Poland saved Europe many times.

Pesky was a dumb Slovak. How does that make me a Jew?

Pesky has nothing to do with Slovaks, you're in deep denial about his Kosherness, because of your own Kosherness.

You're really funny, Limpy. You've got Jews in your head and Jews under your bed. :)

The REAL Slovaks on the forum, were all against Pesky, and said he wasn't from Slovakia.

RealMagyar was from Slovakia, hated Slovaks, and said Pesky wasn't from Slovakia, either.

Annie said Pesky wasn't a Slovak, because Slovaks are the most neutral Slavic people towards other Slavic people, and said the same about Uther being a Serb, that he wasn't a Serb because Serbs don't hate Poles, and Ukrainians so much.

You & Abe have always been severely delusional.

You both seem to have Kosher heritages, which explains why you go out on a limb to attack obvious Kosher people, as Slavs.

That's because he used to troll them on other forums.

RealMagyar considered Slovakia to be part of Hungary, so naturally they were enemies.

Some people said Annie had Estonian ethnicity, so how would she know? Uther didn't hate Ukrainians.

I'm so "kosher" I don't even know where my local synagogue is. :)

Pesky was so Slovak he hated Catholics as pedos.

When Slovakia is one of the most Catholic countries in Europe.

But, he hated anti-Kosher remarks.


Pesky was so Slovak he promoted Israeli inventions lists but not Slovak inventions lists.


I've dealt with a number of real Slovaks in person.

They are almost all very pro- Polish.

Some of them were pro-Hitler even, giving the Sieg Heil salute.

Sounds just like Pesky.

You're delusional.
Pesky was an older guy though and I'm 95% sure he was atheist. Slovaks got blamed for killing their Jews when it was a Hungarian who did it. I remember he was very angry about it. Maybe Slovaks would prefer that people forget they were part of the Axis?
Are those Polish supporting Slovaks all online? Do they even live in Slovakia? lol
You're really funny, Limpy. You've got Jews in your head and Jews under your bed. :)

The REAL Slovaks on the forum, were all against Pesky, and said he wasn't from Slovakia.

RealMagyar was from Slovakia, hated Slovaks, and said Pesky wasn't from Slovakia, either.

Annie said Pesky wasn't a Slovak, because Slovaks are the most neutral Slavic people towards other Slavic people, and said the same about Uther being a Serb, that he wasn't a Serb because Serbs don't hate Poles, and Ukrainians so much.

You & Abe have always been severely delusional.

You both seem to have Kosher heritages, which explains why you go out on a limb to attack obvious Kosher people, as Slavs.

That's because he used to troll them on other forums.

RealMagyar considered Slovakia to be part of Hungary, so naturally they were enemies.

Some people said Annie had Estonian ethnicity, so how would she know? Uther didn't hate Ukrainians.

I'm so "kosher" I don't even know where my local synagogue is. :)

Pesky was so Slovak he hated Catholics as pedos.

When Slovakia is one of the most Catholic countries in Europe.

But, he hated anti-Kosher remarks.


Pesky was so Slovak he promoted Israeli inventions lists but not Slovak inventions lists.


I've dealt with a number of real Slovaks in person.

They are almost all very pro- Polish.

Some of them were pro-Hitler even, giving the Sieg Heil salute.

Sounds just like Pesky.

You're delusional.

Cassandra said he could be athiest.

He sometimes posted threads praising Slovaks, usually an average sports person.

Neo nazis? Why would you want to associate with those people, most Slovaks hate nazis.

1/4th of Slovaks I met had Hitler synpathies & 95% were pro- Polish.

Acutally 1/3rd of neo- Nazis I met were Slovaks.
1/4th of Slovaks I met had Hitler synpathies & 95% were pro- Polish.

Acutally 1/3rd of neo- Nazis I met were Slovaks.
Considering how much Hitler valued the Slavic people, those Slovaks must be not very smart.

None the less Slovakia was an Axis power & one of the most anti-Semitic countries in Europe today.
Slovaks wanted independence

Hitler told Tiso that he would support him if he separated Slovakia from Czecho-Slovakia; otherwise, the Slovak lands would be divided between Hungary, Poland and the rest of Czecho-Slovakia.

On November 2, 1938, the First Vienna Award transferred the territories of southern Slovakia and southern Ruthenia to Hungary.

Hitler even promised transfer all of Slovakia to Hungary in exchange for military support from Budapest in the war soon to be unleashed against the Soviet Union

Slovakia during World War II - Wikipedia
When they found out their "deported Jews" weren't being used as slave labor but were being killed instead, Slovaks protested and were invaded. Yes they were anti semitic but they wanted the Jews gone, not dead. It was a Hungarian who deported most of them anyway but Slovaks get blamed for it.

1/4th of Slovaks I met had Hitler synpathies & 95% were pro- Polish.

Acutally 1/3rd of neo- Nazis I met were Slovaks.
Considering how much Hitler valued the Slavic people, those Slovaks must be not very smart.

None the less Slovakia was an Axis power & one of the most anti-Semitic countries in Europe today.
Hungary is one of the most anti semitic, not Slovakia.
I just explained why Slovakia joined the Axis. They got screwed for it just like nearly everyone else who joined in "pacts" with Nazi Germany.
1/4th of Slovaks I met had Hitler synpathies & 95% were pro- Polish.

Acutally 1/3rd of neo- Nazis I met were Slovaks.
Considering how much Hitler valued the Slavic people, those Slovaks must be not very smart.

You can say the same thing about Limpy.

Here's some polling data from Slovakia.

Sounds just like Pesky, rolls eyes.


in2008 in collaboration with the Cabinet of Social and Biological Communication of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, only 11% of respondents stated that they would not wish to have a Jewish family as a neighbor. It was the lowest level of social distance reported in the survey. The figures of other studied entities, ethnically or religiously defined, exceeded this level (Roma family – 69%, Muslim family – 32%, Asian family – 22%, Afro-Americans – 21%, immigrants- foreigners – 21%, Ukrainian family – 17%, Hungarian family – 16%).

he extreme right seeks supporters in such an opinion conglomerate. In his study about the research of anti-Semitism, sociologist Michal Vašečka used data from the survey conducted in the late 1990s which showed that 51% of Slovaks think that “Jews rule things in this world”, 26% believe that “Jews are now too influential in our country”, that 21% approve of the idea that “Jewish access to influential posts should be controlled”. Finally, 15% of respondents think that the “removal of Jews from our country had positive aspects as well.”

According to the Transatlantic Trends survey conducted annually by the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. in selected countries of the EU and the U.S., respondents in Slovakia in 2008 attributed 32 points to Israel on the scale of sympathy from 0 to 100 (the result was similar in previous surveys). To compare – India gained 33 points, both China and Turkey 35 points, USA 50 points, Russia 52 points, Spain 57 points, while the European Union received 73 points (Palestine gained fewer points than Israel – 25).

"only 11% of respondents stated that they would not wish to have a Jewish family as a neighbor." That means 89% would have no problem having a Jewish family as a neighbour, so you needn't worry about moving there, Limpy. :)

According to this Slovakia's the most Prejudiced country in Europe when it comes to marrying others.

Only 30 - 39% of Slovaks felt comfortable if their children married a Kosher person.
Only 10 - 19% of Slovaks felt comfortable if their children married a Muslim.

Yeah, sounds so much like Pesky, (Rolls eyes)

Pesky didn't represent all Slovaks and never said he did. He wasn't anti semitic (despite teasing Abe)

Only 30 - 39% of Slovaks felt comfortable if their children married a Kosher person.
That's quite a few, actually. I'd like to see the stats for other central and west European nations.
1/4th of Slovaks I met had Hitler synpathies & 95% were pro- Polish.

Acutally 1/3rd of neo- Nazis I met were Slovaks.
Considering how much Hitler valued the Slavic people, those Slovaks must be not very smart.

None the less Slovakia was an Axis power & one of the most anti-Semitic countries in Europe today.
It only means that their asses may be kicked once again.

This one thinks I'm a Ukrainian Neo-Nazi.

Israel blocks terrorist Omar, Tlaib from entering country
You are not Ukrainian. About neo-Nazi, I am not so sure. Though, it would be strange considering your ethnicity.
He is definitely a neo Nazi. He's calmed down quite a bit since we last saw him but that's probably because he's been banned everywhere else :)
None the less Slovakia was an Axis power & one of the most anti-Semitic countries in Europe today.
It only means that their asses may be kicked once again.

This one thinks I'm a Ukrainian Neo-Nazi.

Israel blocks terrorist Omar, Tlaib from entering country
You are not Ukrainian. About neo-Nazi, I am not so sure. Though, it would be strange considering your ethnicity.

He is a neo-Nazi. He got banned from Stormfront. How neo-Nazi do you have to be for that to happen? :auiqs.jpg:

I got banned from Stormfront for asking why many users love Germans & Russians who killed the most White people.

Meanwhile there many users usually Brits never get banned for saying Poles are criminals. & started WW2.

Actually the most pro-Polish users there besides Poles were a couple of Russians.

Russians aren't as anti-Polish as the West.

That's a manipulation.
We figured you were banned because you called anyone who disagreed with you a "crypto Jew" lol. You could be arguing about the best flavor of pop tarts and you'd end up accusing the other person of being a Jew :)
It only means that their asses may be kicked once again.

This one thinks I'm a Ukrainian Neo-Nazi.

Israel blocks terrorist Omar, Tlaib from entering country
You are not Ukrainian. About neo-Nazi, I am not so sure. Though, it would be strange considering your ethnicity.

He is a neo-Nazi. He got banned from Stormfront. How neo-Nazi do you have to be for that to happen? :auiqs.jpg:

I got banned from Stormfront for asking why many users love Germans & Russians who killed the most White people.

Meanwhile there many users usually Brits never get banned for saying Poles are criminals. & started WW2.

Actually the most pro-Polish users there besides Poles were a couple of Russians.

Russians aren't as anti-Polish as the West.

That's a manipulation.

We all saw how much Polaks and Russians love each other at Euro 2012. LOL!
Polaks and Ukrainians were holding up Swastika flags at Euro 2012. Russians would never do that.
You are not Ukrainian. About neo-Nazi, I am not so sure. Though, it would be strange considering your ethnicity.

He is a neo-Nazi. He got banned from Stormfront. How neo-Nazi do you have to be for that to happen? :auiqs.jpg:

I got banned from Stormfront for asking why many users love Germans & Russians who killed the most White people.

Meanwhile there many users usually Brits never get banned for saying Poles are criminals. & started WW2.

Actually the most pro-Polish users there besides Poles were a couple of Russians.

Russians aren't as anti-Polish as the West.

That's a manipulation.

We all saw how much Polaks and Russians love each other at Euro 2012. LOL!

A lot of Poles are very anti- Russian.

How's that working out?

Poland's alleged allies of the EU, the USA & Israel are all just as anti-Polish if not more so.

It's mostly all Kosher people.

Kosher people are the worst scum. By far.
Meanwhile Trump is threatening to move our soldiers from Germany to Poland... His son in law is Jewish btw.
I got banned from Stormfront for asking why many users love Germans & Russians who killed the most White people.

Meanwhile there many users usually Brits never get banned for saying Poles are criminals. & started WW2.

Actually the most pro-Polish users there besides Poles were a couple of Russians.

Russians aren't as anti-Polish as the West.

That's a manipulation.

We all saw how much Polaks and Russians love each other at Euro 2012. LOL!

A lot of Poles are very anti- Russian.

How's that working out?

Poland's alleged allies of the EU, the USA & Israel are all just as anti-Polish if not more so.

It's mostly all Kosher people.

Kosher people are the worst scum. By far.

Of course, Jews rule the World! Do you know there are only 2 countries in the World which have Jewish leaders? Israel and Ukraine.

That Donald Tusk is really anti Polish! :auiqs.jpg:

Lol, perhaps Kosher Soros money backs the EU.

One thing is true Kosher people dominate the USA

Why do you think the EU is anti Poland? It's given a lot of money to Poland.

The USA has never had a Jewish president.
Why do you think the EU is anti Poland? It's given a lot of money to Poland.
$500 billion
Russians aren't as anti-Polish as the West.

That's a manipulation.
O yeah. I can give you a link to a Russian site where Russian patriots (at least they consider themselves as such) discuss Poland. You will with pleasure embrace their love.
Poles are always screaming about Russia though.

Every Pole insists Russia aka the Soviet Union forced communism on them even though 39% were communists from the beginning (1947). You probably cannot find one single Pole today who will admit they were an actual communist. They all lie and insist they joined the communist party "only for the benefits". Same with just about any other former SU country.
A lot of Poles are very anti- Russian.

How's that working out?

Poland's alleged allies of the EU, the USA & Israel are all just as anti-Polish if not more so.

It's mostly all Kosher people.

Kosher people are the worst scum. By far.

Of course, Jews rule the World! Do you know there are only 2 countries in the World which have Jewish leaders? Israel and Ukraine.

That Donald Tusk is really anti Polish! :auiqs.jpg:

Lol, perhaps Kosher Soros money backs the EU.

One thing is true Kosher people dominate the USA

Why do you think the EU is anti Poland? It's given a lot of money to Poland.

The USA has never had a Jewish president.

The EU has threatened sanctions upon Poland?

The USA has called for Poland to pay Kosher people Compensations.

Israel has called Poland Holocaust deniers.

Wow, what "Great" allies Poland has there.

1/2 of Democrat money, and 1/4th of Republican money comes from Kosher sources, they run most of the media, like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.
Run Hollywood,
Run The New York Times.
Run Facebook, run Google, and Youtube.
They also run the Federal Reserve, and Goldman Sachs.

They dominate the USA from behind the scenes.

You think Russia would be a better ally? You want Poland to be part of Putin's empire?

So what are you going to do about it?
Not Poland. Never Poland.

Post Brexit I see a much more independent EU with not so much US influence. I see western Europe growing closer to Russia and eastern Europe having fits over it :) It's possible that if the EU creates its own army and get out of NATO, the only NATO countries left will be in eastern Europe. They will be a huge target for Russia then.
Poles are always screaming about Russia though.

Every Pole insists Russia aka the Soviet Union forced communism on them even though 39% were communists from the beginning (1947). You probably cannot find one single Pole today who will admit they were an actual communist. They all lie and insist they joined the communist party "only for the benefits". Same with just about any other former SU country.
Well, I don't now where the figure 39% came from. I doubt there were sociological surveys in common sense at that time and especially in that place. The results of elections can't be considered seriously also.

But I do agree that great number of Poles joined the communists because they felt it would give them advantage in their life.
Poles are always screaming about Russia though.

Every Pole insists Russia aka the Soviet Union forced communism on them even though 39% were communists from the beginning (1947). You probably cannot find one single Pole today who will admit they were an actual communist. They all lie and insist they joined the communist party "only for the benefits". Same with just about any other former SU country.
Well, I don't now where the figure 39% came from. I doubt there were sociological surveys in common sense at that time and especially in that place. The results of elections can't be considered seriously also.

But I do agree that great number of Poles joined the communists because they felt it would give them advantage in their life.
That number came from the US Ambassador to Poland 1947. Of course the communists didn't receive 80% of the vote lol. That's why the Ambassador estimated the actual number of votes for the communists vs the election results.

That's what every Pole, Estonian, Ukrainian, etc says. Not one of them was a genuine communist lol!
Really? Atasas-Lithuanian, The Real Magyar-Hungarian, Lukashenko is Dr Phil-Finnish, Chippy-Pashtun, LFOD-American?and there were others. I only attacked posters who were anti Ukrainian. I never attacked Czechs and I only attacked Slovaks, because of Pesky, he used to troll the Ukraine forum with Luky attacking Ukrainians, so I gave it him back.
How did I try to turn Poles against Czechs and Slovaks? All of the Poles on the Poland forum attacked Pesky also and there were no Czechs.

When did Uther say that? I'm not anti Slavic, the only Slavs I don't like are Russians.

That's nothing to do with me.

Atasas was probably really a Lithuanian, and RealMagyar really a Hungarian.

Note, they both blamed Poland for WW2 with Nazi Germany, and went against Kosher people.

Rather than crying hysterically about Poland doing the Holocaust, and Polish anti-Semitism, and Polish Pogroms, like Pesky, Uther, and Cassandra.

There were a couple of Czech users, 1 from Czech Rep, and another CzechPowerOverSlovaks from the Chicago area.

Although they both were pro-Polish, overall.

I never thought they weren't, but Atasas was suspiciously pro Russian for a Lithuanian.

Both anti Polish though.

I wouldn't say Uther was crying.

I remember CzechPowerOverSlovaks. Czechs do think they're superior to Slovaks.

Atasas wasn't very if at all pro-Russian.

But, Pesky, Uther & Cassandra were very pro-Kosher.

Funny, you don't find that odd.

He was anti Ukrainian, which you wouldn't expect from a Lithuanian.

None of them were "pro Kosher", especially Uther.

Uther got very upset that I called Kosher women as ugly.
So he kept signing onto names of Kosher beauties like Bar Refaeli & Esti Ginzburg.

He also blamed Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times.
Called Poland anti-Semitic & talked about Polish Pogroms.

Sounds so Serbian.
Yeah, sure.

Note Uther never promoted Serbian beauties.

Also hated me even though I was pro-Serb.

Oh, and his IP Address of West Palm Beach is about 25% Kosher.
About 0% Serbian.

Yeah, so Serbian.

He wasn't upset. He was trolling you. Remember he also posted pictures of Pashtun "beauties" to troll Chippy? They were women in burkas. :)

To troll you. Uther called Jews "blood sucking leeches" before you arrived.

There were other reasons to dislike you.

About 0%, which means there are some Serbs living there.
Poles are always screaming about Russia though.

Every Pole insists Russia aka the Soviet Union forced communism on them even though 39% were communists from the beginning (1947). You probably cannot find one single Pole today who will admit they were an actual communist. They all lie and insist they joined the communist party "only for the benefits". Same with just about any other former SU country.
Well, I don't now where the figure 39% came from. I doubt there were sociological surveys in common sense at that time and especially in that place. The results of elections can't be considered seriously also.

But I do agree that great number of Poles joined the communists because they felt it would give them advantage in their life.
That number came from the US Ambassador to Poland 1947. Of course the communists didn't receive 80% of the vote lol. That's why the Ambassador estimated the actual number of votes for the communists vs the election results.

That's what every Pole, Estonian, Ukrainian, etc says. Not one of them was a genuine communist lol!
It was only his own opinion. To what extend it was correct we can only guess.

The last genuine communists were eliminated at the times of Stalin's Great Purge.
Really? Atasas-Lithuanian, The Real Magyar-Hungarian, Lukashenko is Dr Phil-Finnish, Chippy-Pashtun, LFOD-American?and there were others. I only attacked posters who were anti Ukrainian. I never attacked Czechs and I only attacked Slovaks, because of Pesky, he used to troll the Ukraine forum with Luky attacking Ukrainians, so I gave it him back.
How did I try to turn Poles against Czechs and Slovaks? All of the Poles on the Poland forum attacked Pesky also and there were no Czechs.

When did Uther say that? I'm not anti Slavic, the only Slavs I don't like are Russians.

That's nothing to do with me.

Atasas was probably really a Lithuanian, and RealMagyar really a Hungarian.

Note, they both blamed Poland for WW2 with Nazi Germany, and went against Kosher people.

Rather than crying hysterically about Poland doing the Holocaust, and Polish anti-Semitism, and Polish Pogroms, like Pesky, Uther, and Cassandra.

There were a couple of Czech users, 1 from Czech Rep, and another CzechPowerOverSlovaks from the Chicago area.

Although they both were pro-Polish, overall.

I never thought they weren't, but Atasas was suspiciously pro Russian for a Lithuanian.

Both anti Polish though.

I wouldn't say Uther was crying.

I remember CzechPowerOverSlovaks. Czechs do think they're superior to Slovaks.

Atasas wasn't very if at all pro-Russian.

But, Pesky, Uther & Cassandra were very pro-Kosher.

Funny, you don't find that odd.

He was anti Ukrainian, which you wouldn't expect from a Lithuanian.

None of them were "pro Kosher", especially Uther.

I never remember Atasas promoting Russians.

If you think Atasas was so- Russian.
Pesky, Uther & Cassandra weren't pro-Kosher?

You must be very delusional.
Either that or you got a Dog in this fight.

AKA you're at least part Kosher.

Which would make a lot of sense.

A lot of Ukrainians in the diaspora are Kosher.
Especially in Western Europe like the UK.

He never attacked Russians and took their side against Ukrainians.

Or I know more about them than you.

I'm 0% "Kosher".

You do realise most of the Ukrainians in the 1st Ukrainian Division "Waffen SS" ended up in the UK? How many of those do you think were Jewish? :) Also most Jews which were left in Ukraine after the war emigrated to America or later Israel.
Last edited:
That's only from a small sample and by a Tory supporting newspaper. Most don't want to leave with no deal.
And you polled who? Where are your results?

No one. I've read it in other publications.
Why didn't you post those then?

Voters decisively reject Boris Johnson's plan to crash out of EU with no deal, poll finds

Ukraine is twice as Jewish by DNA than Poland & Russia nearly 3 times more.

Most Jewish nations on Earth by DNA.

Yet between you and me, you're the one that's Jewish. :)

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