Points I'd Like to See Raised in Tonight's Debate.

Only for High School and Medical School.

You must have gone to Exeter or Andover, huh?


Surprised to see a physician posting in a nut-job internet forum

Where do you practice?

I want to totally avoid a nutjob like you, your practice, and anyone on your staff who thinks you're capable of practicing medicine.
Only for High School and Medical School.

You must have gone to Exeter or Andover, huh?


Surprised to see a physician posting in a nut-job internet forum

Where do you practice?

I want to totally avoid a nutjob like you, your practice, and anyone on your staff who thinks you're capable of practicing medicine.

The feeling is mutual. Unfortunately, in my job I don't get to avoid self important assholes.
The feeling is mutual. Unfortunately, in my job I don't get to avoid self important assholes.

You seem to post a lot of an alleged "Doc."

When do you see patients/paperwork/hospital calls, etc. Every other Saturday?

Fucking lying piece of shit.

Next you'll tell us you were a Captain in the Navy.

they taught you how to talk about sucking dick in the navy? Thats not really shocking news.

There you go again with your "sucking dick" fantasy. Get over it. Suck one. You know you want to.

Are you kidding? He probably has a genuine Barack Obama cast "eye candy" dildo hanging out of lips right now.

"The lady doth protest too much..."

I have a theory that a significant number of you guys are latent homosexuals filled with self loathing.
The feeling is mutual. Unfortunately, in my job I don't get to avoid self important assholes.

You seem to post a lot of an alleged "Doc."

When do you see patients/paperwork/hospital calls, etc. Every other Saturday?

Fucking lying piece of shit.

Next you'll tell us you were a Captain in the Navy.



This again.

I'd never admit to being in the Navy.
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As a funny, on the side “ha-ha” during tonight’s asskicking, er, debate – I really hope Vice President Ryan brings up the fact that Former Vice President Biden graduated law school at nearly the bottom of his class and, being the dishonest, wise-ass lying fuck that he is/was, was indeed caught plagiarizing a paper that he submitted for grade.

Also - Biden claims to be Catholic. Well, he probably is, by association only.

Biden doesn't practice Catholic values - i.e. - he's pro-choice, pro-gay marriage.

Ryan practices Catholic values.

Hopefully Biden's gone to confession recently and reformed, but doubtful. We'll see tonight where he stands on those non-Catholic issues.

Ryan's gonna kick Biden's old, hair-plugged ass through the goalposts tonight.

Looking forward to it.

Ever hear of separation of church and state?

So, it's OK for Reid to whine about Romney's Mormonism & question him on that area... but not for Warrior to question Biden's Catholicism?

Can you say 'double standard much, bitch?'

You're such an idiot. Warb is upset because Biden doesn't include his Catholicism into his political life. Warb wants Biden to be anti choice because the Catholic Church is.

See the difference?

here is what I hope happens

Also - Biden claims to be Catholic. Well, he probably is, by association only........

I hope the Mormon thing is brought up.

Biden doesn't practice Catholic values - i.e. - he's pro-choice, pro-gay marriage.

I HOPE the MITTENS position is raised on this one as well, mitt has been for abortion, then against it, then for it, now he is against it again, TALK ABOUT FLIP FLOPPING....ALSO mittens was FOR gay merrage in MASS, thats why mass was one of the first states under mittens to allow civil marriage. but now he is against it. I will also add that the anti-gay thing is a fascist thing of the past, yet another link between the right wing and the nazi movement.

also to comment on the post above mine. in 08, thats all the right could talk about, was Obama a muslim? now that the right wing candadite has a coo coo religion, its off the table and a private matter, but then they want to try and attack biden
Ryan practices Catholic values...........SO DOES BIDEN. hence one of the leading catholic figured in the united states is in favor, yes in FAVOR of womens rights. I will post his name if needed.

Hopefully Biden's gone to confession recently and reformed, but doubtful. We'll see tonight where he stands on those non-Catholic issues.

What we need is RYAN to explain his stance on abortion, how he supports the "legitimate rape" statement. Also just saying he is against it is not enough. What he needs to do is say why he is against it. He also need to explain how his position lowers abortion rates, as we as keeping women safe.

Looking forward to it. I do too.
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Ever hear of separation of church and state?

So, it's OK for Reid to whine about Romney's Mormonism & question him on that area... but not for Warrior to question Biden's Catholicism?

Can you say 'double standard much, bitch?'

You're such an idiot. Warb is upset because Biden doesn't include his Catholicism into his political life. Warb wants Biden to be anti choice because the Catholic Church is.

See the difference?


Warbler is pretty boring.
There you go again with your "sucking dick" fantasy. Get over it. Suck one. You know you want to.

Are you kidding? He probably has a genuine Barack Obama cast "eye candy" dildo hanging out of lips right now.

"The lady doth protest too much..."

I have a theory that a significant number of you guys are latent homosexuals filled with self loathing.

I have a theory that you are projecting your own self-doubts.
Are you kidding? He probably has a genuine Barack Obama cast "eye candy" dildo hanging out of lips right now.

"The lady doth protest too much..."

I have a theory that a significant number of you guys are latent homosexuals filled with self loathing.

I have a theory that you are projecting your own self-doubts.

That's a reach.

I lack the unhealthy obsession you and your ilk have with homosexuality.

A sure tip off.......
So, it's OK for Reid to whine about Romney's Mormonism & question him on that area... but not for Warrior to question Biden's Catholicism?

Can you say 'double standard much, bitch?'

You're such an idiot. Warb is upset because Biden doesn't include his Catholicism into his political life. Warb wants Biden to be anti choice because the Catholic Church is.

See the difference?


Warbler is pretty boring.

A lot of them are around here lately.
No asswipe - I learned that in the Navy.

Go fuck yourself.

Learned that there too.

they taught you how to talk about sucking dick in the navy? Thats not really shocking news.

Did you know he was in the Navy?

Leave the Wanker alone. He's probably just some precocious kid who gets a charge out of going on mommy's computer and making up tall tales about himself and using naughty adult words.

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