Please provide evidence that Colin powel and Condi Rice used a personal server

Now that Please provide evidence that Colin powel and Condi Rice used a personal server has fallen apart let's see how long bass and sniveling grizz play the fools.

They both seem trying to act like a drug addled brain scrambled young millennial in a half way house. I hope they have their essential oils.
Please post the evidence that Powel and Rice used a server that they owned to send and receive all of their email. this is not real, however to a schizophrenic reality is created minute by minute.
This has been discussed before, so no you don't get "just once more." The OP blew up.
So you agree that it has been discussed before and debunked. Thanks for agreeing that neither Powel or rice used a server in their own home that they owned..............................That said it is a fact that 9 out of 10 schizophrenics do not know the difference between a personal email and a personal server.

You are in the 9
HRC voted for the war
She did no such thing.

A vote to authorize the use of force is not a vote for war.
Tell Hilly that, because she says that her Iraq was vote was a mistake. Hillary Clinton says her Iraq war vote was a 'mistake'

So please feel free to argue with her that she did not vote yes for the war, because she says that she did, and more important, if she had voted no with others, then the war would not have happened.

Interpretive statement, Hillary voted yes for the she admits

But you keep living in LA LA LA land because they like u there
Bassman is the LA LA king.

He ignores things such as, "The Senate Majority McConnell leader as well as Rubio and Sasse and Collins and Corker as well as Speaker Ryan and Chairman Chaffetz and former Speaker Gingrich are repudiating Double Down Donald's double downing of stupidity."
HRC voted for the war
She did no such thing.

A vote to authorize the use of force is not a vote for war.
To vote to authorize force is a vote to authorize war. That is how it is interpreted. You don't like the fact, meh.
You changed what I said to make it fit your argument, and it's still wrong!
Tell Hilly that, because she says that her Iraq was vote was a mistake. Hillary Clinton says her Iraq war vote was a 'mistake'
Yes - it was a mistake to trust George W. Bush to keep his word when he said he would let the inspectors finish their work, and that he would only go to war as a last resort.

That was definitely a mistake.
The fact is that if Hillary voted no along with others, then there would have been no war. Can you grasp this?
Tell Hilly that, because she says that her Iraq was vote was a mistake. Hillary Clinton says her Iraq war vote was a 'mistake'
Yes - it was a mistake to trust George W. Bush to keep his word when he said he would let the inspectors finish their work, and that he would only go to war as a last resort.

That was definitely a mistake.
The fact is that if Hillary voted no with others, then the war does not happen, but she voted yes.

HRC voted for the war
She did no such thing.

A vote to authorize the use of force is not a vote for war.
To vote to authorize force is a vote to authorize war. That is how it is interpreted. You don't like the fact, meh.
You changed what I said to make it fit your argument, and it's still wrong!
No, you are saying an Authorization of Force is not a Declaration of War. In fact, they are the same. So stop changing what I am saying. :lol:
"The fact is that if Hillary "voted no with others, then the war does not happen" is a lie.

There is no evidence that a HRC no vote would have prevented war. None.

Anyone who is saying that is mentally unbalanced and needs to take meds. :lol:
"The fact is that if Hillary "voted no with others, then the war does not happen" is a lie.

There is no evidence that a HRC no vote would have prevented war. None.

Anyone who is saying that is mentally unbalanced and needs to take meds. :lol:
Hillary voted for the war, her vote with enough other Democrats would have meant no war. Why this is being disputed is beyond me
"The fact is that if Hillary "voted no with others, then the war does not happen" is a lie.

There is no evidence that a HRC no vote would have prevented war. None.

Anyone who is saying that is mentally unbalanced and needs to take meds. :lol:
Hillary voted for the war, her vote with enough other Democrats would have meant no war. Why this is being disputed is beyond me
Because you are crazy to think that. Your opinion is not fact. There is no corroborating evidence at all to suggest it.
"The fact is that if Hillary "voted no with others, then the war does not happen" is a lie.

There is no evidence that a HRC no vote would have prevented war. None.

Anyone who is saying that is mentally unbalanced and needs to take meds. :lol:
Hillary voted for the war, her vote with enough other Democrats would have meant no war. Why this is being disputed is beyond me
Because you are crazy to think that. Your opinion is not fact. There is no corroborating evidence at all to suggest it.
If Bush went to war without a majority yes vote, he would have been impeached, he was not because the vote including hillarie's was YES.

Get over it already, you are arguing with history, not me.
"The fact is that if Hillary "voted no with others, then the war does not happen" is a lie.

There is no evidence that a HRC no vote would have prevented war. None.

Anyone who is saying that is mentally unbalanced and needs to take meds. :lol:
Hillary voted for the war, her vote with enough other Democrats would have meant no war. Why this is being disputed is beyond me
Because you are crazy to think that. Your opinion is not fact. There is no corroborating evidence at all to suggest it.
If Bush went to war without a majority yes vote, he would have been impeached, he was not because the vote including hillarie's was YES.

Get over it already, you are arguing with history, not me.
History is not on your side at all.

Show how her vote would have invalidated the vote for authorization of force?

United States Senate (check wikipedia)
Party Yeas Nays
Republican 48 1
Democratic 29 21
Independent 0 1
TOTALS 77 23

Her one vote meant nothing.

You, bass, are arguing with factual history.
"The fact is that if Hillary "voted no with others, then the war does not happen" is a lie.

There is no evidence that a HRC no vote would have prevented war. None.

Anyone who is saying that is mentally unbalanced and needs to take meds. :lol:
Hillary voted for the war, her vote with enough other Democrats would have meant no war. Why this is being disputed is beyond me
Because you are crazy to think that. Your opinion is not fact. There is no corroborating evidence at all to suggest it.
If Bush went to war without a majority yes vote, he would have been impeached, he was not because the vote including hillarie's was YES.

Get over it already, you are arguing with history, not me.
History is not on your side at all.

Show how her vote would have invalidated the vote for authorization of force?

United States Senate (check wikipedia)
Party Yeas Nays
Republican 48 1
Democratic 29 21
Independent 0 1
TOTALS 77 23

Her one vote meant nothing.

You, bass, are arguing with factual history.

Hillary voted to send troops into Iraq, get over it................
If Bush went to war without a majority yes vote, he would have been impeached, he was not because the vote including hillarie's was YES.

Get over it already, you are arguing with history, not me.
Hillary voted for the war, her vote with enough other Democrats would have meant no war. Why this is being disputed is beyond me
Because you are crazy to think that. Your opinion is not fact. There is no corroborating evidence at all to suggest it.[/QUOTE]
If Bush went to war without a majority yes vote, he would have been impeached, he was not because the vote including hillarie's was YES.

Get over it already, you are arguing with history, not me.[/QUOTE]History is not on your side at all.

Show how her vote would have invalidated the vote for authorization of force?

United States Senate (check wikipedia)
Party Yeas Nays
Republican 48 1
Democratic 29 21
Independent 0 1
TOTALS 77 23

Her one vote meant nothing.

You, bass, are arguing with factual history.[/QUOTE]

A few fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?
HRC voted for the war
She did no such thing.

A vote to authorize the use of force is not a vote for war.
To vote to authorize force is a vote to authorize war. That is how it is interpreted. You don't like the fact, meh.
You changed what I said to make it fit your argument, and it's still wrong!
No, you are saying an Authorization of Force is not a Declaration of War. In fact, they are the same. So stop changing what I am saying. :lol:
They are not the same.

A declaration of war is a definite 'go', sending the U.S. military to armed conflict.

Show me where in the AUMF Congress declares that the U.S. is in a state of war with Iraq. Nowhere!

The resolution "supported" and "encouraged" diplomatic efforts by President George W. Bush to "strictly enforce through the U.N. Security Council all relevant Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq" and "obtain prompt and decisive action by the Security Council to ensure that Iraq abandons its strategy of delay, evasion, and noncompliance and promptly and strictly complies with all relevant Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq."

The resolution authorized President Bush to use the Armed Forces of the United States "as he determines to be necessary and appropriate" in order to "defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding Iraq."​

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