Poland saved Europe many times.

Uther got very upset that I called Kosher women as ugly.
So he kept signing onto names of Kosher beauties like Bar Refaeli & Esti Ginzburg.

He also blamed Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times.
Called Poland anti-Semitic & talked about Polish Pogroms.

Sounds so Serbian.
Yeah, sure.

Note Uther never promoted Serbian beauties.

Also hated me even though I was pro-Serb.

Oh, and his IP Address of West Palm Beach is about 25% Kosher.
About 0% Serbian.

Yeah, so Serbian.

He wasn't upset. He was trolling you. Remember he also posted pictures of Pashtun "beauties" to troll Chippy? They were women in burkas. :)

To troll you. Uther called Jews "blood sucking leeches" before you arrived.

There were other reasons to dislike you.

About 0%, which means there are some Serbs living there.

He was trolling you. Remember he also posted pictures of Pashtun "beauties" to troll Chippy? They were women in burkas.

Haha I remember that :)

Uther called Jews "blood sucking leeches" before you arrived.

I remember that too. In fact, I think it was LFOD who didn't really care for that. LFOD was always protective of Abe too.

Maybe LFOD is a Jew? One of the few posters Limpy never accused of being a Jew. :)
Yes and that's very funny. The one actual Jew on Topix :)

What about the other 2, Abe and Limpy? :)
Sorry I forgot about Limpy :)
Abe was even less Jewish than me! And probably less Polish too!
LOL no you do not.
Should we add Asian or sub Saharan African to our family's genetic mix? ;)
No I don't think so....
No I don't!
Old enough to know I can't write to my great-great-great grandmother to find out her name unless I have her name to put on the envelope! :113:

Yes I did.
What do you mean add? You can't add it if you haven't got it.
You do!
I think you could find her location. :)
You do or you do not have any credentials! Post proof here!
I said add to the family! Of course I can't add any to my own dna, I'm already born!
LOL I think she's dead ;)

Of course I have credentials!
Proof of what?
You can't add them to your family either!
I know. The location I meant was the cemetery. :)
Show us! Proof of your credentials!

Yes we can. This is how it happens. A man and a woman meet and fall in love - or maybe they're both drunk at a bar and don't even remember each other's names the next day, whatever. Anyway, about 9 months later, the stork arrives and drops off a half asian or half black baby! Then I have a new niece or nephew who's half asian or black!

You suggested before that I write to her though. You want me to write to her at the cemetery? I have 16 great great great grandmothers. Should I only write to the ones who were buried or should I include the ones who were cremated? I think it would be harder to write back if you were cremated.


You can't see the flaw in that?

Where else could you write to her? It's up to you. :)


LOL excellent advice ;)
Atasas was probably really a Lithuanian, and RealMagyar really a Hungarian.

Note, they both blamed Poland for WW2 with Nazi Germany, and went against Kosher people.

Rather than crying hysterically about Poland doing the Holocaust, and Polish anti-Semitism, and Polish Pogroms, like Pesky, Uther, and Cassandra.

There were a couple of Czech users, 1 from Czech Rep, and another CzechPowerOverSlovaks from the Chicago area.

Although they both were pro-Polish, overall.

I never thought they weren't, but Atasas was suspiciously pro Russian for a Lithuanian.

Both anti Polish though.

I wouldn't say Uther was crying.

I remember CzechPowerOverSlovaks. Czechs do think they're superior to Slovaks.

Atasas wasn't very if at all pro-Russian.

But, Pesky, Uther & Cassandra were very pro-Kosher.

Funny, you don't find that odd.

He was anti Ukrainian, which you wouldn't expect from a Lithuanian.

None of them were "pro Kosher", especially Uther.

Uther got very upset that I called Kosher women as ugly.
So he kept signing onto names of Kosher beauties like Bar Refaeli & Esti Ginzburg.

He also blamed Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times.
Called Poland anti-Semitic & talked about Polish Pogroms.

Sounds so Serbian.
Yeah, sure.

Note Uther never promoted Serbian beauties.

Also hated me even though I was pro-Serb.

Oh, and his IP Address of West Palm Beach is about 25% Kosher.
About 0% Serbian.

Yeah, so Serbian.

He wasn't upset. He was trolling you. Remember he also posted pictures of Pashtun "beauties" to troll Chippy? They were women in burkas. :)

To troll you. Uther called Jews "blood sucking leeches" before you arrived.

There were other reasons to dislike you.

About 0%, which means there are some Serbs living there.

Uther never even mentioned the Jasenovac concentration that killed Serbs.
He just
Mentioned Poland as doing the Holocaust against Kosher people 1,000 times.

I don't even know how anybody can be this clueless.

Ukraine is twice as Jewish by DNA than Poland & Russia nearly 3 times more.

Most Jewish nations on Earth by DNA.

Yet between you and me, you're the one that's Jewish. :)

What's your IQ 50?
Maybe, maybe not


That wasn't the question!

You never make sense. :)
I didn't because the priest where I grew up was Polish so I didn't even insult Polish people on the Russia forum for a long time.


Well I didn't convert to Judaism and I couldn't say "I didn't convert to Orthodox" because Limpy would misunderstand and think I mean Orthodox Jewish! Which I didn't convert to either lol.
Maybe, maybe not


That wasn't the question!

You never make sense. :)
I didn't because the priest where I grew up was Polish so I didn't even insult Polish people on the Russia forum for a long time.


Well I didn't convert to Judaism and I couldn't say "I didn't convert to Orthodox" because Limpy would misunderstand and think I mean Orthodox Jewish! Which I didn't convert to either lol.

That doesn't prove you didn't post on the Poland forum after less than 2 years!

The questions were "You think I used to be Jewish? Are you Limpy's sister?" I didn't ask you anything about your religion!
I didn't even insult Poles for probably 2 years! I didn't troll the Poland forum until LFOD went over there.

What? Ok, I don't think you're Jewish now! No I'm not Limpy's sister! And I don't remember you asking that question!

Yes you did! That's one of the biggest lies you've ever told!

You don't need to remember it, just scroll up!
No it isn't. I remember because of the priest. I even talked about it on Topix.

Why would I do that?! You never scroll up!

Yes it is! Your memory isn't that good! That proves nothing!

It's much easier to scroll up on here!
They were no Albanians for him to troll, he had you to troll.

He supported Milosovic, Karadzic and Madic. Only a Serb or a Russian would support them.
Remind me, which one did he compare to Abraham Lincoln? :)

I can't remember.
I looked it up. Milosevic.

How did you find that out?
I googled the names! lol

How do you know he was the one he compared to Lincoln?
Pro Ukraine, TD deleted some of my comments! Then the mods didn't tell me why for 2 or 3 days! I'm super pissed off at them!


What were the comments?
I was arguing with at least one Ukrainian, very anti Russian, and some other guy who claimed he was "anti communist" (I mean really extreme too) We were arguing about lend lease. I can't believe they removed my comments! Not all of them but still! I am so angry!! WTF?! :nono: One of the other two (probably both) must have reported me. I didn't get banned or anything, no warning, etc. but still! That was messed up.
Then the other guy (extremist) PM"d me a reply to my comment and told me it had been removed, etc. I ended up giving him that link to the FBI to report me for being a Russian agent! LOL! Idiot kept trolling me and asked how long I'd been speaking English, that fuckwad. He wasn't American in the first place! So now I'm really really mad!

A Ukrainian or someone you thought was Ukrainian? :) Why would they remove comments about land lease? You must have said something they didn't like. I've already reported you to the FBI for that. :) I can see that! Why haven't reported him?
You think Russia would be a better ally? You want Poland to be part of Putin's empire?

So what are you going to do about it?
Not Poland. Never Poland.

Post Brexit I see a much more independent EU with not so much US influence. I see western Europe growing closer to Russia and eastern Europe having fits over it :) It's possible that if the EU creates its own army and get out of NATO, the only NATO countries left will be in eastern Europe. They will be a huge target for Russia then.

You're overestimating the UK's influence in the EU. Don't get excited about Brexit, those Russian sanctions will be in place for a long time. :)
The UK will be of much less use to the US post Brexit :)

Not forever! I'm sure Washington has a lot of influence over EU sanctions as well.

So why is the US so desperate to do a deal? They said the UK is at the front of the queue for a deal!

Maybe once Putin's gone. :)
What exactly does that mean? Being "front of the queue"? Is there anyone else in the queue? lol What are the details?
Nah, the Brits have had a problem with Russia since probably the Crimean War, if not before then. Russian Tsar, Soviet Union, now Putin. They will always hate Russia no matter what.

UK 'first in line' for US trade deal, says Bolton

France was in the Crimean war also, on the British side? Why doesn't Macron have a problem with the Russians?
He wasn't upset. He was trolling you. Remember he also posted pictures of Pashtun "beauties" to troll Chippy? They were women in burkas. :)

To troll you. Uther called Jews "blood sucking leeches" before you arrived.

There were other reasons to dislike you.

About 0%, which means there are some Serbs living there.

He was trolling you. Remember he also posted pictures of Pashtun "beauties" to troll Chippy? They were women in burkas.

Haha I remember that :)

Uther called Jews "blood sucking leeches" before you arrived.

I remember that too. In fact, I think it was LFOD who didn't really care for that. LFOD was always protective of Abe too.

Maybe LFOD is a Jew? One of the few posters Limpy never accused of being a Jew. :)
Yes and that's very funny. The one actual Jew on Topix :)

What about the other 2, Abe and Limpy? :)
Sorry I forgot about Limpy :)
Abe was even less Jewish than me! And probably less Polish too!

He wasn't! You've never mentioned anything about being Polish!
Yes I did.
What do you mean add? You can't add it if you haven't got it.
You do!
I think you could find her location. :)
You do or you do not have any credentials! Post proof here!
I said add to the family! Of course I can't add any to my own dna, I'm already born!
LOL I think she's dead ;)

Of course I have credentials!
Proof of what?
You can't add them to your family either!
I know. The location I meant was the cemetery. :)
Show us! Proof of your credentials!

Yes we can. This is how it happens. A man and a woman meet and fall in love - or maybe they're both drunk at a bar and don't even remember each other's names the next day, whatever. Anyway, about 9 months later, the stork arrives and drops off a half asian or half black baby! Then I have a new niece or nephew who's half asian or black!

You suggested before that I write to her though. You want me to write to her at the cemetery? I have 16 great great great grandmothers. Should I only write to the ones who were buried or should I include the ones who were cremated? I think it would be harder to write back if you were cremated.


You can't see the flaw in that?

Where else could you write to her? It's up to you. :)


LOL excellent advice ;)


There's a very big one!

Thank you. :)

Ukraine is twice as Jewish by DNA than Poland & Russia nearly 3 times more.

Most Jewish nations on Earth by DNA.

Yet between you and me, you're the one that's Jewish. :)

What's your IQ 50?

You're so obsessed with Jews and know so much about them you're an obvious Jew.
Your big hooked nose and all that cash you've got stashed in the bank proves it. :)

Yet between you and me, you're the one that's Jewish. :)

What's your IQ 50?

You're so obsessed with Jews and know so much about them you're an obvious Jew.
Your big hooked nose and all that cash you've got stashed in the bank proves it. :)

Sure , everybody who attacks Kosher people is Kosher, but everybody who praises them just can't be Kosher.

Welcome to the delusional World of Trizub.

What do you think of Vadim Rabinovych?

Ukraine's Kosher chief refuses to speak Ukrainian.

Is he one of the good Kosher people?

How about Vladimir Zhirinovsky?

about Boris Spiegel?
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They all blamed Poland for the Holocaust years before I arrived on the forum.

They merely reacted to my anti-Kosher comments like a Kosher person would.

Same as this forum.

You thought Pesky was a Russian at times.
Even though he attacked Russians.

You also attacked a German Nazi who hated Russians as a Russian.

So, you clearly don't know who these people are.

No they didn't.

They reacted because you were so far over the top, so they started posting pro Jewish things to wind you up!

I never really thought he was Russian.

Who was that?

I know who they are better than you do.

I never really thought he was Russian.

Hahaha! So you admit it?!

The reason I called him a dumb SLOvak was because I thought he was Russian? :)
When I first got there, everyone thought he was Russian. Well except for the Russians and Russia supporters lol

That's because he was pro Russian then.

I purposefully didn't attack Russians, Slovaks, or Serbs, because I wanted to prove they were Kosher.
Case & Point proven to the T.

Why would they hate me so much, and react to me so much, if they weren't Kosher?
Come on now.

I'm really am pro-Serb & pro-Slovak.

But, I'm not pro-Russia, I just did that to prove a point.
Pesky has nothing to do with Slovaks, you're in deep denial about his Kosherness, because of your own Kosherness.

You're really funny, Limpy. You've got Jews in your head and Jews under your bed. :)

The REAL Slovaks on the forum, were all against Pesky, and said he wasn't from Slovakia.

RealMagyar was from Slovakia, hated Slovaks, and said Pesky wasn't from Slovakia, either.

Annie said Pesky wasn't a Slovak, because Slovaks are the most neutral Slavic people towards other Slavic people, and said the same about Uther being a Serb, that he wasn't a Serb because Serbs don't hate Poles, and Ukrainians so much.

You & Abe have always been severely delusional.

You both seem to have Kosher heritages, which explains why you go out on a limb to attack obvious Kosher people, as Slavs.

That's because he used to troll them on other forums.

RealMagyar considered Slovakia to be part of Hungary, so naturally they were enemies.

Some people said Annie had Estonian ethnicity, so how would she know? Uther didn't hate Ukrainians.

I'm so "kosher" I don't even know where my local synagogue is. :)

Ah ha! You troll me in private though and insist Pesky wasn't a Slovak, Annie wasn't Estonian, and uther hated Ukrainians! I'm keeping a link to this post!


I think Pesky is Slovak now after what you told me.
I said "some people" said she had Estonian ethnicity. I don't know if she did or not.
I also now accept Uther wasn't anti Ukrainian after what you told me, but he didn't like Western Ukrainians!

LOL, Everybody from Slovakia said Pesky wasn't a Slovak, including the forum Slovaks, and even RealMagyar who's from Slovakia.

Take a hint.

You're so obsessed with Jews and know so much about them you're an obvious Jew.
Your big hooked nose and all that cash you've got stashed in the bank proves it. :)

Sure , everybody who attacks Kosher people is Kosher, but everybody who praises them just can't be Kosher.

Welcome to the delusional World of Trizub.

What do you think of Vadim Rabinovych?

Ukraine's Kosher chief refuses to speak Ukrainian.

Is he one of the good Kosher people?

How about Vladimir Zhirinovsky?

about Boris Spiegel?

When have you ever seen me praise Jews?

I think he's pathetic.

Vladimir Zhironovsky the Russian fascist? I hate him. I think you mean Wolodomyr Zelenskiy the new president of Ukraine? I think he'll be a disaster, he's an actor with no previous political experience.

Another Russian, I don't like him.
Russians aren't as anti-Polish as the West.

That's a manipulation.
O yeah. I can give you a link to a Russian site where Russian patriots (at least they consider themselves as such) discuss Poland. You will with pleasure embrace their love.
Poles are always screaming about Russia though.

Every Pole insists Russia aka the Soviet Union forced communism on them even though 39% were communists from the beginning (1947). You probably cannot find one single Pole today who will admit they were an actual communist. They all lie and insist they joined the communist party "only for the benefits". Same with just about any other former SU country.

Only 2.5% of Poland was Communist in 1928.
Quite more than half of those Commies, were Kosher, Ukrainian, and Belarussian.

I believe in that period only something like 1/3rd of Poland's Commies were even Polish.

Probably like 1% of Poland's Polish population was Communist, I don't think that's ever changed.
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Ukraine is twice as Jewish by DNA than Poland & Russia nearly 3 times more.

Most Jewish nations on Earth by DNA.

Yet between you and me, you're the one that's Jewish. :)

What's your IQ 50?

You're so obsessed with Jews and know so much about them you're an obvious Jew.
Your big hooked nose and all that cash you've got stashed in the bank proves it. :)

Sure , everybody who attacks Kosher people is Kosher, but everybody who praises them just can't be Kosher.

Welcome to the delusional World of Trizub.

What do you think of Vadim Rabinovych?

Ukraine's Kosher chief refuses to speak Ukrainian.

Is he one of the good Kosher people?

How about Vladimir Zhirinovsky?

about Boris Spiegel?

When have you ever seen me praise Jews?

I think he's pathetic.

Vladimir Zhironovsky the Russian fascist? I hate him. I think you mean Wolodomyr Zelenskiy the new president of Ukraine? I think he'll be a disaster, he's an actor with no previous political experience.

Another Russian, I don't like him.

Didn't half Kosher Zhironovsky say he wants to turn Ukraine into a Nuclear dump, and send Ukrainians to Alaska?
Or something similar?
No they didn't.

They reacted because you were so far over the top, so they started posting pro Jewish things to wind you up!

I never really thought he was Russian.

Who was that?

I know who they are better than you do.

I never really thought he was Russian.

Hahaha! So you admit it?!

The reason I called him a dumb SLOvak was because I thought he was Russian? :)
When I first got there, everyone thought he was Russian. Well except for the Russians and Russia supporters lol

That's because he was pro Russian then.

I purposefully didn't attack Russians, Slovaks, or Serbs, because I wanted to prove they were Kosher.
Case & Point proven to the T.

Why would they hate me so much, and react to me so much, if they weren't Kosher?
Come on now.

I'm really am pro-Serb & pro-Slovak.

But, I'm not pro-Russia, I just did that to prove a point.

You didn't prove it.

Your extreme right wing tendencies?


You are pro Russia. You hardly ever criticised Russia on Topix.
You're really funny, Limpy. You've got Jews in your head and Jews under your bed. :)

The REAL Slovaks on the forum, were all against Pesky, and said he wasn't from Slovakia.

RealMagyar was from Slovakia, hated Slovaks, and said Pesky wasn't from Slovakia, either.

Annie said Pesky wasn't a Slovak, because Slovaks are the most neutral Slavic people towards other Slavic people, and said the same about Uther being a Serb, that he wasn't a Serb because Serbs don't hate Poles, and Ukrainians so much.

You & Abe have always been severely delusional.

You both seem to have Kosher heritages, which explains why you go out on a limb to attack obvious Kosher people, as Slavs.

That's because he used to troll them on other forums.

RealMagyar considered Slovakia to be part of Hungary, so naturally they were enemies.

Some people said Annie had Estonian ethnicity, so how would she know? Uther didn't hate Ukrainians.

I'm so "kosher" I don't even know where my local synagogue is. :)

Ah ha! You troll me in private though and insist Pesky wasn't a Slovak, Annie wasn't Estonian, and uther hated Ukrainians! I'm keeping a link to this post!


I think Pesky is Slovak now after what you told me.
I said "some people" said she had Estonian ethnicity. I don't know if she did or not.
I also now accept Uther wasn't anti Ukrainian after what you told me, but he didn't like Western Ukrainians!

LOL, Everybody from Slovakia said Pesky wasn't a Slovak, including the forum Slovaks, and even RealMagyar who's from Slovakia.

Take a hint.

Cassandra has had personal contact with him. She seems convinced he's a Slovak.

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