Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

Most black men feel like Asclepias does. That's why so many end up dead. They are all bigger, stronger, better fighters and better shots than those pussy white guys. They end up bodies on a slab. Over and over again. Same story.
Most black men feel like Asclepias does. That's why so many end up dead. They are all bigger, stronger, better fighters and better shots than those pussy white guys. They end up bodies on a slab. Over and over again. Same story.
Pussy white guys are better shots. Thats why they have guns. They cant handle real combat hand to hand. If you have to bring a gun to a fight you are a pussy. Glad you realize that.
Resist arrest and lay hands on an officer here, that's assault on a law enforcement officer. If the officer is in reasonable fear of his life or serious injury, lethal force is authorized effecting the arrest whether running away or not.
I thought you had to be read your rights before you are arrested?

That happens after you're arrested.....as you know. :blsmile:
You are orrect but there needs to be some probable cause for grabbing you around the neck which I believe is illegal anyway.

What would the cop had gained by grabbing Brown by the neck? Obviously, when seated in his vehicle he is at a distinct disadvantage in a fight.

He would have known that he couldn't pull him in, and that by grabbing the neck of a 280+ man with one hand leaves you with virtually no leverage.

To make up your own mind, get in an SUV, and grab a big friend by the throat with one hand, and tell me what the possibility is of him breaking free from that grasp WITHOUT being pulled into the vehicle?

In that scenario, you have no leverage and you certainly do not have the power to hold on if your friend simply hits you in the hand.

And my last point, if Brown did get grabbed by the throat and managed to free himself, why not run then? It appeared, at the very least, that he became the attacker.

The 2 ladies. Tiffany Mitchel and Piagent Crenshaw

I remember Piagent's testimony on the news (hard name to forget.) She didn't seem credible to me. Other's unknown to me.
Both were very credible to me.

Can they read cursive writing?

Nah....but they are fluent in ebonics.

It's funny how this video makes the white community react with indignant disgust.

Just recently I came across a video that is now making the rounds in the black community that makes them react the same way. . .

I remember Piagent's testimony on the news (hard name to forget.) She didn't seem credible to me. Other's unknown to me.
Both were very credible to me.

Can they read cursive writing?

Nah....but they are fluent in ebonics.

It's funny how this video makes the white community react with indignant disgust.

Just recently I came across a video that is now making the rounds in the black community that makes them react the same way. . .

As a Black man and former hooper I find this video is hilarious considering he is talking in a basketball gym
Most black men feel like Asclepias does. That's why so many end up dead. They are all bigger, stronger, better fighters and better shots than those pussy white guys. They end up bodies on a slab. Over and over again. Same story.
Pussy white guys are better shots. Thats why they have guns. They cant handle real combat hand to hand. If you have to bring a gun to a fight you are a pussy. Glad you realize that.

Blacks only attack in packs,or they sucker punch old geezers playing the knock out game.
So who are the real pussies?
I remember Piagent's testimony on the news (hard name to forget.) She didn't seem credible to me. Other's unknown to me.
Both were very credible to me.

Can they read cursive writing?

Nah....but they are fluent in ebonics.

It's funny how this video makes the white community react with indignant disgust.

Just recently I came across a video that is now making the rounds in the black community that makes them react the same way. . .

Hate to break it to you but the guy is right.
obama has done everything he can to start shit. Hence the need to arm every alphabet agency out there to the teeth.
It's coming,you can count on it.
Most black men feel like Asclepias does. That's why so many end up dead. They are all bigger, stronger, better fighters and better shots than those pussy white guys. They end up bodies on a slab. Over and over again. Same story.
Pussy white guys are better shots. Thats why they have guns. They cant handle real combat hand to hand. If you have to bring a gun to a fight you are a pussy. Glad you realize that.

Blacks only attack in packs,or they sucker punch old geezers playing the knock out game.
So who are the real pussies?
B/c they are only a step away from living in trees.
Most black men feel like Asclepias does. That's why so many end up dead. They are all bigger, stronger, better fighters and better shots than those pussy white guys. They end up bodies on a slab. Over and over again. Same story.
Pussy white guys are better shots. Thats why they have guns. They cant handle real combat hand to hand. If you have to bring a gun to a fight you are a pussy. Glad you realize that.
Yes yes. I know all about it. That's why so many black men end up dead. Say. Have you seen that video of the elderly white guy decking a black guy with one punch? It was on a bus. A you tube clip. The suckah cried like a baby. Black men are born with glass jaws and glass guts too. If no one posts it, I'll find it tomorrow.

Black men are all blow and no go. That's why they scream racism when they get their feelings hurt. And they get hurt feelings over racist bread rising. Glass jaws and toilet paper feelings.
Yeah I've seen the video. I've also seen one of my friends knock out a Black guy that thought he was soft. However, you have to admit white guys are petrified of Black guys in general. I have witnessed it a bunch of times in my own life where supposed KKK members cried and turned pink and red after I slapped the shit out of them trying to provoke a fight. They need weapons to be brave. You know.....Like Wilson. When he realized he had bit off more than he could chew he went to the white guy defense. He shot him then claimed Brown attacked him.
OTHER incidents sure. Disbelieving this one out of hand because of other incidents isn't fair to an officer.
I would agree except 2 witnesses gave another version to the events.

Not uncommon in multiple witness events. What's important to keep in mind iw aht we get shown on news coverage may not be all that was filmed or related by witnesses. Can easily take a witness description vindicating the officer and edit and cut it so he seems guilty. Watching CNN's coverage I was astonished to see them depicting things ina very negative light against the police absent any evidence for doing so.

So don't believe what you see on the news. It's edited to hell and back.
Neither witness has come forward and said CNN mis-represented what they said or that the video was reedited to make them appear to side with Brown. Until they say something like that I have to go with what they saw. They are way more credible than Wilson. He is trying to save his ass and likely to say anything to make himself appear innocent. The women didnt know Brown and just happened to witness the killing.

and your claim is that the women have no personal bias whatsoever ?
Exactly. Do you have evidence that they have a personal bias?

no more than you have evidence that they are unbiased.
Yeah I've seen the video. I've also seen one of my friends knock out a Black guy that thought he was soft. However, you have to admit white guys are petrified of Black guys in general. I have witnessed it a bunch of times in my own life where supposed KKK members cried and turned pink and red after I slapped the shit out of them trying to provoke a fight. They need weapons to be brave. You know.....Like Wilson. When he realized he had bit off more than he could chew he went to the white guy defense. He shot him then claimed Brown attacked him.

LOL is that what the thugs in Chicago call their guns ? The white guy defense ?
Yeah I've seen the video. I've also seen one of my friends knock out a Black guy that thought he was soft. However, you have to admit white guys are petrified of Black guys in general. I have witnessed it a bunch of times in my own life where supposed KKK members cried and turned pink and red after I slapped the shit out of them trying to provoke a fight. They need weapons to be brave. You know.....Like Wilson. When he realized he had bit off more than he could chew he went to the white guy defense. He shot him then claimed Brown attacked him.

What a liar.:blahblah::blsmile:
I would agree except 2 witnesses gave another version to the events.

Not uncommon in multiple witness events. What's important to keep in mind iw aht we get shown on news coverage may not be all that was filmed or related by witnesses. Can easily take a witness description vindicating the officer and edit and cut it so he seems guilty. Watching CNN's coverage I was astonished to see them depicting things ina very negative light against the police absent any evidence for doing so.

So don't believe what you see on the news. It's edited to hell and back.
Neither witness has come forward and said CNN mis-represented what they said or that the video was reedited to make them appear to side with Brown. Until they say something like that I have to go with what they saw. They are way more credible than Wilson. He is trying to save his ass and likely to say anything to make himself appear innocent. The women didnt know Brown and just happened to witness the killing.

and your claim is that the women have no personal bias whatsoever ?
Exactly. Do you have evidence that they have a personal bias?

no more than you have evidence that they are unbiased.
Well I do have evidence. They dont know him.
Pussy white guys are better shots. Thats why they have guns. They cant handle real combat hand to hand. If you have to bring a gun to a fight you are a pussy. Glad you realize that.

:laugh: Boot a coon in the shin and he'll scream like a little girl....I prefer putting a left hook on their liver....they can't take body shots.....all think they're Cassius Clay but can't fight a lick one on one...most of em get hit and quit.
Yeah I've seen the video. I've also seen one of my friends knock out a Black guy that thought he was soft. However, you have to admit white guys are petrified of Black guys in general. I have witnessed it a bunch of times in my own life where supposed KKK members cried and turned pink and red after I slapped the shit out of them trying to provoke a fight. They need weapons to be brave. You know.....Like Wilson. When he realized he had bit off more than he could chew he went to the white guy defense. He shot him then claimed Brown attacked him.

LOL is that what the thugs in Chicago call their guns ? The white guy defense ?
I doubt it. I believe the call it turf wars. However, they aren't shooting white guys. We are talking about a cop that was fired from another racist PD that came over to the racist Ferguson PD so his badge and gun could protect him while he harrassed and killed Black people. If he was an everyday white guy we already know there would have been no way this would have happened.
Yeah I've seen the video. I've also seen one of my friends knock out a Black guy that thought he was soft. However, you have to admit white guys are petrified of Black guys in general. I have witnessed it a bunch of times in my own life where supposed KKK members cried and turned pink and red after I slapped the shit out of them trying to provoke a fight. They need weapons to be brave. You know.....Like Wilson. When he realized he had bit off more than he could chew he went to the white guy defense. He shot him then claimed Brown attacked him.

Most black men feel like Asclepias does. That's why so many end up dead. They are all bigger, stronger, better fighters and better shots than those pussy white guys. They end up bodies on a slab. Over and over again. Same story.
Pussy white guys are better shots. Thats why they have guns. They cant handle real combat hand to hand. If you have to bring a gun to a fight you are a pussy. Glad you realize that.

Why is there a fight in the first place? Like I said before, fighting a cop is possibly the stupidest thing you can do. Or are we saying that macho and smart don't always go together?
Most black men feel like Asclepias does. That's why so many end up dead. They are all bigger, stronger, better fighters and better shots than those pussy white guys. They end up bodies on a slab. Over and over again. Same story.
Pussy white guys are better shots. Thats why they have guns. They cant handle real combat hand to hand. If you have to bring a gun to a fight you are a pussy. Glad you realize that.

Why is there a fight in the first place? Like I said before, fighting a cop is possibly the stupidest thing you can do. Or are we saying that macho and smart don't always go together?
Because the cop grabbed him around the neck. I dont know about you but my reaction is to fight back. Has nothing to do with macho. Its part of the freeze, flight, or fight response.

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