Poland Offers ‘Fort Trump’ as Name If U.S. Builds Military Base

1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!

Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:

Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.

The world is full of brutal dictators, it is not our job to remove them. Every time we do it never turns out well.

Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito would heartily agree with you if they could.
1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!

Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:

Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.

Of course he was a dictator, but he wasn't allowing radical Islamics to take over his country. Obama authorized military intervention in Libya in March of 2011. His reason was supposedly to save the lives of "peaceful, pro-democracy protesters" who found themselves the target of a crackdown by Qaddafi.

Obama along with several other NATO countries established a no-fly zone throughout Libya and started bombing Qaddafi’s forces. Except that it didn't go the way he expected: Libya not only failed to evolve into a democracy; it turned into a failed state. Violent deaths and other human rights abuses increased dramatically. Rather than helping the United States combat terrorism, as Qaddafi did during his last decade in power, Libya became a safe haven for militias affiliated with al Qaeda and ISIS. Plus we lost four Americans there, thanks to Obama's and Hillary's ineptitude.

President Trump would never allow something like that to happen.

I agree with most of that, except you are wrong when you say “it didn’t go the way he[the Hussein] expected”. Obama most certainly wanted the country to fall into complete chaos and war. This was the beginning of “refugee crisis”, a 100% manufactured crisis, to force Europe to start taking in millions of Muslims from these third world shit holes. He tried this in Egypt when he supported the Muslim Brotherhood and in Syria when he supported “the rebels”, ISIS, against Assad.
Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!

Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:

Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.

Of course he was a dictator, but he wasn't allowing radical Islamics to take over his country. Obama authorized military intervention in Libya in March of 2011. His reason was supposedly to save the lives of "peaceful, pro-democracy protesters" who found themselves the target of a crackdown by Qaddafi.

Obama along with several other NATO countries established a no-fly zone throughout Libya and started bombing Qaddafi’s forces. Except that it didn't go the way he expected: Libya not only failed to evolve into a democracy; it turned into a failed state. Violent deaths and other human rights abuses increased dramatically. Rather than helping the United States combat terrorism, as Qaddafi did during his last decade in power, Libya became a safe haven for militias affiliated with al Qaeda and ISIS. Plus we lost four Americans there, thanks to Obama's and Hillary's ineptitude.

President Trump would never allow something like that to happen.

I agree with most of that, except you are wrong when you say “it didn’t go the way he[the Hussein] expected”. Obama most certainly wanted the country to fall into complete chaos and war. This was the beginning of “refugee crisis”, a 100% manufactured crisis, to force Europe to start taking in millions of Muslims from these third world shit holes. He tried this in Egypt when he supported the Muslim Brotherhood and in Syria when he supported “the rebels”, ISIS, against Assad.

I see your point. That explains why he was always referring to the "Arab Spring." Valerie Jarett was one of his closest advisors then, wasn't she born in Iran?
Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!

Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:

Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.

The world is full of brutal dictators, it is not our job to remove them. Every time we do it never turns out well.

Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito would heartily agree with you if they could.

Only a Trump sheep would compare Qaddafi and Saddam to those people.
Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!

Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:

Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.

The world is full of brutal dictators, it is not our job to remove them. Every time we do it never turns out well.

Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito would heartily agree with you if they could.

Only a Trump sheep would compare Qaddafi and Saddam to those people.

Well it seems that Obama and that RINO GW certainly though they were a threat.

Of course to defend GW, we weren't attacked by Quadaffi like we were on 9/11, nor was he using poison gas on his own citizens, like Saddam did. Reagan had already straightened out Muammar when he dropped those bombs on his tent.
Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:

Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.

The world is full of brutal dictators, it is not our job to remove them. Every time we do it never turns out well.

Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito would heartily agree with you if they could.

Only a Trump sheep would compare Qaddafi and Saddam to those people.

Well it seems that Obama and that RINO GW certainly though they were a threat.

Of course to defend GW, we weren't attacked by Quadaffi like we were on 9/11, nor was he using poison gas on his own citizens, like Saddam did. Reagan had already straightened out Muammar when he dropped those bombs on his tent.

Defend GW! :21::21::21::21: That you feel the need to do is all I need to know about you.

Iraq did not attack us on 9/11, Al-Qaeda did and attacking Iraq took the eye off the ball and now Al-Qaeda is gaining strength again and will once again be a threat to us soon. We lost more than 4000 US service members, had more than 30,000 wounded and spent more than 2.4 trillion dollars and counting and the entire region is worse than it was in March of 2003.

Invading Iraq was one of the worst military blunders in the history of the world.
How is this “America first”?

We need bases in Europe to keep Russia in check and to fight Muslim scum in the ME. Not that you understand or care about such things.

1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Most of our bases are in Germany, where the cost of living is astronomical and it is getting more dangerous for us Americans working over here thanks to Merkel’s pro-Muslim immigration. Moving to Poland would save taxpayers a lot of money and make it safer for us and the families over here.
Germany is a great country, with less homeless people, very good universal health care and good quality of life....we need to bring troops back because we are broke and we cant afford it.
we need to take a base out of Germany anyway...

https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics ... gs.KgVN4Z0

(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump said the U.S. is looking “very seriously” at establishing a permanent military base in Poland -- and Polish President Andrzej Duda, eager to secure a deal, suggested it be named “Fort Trump.”

Trump raised the possibility of a new U.S. base in Poland in a meeting with Duda in the Oval Office on Tuesday. He said at a news conference with the Polish leader that Duda had offered to pay more than $2 billion toward construction.

“Poland is willing to make a very major contribution to the United States to come in and have a presence in Poland,” Trump said in the Oval Office. “If they’re willing to do that, it’s something we will certainly talk about.”
We need less soldiers overseas not more. A simple forward operating base maybe but only if we downsize other foreign bases.
Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.

The world is full of brutal dictators, it is not our job to remove them. Every time we do it never turns out well.

Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito would heartily agree with you if they could.

Only a Trump sheep would compare Qaddafi and Saddam to those people.

Well it seems that Obama and that RINO GW certainly though they were a threat.

Of course to defend GW, we weren't attacked by Quadaffi like we were on 9/11, nor was he using poison gas on his own citizens, like Saddam did. Reagan had already straightened out Muammar when he dropped those bombs on his tent.

Defend GW! :21::21::21::21: That you feel the need to do is all I need to know about you.

Iraq did not attack us on 9/11, Al-Qaeda did and attacking Iraq took the eye off the ball and now Al-Qaeda is gaining strength again and will once again be a threat to us soon. We lost more than 4000 US service members, had more than 30,000 wounded and spent more than 2.4 trillion dollars and counting and the entire region is worse than it was in March of 2003.

Invading Iraq was one of the worst military blunders in the history of the world.

Yada yada yada. Heard that ad nauseum from you libs already.
The world is full of brutal dictators, it is not our job to remove them. Every time we do it never turns out well.

Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito would heartily agree with you if they could.

Only a Trump sheep would compare Qaddafi and Saddam to those people.

Well it seems that Obama and that RINO GW certainly though they were a threat.

Of course to defend GW, we weren't attacked by Quadaffi like we were on 9/11, nor was he using poison gas on his own citizens, like Saddam did. Reagan had already straightened out Muammar when he dropped those bombs on his tent.

Defend GW! :21::21::21::21: That you feel the need to do is all I need to know about you.

Iraq did not attack us on 9/11, Al-Qaeda did and attacking Iraq took the eye off the ball and now Al-Qaeda is gaining strength again and will once again be a threat to us soon. We lost more than 4000 US service members, had more than 30,000 wounded and spent more than 2.4 trillion dollars and counting and the entire region is worse than it was in March of 2003.

Invading Iraq was one of the worst military blunders in the history of the world.

Yada yada yada. Heard that ad nauseum from you libs already.

I know, I know. You Repubs do not give a shit about the 4000 US service members killed, about the more than 30,000 wounded and the more than 2.4 trillion dollars wasted or that Al-Qaeda is gaining strength again.

You had your war to cheer from you couch while you ate Cheetos and drank your PBR, that is all that matters to you people
You want to FUCK UP GERMANY. Take the Polish president up on it, and pull ALL U.S. TROOPS OUT OF GERMANY....Talk about an economy in collapse after that!....Merkle bow down to your better, and stop turning Europe into ISLAM!!!!!

The president of Poland is telling President Donald Trump that he'd like the U.S. to create a permanent American base in Poland that would be named Fort Trump.

Trump says that he's considering the idea and that Poland has offered more than $2 billion to the U.S. to pay for such an effort!!!!!

The comments came at a joint White House press conference by the leaders Tuesday.

Trump says they agreed to bolster defense, energy and commercial ties. And he says the alliance between the two countries has "never been stronger."

Poland has been pressing for the 3,000 U.S. troops now deployed in Poland on a rotating basis to be upgraded to a larger, permanent presence as it faces Russia's increased military activity in the region.

Read more The Latest: Trump considering permanent US troops in Poland
As totally wasteful as the U.S. is with defense spending, Poland knows that $2 billion investment will pay off a hundred times over.
Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito would heartily agree with you if they could.

Only a Trump sheep would compare Qaddafi and Saddam to those people.

Well it seems that Obama and that RINO GW certainly though they were a threat.

Of course to defend GW, we weren't attacked by Quadaffi like we were on 9/11, nor was he using poison gas on his own citizens, like Saddam did. Reagan had already straightened out Muammar when he dropped those bombs on his tent.

Defend GW! :21::21::21::21: That you feel the need to do is all I need to know about you.

Iraq did not attack us on 9/11, Al-Qaeda did and attacking Iraq took the eye off the ball and now Al-Qaeda is gaining strength again and will once again be a threat to us soon. We lost more than 4000 US service members, had more than 30,000 wounded and spent more than 2.4 trillion dollars and counting and the entire region is worse than it was in March of 2003.

Invading Iraq was one of the worst military blunders in the history of the world.

Yada yada yada. Heard that ad nauseum from you libs already.

I know, I know. You Repubs do not give a shit about the 4000 US service members killed, about the more than 30,000 wounded and the more than 2.4 trillion dollars wasted or that Al-Qaeda is gaining strength again.

You had your war to cheer from you couch while you ate Cheetos and drank your PBR, that is all that matters to you people

Bullshit. Don't tell me that you weren't 110% for sending troops to Iraq after 9/11.

There is no way you're going to convince anyone of that.

Hold out until Poland offers to pay for our Wall.
We need bases in Europe to keep Russia in check and to fight Muslim scum in the ME. Not that you understand or care about such things.

1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!

Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:

Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.
A brutal dictator who entered an agreement to give up his weapons. An agreement that he lived up to. An agreement that helped keep terrorists in check. An agreement that Obama and Hillary happily violated for 10 minutes of fame.
1- no we don’t
2- we already have bases . Who needs another?

Well for starters, we need bases to launch rescue missions like the one that didn't happen in Benghazi.

Another place we didn’t need to be.

As for the idea it will save money. Lol!

Tell that to Obama, Hillary, Jarret, and Kerry. It was their idea to kill off Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over Libya.

We're not trying to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Poland, just keep the Russians out.

Given how you believe the Russians boogered up your election, one would think you'd be hunky dory with this. :biggrin:

Quddafi was a brutal dictator who got knocked off by his own peeps.

Cons were so sad to see him go.
A brutal dictator who entered an agreement to give up his weapons. An agreement that he lived up to. An agreement that helped keep terrorists in check. An agreement that Obama and Hillary happily violated for 10 minutes of fame.

Obviously Libya wasn't "Muslim Spring" enough for Obama & Company. I still think the Iranian Varerie Jarret had alot to do with that.

Obama was a weak, spineless pussy. Most of the things he acted upon were only because of women like Jerrat and Hillary whispering things in his ear. Hell, he even backed out of the mission to take out Bin Laden three times, until Hillary, Jarret, and possibly wife Michelle convinced him to do go ahead with it.
Only a Trump sheep would compare Qaddafi and Saddam to those people.

Well it seems that Obama and that RINO GW certainly though they were a threat.

Of course to defend GW, we weren't attacked by Quadaffi like we were on 9/11, nor was he using poison gas on his own citizens, like Saddam did. Reagan had already straightened out Muammar when he dropped those bombs on his tent.

Defend GW! :21::21::21::21: That you feel the need to do is all I need to know about you.

Iraq did not attack us on 9/11, Al-Qaeda did and attacking Iraq took the eye off the ball and now Al-Qaeda is gaining strength again and will once again be a threat to us soon. We lost more than 4000 US service members, had more than 30,000 wounded and spent more than 2.4 trillion dollars and counting and the entire region is worse than it was in March of 2003.

Invading Iraq was one of the worst military blunders in the history of the world.

Yada yada yada. Heard that ad nauseum from you libs already.

I know, I know. You Repubs do not give a shit about the 4000 US service members killed, about the more than 30,000 wounded and the more than 2.4 trillion dollars wasted or that Al-Qaeda is gaining strength again.

You had your war to cheer from you couch while you ate Cheetos and drank your PBR, that is all that matters to you people

Bullshit. Don't tell me that you weren't 110% for sending troops to Iraq after 9/11.

There is no way you're going to convince anyone of that.


I was never 100% for it, but I supported my Commander in Chief at the time and did my duty as a Marine. Then again that CIC lied through his teeth to me and the rest of the country so my support for it was based upon total bullshit. As more Marines that I knew came back in bags or missing pieces I became more and more against it.

The difference between you and I is that even now knowing the lies and the outcome you still support it 110%, you are too much of a partisan sheep to admit your guy could have been wrong.
we need to take a base out of Germany anyway...

https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics ... gs.KgVN4Z0

(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump said the U.S. is looking “very seriously” at establishing a permanent military base in Poland -- and Polish President Andrzej Duda, eager to secure a deal, suggested it be named “Fort Trump.”

Trump raised the possibility of a new U.S. base in Poland in a meeting with Duda in the Oval Office on Tuesday. He said at a news conference with the Polish leader that Duda had offered to pay more than $2 billion toward construction.

“Poland is willing to make a very major contribution to the United States to come in and have a presence in Poland,” Trump said in the Oval Office. “If they’re willing to do that, it’s something we will certainly talk about.”

The whole world has Trump figured out, kiss his ass a little, stroke his ego and he is theirs.

We need to be bringing troops home, not moving them around
I thought y'all wanted to address the Russian threat...

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