Plutocracy or Democracy? YOU will decide in Nov. 2016!

Wry Catcher (ex prison guard) 0
GrampaMurkedU (ex prisoner) 3

Wry Catcher (bitch)
GrampaMurkedU (pimp)

Result? Wry Catcher loses
Really, since Soros is "far more scary than the Koch brother" we must assume you have evidence. Please post a comprehensive comparison between the three, and what Mr. Soros does that scares you more than those who pollute or democratic institutions with bribes and our air, water and soil.

Thank you in advance for providing this information, and accordingly put to rest any thought that your post was simply the work of a parrot seeking attention.

A few highlights from George Soros' history. He is evil. And he says he feels no guilt for betraying people or ruining them financially. Sociopaths do not have a conscience and Soros is living proof of that. He made money by helping to crash Britain's economy by speculating against the British pound. Millions of people lost their retirements. It was devastating, but Soros pocketed $1.1 billion. He made another $3.3 billion off the banking crisis. Not to mention insider trading and other equally rotten things. And he says it's all okay because if he hadn't done these things, someone else would have. Really? He is a giant piece of shit who seems to enjoy destroying people's lives for entertainment and money. And he backs Democrats.

"By collaborating with the Nazis, George survived the Holocaust. He turned on other Jews to spare himself.

George moved to London after the war and then to New York, where he became a stockbroker. He’s rich now. Forbes magazine says he’s the 35th richest man in the world. Maybe you’ve heard of him. He goes by the name his father invented: George Soros.

How does Soros feel about what he did as a teenager? Has it kept him up at night?

Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes asked him that. Was it difficult? "Not at all," Soros answered.

"No feeling of guilt?" asked Kroft. "No," said Soros. "There was no sense that I shouldn’t be there. If I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not. So I had no sense of guilt."

A Nazi would steal the Jews’ property anyways. So why not him?

That moral hollowness has shaped Soros’ life. He’s a rabid critic of capitalism, but in 1992 when he saw a chance, he speculated against the British pound, causing it to crash, devastating retirement savings for millions of Britons. Soros pocketed $1.1 billion for himself. If he didn’t do it, someone else would, right?

In 2002, Soros was convicted of insider trading in France, and fined millions of dollars. He admitted buying the shares, but denied it was a crime.

Last year, when he made $3.3 billion off the banking collapse, he called the world’s financial crisis "the culmination of my life’s work."

This is a man who boasted he offered to help his mother commit suicide. Apparently he didn’t see enough death in Hungary.

Soros is a sociopath. But he’s a sociopath with $14 billion, and he likes to spend it on politics."
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Plus they don't worry about George Soros, who is far more scary than the Koch brothers.

Really, since Soros is "far more scary than the Koch brother" we must assume you have evidence. Please post a comprehensive comparison between the three, and what Mr. Soros does that scares you more than those who pollute or democratic institutions with bribes and our air, water and soil.

Thank you in advance for providing this information, and accordingly put to rest any thought that your post was simply the work of a parrot seeking attention.

Well Soros did come within a gnat's whisker of bankrupting the Bank of England... crippling millions of innocent people ... on a scale that makes Bernie Madoff, look like Mother Theresa.

And all the Koch Brother's do is employ tens of thousands of people, produce billions in goods and services annually and promote decency and prosperity hrough their Political Advocacies and Charities.

So ... there's that.
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Really, since Soros is "far more scary than the Koch brother" we must assume you have evidence. Please post a comprehensive comparison between the three, and what Mr. Soros does that scares you more than those who pollute or democratic institutions with bribes and our air, water and soil.

Thank you in advance for providing this information, and accordingly put to rest any thought that your post was simply the work of a parrot seeking attention.

A few highlights from George Soros' history. He is evil. And he says he feels no guilt for betraying people or ruining them financially. Sociopaths do not have a conscience and Soros is living proof of that. He made money by helping to crash Britain's economy by speculating against the British pound. Millions of people lost their retirements. It was devastating, but Soros pocketed $1.1 billion. He made another $3.3 billion off the banking crisis. Not to mention insider trading and other equally rotten things. And he says it's all okay because if he hadn't done these things, someone else would have. Really? He is a giant piece of shit who seems to enjoy destroying people's lives for entertainment and money. And he backs Democrats.

"By collaborating with the Nazis, George survived the Holocaust. He turned on other Jews to spare himself.

George moved to London after the war and then to New York, where he became a stockbroker. He’s rich now. Forbes magazine says he’s the 35th richest man in the world. Maybe you’ve heard of him. He goes by the name his father invented: George Soros.

How does Soros feel about what he did as a teenager? Has it kept him up at night?

Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes asked him that. Was it difficult? "Not at all," Soros answered.

"No feeling of guilt?" asked Kroft. "No," said Soros. "There was no sense that I shouldn’t be there. If I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not. So I had no sense of guilt."

A Nazi would steal the Jews’ property anyways. So why not him?

That moral hollowness has shaped Soros’ life. He’s a rabid critic of capitalism, but in 1992 when he saw a chance, he speculated against the British pound, causing it to crash, devastating retirement savings for millions of Britons. Soros pocketed $1.1 billion for himself. If he didn’t do it, someone else would, right?

In 2002, Soros was convicted of insider trading in France, and fined millions of dollars. He admitted buying the shares, but denied it was a crime.

Last year, when he made $3.3 billion off the banking collapse, he called the world’s financial crisis "the culmination of my life’s work."

This is a man who boasted he offered to help his mother commit suicide. Apparently he didn’t see enough death in Hungary.

Soros is a sociopath. But he’s a sociopath with $14 billion, and he likes to spend it on politics."

I just wish it were possible to thank you for this ... TWICE!
Really, since Soros is "far more scary than the Koch brother" we must assume you have evidence. Please post a comprehensive comparison between the three, and what Mr. Soros does that scares you more than those who pollute or democratic institutions with bribes and our air, water and soil.

Thank you in advance for providing this information, and accordingly put to rest any thought that your post was simply the work of a parrot seeking attention.

A few highlights from George Soros' history. He is evil. And he says he feels no guilt for betraying people or ruining them financially. Sociopaths do not have a conscience and Soros is living proof of that. He made money by helping to crash Britain's economy by speculating against the British pound. Millions of people lost their retirements. It was devastating, but Soros pocketed $1.1 billion. He made another $3.3 billion off the banking crisis. Not to mention insider trading and other equally rotten things. And he says it's all okay because if he hadn't done these things, someone else would have. Really? He is a giant piece of shit who seems to enjoy destroying people's lives for entertainment and money. And he backs Democrats.

"By collaborating with the Nazis, George survived the Holocaust. He turned on other Jews to spare himself.

George moved to London after the war and then to New York, where he became a stockbroker. He’s rich now. Forbes magazine says he’s the 35th richest man in the world. Maybe you’ve heard of him. He goes by the name his father invented: George Soros.

How does Soros feel about what he did as a teenager? Has it kept him up at night?

Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes asked him that. Was it difficult? "Not at all," Soros answered.

"No feeling of guilt?" asked Kroft. "No," said Soros. "There was no sense that I shouldn’t be there. If I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not. So I had no sense of guilt."

A Nazi would steal the Jews’ property anyways. So why not him?

That moral hollowness has shaped Soros’ life. He’s a rabid critic of capitalism, but in 1992 when he saw a chance, he speculated against the British pound, causing it to crash, devastating retirement savings for millions of Britons. Soros pocketed $1.1 billion for himself. If he didn’t do it, someone else would, right?

In 2002, Soros was convicted of insider trading in France, and fined millions of dollars. He admitted buying the shares, but denied it was a crime.

Last year, when he made $3.3 billion off the banking collapse, he called the world’s financial crisis "the culmination of my life’s work."

This is a man who boasted he offered to help his mother commit suicide. Apparently he didn’t see enough death in Hungary.

Soros is a sociopath. But he’s a sociopath with $14 billion, and he likes to spend it on politics."
I'll give you an example of how conservatives are fucked in the head. You post this indictment of Soros to show how democrats are hypocrites, fair enough, but you might notice that no one jumps to his defense. Turn it around and let me post one of the many laundry lists of terrible things done by the various republican billionaires and watch their defenders come out of the woodwork. Republicans love the billionaires and forgive them anything except inexplicably funding somewhat liberal politics. The democratic party would be better off without the asshole, you guys can have him, you already have all the others so you might as well take him and Buffet too and make it a complete set.
Your defeat here is acknowledged. Maybe some kind of remedial courses would help you not appear such an ignoramus.

My defeat?
You used a couple of examples of where the name of the country was applicable and I used one where the name of the country wasn't applicable. My example showed that names of adopted by countries aren't always applicable. That also applies to political parties and ideologies. Take the term "conservative", which is derived from the word conserve. In the past, conservatives did live up to their name by actually conserving things, In today's world, conserving doesn't apply to many conservatives and the topic that this applies to is the environment.
Now, back to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. At the time when the party was formed, they incorporated two popular movements into their name. Nationalism and socialism were two popular movements in Europe, to gather popular support in Germany, these two key words were incorporated into the party name, along with the word "workers". Including the word "workers' even before they banned all trade unions, occupied the trade unions offices by force and arrested trade union leaders. As noted earlier, then the Nazis arrested socialist and sent them to concentration camps and also executed socialist leaders, They also demonized the Jews by labeling them as Marxist Jews and charged that they were a threat to Germany.
Obviously, the Nazi's weren't socialist as their actions throughout their reign never demonstrated basic socialist beliefs at all. It was simply using the word "socialist" to gather support just as they did using the words 'national" and "workers."
My conclusion game after reading/studying historical facts and no, I didn't use partisan blogs; etc.
Do I think the Nazi's were right wing? Not really, they not only clashed with left wing organizations, they also had issues with right wing organizations.
As you will note, I did use links for reference previously that lead to my conclusion. You should try that sometime instead of throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.

Actually, I need to correct myself.
Germany did nationalize some industries as needed for the war.
You ned to correct yourself because you are completely wrong.

When I make errors I admit that I made an error. In your mind, you never make errors and if someone proves you wrong, you disappear, then come back and out comes the name calling.
I am sure glad I'm not you.
LOL! You're such a tool. You've never admitted being wrong even when it is painfully obvios you are. Like now.
Still pretending that Nazi does not stand for National Socialist and USSR does not contain "Socialist" as part of its name?

Of course I admit I'm wrong, when I'm wrong. I'm an adult.
Where as your post are childish conjecture based on the latest talking point that you suck up like Linda Lovelace sucking on a dong.
A huge majority of historians sure don't think Hitler and the Nazis were socialist. About the only ones who I have seen make that claim are from the far right,,naturally rewriting history, which is their specialty.
People who don't equate Soros and the Koch boys as being one in the same are single minded tools.
Your defeat here is acknowledged. Maybe some kind of remedial courses would help you not appear such an ignoramus.

My defeat?
You used a couple of examples of where the name of the country was applicable and I used one where the name of the country wasn't applicable. My example showed that names of adopted by countries aren't always applicable. That also applies to political parties and ideologies. Take the term "conservative", which is derived from the word conserve. In the past, conservatives did live up to their name by actually conserving things, In today's world, conserving doesn't apply to many conservatives and the topic that this applies to is the environment.
Now, back to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. At the time when the party was formed, they incorporated two popular movements into their name. Nationalism and socialism were two popular movements in Europe, to gather popular support in Germany, these two key words were incorporated into the party name, along with the word "workers". Including the word "workers' even before they banned all trade unions, occupied the trade unions offices by force and arrested trade union leaders. As noted earlier, then the Nazis arrested socialist and sent them to concentration camps and also executed socialist leaders, They also demonized the Jews by labeling them as Marxist Jews and charged that they were a threat to Germany.
Obviously, the Nazi's weren't socialist as their actions throughout their reign never demonstrated basic socialist beliefs at all. It was simply using the word "socialist" to gather support just as they did using the words 'national" and "workers."
My conclusion game after reading/studying historical facts and no, I didn't use partisan blogs; etc.
Do I think the Nazi's were right wing? Not really, they not only clashed with left wing organizations, they also had issues with right wing organizations.
As you will note, I did use links for reference previously that lead to my conclusion. You should try that sometime instead of throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.

Actually, I need to correct myself.
Germany did nationalize some industries as needed for the war.
You ned to correct yourself because you are completely wrong.

When I make errors I admit that I made an error. In your mind, you never make errors and if someone proves you wrong, you disappear, then come back and out comes the name calling.
I am sure glad I'm not you.
LOL! You're such a tool. You've never admitted being wrong even when it is painfully obvios you are. Like now.
Still pretending that Nazi does not stand for National Socialist and USSR does not contain "Socialist" as part of its name?
You truly are an ignorant, moronic putz.
My defeat?
You used a couple of examples of where the name of the country was applicable and I used one where the name of the country wasn't applicable. My example showed that names of adopted by countries aren't always applicable. That also applies to political parties and ideologies. Take the term "conservative", which is derived from the word conserve. In the past, conservatives did live up to their name by actually conserving things, In today's world, conserving doesn't apply to many conservatives and the topic that this applies to is the environment.
Now, back to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. At the time when the party was formed, they incorporated two popular movements into their name. Nationalism and socialism were two popular movements in Europe, to gather popular support in Germany, these two key words were incorporated into the party name, along with the word "workers". Including the word "workers' even before they banned all trade unions, occupied the trade unions offices by force and arrested trade union leaders. As noted earlier, then the Nazis arrested socialist and sent them to concentration camps and also executed socialist leaders, They also demonized the Jews by labeling them as Marxist Jews and charged that they were a threat to Germany.
Obviously, the Nazi's weren't socialist as their actions throughout their reign never demonstrated basic socialist beliefs at all. It was simply using the word "socialist" to gather support just as they did using the words 'national" and "workers."
My conclusion game after reading/studying historical facts and no, I didn't use partisan blogs; etc.
Do I think the Nazi's were right wing? Not really, they not only clashed with left wing organizations, they also had issues with right wing organizations.
As you will note, I did use links for reference previously that lead to my conclusion. You should try that sometime instead of throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.

Actually, I need to correct myself.
Germany did nationalize some industries as needed for the war.
You ned to correct yourself because you are completely wrong.

When I make errors I admit that I made an error. In your mind, you never make errors and if someone proves you wrong, you disappear, then come back and out comes the name calling.
I am sure glad I'm not you.
LOL! You're such a tool. You've never admitted being wrong even when it is painfully obvios you are. Like now.
Still pretending that Nazi does not stand for National Socialist and USSR does not contain "Socialist" as part of its name?

Of course I admit I'm wrong, when I'm wrong. I'm an adult.
Where as your post are childish conjecture based on the latest talking point that you suck up like Linda Lovelace sucking on a dong.
A huge majority of historians sure don't think Hitler and the Nazis were socialist. About the only ones who I have seen make that claim are from the far right,,naturally rewriting history, which is their specialty.
'The Rabbi' is typical of the reprehensible right – he actually advocates that disabled Americans be denied their fundamental right to vote because they'll just 'vote more disability' for themselves.
Wry Catcher (ex prison guard) 0
GrampaMurkedU (ex prisoner) 3

Wry Catcher (bitch)
GrampaMurkedU (pimp)

Result? Wry Catcher loses

LOL, whatever floats your boat. Rumor has it you went in as a tight end, and came out as a wide receiver. Likely why you and Rabbi(t) are such good 'friends' (with benefits?).
My defeat?
You used a couple of examples of where the name of the country was applicable and I used one where the name of the country wasn't applicable. My example showed that names of adopted by countries aren't always applicable. That also applies to political parties and ideologies. Take the term "conservative", which is derived from the word conserve. In the past, conservatives did live up to their name by actually conserving things, In today's world, conserving doesn't apply to many conservatives and the topic that this applies to is the environment.
Now, back to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. At the time when the party was formed, they incorporated two popular movements into their name. Nationalism and socialism were two popular movements in Europe, to gather popular support in Germany, these two key words were incorporated into the party name, along with the word "workers". Including the word "workers' even before they banned all trade unions, occupied the trade unions offices by force and arrested trade union leaders. As noted earlier, then the Nazis arrested socialist and sent them to concentration camps and also executed socialist leaders, They also demonized the Jews by labeling them as Marxist Jews and charged that they were a threat to Germany.
Obviously, the Nazi's weren't socialist as their actions throughout their reign never demonstrated basic socialist beliefs at all. It was simply using the word "socialist" to gather support just as they did using the words 'national" and "workers."
My conclusion game after reading/studying historical facts and no, I didn't use partisan blogs; etc.
Do I think the Nazi's were right wing? Not really, they not only clashed with left wing organizations, they also had issues with right wing organizations.
As you will note, I did use links for reference previously that lead to my conclusion. You should try that sometime instead of throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.

Actually, I need to correct myself.
Germany did nationalize some industries as needed for the war.
You ned to correct yourself because you are completely wrong.

When I make errors I admit that I made an error. In your mind, you never make errors and if someone proves you wrong, you disappear, then come back and out comes the name calling.
I am sure glad I'm not you.
LOL! You're such a tool. You've never admitted being wrong even when it is painfully obvios you are. Like now.
Still pretending that Nazi does not stand for National Socialist and USSR does not contain "Socialist" as part of its name?

Of course I admit I'm wrong, when I'm wrong. I'm an adult.
Where as your post are childish conjecture based on the latest talking point that you suck up like Linda Lovelace sucking on a dong.
A huge majority of historians sure don't think Hitler and the Nazis were socialist. About the only ones who I have seen make that claim are from the far right,,naturally rewriting history, which is their specialty.
LOL. Argumentum ad populum fallacy noted.
You're dismissed, junior.
Actually, I need to correct myself.
Germany did nationalize some industries as needed for the war.
You ned to correct yourself because you are completely wrong.

When I make errors I admit that I made an error. In your mind, you never make errors and if someone proves you wrong, you disappear, then come back and out comes the name calling.
I am sure glad I'm not you.
LOL! You're such a tool. You've never admitted being wrong even when it is painfully obvios you are. Like now.
Still pretending that Nazi does not stand for National Socialist and USSR does not contain "Socialist" as part of its name?

Of course I admit I'm wrong, when I'm wrong. I'm an adult.
Where as your post are childish conjecture based on the latest talking point that you suck up like Linda Lovelace sucking on a dong.
A huge majority of historians sure don't think Hitler and the Nazis were socialist. About the only ones who I have seen make that claim are from the far right,,naturally rewriting history, which is their specialty.
'The Rabbi' is typical of the reprehensible right – he actually advocates that disabled Americans be denied their fundamental right to vote because they'll just 'vote more disability' for themselves.
You should take up fiction writing. Of course you'll have to learn to lie better to do so.
'The Rabbi' is typical of the reprehensible right – he actually advocates that disabled Americans be denied their fundamental right to vote because they'll just 'vote more disability' for themselves.

Yeah ... After a busy day of forcing old folks to eat dog food so they can pay for their medication because they are too stupid to know that beans are cheaper than dog food.

2 + 2 doesn't only = 4

... I am not a "dumbfuck" ... .



The fact that GMU & Keys are so sure that 2 + 2 always = 4 is a prime example, and provides probative evidence, that both lack imagination, and have a mind closed to new concepts. Which is a perfect combination necessary and sufficient to become members of the Crazy New Right.

I suspect those whose curiosity has lead them to discover a mathematical explanation, and not accept second grade math (or voodoo economics) as final truths have discovered the truth that 2 + 2 may not always be 4. Understanding this concept requires more than simple arithmetic; not understanding is one more example of the mental weakness that frames the fiscally conservative vis a vis the fiscally responsible.

Hint: It depends on the measurement scale being used.

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