Police chief in tears over murder of cop by illegal alien

Depends on what you consider punishment. In our prisons, they have workout rooms, pool rooms, television rooms, a football field, and people can come and visit you. They even have a private room to screw your wife and start a family from prison.

You get three squares a day plus snacks, free medical care, and an account for your family to deposit money for you to use while in prison. Now they are suggesting training programs so if you get out, you have a skill to get a job.

Liberals ended real prison many years ago bit by bit. Watch a movie called Cool Hand Luke. That's what prisons used to be like and should be like today.
I'm quite certain prison is very unpleasant. Many die there, look at Whitey Bulger.
Many people get on well in prison. Must be 'cause they go back so many times.

A for profit system relies upon on recidivism.
Lotta money in running a prison....

And internment camps. Always rolled out by any power structure pon the most vulnerable first to desensitize the masses. Like the murdering of unarmed black folk in the streets.

Incrementalism. Nasty. Insidious. The public is very malleable, pliable in america, look at the societal creation myth we bought into. We’ve been desensitized to mass shootings on a regular basis. We’ve been desensitized to endless wars of occupation that economically cannibalize society at home. We’ve been desensitized to the power of the state to murder unarmed citizens in the streets, and now in their homes and on the job, with impunity. We’ve been desensitized to the incarceration and separation of nonviolent families into for profit holding pens and corporate for profit prisons with corporate convict labor leasing. We’ve been desensitized to our government supporting three quarters of the world’s military dictatorships. We’ve been desensitized to partnering in genocide with a nation who butchers and liquefies a critical journalist. We’ve been desensitized to twenty two veterans per day committing suicide from “serving” in seven hot active shooting wars in Muslim majority countries with no plan other than to occupy.

So now we should be ready to take the next step and desensitize the masses to deploying the military out into society and constructing holding facilities on american soil for profit. America still trades in bondage.
Get the hell out of America then.
Incarceration nation doesn't punish crime? Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ....., we've turned it into a for profit business with stocks trade on Wall Street, catch up.

Depends on what you consider punishment. In our prisons, they have workout rooms, pool rooms, television rooms, a football field, and people can come and visit you. They even have a private room to screw your wife and start a family from prison.

You get three squares a day plus snacks, free medical care, and an account for your family to deposit money for you to use while in prison. Now they are suggesting training programs so if you get out, you have a skill to get a job.

Liberals ended real prison many years ago bit by bit. Watch a movie called Cool Hand Luke. That's what prisons used to be like and should be like today.
I'm quite certain prison is very unpleasant. Many die there, look at Whitey Bulger.
Many people get on well in prison. Must be 'cause they go back so many times.

A for profit system relies upon on recidivism.
What about all the repeat offenders not in for profit prisons? lol

Not the same is it, no profit motive there.
I'm quite certain prison is very unpleasant. Many die there, look at Whitey Bulger.
Many people get on well in prison. Must be 'cause they go back so many times.

A for profit system relies upon on recidivism.
Lotta money in running a prison....

And internment camps. Always rolled out by any power structure pon the most vulnerable first to desensitize the masses. Like the murdering of unarmed black folk in the streets.

Incrementalism. Nasty. Insidious. The public is very malleable, pliable in america, look at the societal creation myth we bought into. We’ve been desensitized to mass shootings on a regular basis. We’ve been desensitized to endless wars of occupation that economically cannibalize society at home. We’ve been desensitized to the power of the state to murder unarmed citizens in the streets, and now in their homes and on the job, with impunity. We’ve been desensitized to the incarceration and separation of nonviolent families into for profit holding pens and corporate for profit prisons with corporate convict labor leasing. We’ve been desensitized to our government supporting three quarters of the world’s military dictatorships. We’ve been desensitized to partnering in genocide with a nation who butchers and liquefies a critical journalist. We’ve been desensitized to twenty two veterans per day committing suicide from “serving” in seven hot active shooting wars in Muslim majority countries with no plan other than to occupy.

So now we should be ready to take the next step and desensitize the masses to deploying the military out into society and constructing holding facilities on american soil for profit. America still trades in bondage.
Get the hell out of America then.

No darling, you need a dose of objective reality and I'm yo daddy. That's your defense of the system? Leave? :abgg2q.jpg:
You can't stop all murders in this country particularly when it comes to law enforcement. However you can stop the murders by illegals because we do have the ability and authority to throw them out of the country and stop more from coming in. You can rarely stop a murder before it happens with people who live here. You CAN stop murders from happening by people that are not supposed to be here and can be stopped from entering.
Gun control sure does a great job of protecting law enforcement in other countries. Would be stupid to ignore that fact.

You don't have facts, you have associations. Gun control is not the reason they have less killings, it's the people that are responsible for that. Just like you could take a nice upper-middle-class suburb in the US, give every resident a gun, and it won't change their crime rate one iota. Take guns from everybody in a high crime rate area, they will find a way to get illegal guns and continue their high crime rate.
Of course they are facts. Countries with strong gun control have very few law enforcement deaths by shooting. That's a fact. Only a fool would ignore that fact. You don't care about saving law enforcement lives though, you just want to bitch about illegals.

That makes about as much sense as saying people in other countries eat more carrots than we do, so that's the reason they are less violent.

People will kill with or without guns if they really want to kill.

London's murder rate surpasses New York's for 1st time ever
About as much sense as claiming to care about law enforcement deaths and then ignoring what countries with few deaths do.

Yeah New York has pretty strong gun control don't they? Has been working really well for them.

Their gun and crime rate decreased when Stop and Frisk was instituted. Yes, they are not gun friendly, but some people still have guns; a lot more than people in London. Most of their murders are with knives. So as it clearly points out, guns only stopped gun murders, but not murders because people who want to kill another will find other ways of doing it.

Like I said, people are responsible for murders, not guns.
Many people get on well in prison. Must be 'cause they go back so many times.

A for profit system relies upon on recidivism.
Lotta money in running a prison....

And internment camps. Always rolled out by any power structure pon the most vulnerable first to desensitize the masses. Like the murdering of unarmed black folk in the streets.

Incrementalism. Nasty. Insidious. The public is very malleable, pliable in america, look at the societal creation myth we bought into. We’ve been desensitized to mass shootings on a regular basis. We’ve been desensitized to endless wars of occupation that economically cannibalize society at home. We’ve been desensitized to the power of the state to murder unarmed citizens in the streets, and now in their homes and on the job, with impunity. We’ve been desensitized to the incarceration and separation of nonviolent families into for profit holding pens and corporate for profit prisons with corporate convict labor leasing. We’ve been desensitized to our government supporting three quarters of the world’s military dictatorships. We’ve been desensitized to partnering in genocide with a nation who butchers and liquefies a critical journalist. We’ve been desensitized to twenty two veterans per day committing suicide from “serving” in seven hot active shooting wars in Muslim majority countries with no plan other than to occupy.

So now we should be ready to take the next step and desensitize the masses to deploying the military out into society and constructing holding facilities on american soil for profit. America still trades in bondage.
Get the hell out of America then.

No darling, you need a dose of objective reality and I'm yo daddy. That's your defense of the system? Leave? :abgg2q.jpg:
My daddy is dead faggot.
A for profit system relies upon on recidivism.
Lotta money in running a prison....

And internment camps. Always rolled out by any power structure pon the most vulnerable first to desensitize the masses. Like the murdering of unarmed black folk in the streets.

Incrementalism. Nasty. Insidious. The public is very malleable, pliable in america, look at the societal creation myth we bought into. We’ve been desensitized to mass shootings on a regular basis. We’ve been desensitized to endless wars of occupation that economically cannibalize society at home. We’ve been desensitized to the power of the state to murder unarmed citizens in the streets, and now in their homes and on the job, with impunity. We’ve been desensitized to the incarceration and separation of nonviolent families into for profit holding pens and corporate for profit prisons with corporate convict labor leasing. We’ve been desensitized to our government supporting three quarters of the world’s military dictatorships. We’ve been desensitized to partnering in genocide with a nation who butchers and liquefies a critical journalist. We’ve been desensitized to twenty two veterans per day committing suicide from “serving” in seven hot active shooting wars in Muslim majority countries with no plan other than to occupy.

So now we should be ready to take the next step and desensitize the masses to deploying the military out into society and constructing holding facilities on american soil for profit. America still trades in bondage.
Get the hell out of America then.

No darling, you need a dose of objective reality and I'm yo daddy. That's your defense of the system? Leave? :abgg2q.jpg:
My daddy is dead faggot.

I'm yo daddy now, why didn't he tell you about all this?
Too many damn guns

Wow. You always defend bad guys. Amazing. Progressive Leftists are mentally deranged. Just state it was an evil deed but not all immigrants are bad. Instead of blaming guns. People like you are why this country is going down the tubes. Soon we’ll be like the toilet bowl Europe.
Depends on what you consider punishment. In our prisons, they have workout rooms, pool rooms, television rooms, a football field, and people can come and visit you. They even have a private room to screw your wife and start a family from prison.

You get three squares a day plus snacks, free medical care, and an account for your family to deposit money for you to use while in prison. Now they are suggesting training programs so if you get out, you have a skill to get a job.

Liberals ended real prison many years ago bit by bit. Watch a movie called Cool Hand Luke. That's what prisons used to be like and should be like today.
I'm quite certain prison is very unpleasant. Many die there, look at Whitey Bulger.
Many people get on well in prison. Must be 'cause they go back so many times.

A for profit system relies upon on recidivism.
What about all the repeat offenders not in for profit prisons? lol

Not the same is it, no profit motive there.

Nobody needs a profit motive. It's not like our jails are half-empty. In many cases, judges give reduced sentences to less violent offenders because there simply isn't enough room in our prison systems and they want to use what little room they have for the most violent offenders.
I'm quite certain prison is very unpleasant. Many die there, look at Whitey Bulger.
Many people get on well in prison. Must be 'cause they go back so many times.

A for profit system relies upon on recidivism.
What about all the repeat offenders not in for profit prisons? lol

Not the same is it, no profit motive there.

Nobody needs a profit motive. It's not like our jails are half-empty. In many cases, judges give reduced sentences to less violent offenders because there simply isn't enough room in our prison systems and they want to use what little room they have for the most violent offenders.

For profit endeavors have a profit motive, sorry. Why does such an exceptional nation lock up so many of its citizens dwarfing what even the most brutal of regimes does?
Many people get on well in prison. Must be 'cause they go back so many times.

A for profit system relies upon on recidivism.
What about all the repeat offenders not in for profit prisons? lol

Not the same is it, no profit motive there.

Nobody needs a profit motive. It's not like our jails are half-empty. In many cases, judges give reduced sentences to less violent offenders because there simply isn't enough room in our prison systems and they want to use what little room they have for the most violent offenders.

For profit endeavors have a profit motive, sorry. Why does such an exceptional nation lock up so many of its citizens dwarfing what even the most brutal of regimes does?
For committing crimes.
A for profit system relies upon on recidivism.
What about all the repeat offenders not in for profit prisons? lol

Not the same is it, no profit motive there.

Nobody needs a profit motive. It's not like our jails are half-empty. In many cases, judges give reduced sentences to less violent offenders because there simply isn't enough room in our prison systems and they want to use what little room they have for the most violent offenders.

For profit endeavors have a profit motive, sorry. Why does such an exceptional nation lock up so many of its citizens dwarfing what even the most brutal of regimes does?
For committing crimes.

Not so exceptional a nation or people after all it it then, pretty scummy actually.
This is happening too often that illegal aliens are killing people after they have already been convicted of other crimes. We need to put a stop to this. Democrats are alienating the American people with their refusal to recognize the problem.

California illegal immigrant ‘cop-killer’ taken into custody, officials say

Did the chief cry when 20 little kids were shot to death by an American citizen in Newtown?
Did the chief cry when 58 people were killed and 851 injured in Las Vegas by an American citizen?
Now usually when I pose this argument I'm told by Republicans that more people kill each other with automobiles.
So...More people are killed with automobiles.
Stop making this into a political issue when it's not.
Too many damn guns

Wow. You always defend bad guys. Amazing. Progressive Leftists are mentally deranged. Just state it was an evil deed but not all immigrants are bad. Instead of blaming guns. People like you are why this country is going down the tubes. Soon we’ll be like the toilet bowl Europe.

We are europe's baby with a euro perceptual reality just lagging a tad in euro development.
The murdered cop was a LEGAL immigrant. He came to the United States to become a police officer.
Lets all move to Mexico and become police officers. Clean that shit up real quick.
Cheif Likme orders: Anything with more than two visible tatts gets 5 rounds of 00 Buck.
News tomorrow. " Crazy immigrant Mexican officer puts five rounds in a decorated US vet at a bar at 3 am"
Gun control sure does a great job of protecting law enforcement in other countries. Would be stupid to ignore that fact.

You don't have facts, you have associations. Gun control is not the reason they have less killings, it's the people that are responsible for that. Just like you could take a nice upper-middle-class suburb in the US, give every resident a gun, and it won't change their crime rate one iota. Take guns from everybody in a high crime rate area, they will find a way to get illegal guns and continue their high crime rate.
Of course they are facts. Countries with strong gun control have very few law enforcement deaths by shooting. That's a fact. Only a fool would ignore that fact. You don't care about saving law enforcement lives though, you just want to bitch about illegals.

That makes about as much sense as saying people in other countries eat more carrots than we do, so that's the reason they are less violent.

People will kill with or without guns if they really want to kill.

London's murder rate surpasses New York's for 1st time ever
About as much sense as claiming to care about law enforcement deaths and then ignoring what countries with few deaths do.

Yeah New York has pretty strong gun control don't they? Has been working really well for them.

Their gun and crime rate decreased when Stop and Frisk was instituted. Yes, they are not gun friendly, but some people still have guns; a lot more than people in London. Most of their murders are with knives. So as it clearly points out, guns only stopped gun murders, but not murders because people who want to kill another will find other ways of doing it.

Like I said, people are responsible for murders, not guns.
Yes, Rudy gave gun control a lot of credit for lowering their crime rates.

London has a much lower homicide rate than many more pro gun cities. Why are you comparing it to a city with strong gun control? Want to compare to Dallas?

London murders back below New York levels, but set for highest rate in a decade | Reuters
Depends on what you consider punishment. In our prisons, they have workout rooms, pool rooms, television rooms, a football field, and people can come and visit you. They even have a private room to screw your wife and start a family from prison.

You get three squares a day plus snacks, free medical care, and an account for your family to deposit money for you to use while in prison. Now they are suggesting training programs so if you get out, you have a skill to get a job.

Liberals ended real prison many years ago bit by bit. Watch a movie called Cool Hand Luke. That's what prisons used to be like and should be like today.
I'm quite certain prison is very unpleasant. Many die there, look at Whitey Bulger.
Many people get on well in prison. Must be 'cause they go back so many times.

A for profit system relies upon on recidivism.
Lotta money in running a prison....

And internment camps. Always rolled out by any power structure upon the most vulnerable first to desensitize the masses before ramping it up to include wider segments of society as the economic system extracts more and more societal wealth for concentration and redistribution to the aristocracy. Like the murdering of unarmed black folk in the streets as well.

Incrementalism. Nasty. Insidious. The public is very malleable, pliable in america, look at the societal creation myth we bought into. We’ve been desensitized to mass shootings on a regular basis. We’ve been desensitized to endless wars of occupation that economically cannibalize society at home. We’ve been desensitized to the power of the state to murder unarmed citizens in the streets, and now in their homes and on the job, with impunity. We’ve been desensitized to the incarceration and separation of nonviolent families into for profit holding pens and corporate for profit prisons with corporate convict labor leasing. We’ve been desensitized to our government supporting three quarters of the world’s military dictatorships. We’ve been desensitized to partnering in genocide with a nation who butchers and liquefies a critical journalist. We’ve been desensitized to twenty two veterans per day committing suicide from “serving” in seven hot active shooting wars in Muslim majority countries with no plan other than to occupy.

So now we should be ready to take the next step and desensitize the masses to deploying the military out into society and constructing holding facilities on american soil for profit. America still trades in bondage.

Maybe we turn your extra rooms into a halfway house for early release violent felons? Eh? Daniel?
Too many damn guns

Wow. You always defend bad guys. Amazing. Progressive Leftists are mentally deranged. Just state it was an evil deed but not all immigrants are bad. Instead of blaming guns. People like you are why this country is going down the tubes. Soon we’ll be like the toilet bowl Europe.

We are europe's baby with a euro perceptual reality just lagging a tad in euro development.

Europe is one giant caliphate. I hope that never happens in the US.
This is happening too often that illegal aliens are killing people after they have already been convicted of other crimes. We need to put a stop to this. Democrats are alienating the American people with their refusal to recognize the problem.

California illegal immigrant ‘cop-killer’ taken into custody, officials say

Did the chief cry when 20 little kids were shot to death by an American citizen in Newtown?
Did the chief cry when 58 people were killed and 851 injured in Las Vegas by an American citizen?
Now usually when I pose this argument I'm told by Republicans that more people kill each other with automobiles.
So...More people are killed with automobiles.
Stop making this into an issue when it's not.
You are making a stupid argument. The cop who was killed was a personal friend of the chief.

That's right. It was a personal loss.
And you're using his pain to promote your political agenda and fear mongering.


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