Plot Thickens- Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says

Read the Budapest Memorandom. Russia has nuclear weapons. Even more than the Us as of 2005. Do I want to see us get involved with ground troops? No. Do I want to see us honor the memorandum? Yes. Do I think it wouldn't take but a threat of a show of force for Russia to back down? Probably.
Ukraine and Finland are not members of NATO. Military options have to be approved by other members of NATO. USA and NATO have no ethical or moral obligations to commit military assets for the protection of Ukraine or Finland. Puten knows that. Dumb ass USA weakeners blame Obama for making USA weak because of his response. They highlight our weak position for selfish promotion of hatred for the current President. USA does not have right to commit troops which in turn would obligate other NATO nations to commit troops. We have treaty obligations and that includes being a team player with other NATO countries.

"Honor" what?

There's no obligation in the memorandum to do anything.


There's no teeth to it.

And that's another fine mess Bush got us into when he unilaterally pulled out of the ABM treaty! THAT really pissed off Russia.

Read the Budapest Memorandom. Russia has nuclear weapons. Even more than the Us as of 2005. Do I want to see us get involved with ground troops? No. Do I want to see us honor the memorandum? Yes. Do I think it wouldn't take but a threat of a show of force for Russia to back down? Probably.
Ukraine and Finland are not members of NATO. Military options have to be approved by other members of NATO. USA and NATO have no ethical or moral obligations to commit military assets for the protection of Ukraine or Finland. Puten knows that. Dumb ass USA weakeners blame Obama for making USA weak because of his response. They highlight our weak position for selfish promotion of hatred for the current President. USA does not have right to commit troops which in turn would obligate other NATO nations to commit troops. We have treaty obligations and that includes being a team player with other NATO countries.

"Honor" what?

There's no obligation in the memorandum to do anything.


There's no teeth to it.

And that's another fine mess Bush got us into when he unilaterally pulled out of the ABM treaty! THAT really pissed off Russia.


So allow ourselves to be vulnerable to the new realities of long range missiles?
In WWII the Finns were in fact co-belligerents with the Nazis. The fact that the Finns had Nazi troops in Finland helping them to fight against the Russians (Soviets) certainly contributed to Finland's success. Finnish troops numbered over 400,000 with Nazi troops in Finland numbering over 200,000. Whether they could have done it without the Nazis is debatable.

Not sure the Finns would provide much of a fight today. They definitely wouldn't be able to stop a Russian advance.

In WWII the Finns were in fact co-belligerents with the Nazis. The fact that the Finns had Nazi troops in Finland helping them to fight against the Russians (Soviets) certainly contributed to Finland's success. Finnish troops numbered over 400,000 with Nazi troops in Finland numbering over 200,000. Whether they could have done it without the Nazis is debatable.

Not sure the Finns would provide much of a fight today. They definitely wouldn't be able to stop a Russian advance.

And they did actually lose territory to the Soviets then in the peacc agreement. The Finns were beginning to weaken. And their own forces were 10 times what they ard today.
It’s important to keep in mind, however, that Illarionov hasn’t been a “Putin adviser” for almost a decade. He resigned in a huff in 2005, saying that Russia "is no longer a democratic country" and currently works at the Cato Institute. In other words, he does have an ax to grind with the Kremlin but doesn’t exactly have a direct line to Putin’s thinking. Kicking Russia out of the G-8? Illarionov has wanted to do that since 2006.

So if Putin were planning to do this, it’s unlikely that Illarionov would be high on the list of people he’d tell.

Despite a former adviser's comments, Russia is extremely unlikely to invade Finland.
Read the Budapest Memorandom. Russia has nuclear weapons. Even more than the Us as of 2005. Do I want to see us get involved with ground troops? No. Do I want to see us honor the memorandum? Yes. Do I think it wouldn't take but a threat of a show of force for Russia to back down? Probably.

"Honor" what?

There's no obligation in the memorandum to do anything.


There's no teeth to it.

And that's another fine mess Bush got us into when he unilaterally pulled out of the ABM treaty! THAT really pissed off Russia.


So allow ourselves to be vulnerable to the new realities of long range missiles?

" realities of long range missiles..." . Now that's funny, no matter who you are.
"Honor" what?

There's no obligation in the memorandum to do anything.


There's no teeth to it.

And that's another fine mess Bush got us into when he unilaterally pulled out of the ABM treaty! THAT really pissed off Russia.


So allow ourselves to be vulnerable to the new realities of long range missiles?

" realities of long range missiles..." . Now that's funny, no matter who you are.
Realities of certain others attempting to & acquiring them.- along with their delivery systems. Maybe I should have made it simpler for you.
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So allow ourselves to be vulnerable to the new realities of long range missiles?

" realities of long range missiles..." . Now that's funny, no matter who you are.
Realities of certain others attempting to & acquiring them.- along with their delivery systems. Maybe I should have made it simpler for you.

Sorry, I don't understand your word(s) code yet. Who are "certain others"? Are there some countries in Europe that are just now getting access to long range missiles?
It's time to arm the crap out of the Finns.
"'Six years ago Putin conquered Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia. The west let him do it with impunity, and now he has got Crimea,' he told a Swedish news website. 'Now, eastern and southern Ukraine is destabilized so that the self-defense forces can take power there.'”

Vladimir Putin wants to reclaim Finland for Russia, former adviser says - Washington Times

Six years ago, Putin responded to dozens of dead Russian peacekeepers murdered by DC's puppet in Georgia, last month he reacted to a neo-Nazis coup in Kiev, and next week he will be in Mexico City, complaining about Fort Hood.
For Immediate Release****************** * * * * * * * * * * * ** September 17, 2009REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTON STRENGTHENING MISSILE DEFENSE IN EUROPEDiplomatic Reception Room10:21 A.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT:* Good morning.* As Commander-in-Chief, I'm committed to doing everything in my power to advance our national security.* And that includes strengthening our defenses against any and all threats to our people, our troops, and our friends and allies around the world.One of those threats is the danger posed by ballistic missiles.* As I said during the campaign, President Bush was right that Iran's ballistic missile program poses a significant threat.* And that's why I'm committed to deploying strong missile defense systems which are adaptable to the threats of the 21st century.
" realities of long range missiles..." . Now that's funny, no matter who you are.
Realities of certain others attempting to & acquiring them.- along with their delivery systems. Maybe I should have made it simpler for you.

Sorry, I don't understand your word(s) code yet. Who are "certain others"? Are there some countries in Europe that are just now getting access to long range missiles?
Putin Beats EU as Finland Rediscovers Soviet-Era Trade: Economy - Businessweek
You do remember he was "accidently" put on Finland's blacklist awhile back, don't you?

And this-
Putin: Red Army Losses in Finland to Be Honored | FINNBAY

Will anything come of all this? Hard to say, but would you have predicted 2 years ago they would take back part of the Ukraine.
Dang tablet put second link at top

Today Finland.....tomorrow the world (because a former advisor said it on the interwebz)......:lol:.
Now, if I were a cynic, I might suggest the following.
Obama wants to cut the military.
The arms industry's profits would suffer.
If there was a new enemy, there would be an excuse to keep arms industry profits high.
Read the Budapest Memorandom. Russia has nuclear weapons. Even more than the Us as of 2005. Do I want to see us get involved with ground troops? No. Do I want to see us honor the memorandum? Yes. Do I think it wouldn't take but a threat of a show of force for Russia to back down? Probably.

"Honor" what?

There's no obligation in the memorandum to do anything.


There's no teeth to it.

And that's another fine mess Bush got us into when he unilaterally pulled out of the ABM treaty! THAT really pissed off Russia.


So allow ourselves to be vulnerable to the new realities of long range missiles?

Wait, what?

First you are going on about a "memorandum" and then you make an excuse for breaking a bonafided, real live, agreed to treaty.


Pick a position.

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