Plutocracy or Democracy? YOU will decide in Nov. 2016!

Is that why Hitler arrested and executed socialist and communist?

Lefties have slaughtered their left-wing competition since the beginning.

Whoa,,that's really a stretch! :disbelief:
So that's why the Nazi's banned trade unions and got support from the business-industrial sector? And that is why Hitler/Nazis demonized Jews as Marxist and a threat to Germany. And that is why he sent the Jews , to join with socialist in the concentration camps.
Yep, that explains everything. :laugh:
You are so wrong it is funny.
Hitler banned INDEPENDENT trade unions. There was a healthy system of Nazi controlled unions in Germany.
Nazis were "National Socialists" as opposed to Communists who were "International Socialists." There was no difference other than nationalism.
The Jews were unfortunate victims of Hitler's beliefs etc.

You are so wrong it is funny.
Hitler banned INDEPENDENT trade unions. There was a healthy system of Nazi controlled unions in Germany.
Nazis were "National Socialists" as opposed to Communists who were "International Socialists." There was no difference other than nationalism.
The Jews were unfortunate victims of Hitler's beliefs etc.

"Nazis were "National Socialists" as opposed to Communists who were "International Socialists." -Rabbi

Oh, so using that logic, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is really a democracy?
Darn, I always though socialist were pro-worker, pro-union and only wanted to make business and industry property of the state.
Yes, the Jews were unfortunate victims if Hitler's beliefs, so why did he demonize them as "Marxist" and threat to Germany? As a socialist, wouldn't Hitler been true to his socialism and called the Jews capitalists and a threat to Germany?
Are you disputing that "NAZI" Is an acronym for National Socialist?
Are you disputing that the Soviet Union was the "Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics"?

Are you disputing that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy?
Your defeat here is acknowledged. Maybe some kind of remedial courses would help you not appear such an ignoramus.

My defeat?
You used a couple of examples of where the name of the country was applicable and I used one where the name of the country wasn't applicable. My example showed that names of adopted by countries aren't always applicable. That also applies to political parties and ideologies. Take the term "conservative", which is derived from the word conserve. In the past, conservatives did live up to their name by actually conserving things, In today's world, conserving doesn't apply to many conservatives and the topic that this applies to is the environment.
Now, back to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. At the time when the party was formed, they incorporated two popular movements into their name. Nationalism and socialism were two popular movements in Europe, to gather popular support in Germany, these two key words were incorporated into the party name, along with the word "workers". Including the word "workers' even before they banned all trade unions, occupied the trade unions offices by force and arrested trade union leaders. As noted earlier, then the Nazis arrested socialist and sent them to concentration camps and also executed socialist leaders, They also demonized the Jews by labeling them as Marxist Jews and charged that they were a threat to Germany.
Obviously, the Nazi's weren't socialist as their actions throughout their reign never demonstrated basic socialist beliefs at all. It was simply using the word "socialist" to gather support just as they did using the words 'national" and "workers."
My conclusion game after reading/studying historical facts and no, I didn't use partisan blogs; etc.
Do I think the Nazi's were right wing? Not really, they not only clashed with left wing organizations, they also had issues with right wing organizations.
As you will note, I did use links for reference previously that lead to my conclusion. You should try that sometime instead of throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.

Actually, I need to correct myself.
Germany did nationalize some industries as needed for the war.
Is that why Hitler arrested and executed socialist and communist?

Lefties have slaughtered their left-wing competition since the beginning.

Whoa,,that's really a stretch! :disbelief:
So that's why the Nazi's banned trade unions and got support from the business-industrial sector? And that is why Hitler/Nazis demonized Jews as Marxist and a threat to Germany. And that is why he sent the Jews , to join with socialist in the concentration camps.
Yep, that explains everything. :laugh:
You are so wrong it is funny.
Hitler banned INDEPENDENT trade unions. There was a healthy system of Nazi controlled unions in Germany.
Nazis were "National Socialists" as opposed to Communists who were "International Socialists." There was no difference other than nationalism.
The Jews were unfortunate victims of Hitler's beliefs etc.

You are so wrong it is funny.
Hitler banned INDEPENDENT trade unions. There was a healthy system of Nazi controlled unions in Germany.
Nazis were "National Socialists" as opposed to Communists who were "International Socialists." There was no difference other than nationalism.
The Jews were unfortunate victims of Hitler's beliefs etc.

"Nazis were "National Socialists" as opposed to Communists who were "International Socialists." -Rabbi

Oh, so using that logic, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is really a democracy?
Darn, I always though socialist were pro-worker, pro-union and only wanted to make business and industry property of the state.
Yes, the Jews were unfortunate victims if Hitler's beliefs, so why did he demonize them as "Marxist" and threat to Germany? As a socialist, wouldn't Hitler been true to his socialism and called the Jews capitalists and a threat to Germany?
Are you disputing that "NAZI" Is an acronym for National Socialist?
Are you disputing that the Soviet Union was the "Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics"?

Are you disputing that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy?
Your defeat here is acknowledged. Maybe some kind of remedial courses would help you not appear such an ignoramus.

My defeat?
You used a couple of examples of where the name of the country was applicable and I used one where the name of the country wasn't applicable. My example showed that names of adopted by countries aren't always applicable. That also applies to political parties and ideologies. Take the term "conservative", which is derived from the word conserve. In the past, conservatives did live up to their name by actually conserving things, In today's world, conserving doesn't apply to many conservatives and the topic that this applies to is the environment.
Now, back to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. At the time when the party was formed, they incorporated two popular movements into their name. Nationalism and socialism were two popular movements in Europe, to gather popular support in Germany, these two key words were incorporated into the party name, along with the word "workers". Including the word "workers' even before they banned all trade unions, occupied the trade unions offices by force and arrested trade union leaders. As noted earlier, then the Nazis arrested socialist and sent them to concentration camps and also executed socialist leaders, They also demonized the Jews by labeling them as Marxist Jews and charged that they were a threat to Germany.
Obviously, the Nazi's weren't socialist as their actions throughout their reign never demonstrated basic socialist beliefs at all. It was simply using the word "socialist" to gather support just as they did using the words 'national" and "workers."
My conclusion game after reading/studying historical facts and no, I didn't use partisan blogs; etc.
Do I think the Nazi's were right wing? Not really, they not only clashed with left wing organizations, they also had issues with right wing organizations.
As you will note, I did use links for reference previously that lead to my conclusion. You should try that sometime instead of throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.
blahblah. You clearly dont know what you are talking about. Go read on the topic. Take a look at Jonah Goldberg's books on this where he shows it was a conflict of international socialism against national socialism.
Whoa,,that's really a stretch! :disbelief:
So that's why the Nazi's banned trade unions and got support from the business-industrial sector? And that is why Hitler/Nazis demonized Jews as Marxist and a threat to Germany. And that is why he sent the Jews , to join with socialist in the concentration camps.
Yep, that explains everything. :laugh:
You are so wrong it is funny.
Hitler banned INDEPENDENT trade unions. There was a healthy system of Nazi controlled unions in Germany.
Nazis were "National Socialists" as opposed to Communists who were "International Socialists." There was no difference other than nationalism.
The Jews were unfortunate victims of Hitler's beliefs etc.

"Nazis were "National Socialists" as opposed to Communists who were "International Socialists." -Rabbi

Oh, so using that logic, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is really a democracy?
Darn, I always though socialist were pro-worker, pro-union and only wanted to make business and industry property of the state.
Yes, the Jews were unfortunate victims if Hitler's beliefs, so why did he demonize them as "Marxist" and threat to Germany? As a socialist, wouldn't Hitler been true to his socialism and called the Jews capitalists and a threat to Germany?
Are you disputing that "NAZI" Is an acronym for National Socialist?
Are you disputing that the Soviet Union was the "Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics"?

Are you disputing that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy?
Your defeat here is acknowledged. Maybe some kind of remedial courses would help you not appear such an ignoramus.

My defeat?
You used a couple of examples of where the name of the country was applicable and I used one where the name of the country wasn't applicable. My example showed that names of adopted by countries aren't always applicable. That also applies to political parties and ideologies. Take the term "conservative", which is derived from the word conserve. In the past, conservatives did live up to their name by actually conserving things, In today's world, conserving doesn't apply to many conservatives and the topic that this applies to is the environment.
Now, back to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. At the time when the party was formed, they incorporated two popular movements into their name. Nationalism and socialism were two popular movements in Europe, to gather popular support in Germany, these two key words were incorporated into the party name, along with the word "workers". Including the word "workers' even before they banned all trade unions, occupied the trade unions offices by force and arrested trade union leaders. As noted earlier, then the Nazis arrested socialist and sent them to concentration camps and also executed socialist leaders, They also demonized the Jews by labeling them as Marxist Jews and charged that they were a threat to Germany.
Obviously, the Nazi's weren't socialist as their actions throughout their reign never demonstrated basic socialist beliefs at all. It was simply using the word "socialist" to gather support just as they did using the words 'national" and "workers."
My conclusion game after reading/studying historical facts and no, I didn't use partisan blogs; etc.
Do I think the Nazi's were right wing? Not really, they not only clashed with left wing organizations, they also had issues with right wing organizations.
As you will note, I did use links for reference previously that lead to my conclusion. You should try that sometime instead of throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.

Actually, I need to correct myself.
Germany did nationalize some industries as needed for the war.
You ned to correct yourself because you are completely wrong.
Gee, never been called that since i retired, you an take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.
There is no difference jackass. Money is money & corruption is corruption regardless of party affiliation.

You ARE a stupid MOTHERFUCKER as well as the weakest link....goodbye
O RLLY? there is no diff between earned & inherited money? :rolleyes-41: I also see you're also on your weekly meltdown as well. Wry Catcher owns you. Good times.
There is no difference between coruption from the left or right. There is no difference in the influence money will buy no matter how the money was obtained.

Wry Catcher owns me? Lol
Get a grip twit

In the mind of this simpleton ^^^ there is no difference. The difference can be as stark as the air we breath, the water we drink and the climate we change.
You're an idiot. There is 0 difference. Corruption is corruption. Bribes & extortion are bribes & extortion.

You really are a dumbfuck. And you just got owned AGAIN by an exconvict stiupidass

2 + 2 doesn't only = 4

That said, you may scratch your head and wonder what the heck is Wry thinking, which is why you are the ignoramus and I am not a "dumbfuck". BTW, your anger is showing, its that why you ended up in vertical stripes, or was it an orange jumpsuit?
There is no difference jackass. Money is money & corruption is corruption regardless of party affiliation.

You ARE a stupid MOTHERFUCKER as well as the weakest link....goodbye
O RLLY? there is no diff between earned & inherited money? :rolleyes-41: I also see you're also on your weekly meltdown as well. Wry Catcher owns you. Good times.
There is no difference between coruption from the left or right. There is no difference in the influence money will buy no matter how the money was obtained.

Wry Catcher owns me? Lol
Get a grip twit

In the mind of this simpleton ^^^ there is no difference. The difference can be as stark as the air we breath, the water we drink and the climate we change.
You're an idiot. There is 0 difference. Corruption is corruption. Bribes & extortion are bribes & extortion.

You really are a dumbfuck. And you just got owned AGAIN by an exconvict stiupidass

2 + 2 doesn't only = 4

That said, you may scratch your head and wonder what the heck is Wry thinking, which is why you are the ignoramus and I am not a "dumbfuck". BTW, your anger is showing, its that why you ended up in vertical stripes, or was it an orange jumpsuit?
Looks like Grampa murked you, Cumcatcher.
There is no difference jackass. Money is money & corruption is corruption regardless of party affiliation.

You ARE a stupid MOTHERFUCKER as well as the weakest link....goodbye
O RLLY? there is no diff between earned & inherited money? :rolleyes-41: I also see you're also on your weekly meltdown as well. Wry Catcher owns you. Good times.
There is no difference between coruption from the left or right. There is no difference in the influence money will buy no matter how the money was obtained.

Wry Catcher owns me? Lol
Get a grip twit

In the mind of this simpleton ^^^ there is no difference. The difference can be as stark as the air we breath, the water we drink and the climate we change.
You're an idiot. There is 0 difference. Corruption is corruption. Bribes & extortion are bribes & extortion.

You really are a dumbfuck. And you just got owned AGAIN by an exconvict stiupidass

2 + 2 doesn't only = 4

That said, you may scratch your head and wonder what the heck is Wry thinking, which is why you are the ignoramus and I am not a "dumbfuck". BTW, your anger is showing, its that why you ended up in vertical stripes, or was it an orange jumpsuit?

2+2 doesn't always equal 4 eh?


You most certainly are a dumbfuck
Whoa,,that's really a stretch! :disbelief:
So that's why the Nazi's banned trade unions and got support from the business-industrial sector? And that is why Hitler/Nazis demonized Jews as Marxist and a threat to Germany. And that is why he sent the Jews , to join with socialist in the concentration camps.
Yep, that explains everything. :laugh:
You are so wrong it is funny.
Hitler banned INDEPENDENT trade unions. There was a healthy system of Nazi controlled unions in Germany.
Nazis were "National Socialists" as opposed to Communists who were "International Socialists." There was no difference other than nationalism.
The Jews were unfortunate victims of Hitler's beliefs etc.

"Nazis were "National Socialists" as opposed to Communists who were "International Socialists." -Rabbi

Oh, so using that logic, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is really a democracy?
Darn, I always though socialist were pro-worker, pro-union and only wanted to make business and industry property of the state.
Yes, the Jews were unfortunate victims if Hitler's beliefs, so why did he demonize them as "Marxist" and threat to Germany? As a socialist, wouldn't Hitler been true to his socialism and called the Jews capitalists and a threat to Germany?
Are you disputing that "NAZI" Is an acronym for National Socialist?
Are you disputing that the Soviet Union was the "Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics"?

Are you disputing that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy?
Your defeat here is acknowledged. Maybe some kind of remedial courses would help you not appear such an ignoramus.

My defeat?
You used a couple of examples of where the name of the country was applicable and I used one where the name of the country wasn't applicable. My example showed that names of adopted by countries aren't always applicable. That also applies to political parties and ideologies. Take the term "conservative", which is derived from the word conserve. In the past, conservatives did live up to their name by actually conserving things, In today's world, conserving doesn't apply to many conservatives and the topic that this applies to is the environment.
Now, back to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. At the time when the party was formed, they incorporated two popular movements into their name. Nationalism and socialism were two popular movements in Europe, to gather popular support in Germany, these two key words were incorporated into the party name, along with the word "workers". Including the word "workers' even before they banned all trade unions, occupied the trade unions offices by force and arrested trade union leaders. As noted earlier, then the Nazis arrested socialist and sent them to concentration camps and also executed socialist leaders, They also demonized the Jews by labeling them as Marxist Jews and charged that they were a threat to Germany.
Obviously, the Nazi's weren't socialist as their actions throughout their reign never demonstrated basic socialist beliefs at all. It was simply using the word "socialist" to gather support just as they did using the words 'national" and "workers."
My conclusion game after reading/studying historical facts and no, I didn't use partisan blogs; etc.
Do I think the Nazi's were right wing? Not really, they not only clashed with left wing organizations, they also had issues with right wing organizations.
As you will note, I did use links for reference previously that lead to my conclusion. You should try that sometime instead of throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.
blahblah. You clearly dont know what you are talking about. Go read on the topic. Take a look at Jonah Goldberg's books on this where he shows it was a conflict of international socialism against national socialism.

Wow, that's shocking as Jonah Goldberg is a right winger! What else would he say?
See, that difference between you and I, I avoid partisan opinions, where as you suck up every opinion the right wing has. That's why you come off like an right wing echo chamber. Way to go Mr Un-Objective.
You are so wrong it is funny.
Hitler banned INDEPENDENT trade unions. There was a healthy system of Nazi controlled unions in Germany.
Nazis were "National Socialists" as opposed to Communists who were "International Socialists." There was no difference other than nationalism.
The Jews were unfortunate victims of Hitler's beliefs etc.

Are you disputing that "NAZI" Is an acronym for National Socialist?
Are you disputing that the Soviet Union was the "Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics"?

Are you disputing that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy?
Your defeat here is acknowledged. Maybe some kind of remedial courses would help you not appear such an ignoramus.

My defeat?
You used a couple of examples of where the name of the country was applicable and I used one where the name of the country wasn't applicable. My example showed that names of adopted by countries aren't always applicable. That also applies to political parties and ideologies. Take the term "conservative", which is derived from the word conserve. In the past, conservatives did live up to their name by actually conserving things, In today's world, conserving doesn't apply to many conservatives and the topic that this applies to is the environment.
Now, back to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. At the time when the party was formed, they incorporated two popular movements into their name. Nationalism and socialism were two popular movements in Europe, to gather popular support in Germany, these two key words were incorporated into the party name, along with the word "workers". Including the word "workers' even before they banned all trade unions, occupied the trade unions offices by force and arrested trade union leaders. As noted earlier, then the Nazis arrested socialist and sent them to concentration camps and also executed socialist leaders, They also demonized the Jews by labeling them as Marxist Jews and charged that they were a threat to Germany.
Obviously, the Nazi's weren't socialist as their actions throughout their reign never demonstrated basic socialist beliefs at all. It was simply using the word "socialist" to gather support just as they did using the words 'national" and "workers."
My conclusion game after reading/studying historical facts and no, I didn't use partisan blogs; etc.
Do I think the Nazi's were right wing? Not really, they not only clashed with left wing organizations, they also had issues with right wing organizations.
As you will note, I did use links for reference previously that lead to my conclusion. You should try that sometime instead of throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.

Actually, I need to correct myself.
Germany did nationalize some industries as needed for the war.
You ned to correct yourself because you are completely wrong.

When I make errors I admit that I made an error. In your mind, you never make errors and if someone proves you wrong, you disappear, then come back and out comes the name calling.
I am sure glad I'm not you.
You are so wrong it is funny.
Hitler banned INDEPENDENT trade unions. There was a healthy system of Nazi controlled unions in Germany.
Nazis were "National Socialists" as opposed to Communists who were "International Socialists." There was no difference other than nationalism.
The Jews were unfortunate victims of Hitler's beliefs etc.

Are you disputing that "NAZI" Is an acronym for National Socialist?
Are you disputing that the Soviet Union was the "Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics"?

Are you disputing that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy?
Your defeat here is acknowledged. Maybe some kind of remedial courses would help you not appear such an ignoramus.

My defeat?
You used a couple of examples of where the name of the country was applicable and I used one where the name of the country wasn't applicable. My example showed that names of adopted by countries aren't always applicable. That also applies to political parties and ideologies. Take the term "conservative", which is derived from the word conserve. In the past, conservatives did live up to their name by actually conserving things, In today's world, conserving doesn't apply to many conservatives and the topic that this applies to is the environment.
Now, back to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. At the time when the party was formed, they incorporated two popular movements into their name. Nationalism and socialism were two popular movements in Europe, to gather popular support in Germany, these two key words were incorporated into the party name, along with the word "workers". Including the word "workers' even before they banned all trade unions, occupied the trade unions offices by force and arrested trade union leaders. As noted earlier, then the Nazis arrested socialist and sent them to concentration camps and also executed socialist leaders, They also demonized the Jews by labeling them as Marxist Jews and charged that they were a threat to Germany.
Obviously, the Nazi's weren't socialist as their actions throughout their reign never demonstrated basic socialist beliefs at all. It was simply using the word "socialist" to gather support just as they did using the words 'national" and "workers."
My conclusion game after reading/studying historical facts and no, I didn't use partisan blogs; etc.
Do I think the Nazi's were right wing? Not really, they not only clashed with left wing organizations, they also had issues with right wing organizations.
As you will note, I did use links for reference previously that lead to my conclusion. You should try that sometime instead of throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.
blahblah. You clearly dont know what you are talking about. Go read on the topic. Take a look at Jonah Goldberg's books on this where he shows it was a conflict of international socialism against national socialism.

Wow, that's shocking as Jonah Goldberg is a right winger! What else would he say?
See, that difference between you and I, I avoid partisan opinions, where as you suck up every opinion the right wing has. That's why you come off like an right wing echo chamber. Way to go Mr Un-Objective.
You still havent provided any evidence other than "ZOMG! Goldberg is a right winger!!"
No wonder you get pwned in every discussion.
Are you disputing that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy?
Your defeat here is acknowledged. Maybe some kind of remedial courses would help you not appear such an ignoramus.

My defeat?
You used a couple of examples of where the name of the country was applicable and I used one where the name of the country wasn't applicable. My example showed that names of adopted by countries aren't always applicable. That also applies to political parties and ideologies. Take the term "conservative", which is derived from the word conserve. In the past, conservatives did live up to their name by actually conserving things, In today's world, conserving doesn't apply to many conservatives and the topic that this applies to is the environment.
Now, back to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. At the time when the party was formed, they incorporated two popular movements into their name. Nationalism and socialism were two popular movements in Europe, to gather popular support in Germany, these two key words were incorporated into the party name, along with the word "workers". Including the word "workers' even before they banned all trade unions, occupied the trade unions offices by force and arrested trade union leaders. As noted earlier, then the Nazis arrested socialist and sent them to concentration camps and also executed socialist leaders, They also demonized the Jews by labeling them as Marxist Jews and charged that they were a threat to Germany.
Obviously, the Nazi's weren't socialist as their actions throughout their reign never demonstrated basic socialist beliefs at all. It was simply using the word "socialist" to gather support just as they did using the words 'national" and "workers."
My conclusion game after reading/studying historical facts and no, I didn't use partisan blogs; etc.
Do I think the Nazi's were right wing? Not really, they not only clashed with left wing organizations, they also had issues with right wing organizations.
As you will note, I did use links for reference previously that lead to my conclusion. You should try that sometime instead of throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.

Actually, I need to correct myself.
Germany did nationalize some industries as needed for the war.
You ned to correct yourself because you are completely wrong.

When I make errors I admit that I made an error. In your mind, you never make errors and if someone proves you wrong, you disappear, then come back and out comes the name calling.
I am sure glad I'm not you.
LOL! You're such a tool. You've never admitted being wrong even when it is painfully obvios you are. Like now.
Still pretending that Nazi does not stand for National Socialist and USSR does not contain "Socialist" as part of its name?
The Koch brothers’ political machine is expanding into new states and recruiting new donors as it seeks to shape the Republican Party — and its presidential field — headed into 2016, according to interviews with multiple sources, as well as confidential donor briefing documents obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016 - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

"Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest....

"The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle."

Full article here: Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

IMO, this effort by members of the 0.01% is nothing less than a bloodless coup, and if it succeeds it will put the last nail into the coffin of Democracy in America. No longer can it be denied that we are a Plutocracy, and that every man, woman and child will be at the mercy of this new Aristocracy, and governed by elected officials on every level of government owned by an Oligarchy of the power elite.

Good for them. We need to counter Soros and other left wing money. You don't like it? Move to North Korea.
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Plus they don't worry about George Soros, who is far more scary than the Koch brothers.
For all I know both families are extremes. Admittedly I know nothing about either except for one fact. The Koch brothers employ thousands and that was my point. Of course many don't care about the sideline facts.
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Plus they don't worry about George Soros, who is far more scary than the Koch brothers.

Really, since Soros is "far more scary than the Koch brother" we must assume you have evidence. Please post a comprehensive comparison between the three, and what Mr. Soros does that scares you more than those who pollute or democratic institutions with bribes and our air, water and soil.

Thank you in advance for providing this information, and accordingly put to rest any thought that your post was simply the work of a parrot seeking attention.
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Plus they don't worry about George Soros, who is far more scary than the Koch brothers.

Really, since Soros is "far more scary than the Koch brother" we must assume you have evidence. Please post a comprehensive comparison between the three, and what Mr. Soros does that scares you more than those who pollute or democratic institutions with bribes and our air, water and soil.

Thank you in advance for providing this information, and accordingly put to rest any thought that your post was simply the work of a parrot seeking attention.
Soros talks shit but offers nothing. Koch talk shit but offer jobs.

You lose by default "dumbfuck"
The Koch brothers’ political machine is expanding into new states and recruiting new donors as it seeks to shape the Republican Party — and its presidential field — headed into 2016, according to interviews with multiple sources, as well as confidential donor briefing documents obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016 - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

"Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest....

"The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle."

Full article here: Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

IMO, this effort by members of the 0.01% is nothing less than a bloodless coup, and if it succeeds it will put the last nail into the coffin of Democracy in America. No longer can it be denied that we are a Plutocracy, and that every man, woman and child will be at the mercy of this new Aristocracy, and governed by elected officials on every level of government owned by an Oligarchy of the power elite.

Your dear leaders campaign spent 775 million all by its self in 2012, add in the democrat party and priorities USA they spent more than a billion dollars. They spent almost $15 per vote received, that doesn't include spending by minor pacs. Where the hell do you think all that money came from? Clue: It wasn't from poor folk.

2012 Presidential Race - How Much Did it Cost

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