Podesta: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

I'll take him over Hillary, but he's not my first choice. He's showing some crazy Neocon tendencies lately. That bothers me a bit. He's all-in on the Permanent War thing. But i also understand as President, he doesn't really make those calls. He's a NWO Global Elite Puppet like the rest. So it doesn't matter who the President is in regards to Permanent War.

However, he does seem to be proposing restoring the Rule of Law and securing our border. Maybe he'll fix the awful damage Hussein and the Democrats have done to our Immigration System. At least he's talking about it anyway. There is some hope. I gotta go wih him over anyone the Democrats are offering.
The damage won't be repaired until someone gets a line on calling corporations as having rights above and over an individual person.
Cruz would be a fine nominee - like Trump, he truly doesn't take shit from Muslim inbreds, Liberals, nor the PC crowd. Love his idea of shutting down the IRS, the TSA and other WASTEFUL government do-nothing agencies. Send these doughnut-eating do-nothing government turds home on a furlough - an extended one. Then onto the immigration issue - build a wall, tighten entry for everyone non-American. Then begin an aggressive bombing campaign on Muslin countries until ISIS quits/surrenders. Kind of a Trump-lite. Well, they all are, really. Anyone BUT a limp-wristed pan-zee or a 70 year old skank under investigation by the FBI will suffice. We've had a bumbling baboon on watch for the last eight years. A blind, Mexican retard would be an improvement.
Too funny!! a lifer calling other government employees donut eating do nothings :badgrin: oh the irony!!!!!

Your comparing active duty military people to federal employees at places like TSA?
Moron much?
I suppose you think the postal service took out Osama BinLaden?

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Hillary is an old establishment candidate with nothing new or exciting to bring. Hell, more people are excited about Sanders than her.
Cruz will get out hte vote. People are excited by him. I've seen him in person and he connects with crowds really well.
Hillary is an old establishment candidate with nothing new or exciting to bring. Hell, more people are excited about Sanders than her.
Cruz will get out hte vote. People are excited by him. I've seen him in person and he connects with crowds really well.

I totally agree, Cruz's gradual rise is due to his ability to speak to people eloquently, and at great length about what he believes in. There isn't anyone running for office that everyone will agree with, but Ted Cruz stands up for ideas that far more people agree with than don't.

Bed wetters revile him as a theocrat because that's what they're programmed to regurgitate, but anyone who has listened to the man knows he will govern according to the COTUS, not the Bible as moonbats insist, or by "Rules for Radicals" like hitlary or the meat muppet faggot.

Those who don't know much about Cruz better do some research on his education and work history, the guy is recognized as being brilliant. Bill Clinton for all his faults is was also brilliant, Cruz is smarter. He will mop the floor with Hillary during the debates it will be a slaughter.

Cruz is also is a religious fundamentalist kook

Cruz’s Cuban-born immigrant and rabid Dominionist father illuminates the ideology that drives his son’s lunacy and steadfast will to transform America. Teddy-boy regularly deploys his dad as surrogate to speak on his behalf and dutifully espouse Ted’s political stance to teabaggers, evangelical activists, and extremist conservatives. The elder Cruz tells his son’s devotees that “the wicked are ruling the United States, “death panels are in ObamaCare,” government will “take all your money and confiscate our fortunes,” “Social justice is a cancer,” and that “Democrats promote everything contrary to the word of God.” Preacher Cruz also claimed America is a Christian nation and the Declaration of Independence and Constitution “were divine revelations from God,”

A real live nut bar

Did he say he was going to legislate any of that ?
Those who don't know much about Cruz better do some research on his education and work history, the guy is recognized as being brilliant. Bill Clinton for all his faults is was also brilliant, Cruz is smarter. He will mop the floor with Hillary during the debates it will be a slaughter.

Cruz is also is a religious fundamentalist kook

Cruz’s Cuban-born immigrant and rabid Dominionist father illuminates the ideology that drives his son’s lunacy and steadfast will to transform America. Teddy-boy regularly deploys his dad as surrogate to speak on his behalf and dutifully espouse Ted’s political stance to teabaggers, evangelical activists, and extremist conservatives. The elder Cruz tells his son’s devotees that “the wicked are ruling the United States, “death panels are in ObamaCare,” government will “take all your money and confiscate our fortunes,” “Social justice is a cancer,” and that “Democrats promote everything contrary to the word of God.” Preacher Cruz also claimed America is a Christian nation and the Declaration of Independence and Constitution “were divine revelations from God,”

A real live nut bar

Coming from you, that just means he's not a mouth-foaming evangelical atheist.
Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

Of all the possible GOP nominees I believe the best one is Ted Cruz. He will reduce the power and influence of the federal government and in doing so take away some of the incentive of lobbyists to corrupt elected officials

He won't because he's not electable.

Neither is Hilary, but that is not stopping her!

At this point in time Hillary is the most likely successor to Obama given the damage Trump has done to the Republican brand. The GOP can still win, or course, with the right candidate, but it's not Trump or Cruz.
Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

Of all the possible GOP nominees I believe the best one is Ted Cruz. He will reduce the power and influence of the federal government and in doing so take away some of the incentive of lobbyists to corrupt elected officials

He won't because he's not electable.

Neither is Hilary, but that is not stopping her!

At this point in time Hillary is the most likely successor to Obama given the damage Trump has done to the Republican brand. The GOP can still win, or course, with the right candidate, but it's not Trump or Cruz.

If this was close to the election day I might agree with you, but it is still a long way off and anything can happen..

In order for Hilary to win something bad is going to have to happen to Bill..
Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

Of all the possible GOP nominees I believe the best one is Ted Cruz. He will reduce the power and influence of the federal government and in doing so take away some of the incentive of lobbyists to corrupt elected officials.

Both republicrats and democrooks know this. They don't like Trump, but they HATE Ted Cruz.

The top-ranking official on Clinton's team, Podesta has mostly stayed away from the public eye during the campaign apart from the occasional television interview, instead keeping his focus on private events. Thursday night's fundraiser was closed to reporters, like all of Clinton's campaign cash events.

Why would the press be shut out of hitlary money grubbing orgies? I suppose if you're running for president and in a room full of your fellow traitors you don't want the whole country to be exposed to the criminally insane totalitarian sociopath's conversations.

He won't because he's not electable.


In 2008 some very crafty marketing and political consultants along with a media accessory managed to get an unvetted, unaccomplished meat muppet elected POTUS, and in spite of the fact that he had proven to be totally incompetent, actually stupid, and a pathological liar he was re-elected.

You know why?

Romney was unelectable.

RINOs are unelectable. People who go out of their way to be nice to thugs get their asses kicked every time. That's why Trump is polling so high, and that's why Cruz is making his way to the top.

Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

Of all the possible GOP nominees I believe the best one is Ted Cruz. He will reduce the power and influence of the federal government and in doing so take away some of the incentive of lobbyists to corrupt elected officials

He won't because he's not electable.
Reagan wasnt electable either. Out of touch cowboy who would get the US into nuclear war with Russia, is what they said.
Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

Of all the possible GOP nominees I believe the best one is Ted Cruz. He will reduce the power and influence of the federal government and in doing so take away some of the incentive of lobbyists to corrupt elected officials

He won't because he's not electable.

Neither is Hilary, but that is not stopping her!

At this point in time Hillary is the most likely successor to Obama given the damage Trump has done to the Republican brand. The GOP can still win, or course, with the right candidate, but it's not Trump or Cruz.

"Damage Trump has done to the Republican brand"? Oh, please. Anyone who's looking at Donald Trump and going, "THAT'S what ALL Republicans are like!" is a Democrat shill who votes based solely on the letter after the candidate's name.
Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

Of all the possible GOP nominees I believe the best one is Ted Cruz. He will reduce the power and influence of the federal government and in doing so take away some of the incentive of lobbyists to corrupt elected officials

He won't because he's not electable.

Neither is Hilary, but that is not stopping her!

At this point in time Hillary is the most likely successor to Obama given the damage Trump has done to the Republican brand. The GOP can still win, or course, with the right candidate, but it's not Trump or Cruz.
Hillary is old and represents a continuation of the very failed policies of Barack Obama. Cruz is young and represents a return to an era when America was great.
Doubtess you think a real middle of the road candidate like Bush or Christie would win.

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