Poland warns of ‘armed’ attempts on its border as Germany urges EU to act.

Really?? Who knew? All joking aside these "refugees" should be simply looking for a conflict-free area to settle in. This is not a Club Med destination brochure where they pick their destination. Belarus is peaceful at the moment so the refugees should stay in Belarus. Problem solved.
The vast majority of these refugees are from Iradi Kurdistan. It is considered the safest region of Iraq. They aren't fleeing a war, basically. They want better economic opportunities.
I heard Russia facilitated it.
It may well be. Aeroflot was one of the companies which flew them from Turkey. But considering Lukashenko's type of mind, it may well be his own initiative.
The vast majority of these refugees are from Iradi Kurdistan. It is considered the safest region of Iraq. They aren't fleeing a war, basically. They want better economic opportunities.

Did you figure that out all by yourself or did you have help?

The excuse they use is always that they are fleeing a conflict and fear for their lives. I choose to believe that refugees never lie so they should stay in peaceful Belarus.

Did you figure that out all by yourself or did you have help?

The excuse they use is always that they are fleeing a conflict and fear for their lives. I choose to believe that refugees never lie so they should stay in peaceful Belarus.

They are not interested in Belarus and say that directly. My bet is they will make it to the West one way or another.
They are not interested in Belarus and say that directly. My bet is they will make it to the West one way or another.

I know they are not interested in Belarus but who cares. I don't. Belarus is peaceful so they shouldn't expect anything more.

Had Poland met these invaders with an armed response immediately, they would not have these problems now.
I know they are not interested in Belarus but who cares. I don't. Belarus is peaceful so they shouldn't expect anything more.

Belarus respect their right to free transit. If they want to go into the EU, it's just not Belorussian business to stop them.
Had Poland met these invaders with an armed response immediately, they would not have these problems now.
Modern Poles and weapon? One Polish soldier is already dead because of 'friendly fire'. Any case of 'border incident' - and the count of victims will raise significally.
Poland will attract British soldiers to the Belarusian border. They will help strengthen the fence, the Polish Defense Ministry said.
Three options:
- The Polish minister is lying about the true reasons
- Polish soldiers don't even know how to build something themselves
- Britons were reduced to the role of migrant workers-builders
What a smart-ass UN representative:

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said that migrants who find themselves in a difficult situation on the Polish-Belarusian border should be "moved to safer places in Belarus."

And it means, by the way, according to the UN, that Belarus is quite safe for itself. And Europe is a "regime".

Meanwhile, Ukraine begins exercises on the border with Belarus "to protect against migrants."
What for? As for the war against unarmed people and families with children, Ukraine has a wealth of experience in this. She doesn't need any training.

The US President "expressed deep concern" about the situation with migrants on the border of the EU and Belarus, the White House reported.
And what about oil in Syria? Has the US already stopped stealing it from the syrians?
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Poland prohibits journalists from working at the border and covering the situation with migrants.

Because there's democracy.

But that's not all. The Polish Foreign Ministry invited journalists to go to the territory of Belarus and report on the situation on the border from there. It's not forbidden there.

Because it's a dictatorship.

"The European Union cannot be blackmailed," the German Foreign Minister said. "We will impose sanctions on everyone who participates in the illegal importation of migrants."

You cannot blackmail the EU, but you can bomb Syria. It is impossible to import Iraqis into the EU, but it is possible to export oil from Iraq.
I think I know why Russia and Belarus bombed Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya:
To create a migration crisis on the borders of the European Union!
Das Erste: The EU calls for expanding sanctions against Belarus due to the aggravation of the situation with migrants.
Right! The next time Lukashenka wants to invade Iraq and smash it, he will know that there will be consequences.
Poland says thousands more migrants are waiting near Belarusian border, and German minister says Warsaw and Berlin ‘can’t handle this alone’.

Poland has warned of an “armed” escalation of conflict involving migrants massed near the border with Belarus, as the global community reacted to the latest grim chapter in Europe’s migrant crisis.

Having blocked hundreds of people from entering the country, Polish government spokesperson Piotr Muller said a further 3,000 to 4,000 migrants were gathering near the border. “We expect that there may be an escalation of this type of action on the Polish border in the near future, which will be of an armed nature,” he said.

Poland and other EU countries have accused Belarus of trying to provoke a new refugee crisis in Europe in revenge for their criticism of Alexander Lukashenko’s brutal crackdown on opposition. The situation has been simmering for months and worsened on Monday when Belarus authorities escorted an estimated 1,000 people to the Polish border.

Modern Poles and weapon? One Polish soldier is already dead because of 'friendly fire'. Any case of 'border incident' - and the count of victims will raise significally.
No matter. The Polish people pick up weapons and repel the invasion or lose their country.
Modern Poles and weapon? One Polish soldier is already dead because of 'friendly fire'. Any case of 'border incident' - and the count of victims will raise significally.
What is interesting is that Poland is in top-15 of PISA ratings in mathematic and science.
Considering that Belarus is the only country in the world where I have seen gypsies working in the field and harvesting crops, I do not understand what is the problem of assimilating these migrants?
Or maybe that's why they don't want to stay in Belarus - they will have to work and not receive benefits.
The hysteria that has unfolded in Europe due to the migration crisis that has arisen in the border zone of Belarus and Poland, in colors demonstrates the policy of double standards of the EU. A similar problem is raging in the "rear" of the European Union, only the threat is an order of magnitude higher than in Belarus, but they stubbornly keep silent about it.
To date, the headlines in foreign media should be from the series: "Boris Johnson urgently consults with NATO on the application of measures to the migration crisis in the English Channel", "British tanks have been transferred to the southern coast", "British border guards are sending refugees back to sea", etc.
We are talking about the largest migration crisis unfolding in the "rear" of the EU, the scale of which is incomparable with the situation on the Belarusian-Polish border. Tens of thousands of refugees are storming the British border by sea, and about three or four thousand are storming the Belarusian border.
It is obvious that migrants are approaching Britain from France, whose duties include controlling the border and excluding such situations. In London, it is believed that the French approach this work extremely carelessly, which, according to British law enforcement, led to an anti-record in the English Channel, which was recently crossed by over a thousand people for the first time in one day. At the same time, the French side reported on the interception of only 99 refugees.
Against the background of this large-scale problem, European functionaries prefer to exaggerate the topic of the Belarusian-Polish crisis on the border and generously distribute traditional accusations against Russia. Even the British media prefer to trumpet about the mythical threat to Ukraine from the Russian army and the migration problems of Poland, glossing over the catastrophic state of affairs with migrants on the territory of their state.
That's why they are political prostitutes.
If you didn't know yet, then the "attack on Poland" looks like this.

That's because of this bunch of migrants, all the whining of poles, the involvement of NATO, talk about sanctions and "hybrid aggression" against the EU, the snorting of Ukraine and Lithuania...
A good thing is a copter. However, it is very inconvenient for those who organize reports on "mass protest rallies", "gatherings of thousands of protesters" and more.
Нypocritical scum..

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