Police: 2 Women Gang Raped By Juveniles In Wilmington Park

The black community is out of control that we'd probably be better off putting a security ring around their areas as to better control them. Of course, that would never meet constitutional requirements. I still like the sterilization idea. Voluntary of course, and compensate them heavily for breeding out future trash.
We do and we care about the victims, no matter their pigmentation.

Okay, good....so you have SOMETHING in common with conservatives.

So you are saying that YES, blacks commit a disproportionately large percentage of vviolent crime in the country??

So why don't liberal's take that as a cause-de-celebrite?

Blacks are more likely to be convicted than a white person because of predjudice and economic factors. When whites are convicted of using dope they are mostly sent to an expensive drug rehab program where the blacks are sent to jail.

Social economic factors are the main reasons for crime.
It's telling how none of the white people have been willing to condemn white-on-white crime, even when directly asked about it. Even "moderate" whites seem willing to go along with white crime. Among those white animals, it's not a matter of whether they are savages, just a matter of how savage they are.
It's telling how none of the white people have been willing to condemn white-on-white crime, even when directly asked about it. Even "moderate" whites seem willing to go along with white crime. Among those white animals, it's not a matter of whether they are savages, just a matter of how savage they are.

I condemn all violence that is not directly associated with self-defense, or the disciplining of children (or adults who act like children). There, now you have "white people" who condemn white-on-white violent crime. However, proportionally, whites have little to fear from other whites (unless they are involved in criminal activity themselves, see http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlpp/Vol30_No2_KatesMauseronline.pdf for evidence)

why don't liberals look at REAL problems like this??

Why are you pretending liberals don't?

You lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites. It just makes you a liar.

I am not "pretending", I am seeking. Can you give me an example of where liberals are looking for actual solutions to crime in the black communities?

Oh, and as for your incivility in calling me a liar. I doubt you would be so brave to call me a liar in person.
Blacks are more likely to be convicted than a white person because of predjudice and economic factors. When whites are convicted of using dope they are mostly sent to an expensive drug rehab program where the blacks are sent to jail.

Social economic factors are the main reasons for crime.

There is a lot of truth to this. I would even go so far as to say that the judicial system is prejudicial go blacks. And yes, since whites generally have greater economic resources, they often have greater ability to "rehab out" in lieu of jail. While all of these generalizations fall apart when you look at the micro (Jessie Jackson Junior anyone??), I think it is, in general, true.

And OF COURSE social economic factors are the main reasons for crime. (liberals please note, I is the social economic factors that are responsible for gun crime, not the guns themselves, or legal gun ownership). But it is these social issues that we are talking about.

So, you have made some good points, but are you at all able to concede the point that blacks are, proportionally, much more likely to commit violent crime? Yes, of course there are reasons which we may have differing opinions on (broken families due to liberal policies vs racism?), but we can't have a meaningful conversation on these opinions if you are not willing to SEE THAT THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM!
It's telling how none of the white people have been willing to condemn white-on-white crime, even when directly asked about it. Even "moderate" whites seem willing to go along with white crime. Among those white animals, it's not a matter of whether they are savages, just a matter of how savage they are.

They are buwanna devils.:evil:
Black, white, I don't care, you rape someone, the death penalty should be on the table. Rape is rape, it doesn't matter the color of anyone's skin. It is a sick disgusting crime.

The gang rape is even more disturbing, in that they are proud and brag about violating a women.

I'm not sure what kind of person could do this, my heart goes out to the victims.
I am not "pretending", I am seeking. Can you give me an example of where liberals are looking for actual solutions to crime in the black communities?

Here's one, featuring prominent scapegoat Jesse Jackson Sr. You know, a guy who most conservatives will swear has never addressed black-on-black crime in his entire life.
Rev. Jesse Jackson rallies to stop black-on-black carnage ? USATODAY.com
For Jackson, who turned 70 in October, ending the black-on-black carnage in this country could be his last big campaign.

"Each year … about 7,000 African Americans are murdered, more than nine times out of 10 by other African Americans," Jackson said in a painful acknowledgment of a crisis that for too long has received "drive-by" attention from most black leaders. But beginning with the marches his Rainbow PUSH Coalition will hold in cities from Baltimore to Tulsa the day before Father's Day, Jackson said ending this slaughter will be a major goal for him.

Let's move along to scapegoat #2, Al Sharpton.
The Rev. Al Sharpton is calling for a high-profile community summit to address black-on-black violence after Harlem was rocked by a wave of shootings over Memorial Day.

Hey, how about president Obama?
The National Forum for Youth Violence Prevention was started in six cities soon after the death of Derrion. Its task is to examine old models and implement new ones to be used by local cities to combat violence in their communities.

Oh, and as for your incivility in calling me a liar. I doubt you would be so brave to call me a liar in person.

Everyone here is incivil. Get used to it. You stated a falsehood. Even if it was unintentional, it's still stating a falsehood. And I tire of getting told how liberals always do something that liberals actually don't do.

So, why the fuss about Trayvon? Because of this.
White people who kill black people in 'Stand Your Ground' states are 354 per cent more likely to be found justified in their killing than a white person who kills another white person

So, whites need to stick with addressing that issue -- that prosecution of killers is wildly prejudicial, depending on the victim -- instead of trying to deflect the topic with some "but you don't care about black crime!" nonsense.
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White-on-white crime is the prevailing crime demographic, followed by black-on-black crime.

So why does the media whitewash white-on-white crime? Why does the justice system often wink at it? White-on-white crime is a scourge of white communities everywhere, yet you never see white leaders taking a stand against it. When are moderate whites going to start condemning violent white culture?
You are an idiot. .. :cuckoo:

Why? Can you explain "why" he is an idiot? Because I don't think you can. Prove me wrong.

I can.

Because it was the media who started this - with an incredible stupidity of the hysteria around Trayvon's case and labelling Zimmerman white racist murderer.
While Zimmerman is neithr white, nor murderer.
And the "hoodie crowd" including those here, cheered on that hysteria.
Then the media continued with description of every black-in-white crime in the country.

Now, I don't know if the rate of that crime statistics increased - it is too early to have the figures to compare.
But the media attention and the heinous and absolutely senseless crimes do have an effect on a general public.
Including people here.

What do you expect after a year of inciting the race violence towards whites on the part not only of "black leaders" but the very administration of this country?

And the malevolent reaction of USMB black members on the description of those instances of black-on-white crimes does not produce nice and fuzzy feelings in reciprocation.

And mammoth knows it. but chose to play dumb.
Police say two women, ages 32 and 24, were reportedly attacked and sexually assaulted by a group of 10 to 12 black male juveniles in Kosciuszko Park at about 6:54 p.m.


Probably dark, or almost dark?

'Sitting ducks' were the two women.

Very bad idea for girls/women to be walking thru parks 'alone' at that time of night, or any time of day really.
"The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless" ...says I.

Very bad idea for girls/women to be walking alone on the streets at all...IMO.
...unless they are armed to the teeth with more than one gun, a machine gun if walking thru parks...with them loaded and ready to fire.

The Black community takes another hit.
Whose fault is it?
Answer; their own fault.

Very bad idea for girls/women to be walking thru parks 'alone' at that time of night, or any time of day really.

Two women....two women go out for a walk in the park at 7 PM....
How dare they go out like that.
Just looking for trouble is what they were doing...
So I guess these black folk were just exercising their constitutional rights....

the article does not say that they were TOGETHER.
they might have been jogging
Prove that I have ever killed a baby. That's a serious accusation worthy of an explanation or proof. Showing your ignorance will get you no where.

I never made the claim that YOU ever killed a baby, dingbat. Your ignorance of basic comprehension of the English language - written - is noted.

You called me a baby killer. That is a person who kills babies. Explain your way out of that, fool.

that does not mean that you killed your own baby. You SUPPORT killing babies - and THAT makes you a babykiller.

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