Please Righties, Just Stop....

When was the last time I was asked to prove my citizenship to get a job? Pretty much every job since the early 2000s. Everyone does in most jobs.

Now the birthers are crazies, that is a given.
You are lying. To prove your citizenship? Never. You need to produce a social security number, that's all. Never in all my 35 years of working in the US did any potential employer ask to see a birth certificate or passport. They only wanted a social security number.

Wrong you most certainly do have to provide TWO forms of ID a picture ID driver license,or military ID or a birth certificate along with your SS,its been this way for years.

That's bullshit. I've never been asked for my Birth Certificate when applying for employment.

Your job at the firecracker stand does not count.

Just because you weren't asked, doesn't mean it isn't asked. Did you apply to run as a candidate for the President of the United States?

When you apply to be a candidate for the job of the President of the United States, one of the criteria is proof of citizenship, which I would think is a BC. One of the requirements is proof that you are a natural born citizen. So there is every right to prove citizenship to the federal election officials.

That all said, the cry to see Obama's BC was settled way back when he went to run for President the first time. The FEC would have approved or denied with proof way back before the primaries started. So it is a non-issue, however for you to think he didn't need to provide a BC at the beginning is just plain stupid.

If Cruz decides to run, his citizenship as a natural born citizen will be resolved by the FEC long before the first primary.


President Obama has provided all the necessary documents, including his BC, this is true. So you are correct, it's a non-issue.

I never said Obama shouldn't have to provide his BC. Obviously, he already did.
Just try to get a fishing license in a liberal state, insane documentation and ID are required.

I don't know why you think you have to lie about things.

I live in a very liberal state. I've gotten a fishing license many times.

It's one very short form and a fee. It takes maybe 5 minutes at the most. No ID is required nothing beyond a small form that asks for your address, name and social security number.

A person can do it quickly on line too. It takes even less time that way.

If you have to lie how valid is your point and why would you expect anyone to believe one word you said?

You are obviously ignorant of the licensing requirements in my state, probably because you incorrectly assume all liberal state licensing requirements are the same as yours. Work on your critical thinking skills.

Actually it was you who made the statement that it's hard to get a fishing license in a liberal state. You didn't clarify your statement so it was a blanket statement on all liberal states. Which is what I was correcting. It maybe hard to get a fishing license in your liberal state but not mine.

Which it's a lie to make such a blanket statement on liberal states especially when you only live in one of them. Not all states are the same as I pointed out in my reply to you.

If you want to say it's hard to get a fishing license in your liberal state I wouldn't argue with you. I would just tell you how easy it is in my liberal state and I hope that things change for yours.

So you lied when you included my liberal state in your statement. It's never a good idea to generalize because we don't live in a one size fits all world.
Stop with this false righteous indignation about Holder and Obama's attitudes. When was the last time you were asked for your birth certificate to legitimize your job?

You think they have just forgotten this stupidity?

Orly Taitz was your bitch in this game and Holder is going to make you pay. Own it.
Just curious....

When do you think was the last time one applied for a job where being an American Citizen was a requirement by law and proof of birth was NOT required?

Your whole premise is flawed.
Just try to get a fishing license in a liberal state, insane documentation and ID are required.

I don't know why you think you have to lie about things.

I live in a very liberal state. I've gotten a fishing license many times.

It's one very short form and a fee. It takes maybe 5 minutes at the most. No ID is required nothing beyond a small form that asks for your address, name and social security number.

A person can do it quickly on line too. It takes even less time that way.

If you have to lie how valid is your point and why would you expect anyone to believe one word you said?

You are obviously ignorant of the licensing requirements in my state, probably because you incorrectly assume all liberal state licensing requirements are the same as yours. Work on your critical thinking skills.

Actually it was you who made the statement that it's hard to get a fishing license in a liberal state. You didn't clarify your statement so it was a blanket statement on all liberal states. Which is what I was correcting. It maybe hard to get a fishing license in your liberal state but not mine.

Which it's a lie to make such a blanket statement on liberal states especially when you only live in one of them. Not all states are the same as I pointed out in my reply to you.

If you want to say it's hard to get a fishing license in your liberal state I wouldn't argue with you. I would just tell you how easy it is in my liberal state and I hope that things change for yours.

So you lied when you included my liberal state in your statement. It's never a good idea to generalize because we don't live in a one size fits all world.

Okay, add reading comprehension to your list of things you need to work on in 2015.

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