Police Evidence Submitted To Portland Court

These are some of the videos submitted to the court in Portland.

Just peaceful protesters dancing in the streets as the Mayor orders police to stand down. Of course, the next week the "peaceful" protesters set the police station on fire.
Taking a knee doesn’t seem that bad, does it. You guys wouldn’t allow it so it has come to this. Enjoy!
These are some of the videos submitted to the court in Portland.

Just peaceful protesters dancing in the streets as the Mayor orders police to stand down. Of course, the next week the "peaceful" protesters set the police station on fire.
Taking a knee doesn’t seem that bad, does it. You guys wouldn’t allow it so it has come to this. Enjoy!
so you agree it is violence.
These are some of the videos submitted to the court in Portland.

Just peaceful protesters dancing in the streets as the Mayor orders police to stand down. Of course, the next week the "peaceful" protesters set the police station on fire.
Taking a knee doesn’t seem that bad, does it. You guys wouldn’t allow it so it has come to this. Enjoy!

In the end, I believe that Decent Americans will actually crush you bastards.
That I will definitely enjoy.
These are some of the videos submitted to the court in Portland.

Just peaceful protesters dancing in the streets as the Mayor orders police to stand down. Of course, the next week the "peaceful" protesters set the police station on fire.
Taking a knee doesn’t seem that bad, does it. You guys wouldn’t allow it so it has come to this. Enjoy!
It's like the abuser saying "You cried when I beat you. Now you forced me to kill your dog."
It's like the abuser saying "You cried when I beat you. Now you forced me to kill your dog."
It’s nothing like that.
Every time black people did a peaceful protest, you guys accused them of being a traitor to the flag, which actually is not your call to make. Had you allowed them to protest peacefully we wouldn’t be where we are now. Enjoy!
It's like the abuser saying "You cried when I beat you. Now you forced me to kill your dog."
It’s nothing like that.
Every time black people did a peaceful protest, you guys accused them of being a traitor to the flag, which actually is not your call to make. Had you allowed them to protest peacefully we wouldn’t be where we are now. Enjoy!
No one was prevented from peacefully protesting. And, sadly, there will be bloodshed when the rioters target the wrong victims, the ones that are armed and willing to defend themselves.
Every time black people did a peaceful protest, you guys accused them of being a traitor to the flag, which actually is not your call to make. Had you allowed them to protest peacefully we wouldn’t be where we are now. Enjoy!
where were the peaceful protests?
No one took issue with Colon Kaepernick when he and others took a knee during the national anthem?
No, no one took issue with keperfk taking a knee. We had an issue that it was during a time people paid to watch a game. they didn't pay to watch him take a knee. People just stopped going and watching. He had every right to do it. Not one person said otherwise. We all just exercised our rights not to watch his anti American ass. And you took issue with that. odd huh, makes you a hypocrite.
It's like the abuser saying "You cried when I beat you. Now you forced me to kill your dog."
It’s nothing like that.
Every time black people did a peaceful protest, you guys accused them of being a traitor to the flag, which actually is not your call to make. Had you allowed them to protest peacefully we wouldn’t be where we are now. Enjoy!
This is the idiocy that breeds vigilante groups to band together and use short ropes.
No one was prevented from peacefully protesting.
No one took issue with Colin Kaepernick when he and others took a knee during the national anthem?

1. During the national anthem, he was on the clock for his employer, who, just like your boss does, had the freedom to allow it or stop it.
2. No one stopped him from protesting however he wanted to on his own time.

Sorry, but you're going to have to do a lot better than that to convince me no one was allowed to protest peacefully. Opposition to a protest =/= preventing that protest. Please try again.
These are some of the videos submitted to the court in Portland.

Just peaceful protesters dancing in the streets as the Mayor orders police to stand down. Of course, the next week the "peaceful" protesters set the police station on fire.
Taking a knee doesn’t seem that bad, does it. You guys wouldn’t allow it so it has come to this. Enjoy!

Normal people: There is violence and rioting
SJW idiot: It's just protesting, no violence.
Normal people: Here is video proof of the violence and rioting
SJW idiot: well if you just knuckled under when X did Y, we wouldn't have needed to get violent
This is the idiocy that breeds vigilante groups to band together and use short ropes.

I know. Black folks should just shut the fuck up and be thankful for everything white folks have given them. Am I right? Well, fuck that. Black folks have had enough of your shit. Its time for this shit to end.

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