Podesta: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

Cruz would be a fine nominee - like Trump, he truly doesn't take shit from Muslim inbreds, Liberals, nor the PC crowd. Love his idea of shutting down the IRS, the TSA and other WASTEFUL government do-nothing agencies. Send these doughnut-eating do-nothing government turds home on a furlough - an extended one. Then onto the immigration issue - build a wall, tighten entry for everyone non-American. Then begin an aggressive bombing campaign on Muslin countries until ISIS quits/surrenders. Kind of a Trump-lite. Well, they all are, really. Anyone BUT a limp-wristed pan-zee or a 70 year old skank under investigation by the FBI will suffice. We've had a bumbling baboon on watch for the last eight years. A blind, Mexican retard would be an improvement.

I like Cruz as well and agree with your post.

I also like Trump. He's saying what people want to hear.

2016 should be very interesting.
Is that a fact? And which of the Republican candidates are you supporting?

Yes, it is a fact. Currently, I would support Mr. Trump. I have no i terest in supporting establishment candidates who have proven they won't walk their talk, nir would I ever support a,woman for any office.
Those who don't know much about Cruz better do some research on his education and work history, the guy is recognized as being brilliant. Bill Clinton for all his faults is was also brilliant, Cruz is smarter. He will mop the floor with Hillary during the debates it will be a slaughter.

I think it's great that some people believe that a televised sound bite presidential debate is anything like a collegiate debate competition. Cruz hasn't kicked anyone's ass in the GOP debates thus far, has he? Nope. If he doesn't have an equally strong follow up to his comments regarding Trump's trustworthiness with nuclear codes......he'll come away the big loser on Tuesday.

Cruz is indeed recognized as being brilliant. But....he's also known for being an asshole who nobody likes. How funny is it that...in an election where they will likely face a candidate who has a rep for being "unlikable".....the GOP is poised to nominate one of the least pleasant people in Washington.

Cruz is my favorite nutbag. Go Ted!!
He won't because he's not electable.

And is it possible for any conservative to ever be viewed as "electable" by you?


We'll said. Every election moderturds insist conservatives are "unelectable". Then we get stuck with the moderturds choice, and we ended up with 8 years of a meat muppet faggot who has destroyed or diminished everything he could get his cock warmers on.
Is that a fact? And which of the Republican candidates are you supporting?

Yes, it is a fact. Currently, I would support Mr. Trump. I have no i terest in supporting establishment candidates who have proven they won't walk their talk, nir would I ever support a,woman for any office.

You should really have that kneejerk looked at by a specialist.
He won't because he's not electable.

And is it possible for any conservative to ever be viewed as "electable" by you?


We'll said. Every election moderturds insist conservatives are "unelectable". Then we get stuck with the moderturds choice, and we ended up with 8 years of a meat muppet faggot who has destroyed or diminished everything he could get his cock warmers on.

Leftists believe the definition of "electable" is "as far left wing as possible".
You should really have that kneejerk looked at by a specialist.

It runs in the family. Has for a couple hundred years. An incurable expectation that if you say you're gonna do something you damn well better do it, or dont cone around here asking for more chances to work for us.
Would be great to see Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky win. Then we could watch her fall down the stairs trying to mount the inauguration platform leaving Nutty Old Uncle Bernie to romp for eight years or until death-do-us part. Or would America allow a brain-dead president should she survive?
I don't think the Big Quack runs as and indep, but unless he does, the GOP senators who hate Cruz would have to support him, even though they'd prefer Hillary, and Cruz could win.

<div align="center"><a href="2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map"><img src="http://www.270towin.com/presidential_map_new/maps/adQor.png" width="800"></a><br><small><img style="vertical-align: middle;" src="http://www.270towin.com/uploads/3rd_party_270_30px.png" alt="" /> Click the map to create your own at <a href="2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map">270toWin.com</a></small></div>
Cruz won't go against the constitution. He will use EOs to reverse Obamas executive orders, but he won't neuter border patrol by ignoring laws.

If the Democrats want to keep status quo like we have under Obama, then you need to change the law of the land, not ignore it! That is why a President Cruz would be welcome. The national conversation on what the left wants would be front and center. They would either get it, or get thrown out of Washington. And isn't that how it is supposed to be?
Cruz won't go against the constitution. He will use EOs to reverse Obamas executive orders, but he won't neuter border patrol by ignoring laws.

If the Democrats want to keep status quo like we have under Obama, then you need to change the law of the land, not ignore it! That is why a President Cruz would be welcome. The national conversation on what the left wants would be front and center. They would either get it, or get thrown out of Washington. And isn't that how it is supposed to be?

Cruz won't do anything because he won't be elected president.
Cruz won't go against the constitution. He will use EOs to reverse Obamas executive orders, but he won't neuter border patrol by ignoring laws.

If the Democrats want to keep status quo like we have under Obama, then you need to change the law of the land, not ignore it! That is why a President Cruz would be welcome. The national conversation on what the left wants would be front and center. They would either get it, or get thrown out of Washington. And isn't that how it is supposed to be?

Cruz won't do anything because he won't be elected president.
I'd be more confident if the Big Quack was the nominee, but then, I'd much prefer basically anyone other than those two. LOL
Cruz gets the nomination Trump runs idny .... vote is so diluted/split Dem victory is certain.

Cruz gets the nomination Trump runs idny .... vote is so diluted/split Dem victory is certain.

Yeah, but think how much it'd cost the Big Quack to fund all the petition drives to get on state ballots. It's not like there's a green party out there like the Corvair Creten. He'd have to fund something like Perot did. I just don't see him having the gravitas to do something actually principled
You should really have that kneejerk looked at by a specialist.

It runs in the family. Has for a couple hundred years. An incurable expectation that if you say you're gonna do something you damn well better do it, or dont cone around here asking for more chances to work for us.

I was thinking more of your incurable need to stuff everyone into pigeonholes without wasting any time with that pesky fact-finding and thought.
I was thinking more of your incurable need to stuff everyone into pigeonholes without wasting any time with that pesky fact-finding and thought.

The fact-finding and thought was done GENERATIONS ago. All we need now are the Traditions that our ancestors followed to know what to think, do or say and how to act.

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