Podesta: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

I was thinking more of your incurable need to stuff everyone into pigeonholes without wasting any time with that pesky fact-finding and thought.

The fact-finding and thought was done GENERATIONS ago. All we need now are the Traditions that our ancestors followed to know what to think, do or say and how to act.

I just heard "Someone else did the thinking, and I just nod my head".
"Podesta: Cruz is likely GOP nominee"

Which would mean a democrat in the WH come 2017.

Yeah, yeah. No matter who the Republican candidate is, it means a BIG WIN for the Democrat, blah blah. We've heard this song and dance, and we're every bit as convinced by it as every OTHER bit of puling bullshit that spews from your head hole.
I thought Carson's support would go to Cruz. And it still might. But in the last two polls, it appears to have gone to Trump.

Unless that changes, Cruz is finished, and the nomination will become a slugfest between Trump and Rubio.
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If Cruz knocks off Trump without looking too anti-Trump in the process, he'll continue to get most of the Trump vote that switches.
Once he's accomplished that, with Carson fading under his own power, Cruz can safely tack towards the GOP establishment and start knocking off the weak links there.
or not and Trump just wins.
I saw that both Limbaugh and Levin defended Cruz against Trump yesterday.

I'd guess we'll look back at this time that the national polls changed significantly, and it won't be a coincidence.
I'm not holding my breath. It seems to me that The Big Quack gets support when he puts out overly slmplistic ideas, that wouldn't cause his Trumpeters any pain, and that adults then say won't work, e.g. build walls or ban muslims. A significant portion of the gop is just tired of being told truths such as we can't balance the budget just by cutting out welfare and foreign aid. They've been promised that by charlatans running for congress, whom they elected, and when they hear that Mexico can be made to pay for a wall that will stop illegal immigration, they demand that it happen. Similarly that when they are told banning all new muslims, closing mosques and making them register somehow will make us safe. Quite the opposite, btw, but that is irrelevant because the Big Quack promised differently, and they demand it be made so.
"Podesta: Cruz is likely GOP nominee"

Which would mean a democrat in the WH come 2017.

Yeah, yeah. No matter who the Republican candidate is, it means a BIG WIN for the Democrat, blah blah. We've heard this song and dance, and we're every bit as convinced by it as every OTHER bit of puling bullshit that spews from your head hole.

If people know politics, they know the left fears Cruz more than any other candidate. He beat an establishment, big money candidate for his senate seat by telling his constituents what he would do if he got to Washington, and PROMISED he would not break his pledge. He hasn't, and his constituents love him for it.

So, if history is any barometer, he will not break his pledge to the American people to TRY and do what he promised. If he is stopped, it is congress.....which would put a lot of RINOs in the hot seat. This is exactly why both establishments hate him. He holds their feet to the fire. He is just telling them to vote, one way.....or the other. We all know if politicians do not have to vote, they like it, because then we can NOT hold them accountable. Cruz is the man who will make them vote, then let you decide if you should keep your reps and senators. Nothing wrong with that in a representative republic, is there? And if there is, maybe somebody should inform us exactly WHAT that is-)
I saw that both Limbaugh and Levin defended Cruz against Trump yesterday.

I'd guess we'll look back at this time that the national polls changed significantly, and it won't be a coincidence.
I'm not holding my breath. It seems to me that The Big Quack gets support when he puts out overly slmplistic ideas, that wouldn't cause his Trumpeters any pain, and that adults then say won't work, e.g. build walls or ban muslims. A significant portion of the gop is just tired of being told truths such as we can't balance the budget just by cutting out welfare and foreign aid. They've been promised that by charlatans running for congress, whom they elected, and when they hear that Mexico can be made to pay for a wall that will stop illegal immigration, they demand that it happen. Similarly that when they are told banning all new muslims, closing mosques and making them register somehow will make us safe. Quite the opposite, btw, but that is irrelevant because the Big Quack promised differently, and they demand it be made so.
you mean talking about something with substance. What a change in politics. Trump speaks his mind and doesn't give political speeches when asked a question.
"Podesta: Cruz is likely GOP nominee"

Which would mean a democrat in the WH come 2017.

Yeah, yeah. No matter who the Republican candidate is, it means a BIG WIN for the Democrat, blah blah. We've heard this song and dance, and we're every bit as convinced by it as every OTHER bit of puling bullshit that spews from your head hole.

If people know politics, they know the left fears Cruz more than any other candidate. He beat an establishment, big money candidate for his senate seat by telling his constituents what he would do if he got to Washington, and PROMISED he would not break his pledge. He hasn't, and his constituents love him for it.

So, if history is any barometer, he will not break his pledge to the American people to TRY and do what he promised. If he is stopped, it is congress.....which would put a lot of RINOs in the hot seat. This is exactly why both establishments hate him. He holds their feet to the fire. He is just telling them to vote, one way.....or the other. We all know if politicians do not have to vote, they like it, because then we can NOT hold them accountable. Cruz is the man who will make them vote, then let you decide if you should keep your reps and senators. Nothing wrong with that in a representative republic, is there? And if there is, maybe somebody should inform us exactly WHAT that is-)
and Trump is beholding to no one like Cruz is.
Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

Of all the possible GOP nominees I believe the best one is Ted Cruz. He will reduce the power and influence of the federal government and in doing so take away some of the incentive of lobbyists to corrupt elected officials.

Both republicrats and democrooks know this. They don't like Trump, but they HATE Ted Cruz.

The top-ranking official on Clinton's team, Podesta has mostly stayed away from the public eye during the campaign apart from the occasional television interview, instead keeping his focus on private events. Thursday night's fundraiser was closed to reporters, like all of Clinton's campaign cash events.

Why would the press be shut out of hitlary money grubbing orgies? I suppose if you're running for president and in a room full of your fellow traitors you don't want the whole country to be exposed to the criminally insane totalitarian sociopath's conversations.

The problem is, if Cruz is the nominee. Trump will play spoiler on behalf of Hilliary.
Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

Of all the possible GOP nominees I believe the best one is Ted Cruz. He will reduce the power and influence of the federal government and in doing so take away some of the incentive of lobbyists to corrupt elected officials.

Both republicrats and democrooks know this. They don't like Trump, but they HATE Ted Cruz.

The top-ranking official on Clinton's team, Podesta has mostly stayed away from the public eye during the campaign apart from the occasional television interview, instead keeping his focus on private events. Thursday night's fundraiser was closed to reporters, like all of Clinton's campaign cash events.

Why would the press be shut out of hitlary money grubbing orgies? I suppose if you're running for president and in a room full of your fellow traitors you don't want the whole country to be exposed to the criminally insane totalitarian sociopath's conversations.

The problem is, if Cruz is the nominee. Trump will play spoiler on behalf of Hilliary.
or not.
And Hillary Clinton becomes the next president...Cruz is a loserterian anti-American taliban freak that will lose by over 180 electoral votes!!!

Austerity sucks!!!! He is a do nothing idiot.
or not.
"Podesta: Cruz is likely GOP nominee"

Which would mean a democrat in the WH come 2017.

Yeah, yeah. No matter who the Republican candidate is, it means a BIG WIN for the Democrat, blah blah. We've heard this song and dance, and we're every bit as convinced by it as every OTHER bit of puling bullshit that spews from your head hole.

If people know politics, they know the left fears Cruz more than any other candidate. He beat an establishment, big money candidate for his senate seat by telling his constituents what he would do if he got to Washington, and PROMISED he would not break his pledge. He hasn't, and his constituents love him for it.

So, if history is any barometer, he will not break his pledge to the American people to TRY and do what he promised. If he is stopped, it is congress.....which would put a lot of RINOs in the hot seat. This is exactly why both establishments hate him. He holds their feet to the fire. He is just telling them to vote, one way.....or the other. We all know if politicians do not have to vote, they like it, because then we can NOT hold them accountable. Cruz is the man who will make them vote, then let you decide if you should keep your reps and senators. Nothing wrong with that in a representative republic, is there? And if there is, maybe somebody should inform us exactly WHAT that is-)
and Trump is beholding to no one like Cruz is.

See, that is where you are 100% wrong. Everyone is beholden to someone, or something. If that were not true, we would have a king of the world, and we do not.

In any case, I would rather be answerable to the people of the United States who made small contributions like Cruz and Carson are, then be beholden to SUPPOSEDLEY nobody, because I brought my way in. It is pretty easy when you don't have to convince anyone about anything, or prove you will do what you say you will do by past experience, or you don't get any money from even small investors.
Cruz has impressed me greatly, but he didn't impress me on the Muslim issue that Trump raised. He almost fell in line with others who politized it for scoreboard points. Right now candidates need to be as honest as they can be in such an environment where we have dead Americans on this soil again and again regarding the subject.

Cruz gave the constitutionally correct answer on the Muslim issue. The idea of denying reentry to Americans citizens who are Muslims is idiocy. Trump is spewing populist bullshit.
"Podesta: Cruz is likely GOP nominee"

Which would mean a democrat in the WH come 2017.

Yeah, yeah. No matter who the Republican candidate is, it means a BIG WIN for the Democrat, blah blah. We've heard this song and dance, and we're every bit as convinced by it as every OTHER bit of puling bullshit that spews from your head hole.

If people know politics, they know the left fears Cruz more than any other candidate. He beat an establishment, big money candidate for his senate seat by telling his constituents what he would do if he got to Washington, and PROMISED he would not break his pledge. He hasn't, and his constituents love him for it.

So, if history is any barometer, he will not break his pledge to the American people to TRY and do what he promised. If he is stopped, it is congress.....which would put a lot of RINOs in the hot seat. This is exactly why both establishments hate him. He holds their feet to the fire. He is just telling them to vote, one way.....or the other. We all know if politicians do not have to vote, they like it, because then we can NOT hold them accountable. Cruz is the man who will make them vote, then let you decide if you should keep your reps and senators. Nothing wrong with that in a representative republic, is there? And if there is, maybe somebody should inform us exactly WHAT that is-)
and Trump is beholding to no one like Cruz is.

See, that is where you are 100% wrong. Everyone is beholden to someone, or something. If that were not true, we would have a king of the world, and we do not.

In any case, I would rather be answerable to the people of the United States who made small contributions like Cruz and Carson are, then be beholden to SUPPOSEDLEY nobody, because I brought my way in. It is pretty easy when you don't have to convince anyone about anything, or prove you will do what you say you will do by past experience, or you don't get any money from even small investors.
well isn't that special about the US? See you can believe what you believe and I can believe what I believe and I am 100% correct in what I think. You have no authority to say otherwise. Just in case you didn't know that.
I'd rather have Trump than Cruz as president.

Granted, Trump is a know-nothing loud mouth jackass who appeals to uneducated white males, but he has shown a willingness to work with Democrats - and I think he will be pragmatic if necessary.

Cruz is an evil, smarter version of Trump because he knows more talking points. But he uses the same empty tough talk, and has the same deep ignorance of foreign policy. AND he is even more beholden to the dark money that controls Washington. He knows just enough policy to fool passive voters.

Like Bush he will talk tough, but also like Bush he will fail to protect the homeland. Like Bush he will distract people with fear (terrorism) while the real nuclear bomb destroys the housing and financial sector.

Cruz and Trump will make ISIS stronger by exaggerating their power and controlling the headlines with fear. Cruz and Trump will make ISIS stronger by alienating moderate Muslims (the people who the U.S. needs to empower so that they can help expel ISIS from their regions).

Cruz and Trump will use the War on Terror to create Patriot Act III.

If you thought the Big Government surveillance bureaucracy grew under Bush, than you ain't seen nothing yet. Cruz and Trump are going to create a police state. FOX is going to broadcast color coded fear alerts 24/7.

Cruz and Trump are going to do the bidding of ISIS by spreading fear because fear benefits them politically.

The GOP is about to nominate a president who will benefit from a homeland attack. This is scary.

God help us.
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