Polar Vortex

Or, REALLY cold weather strikes Michigan! Next 3 days our temps will rival Barrow Alaska. It's gonna be rough. Damn Global Warming!!
Weather forecast doesn't really matter where I live. If it's winter you get lake effect snow. Tons of it. Snow from a noreaster is different and a novelty.
Or, REALLY cold weather strikes Michigan! Next 3 days our temps will rival Barrow Alaska. It's gonna be rough. Damn Global Warming!!
Weather forecast doesn't really matter where I live. If it's winter you get lake effect snow. Tons of it. Snow from a noreaster is different and a novelty.
I’m happy there are people like you who like living in such places. Makes my region nice.
Weather forecast doesn't really matter where I live. If it's winter you get lake effect snow. Tons of it. Snow from a noreaster is different and a novelty.
I love the western side of Michigan but would never live there in the winter. They get tons of snow from Lake Michigan.
Minus 29...while not that bad....can be a shock to people's bodies. I can handle it with a sweatshirt gloves and good hat. It amazes me when the south gets 8 inches of snow. Shuts things down. It makes me chuckle. 8 inches of snow shouldn't change a thing.
Or, REALLY cold weather strikes Michigan! Next 3 days our temps will rival Barrow Alaska. It's gonna be rough. Damn Global Warming!!
Weather forecast doesn't really matter where I live. If it's winter you get lake effect snow. Tons of it. Snow from a noreaster is different and a novelty.
I’m happy there are people like you who like living in such places. Makes my region nice.
I get tired of the cold sometimes but I like snow:downhill skiing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing. I like the variety of changing seasons. Maybe when I'm really old I will move south to del voca vista
It's minus 29 here now....it'd be something to see this drift about 1000 miles south of here...just give the south a taste for a day or so.
Where is "here"? It won't get that cold in my "here" thank God!
I am roughly 40 miles north of Twin Cities.
Current temp -25 out my door.
Dropping to -35 tonight with a freaking high of -17 tomorrow.

In other words.
A typical wed.
Or, REALLY cold weather strikes Michigan! Next 3 days our temps will rival Barrow Alaska. It's gonna be rough. Damn Global Warming!!
Tonight its dipping to -25ish in Minneapolis. Staurday and Sunday is forecasted for +38ish. Hmm what's more alarming? Better go scream about alarmists on the boards.
Or, REALLY cold weather strikes Michigan! Next 3 days our temps will rival Barrow Alaska. It's gonna be rough. Damn Global Warming!!
Tonight its dipping to -25ish in Minneapolis. Staurday and Sunday is forecasted for +38ish. Hmm what's more alarming? Better go scream about alarmists on the boards.
It got cold in the Winter and hot in the Summer long before anyone ever came up with the terms global warming, global cooling or climate change.
Wow!!! You're right!!!

Have you passed this very important docovery along to the global scientific community?!?!?!?!?
I am roughly 40 miles north of Twin Cities.
Current temp -25 out my door.
Dropping to -35 tonight with a freaking high of -17 tomorrow.

In other words.
A typical wed.
You have my sympathies -- both climate wise and politically.

I have nothing to whine about, but today was the coldest I've ever experienced. Temperture wise, we are the same as Antarctica today.

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