Polar Vortex

According to the IPCC this should not be happening. CO2 was supposed to keep heat from leaving the earth.
No, the idea is that will cause less heat to leave than would otherwise leave. Damn son, at least get a mastery of the basic, English articulation of the most basic principles of this topic before declaring you have outsmarted the world's scientists.
^^^^When you think climate change doesnt produce cold weather. :rolleyes:

Does "global warming" mean it’s warming everywhere? | NOAA Climate.gov
According to the IPCC this should not be happening. CO2 was supposed to keep heat from leaving the earth. I am a bit perplexed how this and theoretical maximum cooling of -80 deg C is occurring at both poles.

Why is the supper power of CO2 not stopping this?
Show me where the IPCC said we shouldnt have cold weather. I'll be waiting.
According to the IPCC this should not be happening. CO2 was supposed to keep heat from leaving the earth.
No, the idea is that will cause less heat to leave than would otherwise leave. Damn son, at least get a mastery of the basic, English articulation of the most basic principles of this topic before declaring you have outsmarted the world's scientists.
You’re a moron and a hypocrite. You just repeated what he said while challenging him on his English comprehension.
there’s been a lot of discussion on the polar vortex. Around 2015, it became famous or notorious by conservative cable news media insisting it was a made-up phrase, but the polar vortex goes back to the discovery of jet streams. It dips, from time-to-time, south. There’s more heat energy in the atmosphere than there has been in the last several centuries, so you would expect weather patterns to be more energetic and to change more rapidly. As we say about climate change, it’s the speed of change that’s the problem, not just the change itself. It’s the rate at which it’s changing.
there’s been a lot of discussion on the polar vortex. Around 2015, it became famous or notorious by conservative cable news media insisting it was a made-up phrase, but the polar vortex goes back to the discovery of jet streams. It dips, from time-to-time, south. There’s more heat energy in the atmosphere than there has been in the last several centuries, so you would expect weather patterns to be more energetic and to change more rapidly. As we say about climate change, it’s the speed of change that’s the problem, not just the change itself. It’s the rate at which it’s changing.
Certainly faster than any time since 1886 when Adam and Eve were around.
You’re a moron and a hypocrite. You just repeated what he said
No I didn't, fool. Pay attention. He says that heat shouldn't let earth, according to accepted climate theories. Ans that is a moronic lie, as heat would still leaving wrath at times, just less, due to increased greenhouse effect. There, now you're up to speed.

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