Please prove to me that blacks are our equals?

Show me the science on that plz. I'll wait.

I beg to differ with you.. but I already knew this having studied Psychology INDEPTH within my degree..

You can thank your parents for your smarts—or at least some of them. Psychologists have long known that intelligence, like most other traits, is partly genetic. But a new study led by psychological scientist Christopher Chabris of Union College reveals the surprising fact that most of the specific genes long thought to be linked to intelligence probably have no bearing on one’s IQ. And it may be some time before researchers can identify intelligence’s specific genetic roots.

Chabris and David Laibson, a Harvard economist, led an international team of researchers that analyzed a dozen genes using large data sets that included both intelligence testing and genetic data.

In nearly every case, the researchers found that intelligence could not be linked to the specific genes that were tested. The results are published online in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

“In all of our tests we only found one gene that appeared to be associated with intelligence, and it was a very small effect. This does not mean intelligence does not have a genetic component. It means it’s a lot harder to find the particular genes, or the particular genetic variants, that influence the differences in intelligence,” said Chabris.


wait no longer LGS, :D

More Evidence That Intelligence Is Largely Inherited: Researchers Find That Genes Determine Brain's Processing Speed

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study - 05 November 2001 - New Scientist

Intelligence in the Classroom - Society and Culture - AEI

Once again, go back and read your own links. I don't get it? Why do some of you want so badly to try to prove that black people are not genetically as intelligent or the same as white people??? It's soooo important to you.. WHY? Your studies tout studying the brain of 29 individuals to watch and see differences..NO INTELLIGENT GENE, CHROMOSOME.. NONE.. You also linked to back in 2009.. My links today were scientific data TODAY. You people need to go back to stormfront where you're well met.


my point is that intelligence is heritable to a major extent.

60% to 80% heritable

project much?
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Why do some of you want so badly to try to prove that black people are not genetically as intelligent or the same as white people??? It's soooo important to you.. WHY?

Because the current scheme of affirmative action posits that but for racism, blacks would be equal to whites. Under this scheme, whites suffer. Listen to the testimony of the white firefighters in New York, whose careers have been smashed so that unqualified minorities can be raised over them by Emperor Garaufis.

Because trillions of dollars in wealth transfers from white to black are based on the notion of genetic equality.

Because the entirety of American society is based on the notion of genetic equality, really, and whites get robbed as a result.

Whites pay a heavy "equality tax". Think of the Harrison Bergeron story from childhood.

The tax is unfair because it's based on incorrect science.

It needs to stop.

So, once upon a time I was kept out of a journalism job because I was white. The thinking was, "the only reason Tyrone Washington doesn't have the job over William Joyce is because of a history of racism. If we just give the job to Tyrone, and keep William out, that'll fix the problem."

But it WON'T fix the problem. And the reason Tyrone can't earn the job on his own is because he's got a lower IQ that he inherited. So you're essentially punishing me on wrong information -- a wrongful conviction, if you will.
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I'm not saying the evidence is absolute be it genetic or cultural. I'm saying that there is a difference. And the argument that it may be genetic is a strong one. But I wouldn' t dismiss the cultural aspect of it altogether. It could very well be a mixture of both.

If it is genetic then it's possible for there to be recessive genes that can account for the exceptions.


not tyring to put words in your mouth but

when you say difference you are not referring to random individuals but larger demographic trends

Yes I'm speaking in general terms. There are exceptions to every rule.

chances are if you take two people off the street and give them an IQ test one or both will fall within the 88 to 112 range. That scenario would likely include 60% of the population.

20% being below 88 and 20% being above 112
Why do some of you want so badly to try to prove that black people are not genetically as intelligent or the same as white people??? It's soooo important to you.. WHY?

Because the current scheme of affirmative action posits that but for racism, blacks would be equal to whites. Under this scheme, whites suffer. Listen to the testimony of the white firefighters in New York, whose careers have been smashed so that unqualified minorities can be raised over them by Emperor Garaufis.

Because trillions of dollars in wealth transfers from white to black are based on the notion of genetic equality.

Because the entirety of American society is based on the notion of genetic equality, really, and whites get robbed as a result.

Whites pay a heavy "equality tax". Think of the Harrison Bergeron story from childhood.

The tax is unfair because it's based on incorrect science.

It needs to stop.

So, once upon a time I was kept out of a journalism job because I was white. The thinking was, "the only reason Tyrone Washington doesn't have the job over William Joyce is because of a history of racism. If we just give the job to Tyrone, and keep William out, that'll fix the problem."

But it WON'T fix the problem. And the reason Tyrone can't earn the job on his own is because he's got a lower IQ that he inherited. So you're essentially punishing me on wrong information -- a wrongful conviction, if you will.

have you ever noticed that when genetics and intelligence are discussed people go nuts even if race isn't mentioned?
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not tyring to put words in your mouth but

when you say difference you are not referring to random individuals but larger demographic trends

Yes I'm speaking in general terms. There are exceptions to every rule.

chances are if you take two people off the street and give them an IQ test one or both will fall within the 88 to 112 range. That scenario would likely include 60% of the population.

20% being below 88 and 20% being above 112

Blacks have 50% of their population with an iq below 85. Only 16% above 100.
Whites 50% above 100.

Let's say we pick a black and a white man off the street and conduct a test on them. This would clearly conclude a huge advantage for the white.

This is why blacks need AA to compete and they still can't. :badgrin:
The scores, being released today, show that the achievement gap between the top-scoring students — Asians and whites — and the lowest scoring — African Americans, Hispanics and American Indians — has grown slightly between 2007 and 2011.

• for whites, 22.1 in 2007 to 22.4 in 2011
• for African Americans, the score remained at 17 for both years

2011 ACT scores show problems with college readiness - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

There isn't one piece of data that shows whites and blacks as equal...Honestly, there's at least solid data in support of my belief system, while none for yours.

Here is a chart from 2006-2010 of Whites, Asians, blacks, meso's
Average ACT Composite Test Scores by Race/Ethnicity, 2006

This shows the gap staying between 21-29 points.

Gap at age 17 increased. Which is most important when dealing with people going towards a higher education.

SAT scores for 2006

Reading-527, Math-536, Writing-519
Reading-434, Math-429, Writing-428

SAT scores for 2007

Reading-527, Math-534, Writing-518
Reading-433, Math-429, Writing-425

Average SAT Scores, 1972–2007 —

SAT Ethnic Group Scores (Math/Verbal+total)

• African American-----426/431 (857)
• White-----534/529 (1063)


• African American ----16.9
• Caucasian---- 21.7

Quote from attached SAT/ACT article:

"Readiness for college science and math coursework was particularly low among
African American students. Only 5 percent of African American test-takers scored
at or above the college-readiness benchmark for college biology, and just 10
percent attained the readiness benchmark for college algebra. Ferguson said
Black students were less likely than others to take tough, college-prep courses
and "often don't receive the information and guidance they need to properly plan
for college."

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ACT Scores Steady but Show Signs of Small Progress
ACT scores steady but show signs of small progress


By JUSTIN POPE AP Education Writer
August 22, 2012 (AP)

Average scores on the ACT exam held steady for the high school class of 2012 but the results show modest progress in the number of students who appear ready for college-level work in math and science.
The scores, being released Wednesday, cover the first-ever class in which more than half of graduates nationally took the ACT. Traditionally the ACT has been a rival college entrance exam to the SAT, but it is now taken by almost all students in nine states, and by at least 60 percent of graduates in 26 states.
The average national composite score was 21.1 (on a scale of 1 to 36), unchanged from the class of 2011. The percentage who earned scores that ACT calculates indicate they're ready for college in all four subjects — English, reading, math and science — was also unchanged at 25 percent.
But the percentage earning scores indicating readiness for college in science has increased from 28 percent to 31 percent since 2009, and in math from 42 percent to 46 percent.
Such numbers still aren't great — 28 percent of ACT-tested graduates failed to meet the college readiness benchmark in any of the four subjects. But the fact that overall scores have held steady even as the test-taking pool widens, and that math and science marks have improved, is considered positive.
"There's just all these countertrends that would typically pull scores down," said Jon Erickson, education president of ACT, an Iowa City, Iowa-based nonprofit. "To hold scores is a good sign. To see science and math increasing the last five years — not rapidly but positively and steadily — those are two really good signs."
Erickson credited an aggressive push to improve teaching in the so-called "STEM" fields — science, technology, engineering and math — by states such as North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Tennessee, Massachusetts and Iowa. The scores could also reveal some early fruits of states moving toward the adoption of a common core curriculum.
Still, overall readiness scores remain much lower in science and math compared to English and reading. Nationally, just 46 percent of students of the record 1.66 million who took the exam met the national benchmark in math, as did 31 percent in science, compared to 67 percent in English and 52 percent in reading.

Also alarming are continued and widening gaps between racial groups. The average composite score for white students was 22.4, up from 22.1 in 2008. Average scores for Asians have risen even faster, from 22.9 to 23.6. But the average composite score for black students remains substantially lower and has risen just 0.1 points, from 16.9 to 17.0.Composite scores for Hispanic students were 18.9, up from 18.7 both a year ago and in 2008.

While 42 percent of Asians and 32 percent of whites met college-readiness benchmarks in all four subject areas, just 13 percent of Hispanics and 5 percent of black students did so.

"We still have a disparity in terms of the equity of education in our country, in both the equal distribution of quality teachers and quality curriculum across schools," Erickson said. "Hopefully things like the common core state standard movement will help level the playing field."
ACT defines its college readiness benchmarks as the minimum scores that predict a student has a 75 percent chance of earning a C or higher, or a 50 percent chance of earning a B or higher, in a typical first-year college course in that subject.
"While there are some encouraging signs in this new data, we have a long way to go towards making sure our students are prepared for success in college and that they are graduating ready to compete in the global economy," said Education Secretary Arne Duncan.
ACT Scores Steady but Show Signs of Small Progress - ABC News
Nope, you have no point because what you just said is not defensible by good science.

Once again, go back and read your own links. I don't get it? Why do some of you want so badly to try to prove that black people are not genetically as intelligent or the same as white people??? It's soooo important to you.. WHY? Your studies tout studying the brain of 29 individuals to watch and see differences..NO INTELLIGENT GENE, CHROMOSOME.. NONE.. You also linked to back in 2009.. My links today were scientific data TODAY. You people need to go back to stormfront where you're well met.


my point is that intelligence is heritable to a major extent.

60% to 80% heritable

project much?
Tell that to Obama, or General Powell, or Associate Justice Thomas.

Matthew, you are a simple moron.

Yes I'm speaking in general terms. There are exceptions to every rule.

chances are if you take two people off the street and give them an IQ test one or both will fall within the 88 to 112 range. That scenario would likely include 60% of the population.

20% being below 88 and 20% being above 112

Blacks have 50% of their population with an iq below 85. Only 16% above 100.
Whites 50% above 100.

Let's say we pick a black and a white man off the street and conduct a test on them. This would clearly conclude a huge advantage for the white.

This is why blacks need AA to compete and they still can't. :badgrin:
I feel obligated to point out the obvious flaw in your rather obtuse analogy! Did you even consider that Plow horses come in different colors as do race horses! A black race horse will run just as fast as a white one. A black plow horse will pull just as much a load as a white one!

Your ill conceived analogy is meant to portray Blacks as plow horses and whites as race horses! But, that rationale just doesn't make sense since we know that individuals in both racial groups can be analogized as a "plow horse" or as a "race horse."
If you just want to make up my point for me, just tell me you feel like pontificating and needed my post for an intro. Otherwise, that wasn't the point I was trying to make.

My point had nothing to do with color, but was in response to the post about crippling one horse in order to get equality between two different horses with a different sets of skills. My point was you don't have to compare apples to apples, just to have equality. It had nothing to do with the color of the horses.

But since you brought it up, are you prejudiced against appaloosa's? Why no mention of them?

The responses to the title of this entire thread turn on the premise of general white superiority and the assumption of general black inferiority. Don't try to BS me with your false allusion to something
other than the subject at hand.

Frankly, I'm not too surprised at the lack of objectivity here. When I see rebel flags and the growing chorus of anti-black rhetoric here, I realize that no matter what evidence I post to counter your pseudo-science, your racist minds will not absorb it.

Excuse me but I have to go. This depressing thread is cancerous. Hopefully, it won't metastasize into other areas of this board where Americans of all creeds and colors are sharing thoughts and ideas to put America ahead of the rest of the world!

Once again, go back and read your own links. I don't get it? Why do some of you want so badly to try to prove that black people are not genetically as intelligent or the same as white people??? It's soooo important to you.. WHY? Your studies tout studying the brain of 29 individuals to watch and see differences..NO INTELLIGENT GENE, CHROMOSOME.. NONE.. You also linked to back in 2009.. My links today were scientific data TODAY. You people need to go back to stormfront where you're well met.


my point is that intelligence is heritable to a major extent.

60% to 80% heritable

project much?

Anyone who begin's their posts with, "Ummm" is a joke. I don't care what your point is, it's not scientific.. In regard to projecting, I'm not the one in this thread and throughout the race forum ranting over the "Superior White race." Do yourself a favor, stay off of my radar.
I am be wrong but doesn't IQ really deal with what a person has learned and not their ability to learn?

That being the case, all this reflects is that blacks have received inferior education at home and in school.

The claim otherwise reeks horribly of the racist attitude of Adolph Hitler and many of the early American and British progressive who founded organizations like Planned Parenthood whose main goal was to reduce the number of black born.

Unfortunately, you are incorrect.

Knowledge is all information assimilated over time, but IQ does not measure knowledge.

IQ measures the innate quality and ability of the brain in the function of the cognitive process within the brain to recall, solve or format concepts. Basically, IQ measures the ability to learn; therefore those with higher IQs should have an advantage, but this is not always the case. The ability to learn, like any other ability, can be wasted. A person with the lower IQ can acquire more knowledge than a person with a higher IQ if he/she puts more effort into the learning process.
Once again, go back and read your own links. I don't get it? Why do some of you want so badly to try to prove that black people are not genetically as intelligent or the same as white people??? It's soooo important to you.. WHY? Your studies tout studying the brain of 29 individuals to watch and see differences..NO INTELLIGENT GENE, CHROMOSOME.. NONE.. You also linked to back in 2009.. My links today were scientific data TODAY. You people need to go back to stormfront where you're well met.


my point is that intelligence is heritable to a major extent.

60% to 80% heritable

project much?

Anyone who begin's their posts with, "Ummm" is a joke. I don't care what your point is, it's not scientific.. In regard to projecting, I'm not the one in this thread and throughout the race forum ranting over the "Superior White race." Do yourself a favor, stay off of my radar.

so can you link us to these white supremacist posts?

in addition we must now discount al science and study more than a month old.

that includes Pythagoras, Newton, Einstein, Shaywitz............

PS you can always use the ignore function
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my point is that intelligence is heritable to a major extent.

60% to 80% heritable

project much?

Anyone who begin's their posts with, "Ummm" is a joke. I don't care what your point is, it's not scientific.. In regard to projecting, I'm not the one in this thread and throughout the race forum ranting over the "Superior White race." Do yourself a favor, stay off of my radar.

so can you link us to these white supremacist posts?

in addition we must now discount al science and study more than a month old.

that includes Pythagoras, Newton, Einstein, Shaywitz............

PS you can always use the ignore function

You whiney little FUCK who negs like liberals.. Piss off RACIST.
Anyone who begin's their posts with, "Ummm" is a joke. I don't care what your point is, it's not scientific.. In regard to projecting, I'm not the one in this thread and throughout the race forum ranting over the "Superior White race." Do yourself a favor, stay off of my radar.

so can you link us to these white supremacist posts?

in addition we must now discount al science and study more than a month old.

that includes Pythagoras, Newton, Einstein, Shaywitz............

PS you can always use the ignore function

You whiney little FUCK who negs like liberals.. Piss off RACIST.

you have proof of these so called white supremacist posts or not?
I am be wrong but doesn't IQ really deal with what a person has learned and not their ability to learn?

That being the case, all this reflects is that blacks have received inferior education at home and in school.


What an ignorant thing to say. You have the IQ of a card table.

Actually, it has been my experience that many people think the same way as longknife. They think that those with higher IQs are smarter (know more) than those with lower IQs but this is not always the case. Determination also plays a significant part in the learning process, and a person who puts more effort into study and practice can learn more than a person with a higher IQ.

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