Plot Thickens- Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says

And again, I answered your question as to what would have to be done at this point. And yes, at this point our options are limited which means we had best complete a detailed risk analysis. If the cost is high, we may very well need to pay a high price

There are consequences for every decision we make in life. The key is to minimize the negative consequences of those decisions, and look to exploit the positives at all cost.


I actually pointed out the best possible scenario to your "solution". The worst outcome, and a reasonably likely one, would be the end of all life on the planet. Russia still maintains a large enough nuclear arsenal to destroy the planet. A shooting war could spiral out of control very quickly, especially if there are a large amount of deaths.

Not sure how you are factoring this in your "risk analysis".

Russia is a VERY dangerous country.

Meh, the risk analysis is likely moot at this point indeed, but we need to understand we screwed it up previously somehow. I guess my point is the decision on what to do now is much, much harder since we took the easiest path of resistance earlier.

Eventually, the piper must be paid.

Off to the salt mines

I see no pullback coming from Putin as Obama gives him no incentive to do so.



Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says

Finland has increased border surveillance in recent weeks as Mr Putin moves to ‘protect what belongs to him and his predecessors

After annexing Crimea and with troops massed on the border of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin will not stop trying to expand Russia until he has “conquered” Belarus, the Baltic states and Finland, one of his closest former advisers has said.

According to Andrej Illarionov, the President’s chief economic adviser from 2000 to 2005, Mr Putin seeks to create “historical justice” with a return to the days of the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and the Soviet Union under Stalin.

Speaking to the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, Mr Illarionov warned that Russia will argue that the granting of independence to Finland in 1917 was an act of “treason against national interests”.

“Putin’s view is that he protects what belongs to him and his predecessors,” Mr Illarionov said.

Vladimir Putin ?wants to regain Finland? for Russia, adviser says - Europe - World - The Independent

Another example of hate and fear by a member of the far right, sans facts, but including another attack on the twice elected President of the United States. The OP's author has become a cliché.
I see no pullback coming from Putin as Obama gives him no incentive to do so.



Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says

Finland has increased border surveillance in recent weeks as Mr Putin moves to ‘protect what belongs to him and his predecessors.......

According to Andrej Illarionov, .............

One has to look into a story before believing it.
The story comes from here.

Ukrainakrisen | Utrikes | SvD

Andrej Illarionov works, according to the link, is currently employed as a senior member of the prestigious liberal think tank Cato Institute.

Liberal ?????????????????????


Cato Institute | Individual Liberty, Free Markets, and Peace

That lot make Fox news look like a bunch of namby pamby gay communists.

In other words, the story is a pile of steaming crap.
I see no pullback coming from Putin as Obama gives him no incentive to do so.



Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says

Finland has increased border surveillance in recent weeks as Mr Putin moves to ‘protect what belongs to him and his predecessors

After annexing Crimea and with troops massed on the border of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin will not stop trying to expand Russia until he has “conquered” Belarus, the Baltic states and Finland, one of his closest former advisers has said.

According to Andrej Illarionov, the President’s chief economic adviser from 2000 to 2005, Mr Putin seeks to create “historical justice” with a return to the days of the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and the Soviet Union under Stalin.

Speaking to the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, Mr Illarionov warned that Russia will argue that the granting of independence to Finland in 1917 was an act of “treason against national interests”.

“Putin’s view is that he protects what belongs to him and his predecessors,” Mr Illarionov said.

Vladimir Putin ?wants to regain Finland? for Russia, adviser says - Europe - World - The Independent

Another example of hate and fear by a member of the far right, sans facts, but including another attack on the twice elected President of the United States. The OP's author has become a cliché.

It does give insight into how enormously complex problems can really get mucked up by astonishing simplistic solutions.

George W. Bush and the PNAC folks thought the 9/11 attacks were the result of displaying "weakness" and thought one solution was to make it clear that the United States was no "pushover". Whatever your take on Iraq, one of the unintended consequences were that there are 2 other large countries with very powerful militaries, that were chomping at the bit to use them.

Is that genie out of the bottle? Well yeah. And it's going to be hard to put back into the bottle.

But rushing off on yet another military adventure, without clearly knowing what the cost will be, is ludicrous.

Especially given the cost of the last few.

Like America, Russia has decided it can invade any country it wants for whatever reason it wants.

That policy was started by the United States.

It's a pretty simple concept.


Now what?

What's your suggestion?

Sallow, assholes like a goforit just can't do "pretty simple concepts". It is beyond their ability to comprehend that we invaded and destroyed a country without cause. That just does not compute with them.

Why, if they acknowledged this fact (invasion without cause) their heads would blow up.

Hey and gofirit, You the war monger here. You finished basic yet? At least signed up? Got your induction date.

As to me gofirit. I am not advocating war. You are. But I am an old guy. I carried a draft card. 1A. You know what a draft card is kid? You know what a "draft" is. And I am not talking baseball draft. Look up when the war in Vietnam was winding down and find out what they did with the draft.

It was the only lottery I ever won. Number 312. (shit I gave away the answer)

The guy is a little snarky but so far he colors in the lines and is generally respectful of other posters.

I wouldn't call him an "asshole".

Not good form.

LMAO. Must be because I live in the middle of the country. And we tend to call an asshole just what they are.....assholes. Form be damned. Don't know what you all do on the west coast. What would you call him? Sincere? Brave? A war monger? Just curious? What? A fine upstanding citizen?

Ah well. Call him what you want. I am going to work. Later.
People who thought Putin would be satisfied with Crimea are obviously deluded. We have failed to stop him there and will pay a heavier price now.
I see no pullback coming from Putin as Obama gives him no incentive to do so.



Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says

Finland has increased border surveillance in recent weeks as Mr Putin moves to ‘protect what belongs to him and his predecessors

After annexing Crimea and with troops massed on the border of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin will not stop trying to expand Russia until he has “conquered” Belarus, the Baltic states and Finland, one of his closest former advisers has said.

According to Andrej Illarionov, the President’s chief economic adviser from 2000 to 2005, Mr Putin seeks to create “historical justice” with a return to the days of the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and the Soviet Union under Stalin.

Speaking to the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, Mr Illarionov warned that Russia will argue that the granting of independence to Finland in 1917 was an act of “treason against national interests”.

“Putin’s view is that he protects what belongs to him and his predecessors,” Mr Illarionov said.

Vladimir Putin ?wants to regain Finland? for Russia, adviser says - Europe - World - The Independent

Another example of hate and fear by a member of the far right, sans facts, but including another attack on the twice elected President of the United States. The OP's author has become a cliché.

It does give insight into how enormously complex problems can really get mucked up by astonishing simplistic solutions.

George W. Bush and the PNAC folks thought the 9/11 attacks were the result of displaying "weakness" and thought one solution was to make it clear that the United States was no "pushover". Whatever your take on Iraq, one of the unintended consequences were that there are 2 other large countries with very powerful militaries, that were chomping at the bit to use them.

Is that genie out of the bottle? Well yeah. And it's going to be hard to put back into the bottle.

But rushing off on yet another military adventure, without clearly knowing what the cost will be, is ludicrous.

Especially given the cost of the last few.

Good point. Yet that genie might be already slipping into the bottle as the Republican elites seem to be pushing Jeb Bush as their candidate for the 2016 Presidential Election. Jeb was a signer of the Statement of Principles (1997) issued by the Project for a New American Century which criticized President Clinton for weakness in not taking military action against Iraq. Anyone who reads the PNAC Documents understands that GWB's invasion and occupation of Iraq was in the works well before 9/11/2001.

the original documents of the PNAC have been scrubbed from the Internet but for those interested please see:

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some of the infamous who signed this document are well known Neo Conservatives:

For example: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby, John Bolton, William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz and of course, Jeb Bush.
Last edited:
NATO would not tolerate a Russian invasion of Finland. Finland is too important economically.

Putin is blowing smoke
We are waiting for goforit to get over there and straighten Putin out.

Are you on the way? Signed up yet? Volunteered for service? Completing boot camp. Wtf are you doing about this travesty. Except bitching on a message board.

In case you missed it, I don't give a flying fuck what Putin is doing. When we decided to invade and destroy Iraq without cause, we gave up ALL credibility to bitch at other countries for their aggressive actions. Suck it up and live with it. It's what the rest of the world had to do for us. Including Russia.

you really can not be THAT stupid..., are you ? please do not answer, you will only confirm my suspicions.

Putin invades Crime-a for enslavement of the people and their country, which he will do to Finland.

the U.S.A. went to Iraq to give freedom to a citizenry who were enslaved by a tyrannical dictator.

got it now ? if not find a Conservative to explain it for you, you should know at least one somewhere. :lmao:
We are waiting for goforit to get over there and straighten Putin out.

Are you on the way? Signed up yet? Volunteered for service? Completing boot camp. Wtf are you doing about this travesty. Except bitching on a message board.

In case you missed it, I don't give a flying fuck what Putin is doing. When we decided to invade and destroy Iraq without cause, we gave up ALL credibility to bitch at other countries for their aggressive actions. Suck it up and live with it. It's what the rest of the world had to do for us. Including Russia.

you really can not be THAT stupid..., are you ? please do not answer, you will only confirm my suspicions.

Putin invades Crime-a for enslavement of the people and their country, which he will do to Finland.

the U.S.A. went to Iraq to give freedom to a citizenry who were enslaved by a tyrannical dictator.

got it now ? if not find a Conservative to explain it for you, you should know at least one somewhere. :lmao:
Never mind. He's Zeke, toothless stumpbroke of USMB. Alcohol has destroyed whatever remained of his thought processes.
The denial on the Left is insane. The rest of the world understands that Putin has won, that he has been encouraged by Obama's weak response, and that we can expect more trouble from him as a result. Only in some alt universe is Obama doing anything effective.
I see no pullback coming from Putin as Obama gives him no incentive to do so.



Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says

Finland has increased border surveillance in recent weeks as Mr Putin moves to ‘protect what belongs to him and his predecessors

After annexing Crimea and with troops massed on the border of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin will not stop trying to expand Russia until he has “conquered” Belarus, the Baltic states and Finland, one of his closest former advisers has said.

According to Andrej Illarionov, the President’s chief economic adviser from 2000 to 2005, Mr Putin seeks to create “historical justice” with a return to the days of the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and the Soviet Union under Stalin.

Speaking to the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, Mr Illarionov warned that Russia will argue that the granting of independence to Finland in 1917 was an act of “treason against national interests”.

“Putin’s view is that he protects what belongs to him and his predecessors,” Mr Illarionov said.

Vladimir Putin ?wants to regain Finland? for Russia, adviser says - Europe - World - The Independent

No current politician would have given Putin incentive to do anything. Putin knows that our politicians, and the american people for that fact, are too busy bitching at each other to do anything about him.

As for this story. While I wouldn't discount the claim by the former adviser, it's a moot statement. Until Russia takes "action", our "reaction" should be limited to keeping a watchful eye. None of the fear mongering being generated means anything. Putin himself could come out saying he wants Finland to be part of Russia, but until he shows that he's going to follow through with his statement we shouldn't do anything.
Another example of hate and fear by a member of the far right, sans facts, but including another attack on the twice elected President of the United States. The OP's author has become a cliché.

It does give insight into how enormously complex problems can really get mucked up by astonishing simplistic solutions.

George W. Bush and the PNAC folks thought the 9/11 attacks were the result of displaying "weakness" and thought one solution was to make it clear that the United States was no "pushover". Whatever your take on Iraq, one of the unintended consequences were that there are 2 other large countries with very powerful militaries, that were chomping at the bit to use them.

Is that genie out of the bottle? Well yeah. And it's going to be hard to put back into the bottle.

But rushing off on yet another military adventure, without clearly knowing what the cost will be, is ludicrous.

Especially given the cost of the last few.

Good point. Yet that genie might be already slipping into the bottle as the Republican elites seem to be pushing Jeb Bush as their candidate for the 2016 Presidential Election. Jeb was a signer of the Statement of Principles (1997) issued by the Project for a New American Century which criticized President Clinton for weakness in not taking military action against Iraq. Anyone who reads the PNAC Documents understands that GWB's invasion and occupation of Iraq was in the works well before 9/11/2001.

the original documents of the PNAC have been scrubbed from the Internet but for those interested please see:

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some of the infamous who signed this document are well known Neo Conservatives:

For example: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby, John Bolton, William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz and of course, Jeb Bush.

It was just an amazingly dangerous and simple minded policy.

And now?

We are seeing why..
If I claim that Putin wants to take back East Berlin can I get my 15 minutes too?

If you work for the Russian government and probably had recent conversations with him the answer is yes.

I once saved him when he was losing a wrestling match against a bear. Does that count?

The idea that a former adviser with any number of potential axes to grind against Putin can come forward and make any claim they want without evidence, when much of the world is conveniently angry against Putin, is a little ridiculous. As far as I can tell this is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.
The former advisor hasn't been an advisor since 2005 and lives in Washington DC, working for the libertarian Cato Institute.

He has personal knowledge of Putin's intentions based on what? This sounds like a little bit of fake propaganda.
We are waiting for goforit to get over there and straighten Putin out.

Are you on the way? Signed up yet? Volunteered for service? Completing boot camp. Wtf are you doing about this travesty. Except bitching on a message board.

In case you missed it, I don't give a flying fuck what Putin is doing. When we decided to invade and destroy Iraq without cause, we gave up ALL credibility to bitch at other countries for their aggressive actions. Suck it up and live with it. It's what the rest of the world had to do for us. Including Russia.

you really can not be THAT stupid..., are you ? please do not answer, you will only confirm my suspicions.

Putin invades Crime-a for enslavement of the people and their country, which he will do to Finland.

the U.S.A. went to Iraq to give freedom to a citizenry who were enslaved by a tyrannical dictator.

got it now ? if not find a Conservative to explain it for you, you should know at least one somewhere. :lmao:
Never mind. He's Zeke, toothless stumpbroke of USMB. Alcohol has destroyed whatever remained of his thought processes.
The denial on the Left is insane. The rest of the world understands that Putin has won, that he has been encouraged by Obama's weak response, and that we can expect more trouble from him as a result. Only in some alt universe is Obama doing anything effective.

The former advisor hasn't been an advisor since 2005 and lives in Washington DC, working for the libertarian Cato Institute.

He has personal knowledge of Putin's intentions based on what? This sounds like a little bit of fake propaganda.

Let's just be clear that there's nothing libertarian about Illarionov's call for war with Russia, regardless of who he works for.

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Is Helsinki Burning?

There was nothing in the article about war with Russia. It was just gratuitous Putin bashing to turn public opinion against Russia. Illarionov is clearly not in a position to know anything at all about Putin's intentions toward Finland or anyplace else. He hasn't been in the Russian government for ten years.
The former advisor hasn't been an advisor since 2005 and lives in Washington DC, working for the libertarian Cato Institute.

He has personal knowledge of Putin's intentions based on what? This sounds like a little bit of fake propaganda.

Let's just be clear that there's nothing libertarian about Illarionov's call for war with Russia, regardless of who he works for.

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Is Helsinki Burning?

There was nothing in the article about war with Russia. It was just gratuitous Putin bashing to turn public opinion against Russia. Illarionov is clearly not in a position to know anything at all about Putin's intentions toward Finland or anyplace else. He hasn't been in the Russian government for ten years.

A quote from Illarionov:

“We must offer resistance by all means available,” he said. “I'm not a bloodthirsty person, but there is sometimes no other way than military power to stop an opponent. The only answer to pure aggression is demonstrating willingness to offer a collective defence.”

Vladimir Putin ?wants to regain Finland? for Russia, adviser says - Europe - World - The Independent

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