Police departments are crashing in cops

Your logic is flawed and as we all know that isnt how shit works in the real world.

You failed to demonstrate how my logic is flawed. If you have a point, then say it already.

It looks like you're just trying to play vague word games.
You are proclaiming that the people who leave are the bad cops. Its a prepostorous statement that you have yet to support with any evidence.

Prove that the people leaving are good cops then. Oh right, you can't.
I have no idea who is leaving and neither do you. You debate like a child.

Interesting, then I expect to see you point that out to people who have argued that point.

Oh right, but you won't. Because you debate like a hypocrite.
You STILL have nothing to support your claim? Embarrassing.

I see you COMPLETELY dodged the claim that you're a giant hypocrite.

We both know why that is, now don't we? :)
The only person dodging here is you. You made a claim, now back it up. Quit trying to change the subject.

Oh no, you're definitely dodging.

If you're going to play debate hall monitor then I'm going to need to see you act consistently or we can all just agree that you're a giant hypocrite. Which one is it gonna be?

Here's a quote from someone: "No, they will get the dregs, the criminals looking for a badge to protect their criminal behavior, and the incompetent."

You gonna respond to that this time or are you just going to continue to tap-dance all around it again? I'm guessing the latter. Go ahead and show me those sweet, sweet dance moves of yours.
You clearly dont even remember how this conversation was started. Are you going to back up your claim or not?

So...you're just going to keep dancing around that question, aren't you? Just as I expected.

Keep it going. Dance the night away for me. :)
You are one of the weakest debaters on USMB.

You think anyone cares about your evaluations? That’s adorable. :)
You definitely dont care about supporting your outlandish claims, which is why you are a weak debater.

I’ll tell you what. I’ll address your point if you address mine. Fair? Or do you just want to keep tap dancing for me?

I’m not a coward like you are.
Whats to address? You said they were all bad cops and i asked how you knew that. Ive been asking all day in fact.

You’re still dodging. I just made you a proposition and you ignored it.

What’s to address is the fact that you have been inconsistent in evaluating people’s arguments, as I have already shown.

Are you going to ignore this again? You’re not fooling me and you’re exposing yourself as a coward.

Come on, kid. Step up. Don’t be scared. You can answer this time.
Question: Why do you keep babbling about everything BUT the topic at hand?
Answer: You are too weak of as debater to support your positions.

Look at what a coward you are. You STILL won’t even acknowledge the proposition I made you.

Ok, fine. Now that we’ve established that you’re a little bitch who won’t actually answer anything I say to you, I’ll go ahead and answer your point anyway. See, I’m not a coward like you are.

So go ahead. Tell me what you would like me to address, I’ll actually answer it. Then you get to sit there knowing that I had the guts to answer while you were too afraid to do the same.

Go on you little coward. Ask away. Let me show you how it’s done.
Its quite obvious what we are discussing. Ive asked multiple times now. Maybe if you didnt spend so much time deflecting, you wouldnt need to ask what we are talking about.
Whats to address? You said they were all bad cops and i asked how you knew that. Ive been asking all day in fact.

Is this what you want answered? Ok here’s my honest answer. I’ll try to explain my thought process just for you.

I think it’s way too easy to be a police officer. I think 10 months in an academy for a career in that position isn’t enough. If it were up to me, they would have to go through 4 years of training, get double the pay, and be held extra accountable. I think it’s an incredibly difficult job that needs really good people.

So the article is about police retiring and fewer people signing up to be police officers. I’ll discuss each separately.

Police retiring. Why are they retiring? Well it could just be a natural thing like police officers are getting old but the reason the article points this out is that some are leaving because they want to find a career elsewhere. A reason for that could be that they don’t like the political climate against police officers. Maybe they don’t think they can handle it or maybe they just don’t think it’s worth it.

Fewer people signing up to be police officers. I can’t blame them. Like I said from the beginning, it’s a difficult position and I don’t think everyone is cut out for it. With police departments under higher scrutiny and politicization, I think there’s some uncertainty in going into that field.

In either case, your question is on whether they are bad police officers or not. The truth is that there is no way of knowing. We don’t have a spreadsheet somewhere that categorizes police officers as good or bad. We can’t forecast whether the recruits would be good or bad. There’s no way to run a statistical model on this without data. I think you know that and I think you’re just trying to ankle-bite because you have nothing better to pick at. And for whatever reason, you just want to pick at my statements instead of the people who say we will get worse police officers because of this. I think you’re inconsistent and a hypocrite. But I’ll elaborate anyway. While data is out of the question, we can still speculate.

In both situations of police moving to other careers and recruits not signing up, I can speculate that they’re not all that committed about being a police officer. If that’s the case, then I have no issue with them not being police officers. I think it’s a commitment and like I said from the beginning, it’s a very difficult job that requires the best people. If they don’t want to deal with it, especially the demands I would have for them, then I say good luck. We’ll find someone who is willing to go through with it.

There you go. There’s your response. I’m certain that you’re going to try to play some bullshit word games with this. Just know that I actually had the balls to address your question, which is more than can be said of you.
That was an awful lot of words, when you could have just said, "i was wrong when i proclaimed that all the cops who were leaving were the bad ones".
of course. We need to sterilize the country of communist democrats.

Referring to the Demoratic party and their followers as communists is accurate in that they are leftists as opposed to right leaning fascists.

America demonstrates the age old struggle between left and right ideology..
Is this what you want answered? Ok here’s my honest answer. I’ll try to explain my thought process just for you.

I think it’s way too easy to be a police officer. I think 10 months in an academy for a career in that position isn’t enough. If it were up to me, they would have to go through 4 years of training, get double the pay, and be held extra accountable. I think it’s an incredibly difficult job that needs really good people.

So the article is about police retiring and fewer people signing up to be police officers. I’ll discuss each separately.

Police retiring. Why are they retiring? Well it could just be a natural thing like police officers are getting old but the reason the article points this out is that some are leaving because they want to find a career elsewhere. A reason for that could be that they don’t like the political climate against police officers. Maybe they don’t think they can handle it or maybe they just don’t think it’s worth it.

Fewer people signing up to be police officers. I can’t blame them. Like I said from the beginning, it’s a difficult position and I don’t think everyone is cut out for it. With police departments under higher scrutiny and politicization, I think there’s some uncertainty in going into that field.

In either case, your question is on whether they are bad police officers or not. The truth is that there is no way of knowing. We don’t have a spreadsheet somewhere that categorizes police officers as good or bad. We can’t forecast whether the recruits would be good or bad. There’s no way to run a statistical model on this without data. I think you know that and I think you’re just trying to ankle-bite because you have nothing better to pick at. And for whatever reason, you just want to pick at my statements instead of the people who say we will get worse police officers because of this. I think you’re inconsistent and a hypocrite. But I’ll elaborate anyway. While data is out of the question, we can still speculate.

In both situations of police moving to other careers and recruits not signing up, I can speculate that they’re not all that committed about being a police officer. If that’s the case, then I have no issue with them not being police officers. I think it’s a commitment and like I said from the beginning, it’s a very difficult job that requires the best people. If they don’t want to deal with it, especially the demands I would have for them, then I say good luck. We’ll find someone who is willing to go through with it.

There you go. There’s your response. I’m certain that you’re going to try to play some bullshit word games with this. Just know that I actually had the balls to address your question, which is more than can be said of you.

You are ridiculous. First of all it's an incredibly hard job that takes incredibly good people. Do you think you're going to get those people when these cities won't support their officers in a conflicting situation? If you're going to insist that a person go through 4 years of training to be a police officer, they have to make six figures a year to go through all that. You do know who pays the police, don't you? That's right, taxpayers. Think they'll support higher property taxes because somebody wants police officers to have 4 years of training?

Bad police are not quitting because bad police quit or got fired already. Those who are retiring didn't spend a lifetime of being a bad police officer. They are leaving these cities because they no longer have their backs. NYC had a 75% increase of officers leaving since last year. I seriously doubt that 75% were at retirement age and just decided to leave at this particular time.
I seriously doubt that 75% were at retirement age and just decided to leave at this particular time.

America's justice system, penal system, and law enforcement have failed Ray. It's going to be very painful and costly to the American people to reform any of it.

January 6th. was a first move aimed at correcting it by challenging bad government, even though it was timid, laughable, and misdirected by Trump for his own personal gain.

Biden's like attempt by showering big gifts on the working class is intended to do the same by bringing change to bad government, albeit at some risk to the economy of the entire country. (the entire clusterfuk)
I grew up in the North and moved to the South of the United States. There is as much racism in the North as there is in the South if not more.

America's awash with racism batcat but I don't accept that there's as much in the north as the south. Certainly not the northern states I've visited at least.

However over my lifetime (I was born just after WWII) I have seen an amazing decrease in racism in this nation. Racism was at its lowest until Obama took over and since then the Democratic Party has been busy trying to generate hatred between the races.

You make a good point on saying that Obama's takeover caused a big increase in racism. I won't elaborate on why I don't accept your reason why. And I too was born just following ww2.

If the dems keep pushing we may see a race war in our nation. If we do it will not be the fault of all the evil white men in this nation but the fault of the evil white men who run the Democratic Party.

I think the Dems will keep pushing, on behalf of black and brown people, because they have the momentum needed now to change racist attitudes. It will be bloody for certain.

As a Canadian, I'll decline to assign fault because it's of no importance to me. I think that if it depends on black people backing down and accepting that America demands they be second class citizens, you will have something resembling a race war.

America's biggest question then facing them will be whether the police and/or the military choose to defend your democracy.

You were born close enough to WW2 so that you can appreciate that you're brushing very close to a fascist takeover. I think we can safely say that the police are divided and the military has already been infiltrated by fascist sympathizers.

Cops are leaving and they’re getting little recruits
You think crime is high now ..it’s going to be back to the 70s and 80s numbers soon
We'll need to pay them more, which should have happened long ago. You get what you pay for.
That was an awful lot of words, when you could have just said, "i was wrong when i proclaimed that all the cops who were leaving were the bad ones".

Just as I expected, you’re just plying a game of semantics. And this is the best you have? What a compelling argument of yours. Lmao

Ok coward. Let’s play your little game. Show me the discrepancy in my statements. Quote them and we can discuss them.

And don’t forget that I actually addressed your stupid argument, which is more than can be said of you. Little coward bitch. Don’t run away now. ;)
You are ridiculous.

No. You’re ridiculous. Kneeling on someone’s neck for several minutes as they pass out is not something that was ever seen on COPS. Therefore you can’t use that show to justify Chauvin’s actions.

Don’t try to squirm out of that and then come back with your new bullshit.
That's exactly what it means.

No, it doesn't. Recruitment at an all-time low does not mean that they have more slots than applicants.

Let me give you a little example since you seem to be confused here.

Let's say that recruitment applicants are usually at around 1,000. Let's say that the open slots are usually around 100. But, oh no, we have an all-time low in recruitment. Now we only have 300 applicants and 150 openings.

We still have more applicants than openings.

See? It's not that hard.

If more people and leaving that people enlisting, then yes, there are more slots than there are new recruits.
That's exactly what it means.

No, it doesn't. Recruitment at an all-time low does not mean that they have more slots than applicants.

Let me give you a little example since you seem to be confused here.

Let's say that recruitment applicants are usually at around 1,000. Let's say that the open slots are usually around 100. But, oh no, we have an all-time low in recruitment. Now we only have 300 applicants and 150 openings.

We still have more applicants than openings.

See? It's not that hard.

If more people and leaving that people enlisting, then yes, there are more slots than there are new recruits.

Where does it say that more people are leaving than people enlisting?
No. You’re ridiculous. Kneeling on someone’s neck for several minutes as they pass out is not something that was ever seen on COPS. Therefore you can’t use that show to justify Chauvin’s actions.

Don’t try to squirm out of that and then come back with your new bullshit.

I don't squirm out of anything. Where did I ever say cops do exactly what Cauvin did with the same amount of time. Do you need pictures next time?
America's justice system, penal system, and law enforcement have failed Ray. It's going to be very painful and costly to the American people to reform any of it.

Our law enforcement is fine. The only exception is the police aren't allowed to be tough enough.

January 6th. was a first move aimed at correcting it by challenging bad government, even though it was timid, laughable, and misdirected by Trump for his own personal gain.

Trump had nothing to do with it. He told people they would march to the Capital peacefully and patriotically. Those people were there before Trump even started his speech and were 20 minutes into the riot when Trump ended.
Trump had nothing to do with it. He told people they would march to the Capital peacefully and patriotically. Those people were there before Trump even started his speech and were 20 minutes into the riot when Trump ended.
The distinction you point out isn't important Ray. The rest of what I said is.

Otherwise, your country's justice system will make the decisions necessary to prove or disprove whether Trump led the attempted revolution, insurrection, peaceful occupation of the Capitol, riot,
or whatever Americans want to call it.

I'll just predict that there will be some 20 year sentences handed down, more 10 year sentences, and even more probation and community service.

Directed by Trump or not, it was a demonstration against America's failed government.

Cops are leaving and they’re getting little recruits
You think crime is high now ..it’s going to be back to the 70s and 80s numbers soon
More illegal aliens, less cops.
What could possibly go wrong?

Cops are leaving and they’re getting little recruits
You think crime is high now ..it’s going to be back to the 70s and 80s numbers soon

The best way to make systemic change is through attrition but it is usually such a slow process that change seem to move glacially. So maybe this is a good thing.
I don't squirm out of anything.

Except the argument that you trying to squirm out of.

Here's what you said:

"If Chauvin did something I never seen before, I would agree with you. But as a former fan of the former 30 year series C.O.P.S, I seen officers do what Chauvin did all over the country."

Nobody on C.O.P.S. ever knelt on a man's neck for several minutes as he passed out and kept their knee pressed down as he died.

No matter how many times this is explained to you, you don't get it. It's fascinating how dumb you are sometimes. You're completely oblivious as to how far off the mark you are.

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