Please Give me one more week

The judge has sold out for profit

The white men are getting together to stop all this greed harm like always

Some woman fucked you over in your youth, right?

No that's not it. Or not the main thing.

That person is one of the many Russian bots on the internet.

The person has very little knowledge and comprehension of our constitution, laws and how our nation is supposed to work.

All it posts is words that divide. Either by sex or race.

The russians are back on line to help trump get reelected. They're using the same tactics they used in 2016. Divide and hate.

For all I know that person was also hurt and rejected by a woman or many women in it's life too. I wouldn't be surprised.

Wouldn't surprise me, its English is horrific.

Which is best??

I want some maters or tomatoes ??

I want some taters or potatoes??

What is the answer there on what is best??

Which one saves time?? Time is money

Einstein use to horse laugh grammar parrots out of the building because of thinking they are wise

Today's educators so corrupt they Hide the science that says abortion is murder of a human being

Democrats and RINOS are greed monsters with stupid minds

Jesus Christ, guy, you've responded to the same post twice.

It's not just simple grammar mistakes or even typos, you just do not have command of the written word. Maybe you're from another country, comrade. If you want to be convincing go back and take an English class.

There is just something really off about you.

Just the opposite something is very wrong with you

You are blind
The judge has sold out for profit

The white men are getting together to stop all this greed harm like always

Some woman fucked you over in your youth, right?

No that's not it. Or not the main thing.

That person is one of the many Russian bots on the internet.

The person has very little knowledge and comprehension of our constitution, laws and how our nation is supposed to work.

All it posts is words that divide. Either by sex or race.

The russians are back on line to help trump get reelected. They're using the same tactics they used in 2016. Divide and hate.

For all I know that person was also hurt and rejected by a woman or many women in it's life too. I wouldn't be surprised.

Wouldn't surprise me, its English is horrific.

Which is best??

I want some maters or tomatoes ??

I want some taters or potatoes??

What is the answer there on what is best??

Which one saves time?? Time is money

Einstein use to horse laugh grammar parrots out of the building because of thinking they are wise

Today's educators so corrupt they Hide the science that says abortion is murder of a human being

Democrats and RINOS are greed monsters with stupid minds

Jesus Christ, guy, you've responded to the same post twice.

It's not just simple grammar mistakes or even typos, you just do not have command of the written word. Maybe you're from another country, comrade. If you want to be convincing go back and take an English class.

There is just something really off about you.

Can you understand this ?

Parley vous francais?

You are just a stupid person that makes you make so many important mistakes!!

You have no idea how blind you are with decisions

If you are a democrat your logic is so low that you will need much help in many ways

You and democrats are all very scary people .. Why? Because of low logic which you cannot understand

I pity you with all your wrong decisions .
What does logical thinking ability do?

This ability is a detective ability that figures out good or bad, true or false, value or no value, and predicts correctly success or failure and are the inventors that controls the world .

Not a single democrat has this ability !!!
Democrats are like loons in a loony bin thinking they are wise !

Their low logic makes them truly sick people ..
Some woman fucked you over in your youth, right?

No that's not it. Or not the main thing.

That person is one of the many Russian bots on the internet.

The person has very little knowledge and comprehension of our constitution, laws and how our nation is supposed to work.

All it posts is words that divide. Either by sex or race.

The russians are back on line to help trump get reelected. They're using the same tactics they used in 2016. Divide and hate.

For all I know that person was also hurt and rejected by a woman or many women in it's life too. I wouldn't be surprised.

Wouldn't surprise me, its English is horrific.

Wrong I know the founders like the back of my hand

And know why they made a property test for voting

But it was not a property test but a wisdom test because women could own property but could not vote

You know the founders like whaaaaa? It's your phrasing, it's odd. It's generic and you seem to have a limited vocabulary and repeat the same statements over and over agaiin.

Use some logjc

Simple is always best

Your low logjc makes you blind to understand

Logic picks out what is valuable and what is not

Laying back and typing with me toes while hot babes fans me hair and pops grapes in me mouth

Staying humped back and focusing so strong on the screen and going blind with bugged out eyes

Stupid people works hard on looking wise

True wise does wise instead of stupid wrong decisions

Understand what selecting to get good at running the 200 meters does to the body

Again Einstein would horse laugh you out of the building thinking you are wise with working grammar

A really foolish loser

All democrats are foolish losers

Their logic always makes them select harm

"Einstein horse laugh..." classic
Yep Einstein was really down on educators

Now we can see why

Einstein said we read too many books

Can anyone with logic figure out what he was meaning??

Einstein understood about how inventions to make things better works

The reading too many books quote is him saying that no inventions can come by doing that because when reading a book you are closing your mind and just passing on what the author says

Einstein used his time wisely by staying out of school and walking by a river and thinking ... That brought all of his inventions

Einstein was a poor student because of that

Now look at what science now says about abortion It is a murder of a human life

And what has educators done to the 18 yr old mind ??

The 18 yr old is most recently trained by supposedly educators who go with science and 18 yr olds would then be totally against democrats and abortion They are the age most for democrats and abortion

Proving educators are corrupt to the core

And einsteins horse laughing at them for thinking they are wise was correct !!
Fox News analyst and former judge Andrew Napolitano warned that President Donald Trump had a bad week the likes of which he won’t survive again.

Napolitano recapped the prior week in the conservative Washington Times on Wednesday, describing how Trump failed to reach a nuclear disarmament dealwith North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and saw his former personal lawyer Michael Cohenaccuse him of crimes during congressional testimony.

On top of that, the House of Representatives moved to block Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border, and The New York Timesreported that Trump had overruled intelligence agencies to demand his son-in-law obtain a security clearance, despite concerns. Oh, and Democrats launched a widespread investigation into Trump, his family and his business dealings, which resulted in document requests from 81 individuals, entities and agencies close to the president ― including his two sons.

“The president has serious and powerful tormentors whom he cannot overcome by mockery alone. He needs to do more than demean them with acerbic tweets, because many of those tormentors can legally cause him real harm,” Napolitano wrote. “Can President Trump survive all this? Yes — but not if he has another week like the last one.”

Weird that his approval rating continues to climb amid all the bullshit...huh?
Weird that he has been fighting a level of resistance like never seen before while getting more shit done for the right people at a pace never seen before..huh?
Weird that the dude has literally fought a nonstop fight against piece of shits since the day he was elected yet he still comes out on top daily while bitch-slapping the living fuck out of this nations trash.
Some woman fucked you over in your youth, right?

No that's not it. Or not the main thing.

That person is one of the many Russian bots on the internet.

The person has very little knowledge and comprehension of our constitution, laws and how our nation is supposed to work.

All it posts is words that divide. Either by sex or race.

The russians are back on line to help trump get reelected. They're using the same tactics they used in 2016. Divide and hate.

For all I know that person was also hurt and rejected by a woman or many women in it's life too. I wouldn't be surprised.

Wouldn't surprise me, its English is horrific.

Wrong I know the founders like the back of my hand

And know why they made a property test for voting

But it was not a property test but a wisdom test because women could own property but could not vote

You know the founders like whaaaaa? It's your phrasing, it's odd. It's generic and you seem to have a limited vocabulary and repeat the same statements over and over agaiin.

Use some logjc

Simple is always best

Your low logjc makes you blind to understand

Logic picks out what is valuable and what is not

Laying back and typing with me toes while hot babes fans me hair and pops grapes in me mouth

Staying humped back and focusing so strong on the screen and going blind with bugged out eyes

Stupid people works hard on looking wise

True wise does wise instead of stupid wrong decisions

Understand what selecting to get good at running the 200 meters does to the body

Again Einstein would horse laugh you out of the building thinking you are wise with working grammar

A really foolish loser

All democrats are foolish losers

Their logic always makes them select harm
College Is for Teenagers Too Dumb to Learn Anything on Their Own

The 50s' semanticist fad also dismissed grammar. But grammar is the foundation of meaning.
The attitude those academic beatniks shared with other degenerates about decisive basic mental processes (Acadummies would pronounce that "processeeze") was a subtle way to dumb down our education so that those allowed to go to college would be easy to indoctrinate. Completing Wonder Woman's magic loop, those excluded from that class-biased indentured servitude would be so simple-minded that they would see no choice but to submit to "the other side's" tyranny.

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