Poison Or Prosperity


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Which one did you vote for???

1.Have you considered the point about the doctrines of the Left/Progressives/Bolsheviks/Nazis/Maoists, they are always centered on coercing, forcing, mandating, that everyone do their bidding on pain of punishment, prison, loss of sustenance, or death?
You must know that every movement above, and including the Democrat Party, has used all of those penalties, including concentration camps for their own citizens who don’t toe the line.

Soooo……how good can their plans be if they have to force everyone to go along???? If there plans ended with tranquility and prosperity, why would they need to force folks to go along???
If their arguments held water, why would they need to censor opposing arguments???

2. “Progressive prescriptions for the economy are inevitably toxic. Federal policy- makers in Washington, DC, have no idea what a fair wage would be in the rest of the country. They live in one of the most expensive cities in the nation. Is it rational to mandate the same wage in a city where the cost of living is significantly lower? After all, a $15-an-hour wage in Harlingen, Texas, or Kalamazoo, Michigan, is the equivalent of earning from $32 to $51 an hour in San Francisco, New York, or Washington, DC. If a minimum wage of $32 to $51 an hour sounds outrageous to you, remember, that’s exactly how outrageous a wage of $15 an hour sounds to a small-business owner in Harlingen or Kalamazoo.” Spicer, “Radical Nation”

3. "The law of supply and demand in a free market always produces the fairest hourly wage—not the dictates of politicians who live 2,000 or 3,000 miles away. Without question, the Biden minimum wage will kill jobs and force thousands of businesses to close forever. It will also motivate many companies to seek ways to replace employees with technology (e.g., fast-food chains replacing entry-level fry cooks with machines that flip burgers). These are the realities behind a 2019 CBO report that predicted that a $15 minimum wage would likely put 1.4 million workers out of work and possibly as many as 3.7 million. [Andrew Kerr, “Democrats’ $15 Minimum Wage Bill Would Eliminate 1.3 Million Jobs, CBO Finds,” Daily Caller, July 8, 2019, Democrats’ $15 Minimum Wage Bill Would Eliminate 1.3 Million Jobs, CBO Finds.] Spicer.

4. "George McGovern On Why Politicians Who Haven't Built A Business Are Bad At Regulating
In 1988, I invested most of the earnings from this lecture circuit acquiring the leasehold on Connecticut’s Stratford Inn.
In retrospect, I wish I had known more about the hazards and difficulties of such a business, ...I also wish that during the years I was in public office, I had had this firsthand experience about the difficulties business people face every day. That knowledge would have made me a better U.S. senator and a more understanding presidential contender."

George McGovern On Why Politicians Who Haven't Built A Business Are Bad At Regulating

5. “Joe Biden: ‘I’ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Life’
…admits to a crowd that he’s never held a private sector.” Joe Biden: ‘I’ve Never Been Gainfully Employed In My Life’
Wow, right-wing fantasy can be simply so, fantastic.

This is what our Founding Fathers told us to do with our form of Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
It's hard to understand how and why the democrats get re-elected at every level of gov't even though they lie to us so often. It's obvious they know that the programs and policies they advocate for cannot win popular support on their own merits, else why lie about it? So they misrepresent almost everything and yet they continually get re-elected at some levels of gov't.
It's hard to understand how and why the democrats get re-elected at every level of gov't even though they lie to us so often. It's obvious they know that the programs and policies they advocate for cannot win popular support on their own merits, else why lie about it? So they misrepresent almost everything and yet they continually get re-elected at some levels of gov't.

H. L. Mencken may have had something when he noted that no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
6. As fighting ‘racism’ seems to be a major selling point of the Democrats,….who does minimum wage law hurt most?

“FDR talked Congress into creating Social Security in 1935 and imposing the nation’s first comprehensive minimum-wage law in 1938. While to this day he gets a great deal of credit for these two measures from the general public, many economists have a different perspective. The minimum-wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled, and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. (For example, the minimum-wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work.)” Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

6. As fighting ‘racism’ seems to be a major selling point of the Democrats,….who does minimum wage law hurt most?

“FDR talked Congress into creating Social Security in 1935 and imposing the nation’s first comprehensive minimum-wage law in 1938. While to this day he gets a great deal of credit for these two measures from the general public, many economists have a different perspective. The minimum-wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled, and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. (For example, the minimum-wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work.)” Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed


You always hear the democrats talking about how much they're helping the disadvantaged by raising the MWage, but you never hear them talk about how many of those disadvantaged never get their foot in the door cuz there's not enough open doors. Or there's not enough doors to begin with because job creation is reduced in the 1st place cuz it's too expensive (risky) to startup a new business.
7. “Many entry-level Walmart jobs consist of comparatively safe and non-strenuous work such as stocking shelves, working cash registers, and changing price labels. Walmart also pays competitive wages, which, for these jobs, are generally under $12 per hour, [ $12 now] because these positions require little or no work experience or technical skills.
For anyone with modest credentials, these jobs provide good work experience—experience which they can use to eventually land a higher paying job.”
8. “The law of supply and demand in a free market always produces the fairest hourly wage—not the dictates of politicians who live 2,000 or 3,000 miles away.

These are the realities behind a 2019 CBO report that predicted that a $15 minimum wage would likely put 1.4 million workers out of work and possibly as many as 3.7 million. Many big corporations such as Amazon and McDonald’s support the $15 minimum wage—but that’s hardly a surprise. Big corporations can absorb the additional labor cost. Small businesses can’t. By lobbying for a higher minimum wage, big corporations are using the blunt force of the federal government to drive their competition into bankruptcy. As Marc Freedman of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce observed, “Small businesses do not have the resources to absorb such a dramatic increase in costs.” Spicer.
8. “The law of supply and demand in a free market always produces the fairest hourly wage—not the dictates of politicians who live 2,000 or 3,000 miles away.

These are the realities behind a 2019 CBO report that predicted that a $15 minimum wage would likely put 1.4 million workers out of work and possibly as many as 3.7 million. Many big corporations such as Amazon and McDonald’s support the $15 minimum wage—but that’s hardly a surprise. Big corporations can absorb the additional labor cost. Small businesses can’t. By lobbying for a higher minimum wage, big corporations are using the blunt force of the federal government to drive their competition into bankruptcy. As Marc Freedman of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce observed, “Small businesses do not have the resources to absorb such a dramatic increase in costs.” Spicer.

It is ridiculous to require a minimum wage across the entire country, it should be a state issue. What is good for some places will not work in others. And BTW, it is not the gov'ts responsibility to ensure you are getting a living wage. That's on you and nobody else.
9. Which has history and experience shown to be better….the free market or the command and control system of the Left/Democrats?

The answer is the free market.
It is not perfect; it is simply better than state control. It is the one that has to respond quickly and effectively to dissatisfaction and to demand.

In the free market, if a product or service does not please, it is discontinued. Compare that to government persistence and expansion of programs that proven to have failed decades ago: farm subsidies, aid to Africa, busing, etc.

In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune!

Now, here is the determining criterion as to which is better: which is better able to correct itself? This is the difference between, as Thomas Sowell would say, the free market (constrained) and the Liberal (unconstrained) view of the world. Either side may be wrong about plans, or about programs. But which system is better able to discard the failed and experiment to find the new.

The constrained view is that no human beings, nor any conglomeration of same, are omnipotent, nor omniscient, nor omnibenevolent. We are even incapable of knowing the true nature of the problems we face. This may be called the Tragic View. The values of one generation are seen later as absurd: slavery, phenology, lobotomy, women as property, etc.

The individual must demand the reduction of state, and state powers to the point necessary to carry out legitimate purposes. We have the instructions, called the Constitution.
Mamet, “The Secret Knowledge,” p. 58-61
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It is ridiculous to require a minimum wage across the entire country, it should be a state issue. What is good for some places will not work in others. And BTW, it is not the gov'ts responsibility to ensure you are getting a living wage. That's on you and nobody else.

That, of course, is the problem when a political party masquerades as a religion, demanding complete obedience.
They must be omniscient.

They even call their candidate god, Jesus and the messiah. They issue fatwas.....mandates.

And the weak minded bend neck and knee to the party, their god.
Being the more informative and objective thread on economics (best I can find without going back through hundreds of earlier threads), this seems a good place for these;
This one from one of the many uninformed whom doesn't know economics, but I provide for context;

The world as we know it is ending. Why are we still at work?​

From the pandemic to climate change, Americans are still expected to work no matter what happens.

The Future of Work Is a 60-Year Career​

Humans may soon live to be 100, which likely means more years on the job. That could be a good thing, if we take the opportunity to redesign work.

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