Police Agencies Pull Out of DNC Convention


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008

MILWAUKEE — More than 100 police agencies are withdrawing from agreements to send personnel to bolster security at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, in part because they’re concerned about a recent directive ordering police in the city to stop using tear gas to control crowds.

we will see how that goes. If the DNC wants security they will have to ante up.

MILWAUKEE — More than 100 police agencies are withdrawing from agreements to send personnel to bolster security at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, in part because they’re concerned about a recent directive ordering police in the city to stop using tear gas to control crowds.

we will see how that goes. If the DNC wants security they will have to ante up.
This is GREAT!

MILWAUKEE — More than 100 police agencies are withdrawing from agreements to send personnel to bolster security at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, in part because they’re concerned about a recent directive ordering police in the city to stop using tear gas to control crowds.

we will see how that goes. If the DNC wants security they will have to ante up.

Police officers really aren't going to be inclined to want to get into a position where they are going to have to shoot someone in a hostile, Left Wing Jurisdiction.

Maybe the DNC can contact Academi, or other private security concern for its VIP's?

or alternatively, maybe they can find a new, secure location for the Convention? Some place like Mar A Lago in Florida? Superb venue

MILWAUKEE — More than 100 police agencies are withdrawing from agreements to send personnel to bolster security at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, in part because they’re concerned about a recent directive ordering police in the city to stop using tear gas to control crowds.

we will see how that goes. If the DNC wants security they will have to ante up.

Honestly, at this point, I would love to see the DNC convention burned to the ground, and bunch of Democrats get burned alive by the "Defund the police" people, and I hope zero officers show up for the DNC.

MILWAUKEE — More than 100 police agencies are withdrawing from agreements to send personnel to bolster security at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, in part because they’re concerned about a recent directive ordering police in the city to stop using tear gas to control crowds.

we will see how that goes. If the DNC wants security they will have to ante up.
If these reports are true, then, I really don't blame the cops for bailing on the Dems.

It seems to me that the Dems have lost the High Ground when it comes to the Rule of Law and its Enforcement.

They really shot themselves in the foot with all this Defund-the-Cops and Cancel-Culture idiocy of the past few weeks.

Honest-to-Christ... how stupid and politically repulsive have you got to be, to be at-risk of actually losing to the Orange Baboon-God?

MILWAUKEE — More than 100 police agencies are withdrawing from agreements to send personnel to bolster security at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, in part because they’re concerned about a recent directive ordering police in the city to stop using tear gas to control crowds.

we will see how that goes. If the DNC wants security they will have to ante up.
Fuck'em. They should call Dyncorp or triple canopy and get some real security.
Police officers really aren't going to be inclined to want to get into a position where they are going to have to shoot someone in a hostile, Left Wing Jurisdiction.

Maybe the DNC can contact Academi, or other private security concern for its VIP's?

or alternatively, maybe they can find a new, secure location for the Convention? Some place like Mar A Lago in Florida? Superb venue

Maybe this is why Xi has made Hong Kong a "safe place" for their convention?

MILWAUKEE — More than 100 police agencies are withdrawing from agreements to send personnel to bolster security at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, in part because they’re concerned about a recent directive ordering police in the city to stop using tear gas to control crowds.

we will see how that goes. If the DNC wants security they will have to ante up.
If these reports are true, then, I really don't blame the cops for bailing on the Dems.

It seems to me that the Dems have lost the High Ground when it comes to the Rule of Law and its Enforcement.

They really shot themselves in the foot with all this Defund-the-Cops and Cancel-Culture idiocy of the past few weeks.

Honest-to-Christ... how stupid and politically repulsive have you got to be, to be at-risk of actually losing to the Orange Baboon-God?

It's the friggin' Moonie Times and it cites zero links to anything, so I wouldn't bet the house on the veracity of this "story".


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