Please Give me one more week

The American people are under attack by forces hostile to our interests and contemptuous of our values. only Trump can shield us from those threats, my friends!
What forces are those?

The Democratic Party and cohorts.
I know your opinion, I wanted the quoted posters opinion since he seems to swap sides on a minute to minute basis.
Basq is nothing but a troll stirring up shit by playing both sides.
Pro Trump then anti Trump, sometimes simultaneously on several threads.
Hilarious part is that he successfully triggers both sides and gets loads of traffic on his posted threads.
Everyone seems to take the "bait".
You would do better listening to Jonathan Turley.

I get the impression of late that Napolitano is providing opinion rather than legal analysis. He strikes me as a slowly coming-out-of-the-closet nevertrumper.

Right the judge is following media headlines as if they are facts, the Cohen testimony has fallen apart and most likely will lead to more charges against Cohen and possible investigation into his meetings with Schiff. Democrats will now have to worry if Cohen is going to flip on them...
You would do better listening to Jonathan Turley.

I get the impression of late that Napolitano is providing opinion rather than legal analysis. He strikes me as a slowly coming-out-of-the-closet nevertrumper.

Right the judge is following media headlines as if they are facts, the Cohen testimony has fallen apart and most likely will lead to more charges against Cohen and possible investigation into his meetings with Schiff. Democrats will now have to worry if Cohen is going to flip on them...
So now that the judge said his piece he becomes a RINO ?
Fox News analyst and former judge Andrew Napolitano warned that President Donald Trump had a bad week the likes of which he won’t survive again.

Napolitano recapped the prior week in the conservative Washington Times on Wednesday, describing how Trump failed to reach a nuclear disarmament dealwith North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and saw his former personal lawyer Michael Cohenaccuse him of crimes during congressional testimony.

On top of that, the House of Representatives moved to block Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border, and The New York Timesreported that Trump had overruled intelligence agencies to demand his son-in-law obtain a security clearance, despite concerns. Oh, and Democrats launched a widespread investigation into Trump, his family and his business dealings, which resulted in document requests from 81 individuals, entities and agencies close to the president ― including his two sons.

“The president has serious and powerful tormentors whom he cannot overcome by mockery alone. He needs to do more than demean them with acerbic tweets, because many of those tormentors can legally cause him real harm,” Napolitano wrote. “Can President Trump survive all this? Yes — but not if he has another week like the last one.”

Unfortunately that person is wrong.

trump will survive another week like this and weeks worse. It seems like every Friday people are saying it was his worst week yet or he won't survive another week like this one.

Of course he does survive.

The only way to get this man out of our white house is to VOTE. It's not enough for you to vote anymore. You have to get everyone you know to vote. Have them get people to vote. Fill your car with people to take them to vote. Several times a day. We need a tsunami of voters next year flooding the polling places to cast their votes.

It's how we got into this mess. People not voting. It's how we will get out. People voting.

Because of all the cheating and garbage to prevent people from voting in some states it will not be easy for some people to vote but the thing is, if you do vote, you can get that changed. Get the right people in office who will get rid of those laws, who will stop moving voting places so you can't vote or closing places so you can't vote.

But if we get everyone to vote, we can have real change and get that man out of our White House.
The judge has sold out for profit

The white men are getting together to stop all this greed harm like always

Some woman fucked you over in your youth, right?

No that's not it. Or not the main thing.

That person is one of the many Russian bots on the internet.

The person has very little knowledge and comprehension of our constitution, laws and how our nation is supposed to work.

All it posts is words that divide. Either by sex or race.

The russians are back on line to help trump get reelected. They're using the same tactics they used in 2016. Divide and hate.

For all I know that person was also hurt and rejected by a woman or many women in it's life too. I wouldn't be surprised.
Fox News analyst and former judge Andrew Napolitano warned that President Donald Trump had a bad week the likes of which he won’t survive again.

Napolitano recapped the prior week in the conservative Washington Times on Wednesday, describing how Trump failed to reach a nuclear disarmament dealwith North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and saw his former personal lawyer Michael Cohenaccuse him of crimes during congressional testimony.

On top of that, the House of Representatives moved to block Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border, and The New York Timesreported that Trump had overruled intelligence agencies to demand his son-in-law obtain a security clearance, despite concerns. Oh, and Democrats launched a widespread investigation into Trump, his family and his business dealings, which resulted in document requests from 81 individuals, entities and agencies close to the president ― including his two sons.

“The president has serious and powerful tormentors whom he cannot overcome by mockery alone. He needs to do more than demean them with acerbic tweets, because many of those tormentors can legally cause him real harm,” Napolitano wrote. “Can President Trump survive all this? Yes — but not if he has another week like the last one.”

Unfortunately that person is wrong.

trump will survive another week like this and weeks worse. It seems like every Friday people are saying it was his worst week yet or he won't survive another week like this one.

Of course he does survive.

The only way to get this man out of our white house is to VOTE. It's not enough for you to vote anymore. You have to get everyone you know to vote. Have them get people to vote. Fill your car with people to take them to vote. Several times a day. We need a tsunami of voters next year flooding the polling places to cast their votes.

It's how we got into this mess. People not voting. It's how we will get out. People voting.

Because of all the cheating and garbage to prevent people from voting in some states it will not be easy for some people to vote but the thing is, if you do vote, you can get that changed. Get the right people in office who will get rid of those laws, who will stop moving voting places so you can't vote or closing places so you can't vote.

But if we get everyone to vote, we can have real change and get that man out of our White House.
I won't be happy with just that Want to see him and Jr in deep feces after he leaves
Letting ISIS kill a US ambassador while you sat around with your thumb up your ass, then fabricated a story to cover your incompetence THAT'S having a bad week. :itsok:

Two posts before an idiot deflects to "but HILLARY".

When will you dolts get it through your thick heads that it's the election of a treasonous criminal that is the problem here.

Rubbing your leftist noses in your blatant hypocrisy pisses you people off, we get it.

That's what you THINK you're doing. What's you're actually doing is admitting that Trump is a colossal failure as a President so you keep deflecting back to Hillary hoping we don't notice what a stupid idiot YOU voted for.
And another one bites the dust Another great week?
Bill Shine, the former Fox News executive who joined the White House staff last summer to manage President Trump’s communications operation, has resigned and will move to the re-election campaign, the White House announced Friday.

Mr. Shine’s abrupt departure came as a surprise to many in the White House and was revealed, as such personnel moves often are in this administration, as the president was on Air Force One heading out of town.

While described by colleagues as the adult in the room, Mr. Shine has sometimes been absent during key moments, including the president’s trip last week to Vietnam, and colleagues said there had been a lack of chemistry with Mr. Trump.

The White House sought to present Mr. Shine’s resignation as amicable and issued statements in the name of the president and other White House officials praising him. But people close to the White House described the campaign job as a way to save face.
You would do better listening to Jonathan Turley.

I get the impression of late that Napolitano is providing opinion rather than legal analysis. He strikes me as a slowly coming-out-of-the-closet nevertrumper.
The Ideological Duopoly Turns the Specious Spectrum Into "White Noise"

MeAgain Kelly was a typical FoxHead. The underlying attitude of that worthless snob mob hasn't changed. No matter how much these Bush-loving enemies of democracy try to hide it, they undermine Trump every chance they think they can pass it off as "just being realistic."

It is also virtue-signaling to the only other clique they feel comfortable with, the Limousine Liberals. Another indicator is that they copy and paste the same grammatical monstrosities the permissive dumbing-down Libbies come up with at the rate of one a month.
Yeah just like he wasn’t going to win the Republican nomination just like he couldn’t defeat Hillary just like he was going to be impeached within a year of being sworn in.
You would do better listening to Jonathan Turley.

I get the impression of late that Napolitano is providing opinion rather than legal analysis. He strikes me as a slowly coming-out-of-the-closet nevertrumper.
The Ideological Duopoly Turns the Specious Spectrum Into "White Noise"

MeAgain Kelly was a typical FoxHead. The underlying attitude of that worthless snob mob hasn't changed. No matter how much these Bush-loving enemies of democracy try to hide it, they undermine Trump every chance they think they can pass it off as "just being realistic."

It is also virtue-signaling to the only other clique they feel comfortable with, the Limousine Liberals. Another indicator is that they copy and paste the same grammatical monstrosities the permissive dumbing-down Libbies come up with at the rate of one a month.
How's this cut and paste ?
Bill Shine, the former Fox News executive who joined the White House staff last summer to manage President Trump’s communications operation, has resigned and will move to the re-election campaign, the White House announced Friday.

Mr. Shine’s abrupt departure came as a surprise to many in the White House and was revealed, as such personnel moves often are in this administration, as the president was on Air Force One heading out of town.

While described by colleagues as the adult in the room, Mr. Shine has sometimes been absent during key moments, including the president’s trip last week to Vietnam, and colleagues said there had been a lack of chemistry with Mr. Trump.

The White House sought to present Mr. Shine’s resignation as amicable and issued statements in the name of the president and other White House officials praising him. But people close to the White House described the campaign job as a way to save face.
Fox News analyst and former judge Andrew Napolitano warned that President Donald Trump had a bad week the likes of which he won’t survive again.

Napolitano recapped the prior week in the conservative Washington Times on Wednesday, describing how Trump failed to reach a nuclear disarmament dealwith North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and saw his former personal lawyer Michael Cohenaccuse him of crimes during congressional testimony.

On top of that, the House of Representatives moved to block Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border, and The New York Timesreported that Trump had overruled intelligence agencies to demand his son-in-law obtain a security clearance, despite concerns. Oh, and Democrats launched a widespread investigation into Trump, his family and his business dealings, which resulted in document requests from 81 individuals, entities and agencies close to the president ― including his two sons.

“The president has serious and powerful tormentors whom he cannot overcome by mockery alone. He needs to do more than demean them with acerbic tweets, because many of those tormentors can legally cause him real harm,” Napolitano wrote. “Can President Trump survive all this? Yes — but not if he has another week like the last one.”

Unfortunately that person is wrong.

trump will survive another week like this and weeks worse. It seems like every Friday people are saying it was his worst week yet or he won't survive another week like this one.

Of course he does survive.

The only way to get this man out of our white house is to VOTE. It's not enough for you to vote anymore. You have to get everyone you know to vote. Have them get people to vote. Fill your car with people to take them to vote. Several times a day. We need a tsunami of voters next year flooding the polling places to cast their votes.

It's how we got into this mess. People not voting. It's how we will get out. People voting.

Because of all the cheating and garbage to prevent people from voting in some states it will not be easy for some people to vote but the thing is, if you do vote, you can get that changed. Get the right people in office who will get rid of those laws, who will stop moving voting places so you can't vote or closing places so you can't vote.

But if we get everyone to vote, we can have real change and get that man out of our White House.
I won't be happy with just that Want to see him and Jr in deep feces after he leaves

Apparently we have a justice department that is following a memo written in the nixon years. The justice department isn't going to indict trump. I don't believe that a memo written over 40 years is law but I don't make those decisions.

So in order for trump to be in deep feces is for him to be out of office. The best and fastest way to do that is with democracy. Vote him out of office.

The senate isn't going to convict him of any crime. No republican is going to vote to convict him in a senate trial so that whole thing is just a sham and waste of time. It doesn't matter what he has done, republicans don't care.

Let democracy do its thing. Get as many people to the polls as possible. Fill your car with voters. Take them to the polling place and do it all day long for as many early voting days your state has or all day on Election Day. Have all your friends do the same thing. Help people make sure they're registered and if they aren't help them get registered.

When he's out of office then the full force of our justice system can be brought down on him. We also won't have a government that will prevent that justice from happening.
You would do better listening to Jonathan Turley.

I get the impression of late that Napolitano is providing opinion rather than legal analysis. He strikes me as a slowly coming-out-of-the-closet nevertrumper.
The Ideological Duopoly Turns the Specious Spectrum Into "White Noise"

MeAgain Kelly was a typical FoxHead. The underlying attitude of that worthless snob mob hasn't changed. No matter how much these Bush-loving enemies of democracy try to hide it, they undermine Trump every chance they think they can pass it off as "just being realistic."

It is also virtue-signaling to the only other clique they feel comfortable with, the Limousine Liberals. Another indicator is that they copy and paste the same grammatical monstrosities the permissive dumbing-down Libbies come up with at the rate of one a month.
How's this cut and paste ?
Bill Shine, the former Fox News executive who joined the White House staff last summer to manage President Trump’s communications operation, has resigned and will move to the re-election campaign, the White House announced Friday.

Mr. Shine’s abrupt departure came as a surprise to many in the White House and was revealed, as such personnel moves often are in this administration, as the president was on Air Force One heading out of town.

While described by colleagues as the adult in the room, Mr. Shine has sometimes been absent during key moments, including the president’s trip last week to Vietnam, and colleagues said there had been a lack of chemistry with Mr. Trump.

The White House sought to present Mr. Shine’s resignation as amicable and issued statements in the name of the president and other White House officials praising him. But people close to the White House described the campaign job as a way to save face.

Who says?
Nothing is as harmful as a crazed low logic woman that is left

So logic types can get the women's interests at the highest levels and then stop the interests before they leave the crazed low logic women

For fucks sake. You write like someone having a stroke. Shove your incel tendencies where the sun don't shine, cockroach.
Fox News analyst and former judge Andrew Napolitano warned that President Donald Trump had a bad week the likes of which he won’t survive again.

Napolitano recapped the prior week in the conservative Washington Times on Wednesday, describing how Trump failed to reach a nuclear disarmament dealwith North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and saw his former personal lawyer Michael Cohenaccuse him of crimes during congressional testimony.

On top of that, the House of Representatives moved to block Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border, and The New York Timesreported that Trump had overruled intelligence agencies to demand his son-in-law obtain a security clearance, despite concerns. Oh, and Democrats launched a widespread investigation into Trump, his family and his business dealings, which resulted in document requests from 81 individuals, entities and agencies close to the president ― including his two sons.

“The president has serious and powerful tormentors whom he cannot overcome by mockery alone. He needs to do more than demean them with acerbic tweets, because many of those tormentors can legally cause him real harm,” Napolitano wrote. “Can President Trump survive all this? Yes — but not if he has another week like the last one.”

Napolitano is a dwarf turd....he hates Trump, probably because he tried to go up against him at some time. Everything the little troll predicts falls on it's face....the sight of him makes me want to kick in the TV screen.
You would do better listening to Jonathan Turley.

I get the impression of late that Napolitano is providing opinion rather than legal analysis. He strikes me as a slowly coming-out-of-the-closet nevertrumper.
The Ideological Duopoly Turns the Specious Spectrum Into "White Noise"

MeAgain Kelly was a typical FoxHead. The underlying attitude of that worthless snob mob hasn't changed. No matter how much these Bush-loving enemies of democracy try to hide it, they undermine Trump every chance they think they can pass it off as "just being realistic."

It is also virtue-signaling to the only other clique they feel comfortable with, the Limousine Liberals. Another indicator is that they copy and paste the same grammatical monstrosities the permissive dumbing-down Libbies come up with at the rate of one a month.
How's this cut and paste ?
Bill Shine, the former Fox News executive who joined the White House staff last summer to manage President Trump’s communications operation, has resigned and will move to the re-election campaign, the White House announced Friday.

Mr. Shine’s abrupt departure came as a surprise to many in the White House and was revealed, as such personnel moves often are in this administration, as the president was on Air Force One heading out of town.

While described by colleagues as the adult in the room, Mr. Shine has sometimes been absent during key moments, including the president’s trip last week to Vietnam, and colleagues said there had been a lack of chemistry with Mr. Trump.

The White House sought to present Mr. Shine’s resignation as amicable and issued statements in the name of the president and other White House officials praising him. But people close to the White House described the campaign job as a way to save face.

Who says?
Who? The Trump WH history of soft soaping all the departures
Fox News analyst and former judge Andrew Napolitano warned that President Donald Trump had a bad week the likes of which he won’t survive again.

Napolitano recapped the prior week in the conservative Washington Times on Wednesday, describing how Trump failed to reach a nuclear disarmament dealwith North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and saw his former personal lawyer Michael Cohenaccuse him of crimes during congressional testimony.

On top of that, the House of Representatives moved to block Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border, and The New York Timesreported that Trump had overruled intelligence agencies to demand his son-in-law obtain a security clearance, despite concerns. Oh, and Democrats launched a widespread investigation into Trump, his family and his business dealings, which resulted in document requests from 81 individuals, entities and agencies close to the president ― including his two sons.

“The president has serious and powerful tormentors whom he cannot overcome by mockery alone. He needs to do more than demean them with acerbic tweets, because many of those tormentors can legally cause him real harm,” Napolitano wrote. “Can President Trump survive all this? Yes — but not if he has another week like the last one.”

Napolitano is a dwarf turd....he hates Trump, probably because he tried to go up against him at some time. Everything the little troll predicts falls on it's face....the sight of him makes me want to kick in the TV screen.
You and a couple others here should start a comedy show You crack me up Bashing an avowed Republican lol
Since trump has the men he will survive and will conquer
What men?
It's Time to Either Man Up or Become a TransJenner

You never know when sheep will become rams. For once, this generation may revolt against the previous generations' empty tough-guy act, although the Millennials' "Like, whatever" attitude reinforces your comfortable assumption.

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