Please will someone who opposes the building of the "Wall" on the southern border explain why?

I thought it was finished!
It's looking pretty good too.
I don't know who built it but it's obvious that no one builds big beautiful walls like him.

I think they left a few gaps there.

Once again you just have to prove you are a complete moron.
You don't see the gaps?'ll believe anything Trump tells you!

Those are the prototype panels constructed for testing and evaluation near San Diego. Those are 8 different types on walls, not gaps between them dumbass!

Yes, you are a moron, so shut up and go play with your blocks in your playpen!
We don't need a wall. Arrest, convict, jail, for employers knowingly hiring illegal aliens.

Cancel all worker visas.

Why? Why should hiring someone who wants to work be a crime simply because they weren't born here? And you can skip the circular "because they're here ILLEGALLY" nonsense. The reason there are laws against them being here is because some of you think there is something wrong with them being here. What is it?

I just find it kind of sick and hypocritical that we heap so much fear and hatred on people whose principle "crime" is that they want to work.

What's wrong with "It's the law."

Nothing, when the law is right. When it's not - everything.
We don't need a wall. Arrest, convict, jail, for employers knowingly hiring illegal aliens.

Cancel all worker visas.

Why? Why should hiring someone who wants to work be a crime simply because they weren't born here? And you can skip the circular "because they're here ILLEGALLY" nonsense. The reason there are laws against them being here is because some of you think there is something wrong with them being here. What is it?

I just find it kind of sick and hypocritical that we heap so much fear and hatred on people whose principle "crime" is that they want to work.

Identify your motivation to stand against good, real Americans. I’m pretty sure you’re barely American yourself...right?
What part of that super shithole are you from?

You go first. Please include verifiable home address, phone number, SS#, and all other relevant details so we can be sure of your authentic citizenship status.

please don't.
I did once.
Our old white fart brave boys threatened my kids

Of course they did. They hide behind walls and threaten children. It's how they roll.

If I LOVED wetbacks like you wackos do and I knew exactly why good Americans HATE them I’d put together an advocacy group dedicated to teaching the southern cockroaches to behave like civilized first worlders do. You know, teach them English, to use rubbers and to not have children they can’t afford, teach them not to use abortion as a contraceptive, teach them not to leave shitty diapers, Modello cans and Tapatio bottles on our beaches and roadways, teach them not to wave Mexico’s flag in the faces of the good Americans feeding them, teach them how to properly parent their children, how not to abuse their animals, teach them not to rape, murder and drive drunk at the alarming rates they do. I mean think about it, if they were good, decent, self funded human beings NOBODY would give two shits about them being here...Nobody cares about the illegals here from New Zealand....why do you think that is?
I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407

It's not needed.

All that's needed is to enforce and strengthen our existing laws.

Anyone who hires an undocumented worker is a criminal. It's a crime to hire a documented worker. Yet when was the last time anyone ever heard of any business facing any legal consequences for their crimes?

All we need to do is arrest people in some businesses. Destroy the business. Put the people in prison for a decade or so for their crimes.

No other business will ever hire an undocumented worker.

They come here for jobs. If there's no job they won't come.

Unlike a wall, this will actually work. It won't cost much beyond properly enforcing our existing laws and prosecuting all criminals involved. Not just the undocumented worker.
I thought it was finished!
It's looking pretty good too.
I don't know who built it but it's obvious that no one builds big beautiful walls like him.

I think they left a few gaps there.

Once again you just have to prove you are a complete moron.
You don't see the gaps?'ll believe anything Trump tells you!

Those are the prototype panels constructed for testing and evaluation near San Diego. Those are 8 different types on walls, not gaps between them dumbass!

Yes, you are a moron, so shut up and go play with your blocks in your playpen!

If you need a link to see that those are separate sections of prototype walls you are completely clueless moron who should not be allowed to ever be unsupervised. Google it yourself because most anyone with a pulse has seen them before.

I am truly sorry that you are so stupid. I will include you in my prayers because you need all the help you can get.
I think they left a few gaps there.

Once again you just have to prove you are a complete moron.
You don't see the gaps?'ll believe anything Trump tells you!

Those are the prototype panels constructed for testing and evaluation near San Diego. Those are 8 different types on walls, not gaps between them dumbass!

Yes, you are a moron, so shut up and go play with your blocks in your playpen!

If you need a link to see that those are separate sections of prototype walls you are completely clueless moron who should not be allowed to ever be unsupervised. Google it yourself because most anyone with a pulse has seen them before.

I am truly sorry that you are so stupid. I will include you in my prayers because you need all the help you can get.
You made the assertion...I don't need to Google anything.

Donald ordered it built, it's big, to some I'm sure it's beautiful, and it's a wall...that matches his specifications to the letter.
It must be the...The Wall.

It's just a bit gappier than I'd imagined.
Once again you just have to prove you are a complete moron.
You don't see the gaps?'ll believe anything Trump tells you!

Those are the prototype panels constructed for testing and evaluation near San Diego. Those are 8 different types on walls, not gaps between them dumbass!

Yes, you are a moron, so shut up and go play with your blocks in your playpen!

If you need a link to see that those are separate sections of prototype walls you are completely clueless moron who should not be allowed to ever be unsupervised. Google it yourself because most anyone with a pulse has seen them before.

I am truly sorry that you are so stupid. I will include you in my prayers because you need all the help you can get.
You made the assertion...I don't need to Google anything.

Donald ordered it built, it's big, to some I'm sure it's beautiful, and it's a wall...that matches his specifications to the letter.
It must be the...The Wall.

It's just a bit gappier than I'd imagined.

The only gap I can see that is important is between your IQ and the average retarded person and that one is microscopic.
Once again you just have to prove you are a complete moron.
You don't see the gaps?'ll believe anything Trump tells you!

Those are the prototype panels constructed for testing and evaluation near San Diego. Those are 8 different types on walls, not gaps between them dumbass!

Yes, you are a moron, so shut up and go play with your blocks in your playpen!

If you need a link to see that those are separate sections of prototype walls you are completely clueless moron who should not be allowed to ever be unsupervised. Google it yourself because most anyone with a pulse has seen them before.

I am truly sorry that you are so stupid. I will include you in my prayers because you need all the help you can get.
You made the assertion...I don't need to Google anything.

Donald ordered it built, it's big, to some I'm sure it's beautiful, and it's a wall...that matches his specifications to the letter.
It must be the...The Wall.

It's just a bit gappier than I'd imagined.

Can you read the below descriptions..."Border Wall Prototypes"..

Did Trump's Much Touted Border Wall Prototypes Really Stop US Navy SEALs?

Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at 6.58.10 AM.png
We don't need a wall. Arrest, convict, jail, for employers knowingly hiring illegal aliens.

Cancel all worker visas.

Why? Why should hiring someone who wants to work be a crime simply because they weren't born here? And you can skip the circular "because they're here ILLEGALLY" nonsense. The reason there are laws against them being here is because some of you think there is something wrong with them being here. What is it?

I just find it kind of sick and hypocritical that we heap so much fear and hatred on people whose principle "crime" is that they want to work.

Identify your motivation to stand against good, real Americans. I’m pretty sure you’re barely American yourself...right?
What part of that super shithole are you from?

You go first. Please include verifiable home address, phone number, SS#, and all other relevant details so we can be sure of your authentic citizenship status.

please don't.
I did once.
Our old white fart brave boys threatened my kids

Of course they did. They hide behind walls and threaten children. It's how they roll.
My "threateners" we're proud old gun toting white farts.
Such brave boys
You don't see the gaps?'ll believe anything Trump tells you!

Those are the prototype panels constructed for testing and evaluation near San Diego. Those are 8 different types on walls, not gaps between them dumbass!

Yes, you are a moron, so shut up and go play with your blocks in your playpen!

If you need a link to see that those are separate sections of prototype walls you are completely clueless moron who should not be allowed to ever be unsupervised. Google it yourself because most anyone with a pulse has seen them before.

I am truly sorry that you are so stupid. I will include you in my prayers because you need all the help you can get.
You made the assertion...I don't need to Google anything.

Donald ordered it built, it's big, to some I'm sure it's beautiful, and it's a wall...that matches his specifications to the letter.
It must be the...The Wall.

It's just a bit gappier than I'd imagined.

The only gap I can see that is important is between your IQ and the average retarded person and that one is microscopic.

Why do you have a pic of a draft dodger?
A joke?
You don't see the gaps?'ll believe anything Trump tells you!

Those are the prototype panels constructed for testing and evaluation near San Diego. Those are 8 different types on walls, not gaps between them dumbass!

Yes, you are a moron, so shut up and go play with your blocks in your playpen!

If you need a link to see that those are separate sections of prototype walls you are completely clueless moron who should not be allowed to ever be unsupervised. Google it yourself because most anyone with a pulse has seen them before.

I am truly sorry that you are so stupid. I will include you in my prayers because you need all the help you can get.
You made the assertion...I don't need to Google anything.

Donald ordered it built, it's big, to some I'm sure it's beautiful, and it's a wall...that matches his specifications to the letter.
It must be the...The Wall.

It's just a bit gappier than I'd imagined.

Can you read the below descriptions..."Border Wall Prototypes"..

Did Trump's Much Touted Border Wall Prototypes Really Stop US Navy SEALs?

View attachment 218983
You guys are really quite sensitive about this, aren't you?

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