Specious Spectrum Into "White Noise"

MeAgain Kelly was a typical FoxHead. The underlying attitude of that worthless snob mob hasn't changed. No matter how much these Bush-loving enemies of democracy try to hide it, they undermine Trump every chance they think they can pass it off as "just being realistic."

It is also virtue-signaling to the only other clique they feel comfortable with, the Limousine Liberals. Another indicator is that they copy and paste the same grammatical monstrosities the permissive dumbing-down Libbies come up with at the rate of one a month.
How's this cut and paste ?
Bill Shine, the former Fox News executive who joined the White House staff last summer to manage President Trump’s communications operation, has resigned and will move to the re-election campaign, the White House announced Friday.

Mr. Shine’s abrupt departure came as a surprise to many in the White House and was revealed, as such personnel moves often are in this administration, as the president was on Air Force One heading out of town.

While described by colleagues as the adult in the room, Mr. Shine has sometimes been absent during key moments, including the president’s trip last week to Vietnam, and colleagues said there had been a lack of chemistry with Mr. Trump.

The White House sought to present Mr. Shine’s resignation as amicable and issued statements in the name of the president and other White House officials praising him. But people close to the White House described the campaign job as a way to save face.

Who says?
Who? The Trump WH history of soft soaping all the departures
As With Education, You Want to Promote Those Who Fail, Even at Your Enemies' White House

The Gloating Gotcha Ghouls' soap is made out of hardened mud.
Since trump has the men he will survive and will conquer
Trump is a dead man walking He might not last until 2020 imo
Once Aroused, Populist Pride Cannot Be Stopped

If a dead man can walk, it means that he is immortal.
I will pray
Snidely Whiplash Is the Star of the Progressives' Paranoia

As Democracked Damsels in Distress, you've been tied to the tracks where the Trump Train is headed. Don't expect Spartacus to save you.
Since trump has the men he will survive and will conquer
Trump is a dead man walking He might not last until 2020 imo
Once Aroused, Populist Pride Cannot Be Stopped

If a dead man can walk, it means that he is immortal.
I will pray
Snidely Whiplash Is the Star of the Progressives' Paranoia

As Democracked Damsels in Distress, you've been tied to the tracks where the Trump Train is headed. Don't expect Spartacus to save you.
I have no fear Everything Drumpf touches goes bankrupt or breaks down
Fox News analyst and former judge Andrew Napolitano warned that President Donald Trump had a bad week the likes of which he won’t survive again.

Napolitano recapped the prior week in the conservative Washington Times on Wednesday, describing how Trump failed to reach a nuclear disarmament dealwith North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and saw his former personal lawyer Michael Cohenaccuse him of crimes during congressional testimony.

On top of that, the House of Representatives moved to block Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border, and The New York Timesreported that Trump had overruled intelligence agencies to demand his son-in-law obtain a security clearance, despite concerns. Oh, and Democrats launched a widespread investigation into Trump, his family and his business dealings, which resulted in document requests from 81 individuals, entities and agencies close to the president ― including his two sons.

“The president has serious and powerful tormentors whom he cannot overcome by mockery alone. He needs to do more than demean them with acerbic tweets, because many of those tormentors can legally cause him real harm,” Napolitano wrote. “Can President Trump survive all this? Yes — but not if he has another week like the last one.”
I don't know if policy and legal reversals will do in Trump. His supporters generally seem to give him a pass with an attidude of "at least he's trying." We can disagree over whether they are disillusional

If the economy stumbles, he's toast. There are red states where dems are reasonably competitive and the economies tied to agriculture. Ga, Missouri and absolutely Wisc.
Letting ISIS kill a US ambassador while you sat around with your thumb up your ass, then fabricated a story to cover your incompetence THAT'S having a bad week. :itsok:

Two posts before an idiot deflects to "but HILLARY".

When will you dolts get it through your thick heads that it's the election of a treasonous criminal that is the problem here.

Rubbing your leftist noses in your blatant hypocrisy pisses you people off, we get it.

That's what you THINK you're doing. What's you're actually doing is admitting that Trump is a colossal failure as a President so you keep deflecting back to Hillary hoping we don't notice what a stupid idiot YOU voted for.

You lie because you have no point that holds water. Here these are for you :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Fox News analyst and former judge Andrew Napolitano warned that President Donald Trump had a bad week the likes of which he won’t survive again.

Napolitano recapped the prior week in the conservative Washington Times on Wednesday, describing how Trump failed to reach a nuclear disarmament dealwith North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and saw his former personal lawyer Michael Cohenaccuse him of crimes during congressional testimony.

On top of that, the House of Representatives moved to block Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border, and The New York Timesreported that Trump had overruled intelligence agencies to demand his son-in-law obtain a security clearance, despite concerns. Oh, and Democrats launched a widespread investigation into Trump, his family and his business dealings, which resulted in document requests from 81 individuals, entities and agencies close to the president ― including his two sons.

“The president has serious and powerful tormentors whom he cannot overcome by mockery alone. He needs to do more than demean them with acerbic tweets, because many of those tormentors can legally cause him real harm,” Napolitano wrote. “Can President Trump survive all this? Yes — but not if he has another week like the last one.”
I don't know if policy and legal reversals will do in Trump. His supporters generally seem to give him a pass with an attidude of "at least he's trying." We can disagree over whether they are disillusional

If the economy stumbles, he's toast. There are red states where dems are reasonably competitive and the economies tied to agriculture. Ga, Missouri and absolutely Wisc.
And Trump only won Wisc Mich Penn by a total of 72000 votes a figure thats easily reversed
Fox News analyst and former judge Andrew Napolitano warned that President Donald Trump had a bad week the likes of which he won’t survive again.

Napolitano recapped the prior week in the conservative Washington Times on Wednesday, describing how Trump failed to reach a nuclear disarmament dealwith North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and saw his former personal lawyer Michael Cohenaccuse him of crimes during congressional testimony.

On top of that, the House of Representatives moved to block Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border, and The New York Timesreported that Trump had overruled intelligence agencies to demand his son-in-law obtain a security clearance, despite concerns. Oh, and Democrats launched a widespread investigation into Trump, his family and his business dealings, which resulted in document requests from 81 individuals, entities and agencies close to the president ― including his two sons.

“The president has serious and powerful tormentors whom he cannot overcome by mockery alone. He needs to do more than demean them with acerbic tweets, because many of those tormentors can legally cause him real harm,” Napolitano wrote. “Can President Trump survive all this? Yes — but not if he has another week like the last one.”
I don't know if policy and legal reversals will do in Trump. His supporters generally seem to give him a pass with an attidude of "at least he's trying." We can disagree over whether they are disillusional

If the economy stumbles, he's toast. There are red states where dems are reasonably competitive and the economies tied to agriculture. Ga, Missouri and absolutely Wisc.
And Trump only won Wisc Mich Penn by a total of 72000 votes a figure thats easily reversed
Simple turnout in suburbs would have more votes. But imo in rural areas Trump's appeal is actually stronger, unless people decide his economic policies are a failure.
Fox News analyst and former judge Andrew Napolitano warned that President Donald Trump had a bad week the likes of which he won’t survive again.

Napolitano recapped the prior week in the conservative Washington Times on Wednesday, describing how Trump failed to reach a nuclear disarmament dealwith North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and saw his former personal lawyer Michael Cohenaccuse him of crimes during congressional testimony.

On top of that, the House of Representatives moved to block Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border, and The New York Timesreported that Trump had overruled intelligence agencies to demand his son-in-law obtain a security clearance, despite concerns. Oh, and Democrats launched a widespread investigation into Trump, his family and his business dealings, which resulted in document requests from 81 individuals, entities and agencies close to the president ― including his two sons.

“The president has serious and powerful tormentors whom he cannot overcome by mockery alone. He needs to do more than demean them with acerbic tweets, because many of those tormentors can legally cause him real harm,” Napolitano wrote. “Can President Trump survive all this? Yes — but not if he has another week like the last one.”
He's already lost 2 more cabinet people Are they all stupid for jumping off the ship of fools?
The judge has sold out for profit

The white men are getting together to stop all this greed harm like always

Some woman fucked you over in your youth, right?

No that's not it. Or not the main thing.

That person is one of the many Russian bots on the internet.

The person has very little knowledge and comprehension of our constitution, laws and how our nation is supposed to work.

All it posts is words that divide. Either by sex or race.

The russians are back on line to help trump get reelected. They're using the same tactics they used in 2016. Divide and hate.

For all I know that person was also hurt and rejected by a woman or many women in it's life too. I wouldn't be surprised.

Wouldn't surprise me, its English is horrific.
The judge has sold out for profit

The white men are getting together to stop all this greed harm like always

Some woman fucked you over in your youth, right?

No that's not it. Or not the main thing.

That person is one of the many Russian bots on the internet.

The person has very little knowledge and comprehension of our constitution, laws and how our nation is supposed to work.

All it posts is words that divide. Either by sex or race.

The russians are back on line to help trump get reelected. They're using the same tactics they used in 2016. Divide and hate.

For all I know that person was also hurt and rejected by a woman or many women in it's life too. I wouldn't be surprised.

Wouldn't surprise me, its English is horrific.

Which is best??

I want some maters or tomatoes ??

I want some taters or potatoes??

What is the answer there on what is best??

Which one saves time?? Time is money

Einstein use to horse laugh grammar parrots out of the building because of thinking they are wise

Today's educators so corrupt they Hide the science that says abortion is murder of a human being

Democrats and RINOS are greed monsters with stupid minds
The judge has sold out for profit

The white men are getting together to stop all this greed harm like always

Some woman fucked you over in your youth, right?

No that's not it. Or not the main thing.

That person is one of the many Russian bots on the internet.

The person has very little knowledge and comprehension of our constitution, laws and how our nation is supposed to work.

All it posts is words that divide. Either by sex or race.

The russians are back on line to help trump get reelected. They're using the same tactics they used in 2016. Divide and hate.

For all I know that person was also hurt and rejected by a woman or many women in it's life too. I wouldn't be surprised.

Wouldn't surprise me, its English is horrific.

Wrong I know the founders like the back of my hand

And know why they made a property test for voting

But it was not a property test but a wisdom test because women could own property but could not vote
People saying I'm a Russian bot is stupid

Who wants to bet ???

And getting women's interest and excitement so easy also because of logic and knowing the attraction and interests laws

Like some directors who has trained the top heart throbs like tom cruise in top gun. The type manner and type talk and look can bring all girls interests to the peak

I trained myself because of the logic

I would even go to big basketball games and sit in front of the cheerleaders and work the manner and looks to get the hottest cheerleader

Same thing going to a big church with a big chorus Picking out the most pretty girl and sitting and looking at her with a certain manner and look

And works perfect every time

But I had the logic to NOT leave or hurt any when I had to leave the relationship I simply took about a month and applied the non attractive laws and then she would want me gone .. That way no harm to any of us

Big big mistake for a guy to leave a girl when her interests are so high

My sports I selected was track

The 200 meter runs and got very good for a Caucasian ....the reason i selected the 200 meters was how it shape the body the best and still strong heart and lungs

I call for a high logic test for voting because a helluva life is coming if we don't

Just a bunch of foolish loser loons calling me a Russian bot

Again which is best

I want some maters or tomatoes??

Which saves time ??
Which is the worse crime

Manafort thefts of money crime. Or

Abortion crime theft of a us citizen life

manafort sentence is totally unequal Justice

The men will now gather and stop these barbaric crimes
Unequal Justice crimes
manafort has more than simply F-ing the USA of money...

including the death of others

Judge T.S. Ellis III did real damage with his Manafort sentence

Abortion is murder of millions of Americans

How can a nation have equal justice when

Theft of money brings more punishment than theft of human life

Outrageous stupidity that destroys a nation
The judge has sold out for profit

The white men are getting together to stop all this greed harm like always

Some woman fucked you over in your youth, right?

No that's not it. Or not the main thing.

That person is one of the many Russian bots on the internet.

The person has very little knowledge and comprehension of our constitution, laws and how our nation is supposed to work.

All it posts is words that divide. Either by sex or race.

The russians are back on line to help trump get reelected. They're using the same tactics they used in 2016. Divide and hate.

For all I know that person was also hurt and rejected by a woman or many women in it's life too. I wouldn't be surprised.

Wouldn't surprise me, its English is horrific.

Wrong I know the founders like the back of my hand

And know why they made a property test for voting

But it was not a property test but a wisdom test because women could own property but could not vote

You know the founders like whaaaaa? It's your phrasing, it's odd. It's generic and you seem to have a limited vocabulary and repeat the same statements over and over agaiin.
The judge has sold out for profit

The white men are getting together to stop all this greed harm like always

Some woman fucked you over in your youth, right?

No that's not it. Or not the main thing.

That person is one of the many Russian bots on the internet.

The person has very little knowledge and comprehension of our constitution, laws and how our nation is supposed to work.

All it posts is words that divide. Either by sex or race.

The russians are back on line to help trump get reelected. They're using the same tactics they used in 2016. Divide and hate.

For all I know that person was also hurt and rejected by a woman or many women in it's life too. I wouldn't be surprised.

Wouldn't surprise me, its English is horrific.

Which is best??

I want some maters or tomatoes ??

I want some taters or potatoes??

What is the answer there on what is best??

Which one saves time?? Time is money

Einstein use to horse laugh grammar parrots out of the building because of thinking they are wise

Today's educators so corrupt they Hide the science that says abortion is murder of a human being

Democrats and RINOS are greed monsters with stupid minds

Jesus Christ, guy, you've responded to the same post twice.

It's not just simple grammar mistakes or even typos, you just do not have command of the written word. Maybe you're from another country, comrade. If you want to be convincing go back and take an English class.

There is just something really off about you.
The judge has sold out for profit

The white men are getting together to stop all this greed harm like always

Some woman fucked you over in your youth, right?

No that's not it. Or not the main thing.

That person is one of the many Russian bots on the internet.

The person has very little knowledge and comprehension of our constitution, laws and how our nation is supposed to work.

All it posts is words that divide. Either by sex or race.

The russians are back on line to help trump get reelected. They're using the same tactics they used in 2016. Divide and hate.

For all I know that person was also hurt and rejected by a woman or many women in it's life too. I wouldn't be surprised.

Wouldn't surprise me, its English is horrific.

Wrong I know the founders like the back of my hand

And know why they made a property test for voting

But it was not a property test but a wisdom test because women could own property but could not vote

You know the founders like whaaaaa? It's your phrasing, it's odd. It's generic and you seem to have a limited vocabulary and repeat the same statements over and over agaiin.

Use some logjc

Simple is always best

Your low logjc makes you blind to understand

Logic picks out what is valuable and what is not

Laying back and typing with me toes while hot babes fans me hair and pops grapes in me mouth

Staying humped back and focusing so strong on the screen and going blind with bugged out eyes

Stupid people works hard on looking wise

True wise does wise instead of stupid wrong decisions

Understand what selecting to get good at running the 200 meters does to the body

Again Einstein would horse laugh you out of the building thinking you are wise with working grammar

A really foolish loser

All democrats are foolish losers

Their logic always makes them select harm

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