Please Remember the January 6 Political Prisoners and their Families This Christmas

The protesters at the Ellipse were smart and totally legal. It's the THUGS who went to the Capitol to assault members of Congress, the Capitol cops, etc. that need to take the legal con-sequences.
No I am sure that some of the people who went into the capital thought it was going to be a peaceful protest. The people who have been planning violence from the start for weeks before, Were the were the ones egging people to go into the capital to begin with.

In the end the people who didn't actually take part In the violence but still went into the capital and stood by and watched, are justas guilty
No I am sure that some of the people who went into the capital thought it was going to be a peaceful protest. The people who have been planning violence from the start for weeks before, Were the were the ones egging people to go into the capital to begin with.

In the end the people who didn't actually take part In the violence but still went into the capital and stood by and watched, are justas guilty
No one brought any guns, douchebag.

1). Breaking though Barriers outside the Capitol and ATTACKING Capitol police while doing so. ✅ = more than trespassing

2). Breaking Windows to gain entrance to the Capitol = more than trespassing

3). Entering the Private Office space of House Members = more than trespassing

4). Entering the Chambers,going through documents and taking pictures of documents = more than trespassing

5). Stealing items =. More than trespassing

Do you need more proof of this riot turned attempted coup is a bit more than trespassing?
It does not rise to the level of a crime that merits solitary confinement

The dems are milking their Reichstag fire for all the propaganda they can get
You are welcome to try, hun. Make sure if you want to go there to get your affairs in order first.
I’m just saying you might not always be in sync with the Dark Side of the Deep State
Between indictment and trial? If someone doesn't get bail, they can sit in jail for well over a year, depending on when the court is able to schedule their trial.

This is very common. It's actually why the vast majority of cases never make it to trial. People end up pleading out well before then, because they will actually end up spending less time behind bars that way. The court system has been like that for years. itt was like that long before Trump was ever involved in politics. Ironically, Republicans are the party that has always opposed reforming the system, and now GOP supporters are the ones its hurting.
Sounds like we need more judges…
I just can't do 13 pages of this topic, so let's just circle back to the OP and his GatewayPundit linked article.

Two metrics are offered by Pundit. These:

  • Dozens of men and women have been imprisoned for nearly two years now without trial. This is a clear violation of the US Constitution.
  • As of August, the FBI was still looking for over 350 individuals to arrest for taking part in the protests that day.
Pundit doesn't say where their information comes from. But that needn't be an obstacle for us. It's the Pundit, so we accept a certain, ah, intrigue in their reportage.

Still, they say "dozens" are behind bars without a trial.
OK, that may be, but.....but does that mean 24 people? 36? 72? Just how many exactly?
Who are they? Do they have names?
What are the charges against them?
Have they posed a flight risk?
Violated terms of an earlier release?
Ruled to be 'dangerous'?
Disruptive in jail?
Incurred other 'disruption' or assault charges while behind bars?
Do they have trial dates set? Arraignments?

Without the Pundit giving us more information, well......I think some may say the whole thing is fiction. Made up. Fantasy.
Now, I'm not saying I am saying that, but......but without some vetting are we to believe Jim Hoft's Pundit given their track-record for, ah.......agenda-driven creativity they want to claim is their personalized version of journalism?

Come on. We need more than that.
So, without names and linked charges......let some posters here, if they so wish, say: This is all just Jim Hoft hooey?

Is there anyone here that can prove this is not hooey?

It WAS encouraging.....if it is even true.....that they claim the FBI is still on the hunt for, what? ......350 suspects?
Let's home the FBI keeps up the focus and the energy to run 'em to ground.
And let us also hope that those 350 are constantly casting an eye out towards the driveway dreading a big black Government-issue SUV doesn't drive in and guys in black windbreakers step out.

That must be an awful stressful way to live, I would think.
This is just another gross misuse of our FBI. I'd rather see them solving real crimes than fabricating crimes that are nothing more than imaginary, totalitarian bullshit.

And the same people upset about it now (far righters) have been fighting reform efforts for years. How many times have we seen conservative news outlets ranting about convicts being released early due to time served pre-trial, and now the same system is hurting their supporters, so they start caring.
First off, republicans have not been fighting rational legislation for criminal reform, hell, Tim Scott was trying to get just that. What we‘re against is just letting the wors of the worst walk.
Some of them were. Many of them were attacking police. Those who were just there because it's what everyone was doing should have left the moment it turned violent. They should have realized that they shouldn't have been there. Because they willingly took part, even if they did nothing themselves accept walk around, I have no sympathy for them. The people who "just tresspassed" stood by and took videos of others brutally attacking police officers and made threats against members of Congress and the VP of the United States, and cheered the whole time. They are as guilty as anyone else involved. End of story.
Sounds like you‘re in favor of simply jailing every Republican for the crime of not being a democrat…
solving real crimes than fabricating crimes that are nothing more than imaginary, totalitarian bullshit.
Well, poster's what I saw on the telly. Real-time. Back on J6 2021: I saw a uniformed police officer being clubbed and stomped on by a MAGAMob. I saw a uniformed police officer get a full stream of MACE directly into his face from a MAGAMobster. I saw some bearded MAGAMobster use a police shield to smash through a window of the Capitol of the United States of America....and then his cohorts clamber through that breach. I saw a uniformed female police officer be violently pushed onto concrete steps by a MAGAMobsert...where, we learned later, she suffered a concussion.

So, while your mileage may my eyes and in my experience ....such actions by the MAGAMob sure looked like "real crimes" my poor avatar.

But you be you.


"The DC Courts are totally corrupted."
How would you know?
Are you an attorney?
If you are, have you practiced in the DC courts?
And what level....meaning, criminal? tort? administrative? contracts? regulatory? traffic? divorce? Municipal? District? Appellate? Supreme?
Please share with the forum, poster j-mac, the credible background and experience that you possess that suggests we should take your opinion on the DC courts seriously.

Batter up, mein freund.

Sounds like you‘re in favor of simply jailing every Republican for the crime of not being a democrat…

Hysteria much?
Histrionic much?
Shrilling much?
Being unserious and frivolous much?

Look, post
j-mac, this is intended to be an adult site for adult discourse. A venue where intelligent sometimes informed debates...albeit often impassioned......are intended to occur.
You are not meeting that quite reasonable standard The also reasonable ---expectation.
Your postings are coming across as just plain silly. Partisan caterwauling with no credible sourcing, no ring of veritas, just screechy stuff that any 14yr old with a laptop can spit out.

No disrespect intended.
Well, poster's what I saw on the telly. Real-time. Back on J6 2021: I saw a uniformed police officer being clubbed and stomped on by a MAGAMob. I saw a uniformed police officer get a full stream of MACE directly into his face from a MAGAMobster. I saw some bearded MAGAMobster use a police shield to smash through a window of the Capitol of the United States of America....and then his cohorts clamber through that breach. I saw a uniformed female police officer be violently pushed onto concrete steps by a MAGAMobsert...where, we learned later, she suffered a concussion.

So, while your mileage may my eyes and in my experience ....such actions by the MAGAMob sure looked like "real crimes" my poor avatar.

But you be you.


How would you know?
Are you an attorney?
If you are, have you practiced in the DC courts?
And what level....meaning, criminal? tort? administrative? contracts? regulatory? traffic? divorce? Municipal? District? Appellate? Supreme?
Please share with the forum, poster j-mac, the credible background and experience that you possess that suggests we should take your opinion on the DC courts seriously.

Batter up, mein freund.


Hysteria much?
Histrionic much?
Shrilling much?
Being unserious and frivolous much?

Look, post
j-mac, this is intended to be an adult site for adult discourse. A venue where intelligent sometimes informed debates...albeit often impassioned......are intended to occur.
You are not meeting that quite reasonable standard The also reasonable ---expectation.
Your postings are coming across as just plain silly. Partisan caterwauling with no credible sourcing, no ring of veritas, just screechy stuff that any 14yr old with a laptop can spit out.

No disrespect intended.
Lol, disrespect is all you do shithead.
Do you have the names of these folks who are supposedly still being held?
Not by name but the number was about 40 as of July

Are you surprised that biden is running a police state that holds political prisoners?
Not by name but the number was about 40 as of July

Are you surprised that biden is running a police state that holds political prisoners?
"Not by name".....why not? Are you just making stuff up?

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