Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

Thats where we part company. I believe the witnesses.

Ya, Shifty, Fast Eddy, and Fingers are more credible than Officer Wilson. :)
Who are they? I'm speaking about the 2 young ladies that witnessed it.

But for this and the L&E thread a bit ago, I haven't followed events there since before the riots. Not aware of two more female witnesses. Though my first question would be when did they come foward? Had they been watching the news all the time until they did? And how much of their eyewitness account is coming from news reports?

Eyewitness trstimony isn't the lock some think it is, it's actually the least credible evidence. As the UFO thing shows. :)
These are the same 2 ladies from the beginning.

Police testimony has been proven to be untrue especially in racial incidents. We need look no futher than all the Black people being released due to DNA evidence after being rail roaded by racist cops and prosecutors.

OTHER incidents sure. Disbelieving this one out of hand because of other incidents isn't fair to an officer.
I would agree except 2 witnesses gave another version to the events.
Eyewitness testimony.

Which one? Dorian the wanted criminal?
The 2 ladies. Tiffany Mitchel and Piagent Crenshaw

I remember Piagent's testimony on the news (hard name to forget.) She didn't seem credible to me. Other's unknown to me.
Both were very credible to me.

Can they read cursive writing?

In fairness, having written a birthday card to my father recently I was surprised to note I"d all but forgotten how to write longhand. Pen? What's a pen? :)
Eyewitness testimony.

Which one? Dorian the wanted criminal?
The 2 ladies. Tiffany Mitchel and Piagent Crenshaw

I remember Piagent's testimony on the news (hard name to forget.) She didn't seem credible to me. Other's unknown to me.
Both were very credible to me.

Can they read cursive writing?

Nah....but they are fluent in ebonics.
The bottom line remains, when a cop with a gun in his hand tells you to stop what you're doing, put your hands up, lie on the ground, or dance like a chicken, the smart move is to do exactly what he tells you to do. Let the lawyers figure out later if he did something wrong. Trying to be a tough guy and fight the cop is simply the stupidest thing imaginable to do.

1. If you succeed, you're a marked person and will be hunted until you're caught. And you won't be treated gently when you are caught.
2. If you lose, well, at the very least you'll be slammed to the ground with a knee on your neck, tazer barbs in your skin, and cuffs on your hands. Or you're dead and all the wrangling over why does you absolutely no good at all.
Ya, Shifty, Fast Eddy, and Fingers are more credible than Officer Wilson. :)
Who are they? I'm speaking about the 2 young ladies that witnessed it.

But for this and the L&E thread a bit ago, I haven't followed events there since before the riots. Not aware of two more female witnesses. Though my first question would be when did they come foward? Had they been watching the news all the time until they did? And how much of their eyewitness account is coming from news reports?

Eyewitness trstimony isn't the lock some think it is, it's actually the least credible evidence. As the UFO thing shows. :)
These are the same 2 ladies from the beginning.

Police testimony has been proven to be untrue especially in racial incidents. We need look no futher than all the Black people being released due to DNA evidence after being rail roaded by racist cops and prosecutors.

OTHER incidents sure. Disbelieving this one out of hand because of other incidents isn't fair to an officer.
I would agree except 2 witnesses gave another version to the events.

Not uncommon in multiple witness events. What's important to keep in mind iw aht we get shown on news coverage may not be all that was filmed or related by witnesses. Can easily take a witness description vindicating the officer and edit and cut it so he seems guilty. Watching CNN's coverage I was astonished to see them depicting things ina very negative light against the police absent any evidence for doing so.

So don't believe what you see on the news. It's edited to hell and back.
The bottom line remains, when a cop with a gun in his hand tells you to stop what you're doing, put your hands up, lie on the ground, or dance like a chicken, the smart move is to do exactly what he tells you to do. Let the lawyers figure out later if he did something wrong. Trying to be a tough guy and fight the cop is simply the stupidest thing imaginable to do.

1. If you succeed, you're a marked person and will be hunted until you're caught. And you won't be treated gently when you are caught.
2. If you lose, well, at the very least you'll be slammed to the ground with a knee on your neck, tazer barbs in your skin, and cuffs on your hands. Or you're dead and all the wrangling over why does you absolutely no good at all.

Some blacks are unfortunately unable to do that. Years of white oppression have convinced them that white cops are out to get them.
Who are they? I'm speaking about the 2 young ladies that witnessed it.

But for this and the L&E thread a bit ago, I haven't followed events there since before the riots. Not aware of two more female witnesses. Though my first question would be when did they come foward? Had they been watching the news all the time until they did? And how much of their eyewitness account is coming from news reports?

Eyewitness trstimony isn't the lock some think it is, it's actually the least credible evidence. As the UFO thing shows. :)
These are the same 2 ladies from the beginning.

Police testimony has been proven to be untrue especially in racial incidents. We need look no futher than all the Black people being released due to DNA evidence after being rail roaded by racist cops and prosecutors.

OTHER incidents sure. Disbelieving this one out of hand because of other incidents isn't fair to an officer.
I would agree except 2 witnesses gave another version to the events.

Not uncommon in multiple witness events. What's important to keep in mind iw aht we get shown on news coverage may not be all that was filmed or related by witnesses. Can easily take a witness description vindicating the officer and edit and cut it so he seems guilty. Watching CNN's coverage I was astonished to see them depicting things ina very negative light against the police absent any evidence for doing so.

So don't believe what you see on the news. It's edited to hell and back.
Neither witness has come forward and said CNN mis-represented what they said or that the video was reedited to make them appear to side with Brown. Until they say something like that I have to go with what they saw. They are way more credible than Wilson. He is trying to save his ass and likely to say anything to make himself appear innocent. The women didnt know Brown and just happened to witness the killing.
The bottom line remains, when a cop with a gun in his hand tells you to stop what you're doing, put your hands up, lie on the ground, or dance like a chicken, the smart move is to do exactly what he tells you to do. Let the lawyers figure out later if he did something wrong. Trying to be a tough guy and fight the cop is simply the stupidest thing imaginable to do.

1. If you succeed, you're a marked person and will be hunted until you're caught. And you won't be treated gently when you are caught.
2. If you lose, well, at the very least you'll be slammed to the ground with a knee on your neck, tazer barbs in your skin, and cuffs on your hands. Or you're dead and all the wrangling over why does you absolutely no good at all.

Some blacks are unfortunately unable to do that. Years of white oppression have convinced them that white cops are out to get them.
Let me know when you see a white cop put a gun to the head of a 9 year old black kid for nothing and see if you have that same sentiment an entire race of people are imagining things.
The bottom line remains, when a cop with a gun in his hand tells you to stop what you're doing, put your hands up, lie on the ground, or dance like a chicken, the smart move is to do exactly what he tells you to do. Let the lawyers figure out later if he did something wrong. Trying to be a tough guy and fight the cop is simply the stupidest thing imaginable to do.

1. If you succeed, you're a marked person and will be hunted until you're caught. And you won't be treated gently when you are caught.
2. If you lose, well, at the very least you'll be slammed to the ground with a knee on your neck, tazer barbs in your skin, and cuffs on your hands. Or you're dead and all the wrangling over why does you absolutely no good at all.

Some blacks are unfortunately unable to do that. Years of white oppression have convinced them that white cops are out to get them.
What white oppression? If that were true they would be right.
The bottom line remains, when a cop with a gun in his hand tells you to stop what you're doing, put your hands up, lie on the ground, or dance like a chicken, the smart move is to do exactly what he tells you to do. Let the lawyers figure out later if he did something wrong. Trying to be a tough guy and fight the cop is simply the stupidest thing imaginable to do.

1. If you succeed, you're a marked person and will be hunted until you're caught. And you won't be treated gently when you are caught.
2. If you lose, well, at the very least you'll be slammed to the ground with a knee on your neck, tazer barbs in your skin, and cuffs on your hands. Or you're dead and all the wrangling over why does you absolutely no good at all.

Some blacks are unfortunately unable to do that. Years of white oppression have convinced them that white cops are out to get them.
Let me know when you see a white cop put a gun to the head of a 9 year old black kid for nothing and see if you have that same sentiment an entire race of people are imagining things.

Didn't some 10 year-old just get sentenced to life for murdering his parents or something? 9 year-olds aren't as cute and innocent as they used to be. :)
The bottom line remains, when a cop with a gun in his hand tells you to stop what you're doing, put your hands up, lie on the ground, or dance like a chicken, the smart move is to do exactly what he tells you to do. Let the lawyers figure out later if he did something wrong. Trying to be a tough guy and fight the cop is simply the stupidest thing imaginable to do.

1. If you succeed, you're a marked person and will be hunted until you're caught. And you won't be treated gently when you are caught.
2. If you lose, well, at the very least you'll be slammed to the ground with a knee on your neck, tazer barbs in your skin, and cuffs on your hands. Or you're dead and all the wrangling over why does you absolutely no good at all.

Some blacks are unfortunately unable to do that. Years of white oppression have convinced them that white cops are out to get them.
Let me know when you see a white cop put a gun to the head of a 9 year old black kid for nothing and see if you have that same sentiment an entire race of people are imagining things.

Didn't some 10 year-old just get sentenced to life for murdering his parents or something? 9 year-olds aren't as cute and innocent as they used to be. :)

I agree but dont they have to at least commit a crime before a white cop puts a gun to their head and play Russian roulette?
If Holder's DOJ can't intimidate the Police department into trumping up some charge against the officer, perhaps there just isn't enough evidence there to do so. It's all fine and dandy for us to sit back and pick out the eyewitnesses we want to believe, or cherrypick the bits of information we like, but not a single one of us has the whole story, and we won't until everything is released. You do realize, don't you, that the authorities WON'T release everything if there is going to be a trial, because you don't want a jury to make its mind up before hearing everything? Now, that doesn't stop the rumor mills or those with a vested interest in a particular outcome from doing everything they can to try this in the court of public opinion. The simple lack of exposure by the officer in no way implies his guilt in anything.
The bottom line remains, when a cop with a gun in his hand tells you to stop what you're doing, put your hands up, lie on the ground, or dance like a chicken, the smart move is to do exactly what he tells you to do. Let the lawyers figure out later if he did something wrong. Trying to be a tough guy and fight the cop is simply the stupidest thing imaginable to do.

1. If you succeed, you're a marked person and will be hunted until you're caught. And you won't be treated gently when you are caught.
2. If you lose, well, at the very least you'll be slammed to the ground with a knee on your neck, tazer barbs in your skin, and cuffs on your hands. Or you're dead and all the wrangling over why does you absolutely no good at all.

Some blacks are unfortunately unable to do that. Years of white oppression have convinced them that white cops are out to get them.
Let me know when you see a white cop put a gun to the head of a 9 year old black kid for nothing and see if you have that same sentiment an entire race of people are imagining things.

Didn't some 10 year-old just get sentenced to life for murdering his parents or something? 9 year-olds aren't as cute and innocent as they used to be. :)

I agree but dont they have to at least commit a crime before a white cop puts a gun to their head and play Russian roulette?

Got an actual incident in mind? Nowadays, determining a kid's age isn't easy. Notice I have difficult myself. Used to be you could kinda go by height, but our diets now have kids sprouting much faster despite their youthful ages. And they're stockier now too. So in theory a 9 year-odl could well resemble an able bodied teen but an officer isn't going to know their age just by looking at them, and especially not during the stress of stopping someone.
The bottom line remains, when a cop with a gun in his hand tells you to stop what you're doing, put your hands up, lie on the ground, or dance like a chicken, the smart move is to do exactly what he tells you to do. Let the lawyers figure out later if he did something wrong. Trying to be a tough guy and fight the cop is simply the stupidest thing imaginable to do.

1. If you succeed, you're a marked person and will be hunted until you're caught. And you won't be treated gently when you are caught.
2. If you lose, well, at the very least you'll be slammed to the ground with a knee on your neck, tazer barbs in your skin, and cuffs on your hands. Or you're dead and all the wrangling over why does you absolutely no good at all.

Some blacks are unfortunately unable to do that. Years of white oppression have convinced them that white cops are out to get them.
Let me know when you see a white cop put a gun to the head of a 9 year old black kid for nothing and see if you have that same sentiment an entire race of people are imagining things.

Didn't some 10 year-old just get sentenced to life for murdering his parents or something? 9 year-olds aren't as cute and innocent as they used to be. :)

I agree but dont they have to at least commit a crime before a white cop puts a gun to their head and play Russian roulette?

Got an actual incident in mind? Nowadays, determining a kid's age isn't easy. Notice I have difficult myself. Used to be you could kinda go by height, but our diets now have kids sprouting much faster despite their youthful ages. And they're stockier now too. So in theory a 9 year-odl could well resemble an able bodied teen but an officer isn't going to know their age just by looking at them, and especially not during the stress of stopping someone.
This happened to me as I was walking home minding my own business.
Some blacks are unfortunately unable to do that. Years of white oppression have convinced them that white cops are out to get them.
Let me know when you see a white cop put a gun to the head of a 9 year old black kid for nothing and see if you have that same sentiment an entire race of people are imagining things.

Didn't some 10 year-old just get sentenced to life for murdering his parents or something? 9 year-olds aren't as cute and innocent as they used to be. :)

I agree but dont they have to at least commit a crime before a white cop puts a gun to their head and play Russian roulette?

Got an actual incident in mind? Nowadays, determining a kid's age isn't easy. Notice I have difficult myself. Used to be you could kinda go by height, but our diets now have kids sprouting much faster despite their youthful ages. And they're stockier now too. So in theory a 9 year-odl could well resemble an able bodied teen but an officer isn't going to know their age just by looking at them, and especially not during the stress of stopping someone.
This happened to me as I was walking home minding my own business.

That sucks. Hard not to, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Not every cop's a douche.
Some blacks are unfortunately unable to do that. Years of white oppression have convinced them that white cops are out to get them.
Let me know when you see a white cop put a gun to the head of a 9 year old black kid for nothing and see if you have that same sentiment an entire race of people are imagining things.

Didn't some 10 year-old just get sentenced to life for murdering his parents or something? 9 year-olds aren't as cute and innocent as they used to be. :)

I agree but dont they have to at least commit a crime before a white cop puts a gun to their head and play Russian roulette?

Got an actual incident in mind? Nowadays, determining a kid's age isn't easy. Notice I have difficult myself. Used to be you could kinda go by height, but our diets now have kids sprouting much faster despite their youthful ages. And they're stockier now too. So in theory a 9 year-odl could well resemble an able bodied teen but an officer isn't going to know their age just by looking at them, and especially not during the stress of stopping someone.
This happened to me as I was walking home minding my own business.

....carrying a TV and a car stereo.
But for this and the L&E thread a bit ago, I haven't followed events there since before the riots. Not aware of two more female witnesses. Though my first question would be when did they come foward? Had they been watching the news all the time until they did? And how much of their eyewitness account is coming from news reports?

Eyewitness trstimony isn't the lock some think it is, it's actually the least credible evidence. As the UFO thing shows. :)
These are the same 2 ladies from the beginning.

Police testimony has been proven to be untrue especially in racial incidents. We need look no futher than all the Black people being released due to DNA evidence after being rail roaded by racist cops and prosecutors.

OTHER incidents sure. Disbelieving this one out of hand because of other incidents isn't fair to an officer.
I would agree except 2 witnesses gave another version to the events.

Not uncommon in multiple witness events. What's important to keep in mind iw aht we get shown on news coverage may not be all that was filmed or related by witnesses. Can easily take a witness description vindicating the officer and edit and cut it so he seems guilty. Watching CNN's coverage I was astonished to see them depicting things ina very negative light against the police absent any evidence for doing so.

So don't believe what you see on the news. It's edited to hell and back.
Neither witness has come forward and said CNN mis-represented what they said or that the video was reedited to make them appear to side with Brown. Until they say something like that I have to go with what they saw. They are way more credible than Wilson. He is trying to save his ass and likely to say anything to make himself appear innocent. The women didnt know Brown and just happened to witness the killing.

and your claim is that the women have no personal bias whatsoever ?
This happened to me as I was walking home minding my own business.

That's what Trayvon claimed....or would have. Were you eating Kittles and drinking an ice tea in a RAIN STORM at night, around apartments you'd burglarized before?
Let me know when you see a white cop put a gun to the head of a 9 year old black kid for nothing and see if you have that same sentiment an entire race of people are imagining things.

Didn't some 10 year-old just get sentenced to life for murdering his parents or something? 9 year-olds aren't as cute and innocent as they used to be. :)

I agree but dont they have to at least commit a crime before a white cop puts a gun to their head and play Russian roulette?

Got an actual incident in mind? Nowadays, determining a kid's age isn't easy. Notice I have difficult myself. Used to be you could kinda go by height, but our diets now have kids sprouting much faster despite their youthful ages. And they're stockier now too. So in theory a 9 year-odl could well resemble an able bodied teen but an officer isn't going to know their age just by looking at them, and especially not during the stress of stopping someone.
This happened to me as I was walking home minding my own business.

That sucks. Hard not to, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Not every cop's a douche.
I know that. I have cops in my family and they have the same opinion. They dont like the large amount of racist cops they know exist on some police forces.
These are the same 2 ladies from the beginning.

Police testimony has been proven to be untrue especially in racial incidents. We need look no futher than all the Black people being released due to DNA evidence after being rail roaded by racist cops and prosecutors.

OTHER incidents sure. Disbelieving this one out of hand because of other incidents isn't fair to an officer.
I would agree except 2 witnesses gave another version to the events.

Not uncommon in multiple witness events. What's important to keep in mind iw aht we get shown on news coverage may not be all that was filmed or related by witnesses. Can easily take a witness description vindicating the officer and edit and cut it so he seems guilty. Watching CNN's coverage I was astonished to see them depicting things ina very negative light against the police absent any evidence for doing so.

So don't believe what you see on the news. It's edited to hell and back.
Neither witness has come forward and said CNN mis-represented what they said or that the video was reedited to make them appear to side with Brown. Until they say something like that I have to go with what they saw. They are way more credible than Wilson. He is trying to save his ass and likely to say anything to make himself appear innocent. The women didnt know Brown and just happened to witness the killing.

and your claim is that the women have no personal bias whatsoever ?
Exactly. Do you have evidence that they have a personal bias?

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