Poland saved Europe many times.

You can say the same thing about Limpy.

Here's some polling data from Slovakia.

Sounds just like Pesky, rolls eyes.


in2008 in collaboration with the Cabinet of Social and Biological Communication of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, only 11% of respondents stated that they would not wish to have a Jewish family as a neighbor. It was the lowest level of social distance reported in the survey. The figures of other studied entities, ethnically or religiously defined, exceeded this level (Roma family – 69%, Muslim family – 32%, Asian family – 22%, Afro-Americans – 21%, immigrants- foreigners – 21%, Ukrainian family – 17%, Hungarian family – 16%).

he extreme right seeks supporters in such an opinion conglomerate. In his study about the research of anti-Semitism, sociologist Michal Vašečka used data from the survey conducted in the late 1990s which showed that 51% of Slovaks think that “Jews rule things in this world”, 26% believe that “Jews are now too influential in our country”, that 21% approve of the idea that “Jewish access to influential posts should be controlled”. Finally, 15% of respondents think that the “removal of Jews from our country had positive aspects as well.”

According to the Transatlantic Trends survey conducted annually by the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. in selected countries of the EU and the U.S., respondents in Slovakia in 2008 attributed 32 points to Israel on the scale of sympathy from 0 to 100 (the result was similar in previous surveys). To compare – India gained 33 points, both China and Turkey 35 points, USA 50 points, Russia 52 points, Spain 57 points, while the European Union received 73 points (Palestine gained fewer points than Israel – 25).

"only 11% of respondents stated that they would not wish to have a Jewish family as a neighbor." That means 89% would have no problem having a Jewish family as a neighbour, so you needn't worry about moving there, Limpy. :)

According to this Slovakia's the most Prejudiced country in Europe when it comes to marrying others.

Only 30 - 39% of Slovaks felt comfortable if their children married a Kosher person.
Only 10 - 19% of Slovaks felt comfortable if their children married a Muslim.

Yeah, sounds so much like Pesky, (Rolls eyes)

Pesky didn't represent all Slovaks and never said he did. He wasn't anti semitic (despite teasing Abe)

Only 30 - 39% of Slovaks felt comfortable if their children married a Kosher person.
That's quite a few, actually. I'd like to see the stats for other central and west European nations.

The stats for other EU nations are all on those maps.
You are not Ukrainian. About neo-Nazi, I am not so sure. Though, it would be strange considering your ethnicity.

He is a neo-Nazi. He got banned from Stormfront. How neo-Nazi do you have to be for that to happen? :auiqs.jpg:

I got banned from Stormfront for asking why many users love Germans & Russians who killed the most White people.

Meanwhile there many users usually Brits never get banned for saying Poles are criminals. & started WW2.

Actually the most pro-Polish users there besides Poles were a couple of Russians.

Russians aren't as anti-Polish as the West.

That's a manipulation.

We all saw how much Polaks and Russians love each other at Euro 2012. LOL!
Polaks and Ukrainians were holding up Swastika flags at Euro 2012. Russians would never do that.

They do that on their nazi parades in Russia. :)
Those are Ukrainians
Yes you are! Yes I do! I am right! Just admit you were on there! Yes you are!

The truth!

I have typed it, that's how I know there are lots of results. What other reason would there be to convert?!

No you haven't! :)
I'm not admitting to anything I dont' remember! But I do remember it took years for me to go to the Poland forum!


I don't know why other people convert. Why did you?

What? You aren't making any sense!

Less than 2 years.


You think I used to be Jewish? Are you Limpy's sister?

I'm making perfect sense!
It was not less that 2 years, it was more than 2 years. If my posts appeared on the Poland forum before that, it was probably a cross thread.

More lies!

I didn't end up converting to Serbian Orthodox.

I always make sense!!

Maybe, maybe not


That wasn't the question!

You never make sense. :)
I didn't because the priest where I grew up was Polish so I didn't even insult Polish people on the Russia forum for a long time.


Well I didn't convert to Judaism and I couldn't say "I didn't convert to Orthodox" because Limpy would misunderstand and think I mean Orthodox Jewish! Which I didn't convert to either lol.
Yes you are! Yes I do! I am right! Just admit you were on there! Yes you are!

The truth!

I have typed it, that's how I know there are lots of results. What other reason would there be to convert?!

No you haven't! :)
I'm not admitting to anything I dont' remember! But I do remember it took years for me to go to the Poland forum!


I don't know why other people convert. Why did you?

What? You aren't making any sense!

Less than 2 years.


You think I used to be Jewish? Are you Limpy's sister?

I'm making perfect sense!
It was not less that 2 years, it was more than 2 years. If my posts appeared on the Poland forum before that, it was probably a cross thread.

More lies!

I didn't end up converting to Serbian Orthodox.

I always make sense!!

Maybe, maybe not


That wasn't the question!

You never make sense. :)
I didn't because the priest where I grew up was Polish so I didn't even insult Polish people on the Russia forum for a long time.


Well I didn't convert to Judaism and I couldn't say "I didn't convert to Orthodox" because Limpy would misunderstand and think I mean Orthodox Jewish! Which I didn't convert to either lol.

That doesn't prove you didn't post on the Poland forum after less than 2 years!

The questions were "You think I used to be Jewish? Are you Limpy's sister?" I didn't ask you anything about your religion!
Lol, perhaps Kosher Soros money backs the EU.

One thing is true Kosher people dominate the USA

Why do you think the EU is anti Poland? It's given a lot of money to Poland.

The USA has never had a Jewish president.

The EU has threatened sanctions upon Poland?

The USA has called for Poland to pay Kosher people Compensations.

Israel has called Poland Holocaust deniers.

Wow, what "Great" allies Poland has there.

1/2 of Democrat money, and 1/4th of Republican money comes from Kosher sources, they run most of the media, like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.
Run Hollywood,
Run The New York Times.
Run Facebook, run Google, and Youtube.
They also run the Federal Reserve, and Goldman Sachs.

They dominate the USA from behind the scenes.

You think Russia would be a better ally? You want Poland to be part of Putin's empire?

So what are you going to do about it?
Not Poland. Never Poland.

Post Brexit I see a much more independent EU with not so much US influence. I see western Europe growing closer to Russia and eastern Europe having fits over it :) It's possible that if the EU creates its own army and get out of NATO, the only NATO countries left will be in eastern Europe. They will be a huge target for Russia then.

You're overestimating the UK's influence in the EU. Don't get excited about Brexit, those Russian sanctions will be in place for a long time. :)
The UK will be of much less use to the US post Brexit :)

Not forever! I'm sure Washington has a lot of influence over EU sanctions as well.
Atasas wasn't very if at all pro-Russian.

But, Pesky, Uther & Cassandra were very pro-Kosher.

Funny, you don't find that odd.

He was anti Ukrainian, which you wouldn't expect from a Lithuanian.

None of them were "pro Kosher", especially Uther.

Uther got very upset that I called Kosher women as ugly.
So he kept signing onto names of Kosher beauties like Bar Refaeli & Esti Ginzburg.

He also blamed Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times.
Called Poland anti-Semitic & talked about Polish Pogroms.

Sounds so Serbian.
Yeah, sure.

Note Uther never promoted Serbian beauties.

Also hated me even though I was pro-Serb.

Oh, and his IP Address of West Palm Beach is about 25% Kosher.
About 0% Serbian.

Yeah, so Serbian.

He wasn't upset. He was trolling you. Remember he also posted pictures of Pashtun "beauties" to troll Chippy? They were women in burkas. :)

To troll you. Uther called Jews "blood sucking leeches" before you arrived.

There were other reasons to dislike you.

About 0%, which means there are some Serbs living there.

He was trolling you. Remember he also posted pictures of Pashtun "beauties" to troll Chippy? They were women in burkas.

Haha I remember that :)

Uther called Jews "blood sucking leeches" before you arrived.

I remember that too. In fact, I think it was LFOD who didn't really care for that. LFOD was always protective of Abe too.

Maybe LFOD is a Jew? One of the few posters Limpy never accused of being a Jew. :)
Yes and that's very funny. The one actual Jew on Topix :)
No you don't!

I was joking! What do you think my family should add first? I'm not 100% sure it's Norwegian, it's Scandinavian though! Probably Norwegian.
I do not have anything wrong!
If you call me names, I'll call you names back!;
I just tried to find her on google but it says she died in 1843! Why didn't anyone tell me?! I would have gone to the funeral!

Yes I do! What do you mean "What do you think my family should add first"?
Are you more Norwegian than Jewish? :)
You have!

Just how old are you?
LOL no you do not.
Should we add Asian or sub Saharan African to our family's genetic mix? ;)
No I don't think so....
No I don't!
Old enough to know I can't write to my great-great-great grandmother to find out her name unless I have her name to put on the envelope! :113:

Yes I did.
What do you mean add? You can't add it if you haven't got it.
You do!
I think you could find her location. :)
You do or you do not have any credentials! Post proof here!
I said add to the family! Of course I can't add any to my own dna, I'm already born!
LOL I think she's dead ;)

Of course I have credentials!
Proof of what?
You can't add them to your family either!
I know. The location I meant was the cemetery. :)
Show us! Proof of your credentials!

Yes we can. This is how it happens. A man and a woman meet and fall in love - or maybe they're both drunk at a bar and don't even remember each other's names the next day, whatever. Anyway, about 9 months later, the stork arrives and drops off a half asian or half black baby! Then I have a new niece or nephew who's half asian or black!

You suggested before that I write to her though. You want me to write to her at the cemetery? I have 16 great great great grandmothers. Should I only write to the ones who were buried or should I include the ones who were cremated? I think it would be harder to write back if you were cremated.
I'm not admitting to anything I dont' remember! But I do remember it took years for me to go to the Poland forum!


I don't know why other people convert. Why did you?

What? You aren't making any sense!

Less than 2 years.


You think I used to be Jewish? Are you Limpy's sister?

I'm making perfect sense!
It was not less that 2 years, it was more than 2 years. If my posts appeared on the Poland forum before that, it was probably a cross thread.

More lies!

I didn't end up converting to Serbian Orthodox.

I always make sense!!

Maybe, maybe not


That wasn't the question!

You never make sense. :)
I didn't because the priest where I grew up was Polish so I didn't even insult Polish people on the Russia forum for a long time.


Well I didn't convert to Judaism and I couldn't say "I didn't convert to Orthodox" because Limpy would misunderstand and think I mean Orthodox Jewish! Which I didn't convert to either lol.
I'm not admitting to anything I dont' remember! But I do remember it took years for me to go to the Poland forum!


I don't know why other people convert. Why did you?

What? You aren't making any sense!

Less than 2 years.


You think I used to be Jewish? Are you Limpy's sister?

I'm making perfect sense!
It was not less that 2 years, it was more than 2 years. If my posts appeared on the Poland forum before that, it was probably a cross thread.

More lies!

I didn't end up converting to Serbian Orthodox.

I always make sense!!

Maybe, maybe not


That wasn't the question!

You never make sense. :)
I didn't because the priest where I grew up was Polish so I didn't even insult Polish people on the Russia forum for a long time.


Well I didn't convert to Judaism and I couldn't say "I didn't convert to Orthodox" because Limpy would misunderstand and think I mean Orthodox Jewish! Which I didn't convert to either lol.

That doesn't prove you didn't post on the Poland forum after less than 2 years!

The questions were "You think I used to be Jewish? Are you Limpy's sister?" I didn't ask you anything about your religion!
I didn't even insult Poles for probably 2 years! I didn't troll the Poland forum until LFOD went over there.

What? Ok, I don't think you're Jewish now! No I'm not Limpy's sister! And I don't remember you asking that question!
Pro Ukraine, TD deleted some of my comments! Then the mods didn't tell me why for 2 or 3 days! I'm super pissed off at them!

Uther talked about Albanians often.

LOL, sure, like 1 time for every 1,000 times he talked about Poland doing the Holocaust.

Because, that's what Serbs do.

Note the Holocaust against Serbs, at Jasenovac, he never seemed to bring up.

Take a hint, dude, duh, he's a Kosher sub-Animal.

They were no Albanians for him to troll, he had you to troll.

He supported Milosovic, Karadzic and Madic. Only a Serb or a Russian would support them.
Remind me, which one did he compare to Abraham Lincoln? :)

I can't remember.
I looked it up. Milosevic.

How did you find that out?
Less than 2 years.


You think I used to be Jewish? Are you Limpy's sister?

I'm making perfect sense!
It was not less that 2 years, it was more than 2 years. If my posts appeared on the Poland forum before that, it was probably a cross thread.

More lies!

I didn't end up converting to Serbian Orthodox.

I always make sense!!

Maybe, maybe not


That wasn't the question!

You never make sense. :)
I didn't because the priest where I grew up was Polish so I didn't even insult Polish people on the Russia forum for a long time.


Well I didn't convert to Judaism and I couldn't say "I didn't convert to Orthodox" because Limpy would misunderstand and think I mean Orthodox Jewish! Which I didn't convert to either lol.
Less than 2 years.


You think I used to be Jewish? Are you Limpy's sister?

I'm making perfect sense!
It was not less that 2 years, it was more than 2 years. If my posts appeared on the Poland forum before that, it was probably a cross thread.

More lies!

I didn't end up converting to Serbian Orthodox.

I always make sense!!

Maybe, maybe not


That wasn't the question!

You never make sense. :)
I didn't because the priest where I grew up was Polish so I didn't even insult Polish people on the Russia forum for a long time.


Well I didn't convert to Judaism and I couldn't say "I didn't convert to Orthodox" because Limpy would misunderstand and think I mean Orthodox Jewish! Which I didn't convert to either lol.

That doesn't prove you didn't post on the Poland forum after less than 2 years!

The questions were "You think I used to be Jewish? Are you Limpy's sister?" I didn't ask you anything about your religion!
I didn't even insult Poles for probably 2 years! I didn't troll the Poland forum until LFOD went over there.

What? Ok, I don't think you're Jewish now! No I'm not Limpy's sister! And I don't remember you asking that question!

Yes you did! That's one of the biggest lies you've ever told!

You don't need to remember it, just scroll up!
He is a neo-Nazi. He got banned from Stormfront. How neo-Nazi do you have to be for that to happen? :auiqs.jpg:

I got banned from Stormfront for asking why many users love Germans & Russians who killed the most White people.

Meanwhile there many users usually Brits never get banned for saying Poles are criminals. & started WW2.

Actually the most pro-Polish users there besides Poles were a couple of Russians.

Russians aren't as anti-Polish as the West.

That's a manipulation.

We all saw how much Polaks and Russians love each other at Euro 2012. LOL!
Polaks and Ukrainians were holding up Swastika flags at Euro 2012. Russians would never do that.

They do that on their nazi parades in Russia. :)
Those are Ukrainians

No they're not!
Why do you think the EU is anti Poland? It's given a lot of money to Poland.

The USA has never had a Jewish president.

The EU has threatened sanctions upon Poland?

The USA has called for Poland to pay Kosher people Compensations.

Israel has called Poland Holocaust deniers.

Wow, what "Great" allies Poland has there.

1/2 of Democrat money, and 1/4th of Republican money comes from Kosher sources, they run most of the media, like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.
Run Hollywood,
Run The New York Times.
Run Facebook, run Google, and Youtube.
They also run the Federal Reserve, and Goldman Sachs.

They dominate the USA from behind the scenes.

You think Russia would be a better ally? You want Poland to be part of Putin's empire?

So what are you going to do about it?
Not Poland. Never Poland.

Post Brexit I see a much more independent EU with not so much US influence. I see western Europe growing closer to Russia and eastern Europe having fits over it :) It's possible that if the EU creates its own army and get out of NATO, the only NATO countries left will be in eastern Europe. They will be a huge target for Russia then.

You're overestimating the UK's influence in the EU. Don't get excited about Brexit, those Russian sanctions will be in place for a long time. :)
The UK will be of much less use to the US post Brexit :)

Not forever! I'm sure Washington has a lot of influence over EU sanctions as well.

So why is the US so desperate to do a deal? They said the UK is at the front of the queue for a deal!

Maybe once Putin's gone. :)
He was anti Ukrainian, which you wouldn't expect from a Lithuanian.

None of them were "pro Kosher", especially Uther.

Uther got very upset that I called Kosher women as ugly.
So he kept signing onto names of Kosher beauties like Bar Refaeli & Esti Ginzburg.

He also blamed Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times.
Called Poland anti-Semitic & talked about Polish Pogroms.

Sounds so Serbian.
Yeah, sure.

Note Uther never promoted Serbian beauties.

Also hated me even though I was pro-Serb.

Oh, and his IP Address of West Palm Beach is about 25% Kosher.
About 0% Serbian.

Yeah, so Serbian.

He wasn't upset. He was trolling you. Remember he also posted pictures of Pashtun "beauties" to troll Chippy? They were women in burkas. :)

To troll you. Uther called Jews "blood sucking leeches" before you arrived.

There were other reasons to dislike you.

About 0%, which means there are some Serbs living there.

He was trolling you. Remember he also posted pictures of Pashtun "beauties" to troll Chippy? They were women in burkas.

Haha I remember that :)

Uther called Jews "blood sucking leeches" before you arrived.

I remember that too. In fact, I think it was LFOD who didn't really care for that. LFOD was always protective of Abe too.

Maybe LFOD is a Jew? One of the few posters Limpy never accused of being a Jew. :)
Yes and that's very funny. The one actual Jew on Topix :)

What about the other 2, Abe and Limpy? :)
Yes I do! What do you mean "What do you think my family should add first"?
Are you more Norwegian than Jewish? :)
You have!

Just how old are you?
LOL no you do not.
Should we add Asian or sub Saharan African to our family's genetic mix? ;)
No I don't think so....
No I don't!
Old enough to know I can't write to my great-great-great grandmother to find out her name unless I have her name to put on the envelope! :113:

Yes I did.
What do you mean add? You can't add it if you haven't got it.
You do!
I think you could find her location. :)
You do or you do not have any credentials! Post proof here!
I said add to the family! Of course I can't add any to my own dna, I'm already born!
LOL I think she's dead ;)

Of course I have credentials!
Proof of what?
You can't add them to your family either!
I know. The location I meant was the cemetery. :)
Show us! Proof of your credentials!

Yes we can. This is how it happens. A man and a woman meet and fall in love - or maybe they're both drunk at a bar and don't even remember each other's names the next day, whatever. Anyway, about 9 months later, the stork arrives and drops off a half asian or half black baby! Then I have a new niece or nephew who's half asian or black!

You suggested before that I write to her though. You want me to write to her at the cemetery? I have 16 great great great grandmothers. Should I only write to the ones who were buried or should I include the ones who were cremated? I think it would be harder to write back if you were cremated.


You can't see the flaw in that?

Where else could you write to her? It's up to you. :)
LOL, sure, like 1 time for every 1,000 times he talked about Poland doing the Holocaust.

Because, that's what Serbs do.

Note the Holocaust against Serbs, at Jasenovac, he never seemed to bring up.

Take a hint, dude, duh, he's a Kosher sub-Animal.

They were no Albanians for him to troll, he had you to troll.

He supported Milosovic, Karadzic and Madic. Only a Serb or a Russian would support them.
Remind me, which one did he compare to Abraham Lincoln? :)

I can't remember.
I looked it up. Milosevic.

How did you find that out?
I googled the names! lol
It was not less that 2 years, it was more than 2 years. If my posts appeared on the Poland forum before that, it was probably a cross thread.

More lies!

I didn't end up converting to Serbian Orthodox.

I always make sense!!

Maybe, maybe not


That wasn't the question!

You never make sense. :)
I didn't because the priest where I grew up was Polish so I didn't even insult Polish people on the Russia forum for a long time.


Well I didn't convert to Judaism and I couldn't say "I didn't convert to Orthodox" because Limpy would misunderstand and think I mean Orthodox Jewish! Which I didn't convert to either lol.
It was not less that 2 years, it was more than 2 years. If my posts appeared on the Poland forum before that, it was probably a cross thread.

More lies!

I didn't end up converting to Serbian Orthodox.

I always make sense!!

Maybe, maybe not


That wasn't the question!

You never make sense. :)
I didn't because the priest where I grew up was Polish so I didn't even insult Polish people on the Russia forum for a long time.


Well I didn't convert to Judaism and I couldn't say "I didn't convert to Orthodox" because Limpy would misunderstand and think I mean Orthodox Jewish! Which I didn't convert to either lol.

That doesn't prove you didn't post on the Poland forum after less than 2 years!

The questions were "You think I used to be Jewish? Are you Limpy's sister?" I didn't ask you anything about your religion!
I didn't even insult Poles for probably 2 years! I didn't troll the Poland forum until LFOD went over there.

What? Ok, I don't think you're Jewish now! No I'm not Limpy's sister! And I don't remember you asking that question!

Yes you did! That's one of the biggest lies you've ever told!

You don't need to remember it, just scroll up!
No it isn't. I remember because of the priest. I even talked about it on Topix.

Why would I do that?! You never scroll up!
Pro Ukraine, TD deleted some of my comments! Then the mods didn't tell me why for 2 or 3 days! I'm super pissed off at them!


What were the comments?
I was arguing with at least one Ukrainian, very anti Russian, and some other guy who claimed he was "anti communist" (I mean really extreme too) We were arguing about lend lease. I can't believe they removed my comments! Not all of them but still! I am so angry!! WTF?! :nono: One of the other two (probably both) must have reported me. I didn't get banned or anything, no warning, etc. but still! That was messed up.
Then the other guy (extremist) PM"d me a reply to my comment and told me it had been removed, etc. I ended up giving him that link to the FBI to report me for being a Russian agent! LOL! Idiot kept trolling me and asked how long I'd been speaking English, that fuckwad. He wasn't American in the first place! So now I'm really really mad!
I got banned from Stormfront for asking why many users love Germans & Russians who killed the most White people.

Meanwhile there many users usually Brits never get banned for saying Poles are criminals. & started WW2.

Actually the most pro-Polish users there besides Poles were a couple of Russians.

Russians aren't as anti-Polish as the West.

That's a manipulation.

We all saw how much Polaks and Russians love each other at Euro 2012. LOL!
Polaks and Ukrainians were holding up Swastika flags at Euro 2012. Russians would never do that.

They do that on their nazi parades in Russia. :)
Those are Ukrainians

No they're not!
Yes they are!
The EU has threatened sanctions upon Poland?

The USA has called for Poland to pay Kosher people Compensations.

Israel has called Poland Holocaust deniers.

Wow, what "Great" allies Poland has there.

1/2 of Democrat money, and 1/4th of Republican money comes from Kosher sources, they run most of the media, like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.
Run Hollywood,
Run The New York Times.
Run Facebook, run Google, and Youtube.
They also run the Federal Reserve, and Goldman Sachs.

They dominate the USA from behind the scenes.

You think Russia would be a better ally? You want Poland to be part of Putin's empire?

So what are you going to do about it?
Not Poland. Never Poland.

Post Brexit I see a much more independent EU with not so much US influence. I see western Europe growing closer to Russia and eastern Europe having fits over it :) It's possible that if the EU creates its own army and get out of NATO, the only NATO countries left will be in eastern Europe. They will be a huge target for Russia then.

You're overestimating the UK's influence in the EU. Don't get excited about Brexit, those Russian sanctions will be in place for a long time. :)
The UK will be of much less use to the US post Brexit :)

Not forever! I'm sure Washington has a lot of influence over EU sanctions as well.

So why is the US so desperate to do a deal? They said the UK is at the front of the queue for a deal!

Maybe once Putin's gone. :)
What exactly does that mean? Being "front of the queue"? Is there anyone else in the queue? lol What are the details?
Nah, the Brits have had a problem with Russia since probably the Crimean War, if not before then. Russian Tsar, Soviet Union, now Putin. They will always hate Russia no matter what.

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